... Are the sneakers comfortable? B: Well, I think they’re a little small for me. A: Too small? Let me find a bigger pair. Page 11 of © Oxford University Press Basic Tactics for Listening, 2nd ed. 4. A: ... she? A: She’s 60. B: She looks young for 60. 6. A: This is my father with my uncle and aunt and two cousins. Page 33 of © Oxford University Press Basic Tactics for Listening, 2nd ed. A: It’s not really ... anyway. 4. A: These shorts are nice, aren’t they? Page 41 of © Oxford University Press Basic Tactics for Listening, 2nd ed. Student Book Tapescript Unit 1: Names and Titles 2. Let’s Listen (Page 2) 1. A:...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 11:54
Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2014, 16:44
expanding tactics for listening giáo trình luyện nghe tiếng anh nâng cao
Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2014, 16:12
Basic recommendations for earthquake protection_4 pdf
... EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY 109 Figure 4.8 Likely locations for survivors in collapsed reinforced concrete buildings of a reinforced concrete building in the search for victims can take many weeks. Concrete is ... casualties 88 EARTHQUAKE PROTECTION or public information broadcasts, but alone, without a coordinated strategy for raising awareness, these efforts have often been wasted. Awareness of risk ... opinion-formers, that it is sensible and beneficial to be protected (‘safe is smart’) then many people will conform. In the end, only the communities and individuals affected can turn preparedness for...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20
Basic recommendations for earthquake protection_3 pdf
... to search widely for all victims capable of making a noise than to make concentrated searches for unconscious people. There may be no need to declare a formal end to the search for survivors. It ... system established to deliver food and water to each centre. For water, WHO guidelines suggest the minimum needs for drinking, cooking and basic cleanliness in temporary camps are 15–20 litres per ... need for shelter for the population made homeless by build- ing damage, possibly also needing food if large areas of buildings are destroyed along with their contents. There will be needs for...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Basic recommendations for earthquake protection_5 pdf
... that they are not forgotten in the protection activities. Information Dissemination Information is a critical resource for earthquake protection and one of the most important roles for community ... PROTECTION Cuny, F., 1983. Disasters and Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Davis, I., 1978. Shelter after Disaster, Oxford Polytechnic Press, Oxford. NCEER, 1989. Proceedings of Conference on ... reinforced concrete are constructed with no proper provision for earthquake forces. The recurrence of the 1935 event today would without any doubt be a disaster on a much larger scale than before. Quetta’s...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Basic recommendations for earthquake protection_12 pdf
... in the formulation of many codes of practice for building design. The background documents for the seismic regulations in California state explicitly that the level of resistance aimed for is ... guidance on loading and risk, overall structural performance criteria, or detailing. Many gave lateral force coefficients for design which were too low for the structure concerned. Partly as a result ... the community affected. For example, it can be seen that the risk of being killed in an earthquake is nearly 100 times higher for an average Iranian than for an average California resident. However,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Luyện nghe - Dễ [Tactics for Listening (full) docx
... được hết câu chuyện. Luyện nghe: Tactics for Listening (trọn bộ 3 tập) FULL: ** *Basic Tactics for Listening: Student Book with Audio CD (Tactics for Listening) *** DOWNLOAD: Student's ... (its in the pack). 2.Now you can lunch "ArianaTactics.iso" Install it. 3.Use *** to patch it. (after patching " ;Tactics for listening& quot; shortcut will appears on your desktop). ... http://rapidshare.com/files/151691162/class_cd_-_02.zip http://rapidshare.com/files/151699749/class_cd_-_03.zip ***Developing Tactics for Listening, Student's Book w. Audio-CD 2nd edition American Accent [AUDIO BOOK]*** ...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 12:21
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