bức tranh 1 đi bộ đúng quy định

unit 13: A 3,4 - Tiết 80

unit 13: A 3,4 - Tiết 80

... spring? It is warm Wednesday, March 16 th 2 011 A: The weather and seasons (3+4) Nga Dung Wednesday, March 16 th , 2 011 *Dialogue build: Nga: Hello, Dung How are (1) ? you Dung: Hi, Nga I’m (2) ... Wednesday, March 16 th , 2 011 4.Read When it’s hot, Ba goes swimming When it’s cold, he plays soccer When it’s cool, he goes jogging When it’s warm, he goes fishing Wednesday, March 16 th , 2 011 Ba Hot ... March 16 th , 2 011 *Form: What do/ does + S + + when It’s + Adjective? When it’s + adjective, S + V( s/es) + O *USE: Hỏi trả lời việc thường làm vào thời tiết khác Wednesday, March 16 th , 2 011 *...

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2015, 18:00

17 278 0
Báo cáo y học: " Derivation and preliminary validation of an administrative claims-based algorithm for the effectiveness of medications for rheumatoid arthritis"

Báo cáo y học: " Derivation and preliminary validation of an administrative claims-based algorithm for the effectiveness of medications for rheumatoid arthritis"

... Care 2004, 27 Suppl 2:B10- 21 Singh JA: Accuracy of Veterans Affairs databases for diagnoses of chronic diseases Prev Chronic Dis 2009, 6:A126 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Curtis JR, Mudano ... N (%) or mean ± SD n = 19 7 Biologic or DMARD* N(%) or mean ± SD n = 305 60.9 ± 10 .3 18 5 (94%) 62.3± 10 .4 360 (94%) 15 9 ( 81% ) (4%) 27 (14 %) (2%) 248( 81% ) 8(3%) 45 (15 %) 4 (1% ) Demographics Age, years ... arthritis Jeffrey R Curtis1,#, John W Baddley1,2, Shuo Yang1, Nivedita Patkar1, Lang Chen1, Elizabeth Delzell1, Ted R Mikuls3,4, Kenneth G Saag1, Jasvinder Singh1,2, Monika Safford1 and Grant W Cannon5,6...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45

29 582 0
Báo cáo y học: "Godoy & Godoy technique in the treatment of lymphedema for under-privileged populations."

Báo cáo y học: "Godoy & Godoy technique in the treatment of lymphedema for under-privileged populations."

... declared that no conflict of in- http://www.medsci.org Int J Med Sci 2 010 , terest exists References 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Godoy JMF, Godoy MFG, Batigalia F Preliminary evaluation of a new, ... Lymphology 2009; 2 (1) :11 -13 Godoy JM, Godoy MdF, Meza MC Godoy & Godoy technique of cervical stimulation in the reduction of edema of the face after cancer treatment QJM 2008 Apr ;10 1(4):325-6 Pereira ... lymphedema: case report Arq Ciênc Saúde 2008 ;15 (1) :43-5 29 Godoy JMP, Godoy MFG, Solleira PF Lipo-Lymphoedema and idiopathic cyclic oedema Acta Angiol 2008; 14 (1) :18 -19 30 Silvia SH, Godoy JM Evaluation...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:39

4 646 0
The effect of inactivation for C.parvum by Pulse lamp

The effect of inactivation for C.parvum by Pulse lamp

... Ohgaki S.,W.S.T.Vol. 21, (.3), pp.227-2 31( 1989) 2)Clancy J.(2000).UV rises to the Cryptosporidium challenge, Water 21, 10 ,14 -16 - 32 - UV dose [mJ/cm ] 20 40 60 log10(Nt/N0 ) CONCLUTION 1) Comparison of ... vitality assays UV dose [mJ/cm ] UV dose[mJ/cm2 ] 50 10 0 15 0 200 log10(N/N0) log10 (N/No) 250 500 -1 -0.5 -1 -2 -1. 5 □ LPUV ● Pulse-Lamp ● Pulse-Lamp ■ 1kW-MPUV △ 330W-MPUV -2 -3 Fig Experiment results ... mercury lamp Medium1kW 17 .5mm 3 pressure mercury lamp2 Pulse lamp 500J×2 17 .5mm pulses/sec UV dose measurements Not turbid Turbid 0.55 mJ/cm2/sec 0.4 mJ/cm2/sec 2.0 mJ /cm2/pass 1. 2 mJ/cm2/pass...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

4 508 0
Sanitation in Urban Poor Settlement and the Importance of Education for the Reduction of the Diffused Pollution - A Case Study of Bauniabad, Bangladesh

Sanitation in Urban Poor Settlement and the Importance of Education for the Reduction of the Diffused Pollution - A Case Study of Bauniabad, Bangladesh

... since 19 99 However, still more than 20% and about 6% of the people interviewed are using pit latrine and open latrine, respectively 70 Before 19 95 60 19 96 -19 99 19 99-Present 50 40 30 20 10 Pit ... interview Overflow/smell (%) Disposal problem (%) Dirty (%) No problem (%) Before 19 95 43 28 28 19 96 -19 99 40 10 29 12 69 19 99-Present - 204 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.3, No.2, ... about 12 0,000 to 15 2,000 Taka (1 US dollar=57.80 Taka in October 2002) During first testing of the system in 19 95, the local community was not asked for any cost After the testing period in 19 96,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

9 972 0
The UN Model Double Taxation Convention in the context of Financing for Sustainable Development

The UN Model Double Taxation Convention in the context of Financing for Sustainable Development

... countries delete Art 14 Commentary to Art confirms that the OECD’s approach to attribute profits to permanent establishments has not been adopted Commentaries to Art 10 , 11 , 12 now incorporate ... taxation over income from cross-border investments Main features of the 2 011 Update • Modified version of Article 13 , paragraph 5, to address possible abuses • Optional version of Article 25, ... countries and countries with economies in transition Committee of Experts • Major recent achievement: 2 011 update of the UN Model Double Taxation Convention • Comprises 25 members acting in their personal...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:19

14 489 0
The Meaning of Marketing for High-Tech Firms

The Meaning of Marketing for High-Tech Firms

... 9.3 15 .1 15.0 53,856 49,278 13 Cisco Systems 4,777 4,077 17 .2 21. 4 21. 5 12 5, 711 11 9, 912 20 ,16 3 11 Toyota Motor 4,745 4,348 9 .1 3.9 3.6 19 ,234 10 Matsushita Electric 4,529 4,927 (8 .1) 8.2 7 .1 16,949 ... 16 ,949 16 ,826 11 LM Ericsson Telefon 4, 516 4,587 (1. 6) 20 .1 15.3 53,002 43,636 12 18 Microsoft 4,379 3,775 16 17 .3 16 .4 91, 996 96,457 13 Motorola 4,358 4,769 (8.6) 14 .5 12 .7 39,2 61 32,442 14 14 Intel ... 7 .1 12,455 12 ,088 Daimlerchrysler 5, 312 5,855 (9.3) 3.9 3.9 13 ,995 14 ,058 12 IBM Corp 5,290 4,345 21. 7 6.2 4.9 16 ,538 13 ,737 40 Bristol Myers Squibb 5,003 1, 939 15 8 25.8 10 .6 10 8,6 71 44,068 10 ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 07:20

30 829 0
A study on english acronnym in the name of international organizations

A study on english acronnym in the name of international organizations

... Group of G-5: Group of G-6: Group of G-7: Group of G-8: Group of 16 G-9: Group of G -10 : Group of 10 G -11 : Group of 11 G -19 : Group of 19 G-24: Group of 24 G-30: Group of 30 G-33: Group of 33 G-77: ... ngày 12 tháng 04 năm 2 010 Yêu cầu phải hoàn thành xong trước ngày 10 tháng 07 năm 2 010 Đã nhận nhiệm vụ ĐTTN Đã giao nhiệm vụ ĐTTN Người hướng dẫn Sinh viên Hải Phòng, ngày tháng năm 2 010 HIỆU ... organizations 13 I Names of international organizations stand for in different majors 13 Names of Military Organization 13 Names of Economic Organization 14 Names of Environmental...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

56 533 0


... and Grow Spiritually Transform Yourself .10 Enjoy Doing What YOU Like 11 Things to Do in Your Solitude 12 Note: This little book is not about forced solitude or ... years in a cabin he built himself on the property of his poet friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson The cabin 11 THE IMPORTANCE OF SOLITUDE FOR A BALANCED LIFE was on the edge of Walden Pond, and here he spent ... activities Or it might be your habit to sit in front of the television, drink in hand Observing 10 THE IMPORTANCE OF SOLITUDE FOR A BALANCED LIFE yourself objectively will help you become a better...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20

19 425 0
Tài liệu A thesis submitted to The University of Birmingham for the degree of Clinical Psychology Doctorate docx

Tài liệu A thesis submitted to The University of Birmingham for the degree of Clinical Psychology Doctorate docx

... Mariani et al (19 98) Mayer et al (19 91) 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 5 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 14 11 1 11 1 13 12 11 33 | P a g e Children, young people and Coeliac Disease: ... al (2005) Cinquetti et al (19 99) Calsbeek et al (2002) Study Calsbeek et al (2006a) 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 5 6 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 5 5 6 1 1 1 11 10 13 13 13 1 12 16 Calsbeek et al (2006b) Grootenhuis ... review 11 years (mean 9 .1, S.D 0.9); 18 4 aged 12 – 15 years (mean 13 .1, S.D 0.9); 48 aged 16 – 18 years (mean 16 .7, S.D 0.7) van Koppen et al (2009) Outpatients 8 -11 years: 16 7 female, 11 1 male; 12 -15 ...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

171 709 0
Tài liệu Novel Design of an Integrated Pulp Mill Biorefinery for the Production of Biofuels for Transportation pot

Tài liệu Novel Design of an Integrated Pulp Mill Biorefinery for the Production of Biofuels for Transportation pot

... 6 .1 0.6 0.0 0.7 6 .1 3.2 0.2 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 17 .0 From Coal (kg) 62.7 4.3 1. 1 3.3 5 .1 0 2.9 1. 4 0 .1 2.9 0.0 0.2 0.0 0 .1 0.0 0 .1 84.3 Total (kg) 68.7 4.9 1. 2 4.0 11 .2 3.2 0.2 0 .1 2.894 1. 403 0.0 61 ... 1. 403 0.0 61 2.926 0.048 0.242 0.026 0 .11 2 0.005 0 .13 6 10 1.3 Wt Percent 67.8% 4.9% 1. 1% 4.0% 11 .0% 3.2% 0.2% 0.05% 2.9% 1. 4% 0 .1% 2.9% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0 .1% 0.0% 0 .1% The project goal for DME synthesis ... H2 CO 37.0 45.7 2.02 28. 01 3.7% 62.7% 12 0 .1 10.9 CO2 13 .5 44. 01 29 .1% CH4 1. 2 16 .04 0.9% 50 .1 N2 1. 9 28. 01 2.6% H2S Syngas 0.7 34.08 1. 1% 11 .69 3.2.4 Slag Properties and Chemical Recovery Molten...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 14:20

105 518 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo " The name of Red River: an evidence of cultural diversity in Vietnam" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo " The name of Red River: an evidence of cultural diversity in Vietnam" pptx

... Vo.3 (19 97), 18 6; Vo.4 (19 97), 253] - Tam i River [QSQTN, Vo.3 (19 97), 18 6; Vo.4 (19 97), 253] i Hoàng River [QSQTN, Vo.3 (19 97), 18 6; Vo.4 (19 97), 253] - Xích ng River ng river [QSQTN, Vo.3 (19 97), ... Ngôn ng 11 (19 8) /11 -2005: 21- 27 Ngô S Liên (19 98), i Vi t s ký toàn thư (Complete Annals of Great Viet), Nxb Khoa h c xã h i (Social Sciences Publisher), Hà N i 19 98 Qu c s quán tri u Nguy n (19 97), ... Hanoi University,Vol 3: 94 -10 6 Phan Huy Chú (19 60), L ch tri u hi n chương lo i chí (Settlements of matters by the successive dynasties), Vo 1, Nxb S h c, Hà N i, p 352 - (19 97), Hoàng Vi t a dư...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 03:20

6 516 0
21st Century Welfare: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions by Command of Her Majesty pptx

21st Century Welfare: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions by Command of Her Majesty pptx

... poverty? Cabinet Office, 2 010 , State of the Nation report: Poverty, worklessness and welfare dependency in the UK, HM Government ref 4 011 72/0 510 Ibid 10 Browne J and Paull G, 2 010 , Parents’ work entry, ... Pensions Research Report No 626 11 Ibid 12 HM Revenue & Customs, April 2 010 , Child and Working Tax Credits Statistics, Office of National Statistics 13 Eurostat, 2008 data 14 Blanden J and Gibbons S, ... gain little by working more 15 Cabinet Office, 2 010 , State of the Nation report: Poverty, worklessness and welfare dependency in the UK, HM Government ref 4 011 72/0 510 16 Department for Work and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

52 472 0
BUDGET SPEECH Budget Statement and Economic Policy Of the Government of Ghana for the 2011 FINANCIAL YEAR potx

BUDGET SPEECH Budget Statement and Economic Policy Of the Government of Ghana for the 2011 FINANCIAL YEAR potx

... 82,603 ,13 6 20,938, 410 742,926,953 912 ,759,988 10 ,938, 410 529,903,428 558,625,890 10 ,000,000 213 ,023,525 354 ,13 4,098 10 7,876,820 307,782,475 2,970,692,955 10 2,938, 410 88,295,350 1, 983, 217 ,447 ... 33,476 ,13 5 670,660,392 314 ,252,860 356,407,532 732,258, 417 Social Donor Total Intervention Programme 55 ,13 8, 410 535,625,549 709,649,295 19 ,938, 410 11 7,3 71, 999 2 21, 550,587 30,000,000 3 71, 206,550 ... Total GOG 91, 929,287 78,349,789 4,289,022 9,290,476 11 4,252,650 16 , 618 , 212 97,634,438 1, 884,373,268 1, 477,730,827 406,642,440 2,090,555,204 IGF 26,956,050 5,890,390 21, 065,660 34,6 41, 975 1, 165,840...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

78 383 0
A Concise History and Directory of the City of Norwich for 1811 pptx

A Concise History and Directory of the City of Norwich for 1811 pptx

... Norwich 13 73 15 19 15 70 16 14 16 46 16 73 16 91 1697 17 06 17 37 17 39 17 62 17 70 17 94 17 05 The Court of Guardians incorporated 17 11 Bethel built in 17 13, by Mrs Mary Chapman, see page 23 In 17 38 the ... 243 St Julian 211 662 846 595 593 St Peter 316 13 50 13 62 14 08 13 76 Permountergate St John 312 11 44 11 14 10 04 7 81 Sepulchre St Michael at 402 11 98 14 42 11 27 865 Thorn St John 2 31 888 975 890 668 ... 7 51 496 St Margaret 17 3 662 859 856 664 St Laurence 269 899 10 18 952 668 St Gregory 2 21 1057 11 13 12 02 772 St John 16 0 16 98 15 71 110 7 657 Maddermarket St Andrew 235 18 58 17 73 13 34 935 St Michael...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

116 532 0
Performance Audit of the Department of Corrections for the Legislative Service Bureau of the Oklahoma Legislature ppt

Performance Audit of the Department of Corrections for the Legislative Service Bureau of the Oklahoma Legislature ppt

... Open 10 0 294 11 5 15 0 350 1, 009 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 608 300 378 300 337 27 2 81 1,044 3,275 5,293 2009 2 010 2 010 2 010 2 010 2 011 2 011 2 012 Secure Beds 21, 152 21, 152 21, 152 21, 267 21, 417 21, 767 ... 2008 2009 2 010 2 011 2 012 2 013 2 014 2 015 2 016 New Court Commitments 6, 212 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 6 ,17 8 Probation Revocations 2,090 2,084 2 ,14 2 2 ,11 0 2 ,17 3 2,000 ... 2009 2 010 2 011 2 012 2 013 2 014 2 015 2 016 Current 1, 088 1, 083 1, 150 1, 278 1, 258 1, 359 1, 370 1, 340 1, 365 30% Grant Rate 1, 936 3,525 3,376 3,067 2,994 2,940 2,855 2, 819 2,788 40% Grant Rate 2 ,13 5 4,548...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

295 344 0


... State Farmers Market Association P.O Box 311 77 Seattle, WA 9 810 3 (206) 706- 519 8 http://www.wafarmersmarkets.com 17 Food Stamps WIC and Senior Programs 18 Your farm may qualify to accept food stamps ... INSURANCE 10 DIRECT MARKETING STRATEGIES 13 DIRECT MARKETING OPTIONS 14 FARMERS MARKETS 16 U-PICK AND ON-FARM STANDS 19 AGRI-TOURISM ... Administration 510 0 Paint Branch Parkway College Park, MD 20740-3835 (3 01) 436 -11 43 http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/%7edms/cos-toc.html Resources: FDA Cosmetic Handbook http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-hdb1.html...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:20

125 849 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Experiments on the Choice of Features for Learning Verb Classes" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Experiments on the Choice of Features for Learning Verb Classes" potx

... improving D1 Single Slots 0 .12 5 n na 0 .17 6 na 0 .16 4 0 .14 4 gad nad 0 .11 5 n ad 0 .16 1 0 .15 2 ad nd 0 .14 3 0 .13 3 np ni 0 .14 8 or 0 .13 6 ns -2 0 .12 1 ns-dass 0 .15 6 Slot Combinations 0 .13 7 na n/na 0 .12 8 nad ... 8- 71, 604 Hard clustering is an oversimplification for representing ambiguous verbs, but it facilitates interpretation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10 ) (11 ) (12 ) (13 ) (14 ) (15 ) (16 ) (17 ) ... n/na 0 .12 8 nad 0.088 n/na/nad 0 .11 8 nd 0 .15 0 0 .12 4 n/na/nd 0 .16 1 n/na/nad/nd n/na/nd/nad/ns-dass 0 .18 2 0 .13 1 np/ni/nr/ns-2/ns-dass all NP 0 .15 8 all NPs+PPs 0 .17 6 Table 4: Clustering results on...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

8 442 0