basic interpersonal communicative skills

Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning

Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning

... • promote communicative competence. • create a meaningful context for language use. • increase learning motivation. • reduce learning anxiety. • integrate various linguistic skills. • encourage ... individual language skills and easily applied in the classroom. One feature of these games is that students with lower language ability in a team can still contribute if they are good at skills other ... Conclusion Our experience creating a competition for our students taught us that games stimulate communicative skills. Competitors revealed that they felt less afraid of using their English during game...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 859 3
A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

... the classroom like the outside world. • The Communicative Approach The Communicative Approach became popular in the 1970s. The features of the Communicative Approach are as follows: - Language ... play, etc. 1.3. Communicative Language Teaching 1.3.1. Definition According to American and British proponents, Communicative Language Teaching is an approach that aims to (a) make communicative ... teaching of oral skills for senior high school (SHS) teachers, therefore, may be a good subject for further study. REFERENCES 1. Brumfit, C. J. & Johnson, K. (1974). The Communicative Approach...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:41

48 1,3K 7
A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part  3

A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 3

... 13 • Techniques 13 2.7. Summary 13 Chapter 3: Suggested Techniques to Improve the Teaching of Oral Skills for Junior High School Teachers in Quang Ngai Province 14 3.1. Techniques for teaching ... approaches 4 1.2.1. Definitions 4 1.2.2. History of methods / approaches 4 1.3. An overview of communicative language teaching 5 1.3.1. Definition 5 1.3.2. Principles 5 1.3.3. Techniques for...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:41

5 1,1K 9
A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

... pattern, meaning, etc), Skills focus” and “Focus on functions” emphasizes four basic skills especially speaking and listening skills. By using this textbook, the students’ communicative competence ... oral skills should improve students’ communicative skills because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative ... that teachers encounter when teaching oral skills to the first years students in the Communicative Approach. The investigator chooses to focus on oral skills because CLT is considered to be easily...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

44 1,6K 9
basic writing skills

basic writing skills

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 09:26

114 520 1
Basic Skills for College - Practice Tests

Basic Skills for College - Practice Tests

... This means that x ϭ 4 ONLY. BASIC SKILLS FOR COLLEGE– LearningExpress Skill Builders • CHAPTER 6 115 C • H • A • P • T • E • R SUMMARY Now you can apply the math skills that you have learned ... mathematically as A ϭ 2H Ϫ 5. Because we are also told that Alan is 27, we know that 27 ϭ 2H Ϫ 5. BASIC SKILLS FOR COLLEGE– CHAPTER 6 • LearningExpress Skill Builders 116 P RACTICE A RITHMETIC T EST Directions: ... is the median of the following group of numbers? 10 20 30 40 50 60 a. 30 b. 35 c. 60 d. 40 BASIC SKILLS FOR COLLEGE– LearningExpress Skill Builders • CHAPTER 6 117 11. The average weight of...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

8 424 0
Basic business skills 2009 book 1   teacher guide

Basic business skills 2009 book 1 teacher guide

... appear? a b c e d f Prepare schedules 1 hour Room 235 No 15 minutes before Basic Business Skills Book Teacher’s Guide 1 Units 1–6 36 Basic Business Skills • Teacher’s Guide 5 Setting a Recurring Appointment Follow ... 211 6. Checking Your Work 217 7. Correcting Your Work 223 BASIC BusinessSkills Book Teacher’s Guide 1 Units 1–6 40 Basic Business Skills • Teacher’s Guide Read the passage about managing your ... photocopy performance review, 10:15 - go to Personnel, 1:00 - get signature for letters, 3:00 24 Basic Business Skills • Teacher’s Guide Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Task Open and distribute incoming mail Type...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 17:05

330 581 0
EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO LITERACY AND BASIC SKILLS (LBS) PROGRAM 2013-2014 Service Provider Site Business Plan Instructions docx

EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO LITERACY AND BASIC SKILLS (LBS) PROGRAM 2013-2014 Service Provider Site Business Plan Instructions docx

... accountable for the outcomes as part of the Literacy and Basic Skills Performance Management System (Section 4.1 of the Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Service Provider Guidelines). Service providers ... the LBS Program are to: 1. Provide instruction to adults who lack the required literacy and basic skills to prepare them for successful transition to goals related to the five goal paths:Employment, ... improving LBS program performance EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO LITERACY AND BASIC SKILLS (LBS) PROGRAM 2013-2014 Service Provider Site Business Plan Instructions ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

17 338 0
EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO LITERACY AND BASIC SKILLS (LBS) PROGRAM 2013-2014 Support Organization Plan Instructions pot

EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO LITERACY AND BASIC SKILLS (LBS) PROGRAM 2013-2014 Support Organization Plan Instructions pot

... Measuring, Demonstrating and focusing LBS Program Objectives 3 2.0 2013-2014 Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Support Organization Business Planning 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Purpose of ... NEXT PAGE to move to Page 12 EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO LITERACY AND BASIC SKILLS (LBS) PROGRAM 2013-2014 Support Organization Plan Instructions ... the LBS Program are to: 1. Provide instruction to adults who lack the required literacy and basic skills to prepare them for successful transition to goals related to the five goal paths: Employment,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

13 198 0


... your customer’s interest MTDTraining Basic Selling Skills Downloadfreebooksat Download free ebooks at Basic Selling Skills 16 The Basic Sales Process Salesperson or supplier ... Download free ebooks at Basic Selling Skills 13 The Basic Sales Process 2. The Basic Sales Process 2.1 Introduction As we begin to examine the basic sales process, the first step ... pricing elements. Download free ebooks at Basic Selling Skills 22 General Skills Every Salesperson Should Have 3. General Skills Every Salesperson Should Have 3.1 Introduction Now...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20

54 744 1

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