bacteria causing food poisoning ppt

Food Poisoning ppt

Food Poisoning ppt

... INTRODUCTION 1 The Extent of Food Poisoning Various Kinds of Food Poisoning The Articles of Food Most Commonly Connected with Food Poisoning II. SENSITIZATION TO PROTEIN FOODS 9 III. POISONOUS PLANTS ... ORGANIC POISONS ADDED TO FOOD 26 Arsenic Antimony Lead Tin Copper Various Coloring Substances Food Preservatives Food Substitutes V. FOOD- BORNE PATHOGENIC BACTERIA 44 Typhoid Food Infection Asiatic ... other foods. [98] Deutsche Viertelj. f. öffentl. Ges., XLV (1913), 8. [99] E. Sacquépée, Progrès méd., XXVI (1910), 583. [100] Report to Local Govt. Board on Bacterial Food Poisoning and Food...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20

72 469 0
Tài liệu The Slow Food Story ppt

Tài liệu The Slow Food Story ppt

... 16:35:45 26 THE SLOW FOOD STORY small town renowned for its restaurants, food festival and the quality of its local produce. At the annual food festival which attracts 50,000 people, Slow Food organises ... Charles shared his admiration for Italy’s food traditions, notably for ‘the way you treat food as an art form’. 23 In advance of the meeting he had asked Slow Food for advice on what to do with ... the US, and has remained a theme in the development of Slow Food, refl ected in the idea of ‘Slow Food Nation’ – the name of US Slow Food s biggest event to date, in San Francisco in late August...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20

211 701 0


... Kloppenburg et al’s (1996) foodshed metaphor to show how Minto is “coming out” of their foodshed: a process where a variety of exogenous circumstances are causing country foods (those harvested ... locally available food products. 11 Each year, teachers were required to fill out surveys of “Native Food and of “Garden Activity” (Figures 1.8 and 1.9) 12 . The native food reports provide ... contemporary foodways of one particular Alaska Native community, that of Minto. I discuss the harvest of traditional foods, but expand beyond subsistence to discuss the whole rural Alaskan food system...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 05:20

138 725 0
Tài liệu Techniques for Analyzing Food Aroma pptx

Tài liệu Techniques for Analyzing Food Aroma pptx

... 2Document 03/12/2006htt p ://libcatalo g g e _ 2 Page i Techniques for Analyzing Food Aroma Edited By Ra y Marsili Dean Foods Company R ock f ord, Illinois MARCEL DEKKER, INC. NEW YORK • BASEL P á g ina ... viii Charles K. Huston 7. Ion Tra p Mass S p ectrometr y for Food Aroma Anal y sis 209 Ray Marsili 8. Off-Flavors and Malodors in Foods: Mechanisms of Formation and Anal y tical Techni q ues 237 Behroze ... Chromatography-Olfactometry for the Determination of Key Odorants in Foods 265 Imre Blank 10. Gas Chromato g ra p h y -Olfactometr y in Food Aroma Anal y sis 293 Diana Hodgins 11. The Electronic Nose:...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20

444 376 0
Tài liệu The Law (In Plain English)® for and Others inn the Food Idustry ppt

Tài liệu The Law (In Plain English)® for and Others inn the Food Idustry ppt

... for RESTAURANTS and Others in the Food Industry Over the years, as a practicing attorney, I have had the privilege of working with numerous restaurant and food- based business owners. I have ... From new immigrants to foodies to Hollywood stars, it seems at times that everyone you know or ever heard of wants to open a restaurant (or a cater- ing business or even a food cart). The goal ... for a useful, practical, and understandable book about the legal issues that confront you in your food- based business. It must be emphasized that no book, no matter how well researched and writ- ten,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20

306 1,7K 1


... Käferstein, Chief, Food Safety Unit, Division of Food and Nutrition, World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Dr. Kazuaki Miyagishima, Scientist, Food Safety Unit, Division of Food and ... Switzerland Dr. Gerald Moy, GEMS /Food Coordinator, Food Safety Unit, Division of Food and Nutrition, World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Mr. Gregory D. Orriss, Chief, Food Quality and Standards ... Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants CCFH Codex Committee on Food Hygiene CCFICS Codex Committee on Import and Export Food Inspection and Certification Systems CCFL Codex Committee on Food Labelling CCGP...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

32 624 1
Tài liệu B.Sc. (H) Food Technology  pptx

Tài liệu B.Sc. (H) Food Technology  pptx

... micro-organisms, classification of food based on pH, definition of shelf life, perishable foods, semi perishable foods, shelf stable foods .Food infection, food intoxication (Chapter 1, Frazier) ... products,  To emphasize the importance of food safety, food quality ,food plant sanitation, food laws and regulations, food engineering and packaging in food industry. This course also offers ... Paper9 Technologyof Fruits,Veg.& Plantationcrops FTHT306 Paper12 Project Managementand Entrepreneurship 502 Paper19 Food Microbiology FTHT513 Paper18 Food Chemistry‐I FTHT512  Paper17 Technologyof DairyandSea food FTHT 511 Paper10 Foundationsof Food andNutrition  HSHT...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

69 375 0
Organic Farming and Food Production ppt

Organic Farming and Food Production ppt

... the seed origin. The same situation was observed in the Organic Farming and Food Production 42 ORGANIC FARMING AND FOOD PRODUCTION Edited by Petr Konvalina problem can be solved only if the distribution ... the human needs for food, clothing and housing, for a long period of time, without diminishing the ecological, economic and social potential. Organic farming methods to obtain food by means of culture ... grains with Fusarium reached 1.3 percent in 2011, whereas it reached 8.3 percent Organic Farming and Food Production 34 [2] Cardaşol, V. (1994). Fertilisation organique des prairies permanentes roumaines;...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 08:20

198 413 0
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on food additives, flavourings, processing aids and materials in contact with food (AFC) pptx

Opinion of the Scientific Panel on food additives, flavourings, processing aids and materials in contact with food (AFC) pptx

... methionine and cystine in foods treated with hydrogen peroxide. J. Sci. Food Agric. 24: 657-661 Strange ED (1984) Oxidation of methionine in model systems. J. Agric. Food Chem. 32: 358-363. ... ingredients in food (21 CFR 182.1778). This GRAS status recognition was issued through experience based on common use in food and considering that the substance was used in food prior to January ... particular semicarbazide) due to the use of active chlorine substances in food, especially on food with high protein content, such as food of animal origin (Hoenicke et al., 2004). The SCVPH opinion...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

27 530 0
Instruments for Food Technology ppt

Instruments for Food Technology ppt

... 1340-5730 Nylon case AG 121 1341-0624 DIN EN 13485 Food Inspection Case EB 4400 ebro ® Electronic – Food 32 Food Inspection Case EB 4400 The new standard Food Inspection Case contains: • Frying oil ... Electronic – Food ebro ® Electronic – Food 23 Temperature Infrared NEW New instruments available from the 2nd quarter of 2012 Remarks 9 ebro ® Electronic – Food Temperature Applications • For food ... 1341-0624 ebro ® Electronic – Food Precision Thermometer Pt 1000 TLC 1598 TLC 1598 DIN EN 13485 ebro ® Electronic – Food 37 Temperature ebro ® Electronic – Food Temperature logger for F-Value-Calculation EBI...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

92 310 1
West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Structure & Detailed Syllabus of B.Tech in Food Technology ppt

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Structure & Detailed Syllabus of B.Tech in Food Technology ppt

... FT 491 : Chemistry of Food Lab L-T-P = 0-0-6 1. Determination of Moisture in food sample. 2. Determination of Protein in food sample. 3. Determination of Ash in food sample. 4. Determination ... specifications, Quality attributes of different foods. Food laws and regulations. Module II. (9L) Quality control in the food industries, Microbial quality of foods; Application of chemical analysis ... beverages; Food Laws, food rules and standards, Statistical Quality Control ; Various types of packaging. Revision : 5L Text Books / References : 1. Food Science by Potter 2. Technology of Food...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

45 364 0
Fermentation as a Method of Food Processing ppt

Fermentation as a Method of Food Processing ppt

... 9 D EFINITION OF FERMENTED FOOD 9 C LASSIFICATION OF FERMENTED FOODS 9 B ENEFITS OF FERMENTING FOOD 11 M ICROFLORA IN FERMENTED FOODS 12 N UTRITIONAL VALUE OF FERMENTED FOODS 13 Proteins 14 Vitamins ... molds Diacetyl Gram-negative bacteria Fatty acids Different bacteria Bacteriocins Nisin Some LAB and Gram-positive bacteria, notably endospore-formers Other Gram-positive bacteria, inhibitory spectrum ... The process of fermentation of foods are also reported to reduce the mutagenicity of foods by degrading the mutagenic substances during the process. Lactic acid bacteria isolated from dadih, a...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

65 539 0
A Guide to Spray Technology for Food Processing pptx

A Guide to Spray Technology for Food Processing pptx

... and poultry Effectively apply mold inhibitors and antimicrobials to baked goods, snack foods and other food products and packages with PulsaJet ® nozzles • Precise spray timing reduces waste ... Cleaning and Sanitation Operations An integral part of many food processing operations is the spray system. The spray system can affect food quality, packaging quality, plant and equipment cleanliness ... Application Washdown General Plant Washdown Conveyor Belt Washing Tank Cleaning More Sanitation and Food Safety Resources Topic Literature Number AutoJet Antimicrobial Spray Systems 647 Sanitation...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

12 416 0
The Use of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology in Food Processing pptx

The Use of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology in Food Processing pptx

... International J. Food Science and Technology, 33, 445-454, 1998. The Use of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology in Food Processing R.S. Mohamed and G.A. Mansoori Featured Article - Food Technology ... matrix. J. of Agr. Food Chem., 50, 400-405, 2002. The Use of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology in Food Processing R.S. Mohamed and G.A. Mansoori Featured Article - Food Technology ... The Use of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology in Food Processing R.S. Mohamed and G.A. Mansoori Featured Article - Food Technology Magazine, June 2002 The World Markets Research...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 22:20

15 541 2

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