bank credit expansion and its effects on the economic system

Globalization and its effects on the development of educational service in Vietnam

Globalization and its effects on the development of educational service in Vietnam

... professionals and technicians lived abroad in 1980 1.4 The effects of Globalization on Education 1.4.1 The effects of Trade on Education While education helps the economy adjust to new conditions ... for the effects of emigration on ‘sending’ countries: effects of emigration on the education sector, both directly and through macro effects, and on the economy as a whole, both directly and ... through other effects Chart **: The effects of migration on education systems Migration and the supply/loss in teacher capacity in the education sector The literature on migration from...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 11:16

63 996 3
Dry mouth and its effects on the oral health of elderly people pptx

Dry mouth and its effects on the oral health of elderly people pptx

... dehytion of the serous-producing salivary cells occurs dration), medications (both prescription and nonvia a process termed “apoptosis.” Within one week prescription), head and neck irradiation and ... receptors located on the taste buds and delivers tastants directly to the taste buds Patients with chronic xerostomia secondary to SS, head and neck radiotherapy and other conditions experience ... people are dysfunction SS occurs in primary and secondary more likely than the rest of the population to take medications and are more vulnerable to their side effects, medication-induced xerostomia...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

6 716 0
Báo cáo khoa học: ATP-binding domain of heat shock protein 70 is essential for its effects on the inhibition of the release of the second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase and apoptosis in C2C12 cells potx

Báo cáo khoa học: ATP-binding domain of heat shock protein 70 is essential for its effects on the inhibition of the release of the second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase and apoptosis in C2C12 cells potx

... essential for the inhibition of H2O2-induced activation of caspases-9 and -3 and apoptosis (A) The effects of HSP70 and its deletion mutant proteins on the activation of caspases-9 and -3 were ... in the motichondrial fraction but not in the cytosolic fraction, consistent with its known subcellular location After exposure of cells to H2O2 for h, Smac accumulated in the cytosol and the ... caspase-3 and stress-activated protein kinase ⁄ Jun kinase (JNK) activation [18] and mitochondrial depolarization [19], blocks apoptosome formation and activation of caspase-9 [20], and inhibits the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

10 727 0


... influenced by economic and social factors, and financial and economic mechanism of the State in certain periods Mentioning to the capital mobilization in the EGs means mentioning to determination the funding ... accumulation and consumption Due to the ownership nature of EGs, profit distribution model in the EGs has different points on the delimitation of profit to portions and the determination of the rate ... State owned economic groups in VietNam in the new situation 1.3 Scope and limitation of the Study The studying scope of the dissertation is although based on the theoretical perspective of the financial...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2014, 08:07

117 490 0
A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

... 3.4 Discussion CHAPTER 4: PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSION 41 43 4.1 Pedagogical implication 43 4.2 Limitation of study and the suggestion for further researches 44 4.3 Conclusion REFERENCE ... University of Languages and International Studies, Hanoi Pennington, R (2011) The Feedback Sandwich Resource International, Seamon's, R (2001) The Routledge Companion of Aesthetics Retrieved September, ... BACKGROUND 2.1 Definition of feedback 2.2 Definition of criticism 2.3 Definition of sandwich feedback communication (SFC) 11 2.4 Pragmatics and significance of SFC in communication 13 2.4.1 What is...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:46

6 554 2
Financial management system of vietnam posts and telecommunications group and its effects on financial efficiency of the company

Financial management system of vietnam posts and telecommunications group and its effects on financial efficiency of the company

... of regional and international economic integration, and the management of the State for State economic groups inevitably arises many new issues in the financial management system of economic ... In the background of deeper and wider regional and international economic integration, enterprises have to face with more formidable competition from big multinational economic organizations ... dissertation focuses on studying the profile and the formation and development process of VNPT as well as VNPT’s regulations on capital mobilization, management and use of capital and assets,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2016, 16:44

14 211 0
Expansion and its realization in the short story “the law of life” by jack london

Expansion and its realization in the short story “the law of life” by jack london

... relationship This relationship, in its turn, is divided into expansion and projection In a nexus related by expansion, the secondary clause picks up the message of the primary one and expands on ... meaning, or the Mood system As for the speech function in the text, we can see the two role relationships, one between the writer and the readers, and the other between the characters (the main ... clauses connected in two layers with relations belonging to two types of expansion (addition on the first layer and temporal on the second) This illustrates the view that the relation between...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:44

43 924 0
Tài liệu Drinking Water Contamination and Its Effects on Human Health pptx

Tài liệu Drinking Water Contamination and Its Effects on Human Health pptx

... distribution For example, if the water is coming from a well, one should verify the location and construction of the well; making sure that the well and its water is protected from surface drainage and ... matter and, chemicals, and precipitates out of the water The process of filtration purifies the quality of drinking water and thus decreasing the chances of contamination Disinfection: The process ... person-to-person contact, aerosols, and food intake This causes the bacteria causing the disease to buildup over time causing an infected person to contaminate the water supply and therefore continuing the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

9 425 0
Learning to Listen Learning to Help Understanding Woman Abuse and its Effects on Children docx

Learning to Listen Learning to Help Understanding Woman Abuse and its Effects on Children docx

... and/ or long term Statistically, the effect appears cumulative: the more types of victimization and adversities, the longer they last, and the more severe they are, the more profound is the effect ... appreciating the viewpoint of others They may believe the man is head of the household and his opinions and needs are the most important The Ontario Women’s Directorate has “tip sheets” for parents and ... communication, and shared responsibility, with calm negotiation and fairness in problem solving and conflict resolution power and control A pattern of behaviour involving coercion, threats, intimidation,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20

36 506 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Temperature and salts effects on the peptidase activities of the recombinant metallooligopeptidases neurolysin and thimet oligopeptidase pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Temperature and salts effects on the peptidase activities of the recombinant metallooligopeptidases neurolysin and thimet oligopeptidase pdf

... Dependence of the hydrolysis reaction rates by neurolysisn and TOP on concentration and chemical nature of salts The dependence of the rate constants according to the concentration and the chemical ... verify the inuence of the nature of the amino acid at this position on determination of the cleavage sites and on the amount of their hydrolysis This series of peptides was chosen because the P2Â and ... TOP and neurolysin of the substrates on the series AbzGGFLRRXQ-EDDnp and their peptide bonds cleaved in the kinetic measurement conditions TOP hydrolyzed the peptides I to VI only at RR bonds,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:21

9 558 0
Báo cáo Y học:Association of the thyrotropin receptor with calnexin, calreticulin and BiP Effects on the maturation of the receptor docx

Báo cáo Y học:Association of the thyrotropin receptor with calnexin, calreticulin and BiP Effects on the maturation of the receptor docx

... coimmunoprecipitated with CNX and CRT than with BiP Effects of interactions between TSHR and CNX and CRT We then attempted to determine the effects of these interactions on the maturation of the receptor CNX ... Coimmunoprecipitation of molecular chaperones and TSHR RESULTS Synthesis, maturation and degradation of TSHR at the endoplasmic reticulum level To study the maturation of TSHR after its synthesis, K562 ... vasopressin receptor and gonadotropin receptor), interactions have been found to occur with various molecular chaperones, but the effects of these interactions on the maturation of these receptors...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 08:20

8 444 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" pptx

... in the flip conformation The expected fragments for the digestion of the flip and flop conformations of the left hairpin are very similar in size, any slight variation in migration due to the ... for the Replication of Parvovirus LuIII Proposed Model for the Replication of Parvovirus LuIII A model for the replication of the (+) and the (-) strand of LuIII is shown The NS1 nick site and its ... secondary structures assumed by these fragments could have impaired the interpretation of the results The conformation present at the left end of the plus strand still remains unknown Conclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

11 678 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" ppt

... in the flip conformation The expected fragments for the digestion of the flip and flop conformations of the left hairpin are very similar in size, any slight variation in migration due to the ... for the Replication of Parvovirus LuIII Proposed Model for the Replication of Parvovirus LuIII A model for the replication of the (+) and the (-) strand of LuIII is shown The NS1 nick site and its ... secondary structures assumed by these fragments could have impaired the interpretation of the results The conformation present at the left end of the plus strand still remains unknown Conclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

11 580 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Size and temperature effects on the viscosity of water inside carbon nanotubes" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Size and temperature effects on the viscosity of water inside carbon nanotubes" pptx

... which is consistent with the physical role of the confinement Equation describes the size and the temperature effects on the water viscosity and should be significant for the research on the flow ... water (a) The relative amount of the hydrogen bonds of the confined water versus the diameter; (b) the comparison of the amount of the hydrogen bonds and the viscosity of the bulk water at the three ... the TIP4P-EW model [20], in which the SHAKE algorithm is used to constrain the bond length and angle of the water molecules The interactions between the carbon atoms and the oxygen atoms of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

5 404 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Chemical thinning in blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.) stands and its effects on cambioxylophagous fauna" docx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Chemical thinning in blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.) stands and its effects on cambioxylophagous fauna" docx

... after barking the stem and branches, continuously in one-metre sections along the whole of the stem and branches Developmental stage (larva, pupa, imago, abandoned feeding marks) and the intensity ... of the population abandoned the place of feeding C abietis showed the most balanced proportion between wintering imagos and abandoned feeding marks Members of the family Cerambycidae occurred only ... study, the period of application was therefore selected in accordance with these recommendations, i.e in the growing season (June) Tree species, arboricide concentration and its amount are the main...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 03:22

11 439 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Postmenopausal estrogen and progestin effects on the serum proteome" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Postmenopausal estrogen and progestin effects on the serum proteome" pot

... important considerations exist in assessing the effects of estrogens and progestins broadly on the serum proteome The preparations considered here are conjugated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone ... relevance to the less-favorable E+P effects, compared with those for E-alone, on breast cancer, and CHD Similarly the addition of medroxyprogesterone acetate may also augment the effects of conjugated ... clinical effects on cancer, cardiovascular disease, and fractures, among others The addition of 2.5 mg/d medroxyprogesterone acetate to 0.625 mg/d conjugated equine estrogen may have an impact on the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:20

14 203 0
Báo cáo y học: "Survivors of war in the Northern Kosovo (II): baseline clinical and functional assessment and lasting effects on the health of a vulnerable population" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Survivors of war in the Northern Kosovo (II): baseline clinical and functional assessment and lasting effects on the health of a vulnerable population" ppsx

... strength in either hand; two had no strength in the right hand, and one had none in the left hand Only out of 62 male and 10 out of 63 female victims had handgrip strength for the dominant hand equal ... agency The definition of torture strictly followed the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Wang et al Conflict and Health 2010, 4:16 ... Albanians and the Serbs [9,10] Political repression and economic deprivation sparked nationalist dissidence and a struggle for self-determination by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Since 1996, the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20

13 321 0
thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

... (iii) The Law on the State Bank in 1997 and the Law on Credit Institutions of 1997, amendments to both laws in 2003 and 2004 respectively; the new Law on the State Bank of Vietnam 2010; and the ... reduce the risks to the banking system among other benefits Second, in joining the World Trade Organization, Vietnam has been accepting increased competition, foreign banks have entered the Vietnamese ... N.N. Thang / VNU Journal of Science, Economics and Business 27, No. 5E (2011) 12‐19 of the stock market and a transparent economy in Vietnam In the light of the both domestic and international attention paid to good...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

8 437 1
thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

... (iii) The Law on the State Bank in 1997 and the Law on Credit Institutions of 1997, amendments to both laws in 2003 and 2004 respectively; the new Law on the State Bank of Vietnam 2010; and the ... reduce the risks to the banking system among other benefits Second, in joining the World Trade Organization, Vietnam has been accepting increased competition, foreign banks have entered the Vietnamese ... N.N. Thang / VNU Journal of Science, Economics and Business 27, No. 5E (2011) 12‐19 of the stock market and a transparent economy in Vietnam In the light of the both domestic and international attention paid to good...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:47

8 396 0
The Policy on Education of the Disabled in Vietnam - The Gaps and Its Impact on the Persons with Disability

The Policy on Education of the Disabled in Vietnam - The Gaps and Its Impact on the Persons with Disability

... Correspondence 9890/BGD ĐT-GDTH: The contents of the inclusive education 27 programs is based on the common education program and curriculums that are relevant to the ability and learning conditions ... research/assessment conducted at the national level on the current disability service system on education, the reports from workshops, and information collected from monitoring trips conducted by projects ... service system and identification of the gaps between the policies and practices National Baseline Data on Education were collected in 63 provinces and two case studies were selected - one on special...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2015, 16:52

10 728 0