basic object oriented concepts pdf

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc

... 50 Session Objectives ■ Discuss the following: • The Object- Oriented approach • Drawbacks of traditional programming • Object- Oriented programming ■ Discuss basic Object- Oriented concepts such as: • Objects • Classes • Properties ... 200 //to object_ data object1 .member_function1(200); //call member function to display data object1 .member_function2(); object2 .member_function1(350); object2 .member_function2(); } Object Oriented ... Session 1/ 39 of 50 Defining Objects ■ exampleclass object1 ,object2 ; defines two objects, object1 and object2 , of class exampleclass. ■ The definition actually creates objects that can be used...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

50 814 0
Tài liệu Module 7: Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming pdf

Tài liệu Module 7: Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming pdf

... 12 Module 7: Essentials of Object- Oriented Programming Object- Oriented Programming Object- oriented programming arose to alleviate these problems. Object- oriented programming, if understood ... Essentials of Object- Oriented Programming What Is an Object?  An object is an instance of a class  Objects exhibit:  Identity: Objects are distinguishable from one another  Behavior: Objects ... Module 7: Essentials of Object- Oriented Programming iii Instructor Notes This module provides students with the basic theory, concepts, and terminology of object- oriented programming. It...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

68 482 0
Friday Freebies: Object-Oriented Javascript pdf

Friday Freebies: Object-Oriented Javascript pdf

... Global Object 100 constructor Property 102 instanceof Operator 102 Functions that Return Objects 103 Passing Objects 104 Comparing Objects 105 Objects in the Firebug Console 106 Built-in Objects ... Contents [ viii ] Members of the Date Objects 314 Math 318 Members of the Math Object 319 RegExp 320 Members of RegExp Objects 321 Error Objects 322 Members of the Error Objects 323 Appendix D: Regular ... overview of the story behind JavaScript. It also introduces the basic concepts you'll encounter in discussions on object- oriented programming. Table of Contents [ iii ] Functions are Data...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20

354 687 0
Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming pdf

Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming pdf

... Welcome to the world of object - oriented programming and C#! The primary goal of this book is to use the C# programming language from Microsoft to teach you object - oriented programming, or ... programming - language introduction to object - oriented programming. The goal of that chapter is to present the concept of objects first and then ease into how objects may be viewed in C#. Throughout ... Beginning C# 3.0 : an introduction to object oriented programming / Jack Purdum. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-26129-3 (paper/website) 1. Object- oriented programming (Computer science)...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20

555 1,4K 2
Lecture 1:Object Oriented Programming pdf

Lecture 1: Object Oriented Programming pdf

... method:  “reference” must be an object reference 2 Procedural vs. Object- Oriented Programming  The unit in procedural programming is function, and unit in object- oriented programming is class ... from the operations that manipulate the data, while object- oriented programming focus on both of them figure1: procedural figure2: object- oriented 4 Class Members  A class can have three kinds ... same 3 Concept of Class and Object  “Class” refers to a blueprint. It defines the variables and methods the objects support  Object is an instance of a class. Each object has a class which...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

20 374 1
Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P2 pdf

Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P2 pdf

... watermark. ptg Many object- oriented languages support encapsulation by providing control over the visibility of an object s features to other objects, but that’s not enough. Objects can break encapsulation ... the target object, it’s probably time to introduce a new collaborator. 61 Where Do Objects Come From? From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove ... Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ptg And What about Classes? One last point. Unusually for a book on object- oriented software, we haven’t said...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 21:15

50 460 1
Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P3 pdf

Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P3 pdf

... Library of Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ptg The Application Runner An ApplicationRunner is an object that wraps up all management and ... happen. Chapter 11 Passing the First Test 90 From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ptg Chapter 10 The Walking Skeleton In which we ... walking skeleton by writing a test. 83 From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ptg Figure 12.2 Introducing the AuctionMessageTranslator What...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 21:15

50 524 1
Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P4 pdf

Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P4 pdf

... purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ptg This page intentionally left blank From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on ... fail. 145 The Sniper Acquires Some State From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ptg public class AuctionSniperTest { private final ... into the test. 127 Sending a Bid From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ptg Running the end-to-end tests again shows that...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 21:15

50 388 1
No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

No starch press object oriented PHP concepts techniques and code

... Page 26 Friday, May 5, 2006 2:25 PM 2 BASICS OF OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING This chapter is aimed at an audience unfamiliar with the basic concepts of object- oriented programming (OOP). The intent ... xiii Introduction xv Chapter 1: What a Tangled Web We Weave 1 Chapter 2: Basics of Object- Oriented Programming 5 Chapter 3: Object- Oriented Features New to PHP 5 11 Chapter 4: Show a Little Class 17 Chapter ... 2006.) Page 2 Friday, May 5, 2006 2:25 PM 3 OBJECT- ORIENTED FEATURES NEW TO PHP 5 PHP 3 was released in mid-1998. Some basic object- oriented (OO) capabilities were included, more or...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 15:45

210 471 0
Báo cáo " Specifying Object-Oriented Design Patterns using OWL " pdf

Báo cáo " Specifying Object-Oriented Design Patterns using OWL " pdf

... OfPaticipant ObjectProperty The class Paticipant isAbstract DataTypeProperty Boolean Operation OfAppClass ObjectProperty The class ObjectProperty ApplicationClass OfDesignPattern ObjectProperty ... set of objects and collaborations among them. The applicability context of design patterns is specified by objects which are instances of the class Class and the collaboration of these objects. ... 2003. [2] E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides, Design Patterns – Elements of reusable object- oriented software, Addison-Wesley, U.S, 1995. [3] D. Maplesden, J. Hosking, J. Grundy, “A Visual...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 10:20

6 288 0
Basic Concepts pdf

Basic Concepts pdf

... objective. We would, however, hasten to add that our interpretation of objectivity is neither positivistic nor objectivistic. “Objective” ought not to be identified with “neutral” or “universally ... of objectivity in a decontextualized manner. In other words, objectivity is dependent upon the type of research design employed. In the preceding pages we have attempted-to explain the key concepts ... analysis of basic concepts, we have attempted to provide the researcher with a general frame of reference which may be employed to systematize and organize the variety of methods and concepts...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20

285 530 1
Object-Oriented Database Systems: Promises, Reality, and Future pdf

Object-Oriented Database Systems: Promises, Reality, and Future pdf

... 1. Definitions Object- oriented tcchnologics in use today include object- oriented programming languages (e.g., C++ and Smalltalk), object- oriented database systems, object- oriented user interfaces ... systems), etc. An object- oriented technology is a technology that makes available to the users facilities that are based on object- oriented concepts . To define object- oriented concepts , we ... ways, each reflecting a key object- oriented concept. A basic tenet of an object- oriented system or programming language is that the value of an object is also an object. The first UniSQL/X...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

12 393 0