avoiding wear in centrifugal pumps



... Engineering was established in 1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers. It is autonomous in its administration and in ... Nanotechnology Initiative Time Frame Strategic Challenge Nano-now • • • • • Pigments in paints Cutting tools and wear-resistant coatings Pharmaceuticals and drugs Nanoscale particles and thin films in. ... members, sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for advising the federal government. The National Academy of Engineering also sponsors engineering programs aimed at meeting national

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 11:20

138 342 0


... PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 3 series - version PERFORMANCE CURVES 2 Poles 50... Applicable standard of test: ISO 9906 - Annex A 210 EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS ... PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 3 series - version PERFORMANCE CURVES 2 Poles 50... Applicable standard of test: ISO 9906 - Annex A 216 EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS ... EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 3 series - version PERFORMANCE CURVES 2 Poles 50... standard of test: ISO 9906 - Annex A 220 EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:20

55 363 1
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 12 pdf

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 12 pdf

... seal This shortens the seal life by causing drive pins and springs... and springs to wear and rub in relative motion Leaving the indicator needle touching the radial diameter of the shaft, ... Centrifugal Pumps Common O-ring compounds used in mechanical seals There are many rubber compounds used in industry as O-ring secondary seals. Some elastomeric compounds are only found in ... has a set of drawings available at the installation. w That the mechanic knows how to interpret engineering schematics. w That the instructions and schematic are printed in the mechanic’s

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

20 286 0
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 13 ppsx

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 13 ppsx

... that the tolerance in the wear bands has opened 0.004 inch from 234 Avoiding Wear in Centrifugal Pumps the original factory setting This wear represents an 8% decrease in efficiency Now the ... uncertain Design engineers following a Avoiding Wear in Centrifugal Pumps PROCESS k I PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE I I Figure... velocities When a pump is disassembled and excessive wear is found, ... materials inside the pump should be changed to more Avoiding Wear in Centrifugal Pumps resistant materials. Materials such as carbon steel, high chrome iron, harden stainless steel or hard coatings

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

20 226 0
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 14 ppt

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 14 ppt

... packing, 180 pump performance curves, 76 pump piping, 238 pump shaft, 142 pump shaft packing, 171 pumping unit, 200 pumps in parallel, 120, 122 pumps in series, 120, 124 quench and drain, ... 163 bearing seals, 167 mechanical seal, 167 labyrinth seal, 168 lip seal, 169 bearings, 155 ball bearing, 155 roller bearing, 156 bearing temperature, 165 Bernoulli’s Law/Principle, ... 197 single, balanced, external, 187 single, balanced, internal, 186 single, outside-mounted, single, unbalanced, inside support systems for dual seals, 198 tandem dual seal, 195 minimum

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

10 154 0
quantitative analysis of tooth wear in-vivo using 3d scanning technology

quantitative analysis of tooth wear in-vivo using 3d scanning technology

... referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Quantitative analysis of tooth wear in-vivo using ... technology in quantifying the progression of tooth wear and then assess the applicability and validity of this methodology in-vivo through clinical monitoring of the progression of tooth wear in patients ... Stainless Steel Model (SSM) was fabricated consisting of seven stainless-steel ball-bearings embedded in a horseshoe-shaped base. The dimensions of the SSM were ascertained using a Coordinate

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 18:14

262 201 0
An investigation into linguistic devices used for avoiding conflict in conversation

An investigation into linguistic devices used for avoiding conflict in conversation

... 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG TRAN TUYET LE AN INVESTIGATION INTO LINGUISTIC DEVICES USED FOR AVOIDING CONFLICT IN CONVERSATION M.A THESIS IN THE ENGLISH ... data in films seems to be a new way in research In this thesis, I would like to investigate the communicational conflict in films and especially to find out the linguistic devices used for avoiding ... study are: - To examine linguistic devices used for avoiding conflict in English and Vietnamese films, - To explore the frequency of linguistic devices for avoiding conflict in films scripts, -

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:39

26 155 0
Predictive Modeling Of Surface Roughness And Tool Wear In Hard Turning Using Regression And Neural Networks

Predictive Modeling Of Surface Roughness And Tool Wear In Hard Turning Using Regression And Neural Networks

... flank wear The amount of flank wear on a turning tool was indirectly determined without interrupting the machining operation by monitoring the temperature at the cutting zone and the surface finish ... turning by developing predictive models for surface roughness and tool wear when using CBN tools There are numerous machining factors that affect surface quality in hard turning using CBN cutting ... processes Decrease in the feed rate resulted in better surface roughness but slightly faster tool wear development, and increasing cutting speed resulted in significant increase in tool wear development

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2016, 10:43

13 481 0
Centrifugal pumps Installation, operation  maintenance(IOM) manuals

Centrifugal pumps Installation, operation maintenance(IOM) manuals

... LIFTING PUMPS AND PUMP ASSEMBLIES Lifting should only be done by trained personnel Pumps and motors often have integral lifting eyes or eye bolts These are intended for use in lifting the individual ... moisture, dust or dirt during storage especially for winding and bearing Before commissioning, make sure insulation resistance of winding In case of resistance values≤1㏁, the windings should be dried ... Packing 13 Piping connection – Seal/packing support system .13 Piping connection – Bearing housing cooling system 13 Piping connection – Support leg cooling for centerline mounting

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2017, 13:56

107 502 0
Centrifugal pumps 05 2006

Centrifugal pumps 05 2006

... parameters Construction Pumps are divided into Roto-dynamic or centrifugal pumps and Positive displacement pumps Within these main groups there are many different types of pumps Construction Construction ... CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Justin Bjork Senior Sales Engineer Flowserve Corp Barry Erickson Key Account Manager Flowserve Corp Session Overview Session Centrifugal Pumps Introduction Construction ... procedures are critical Pump and System Curves Series Pumping 600 Tw o Pumps in Series TDH - ft 500 400 Single Pump 300 200 100 39% Increase in Flow Rate 0 50 100 150 200 Flow Rate -gpm 250 300 350

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2017, 00:43

73 193 0
Physics of centrifugal pumps  cavitation DK presentation VI 02 2012

Physics of centrifugal pumps cavitation DK presentation VI 02 2012

... dkesler@technicalassociates.net Are Pumps Important? PUMPS Are Critical to our life on this Planet? How Long Would The World We Know Continue If All Pumps Stopped Working? PUMPS ARE CRITICAL Introduction Radial Flow Centrifugal ... Flow Centrifugal PumpsCentrifugal Pumps are simple machines A centrifugal g pump p p moves a liquid q against g gravity, g y, pressure forces and system friction They use centrifugal force ... Sound of rocks inside Check & PG Bouncing Sound of rocks inside Check &PG Bouncingg No noise Check & PG not bouncing No noise Check & PG not bouncing No noise Check & PG not bouncing No noise Check

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2017, 01:26

51 396 0
centrifugal pumps for petroleum, heavy duty chemical, and gas industry services

centrifugal pumps for petroleum, heavy duty chemical, and gas industry services

... requirements for centrifugal pumps, including pumps running in reverse as hydraulic power recovery turbines, foruse in petroleum, heavy duty chemical, and gasindustry services In case of conflict between ... head in multistage pumps) due to cavitation within the pump 1.4.42 radially split: Casing or housing joint that is perpendicular to the shaft centerline 1.4.43 rated operating point: The point ... methods, including tack welding, require the purchaser’s approval.diamThe eter ofa hole in a wear fing for a pin or threaded dowe shall not be than one thirdthewidth of the wear ring 2.6.4 Running...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:32

194 1,1K 0
centrifugal pumps

centrifugal pumps

... high-tech machine requiring advanced skills, sophisticated engineering and extensive testing When attempting to describe the state-of-the-art in hydraulic engineering of centrifugal pumps, the focus ... exchange between the individual streamlines takes place in a laminar flow In contrast, mixing movements perpendicular to the flow occur in turbulent flows in which eddies of finite magnitude ensure ... impeller inlet 240 5.6.3 Influencing the onset of recirculation at the impeller outlet 240 5.6.4 Eliminating a type F instability 241 5.6.5 Influencing the saddle-type instability of impellers...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:33

956 345 0


... exists in the equal-pitch inducer, long equal-pitch inducer The pressure in the inducer’s inlet is lower in the two-long and two-short inducer In order to know the pressure distribution on the inducers, ... in detecting and diagnosing incipient faults in induction motors and centrifugal pumps through the analysis of vibration data, obtained using accelerometers installed in various locations on ... Lr are the winding inductances which include the leakage and magnetizing inductances of the stator and rotor windings, respectively The inductance Lsr is the amplitude of the mutual inductances...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20

104 383 0
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps potx

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps potx

... Analysis Pump maintenance files Failure analysis on centrifugal pumps Why is this pump in the shop? 226 226 227 228 16 Avoiding Wear in Centrifugal Pumps Introduction Erosion Corrosion Wear rings Fluid ... resistance changes Long term resistance changes Pumps in parallel and pumps in series Pumps in parallel Three tips Pumps running in series Combined parallel and series pump operation 92 92 92 ... Purchasing agents have to make costly decisions with inadequate information at their disposal Process engineers and operators are charged with maintaining and increasing production The focus of industrial...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

270 654 0
Centrifugal Pumps Design application ppt

Centrifugal Pumps Design application ppt

... Dewatering Pumps Wet Pit Pumps Water Supply Pumps Condenser Cooling Water Pumps Cooling Tower Pumps Flood Control Pumps Transfer Pumps Barrel-Mounted or Can-Mounted Pumps Condensate and Heater Drain ... Vertical Pumps 113 by Erik B, Fiske Configurations Well Pumps Wet Pit Pumps Barrel-Mounted or Can-Mounted Pumps Applications Well Pumps Water Well Pumps Incline-Mounted Pumps Cavvi ern Pumps, Mine ... are influenced by viscosity and any increase results in a reduction in head generated and efficiency, with an increase in power absorbed (Figure 1-5) Centrifugal pumps are routinely applied in...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 16:20

592 514 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Improved Upper Bounds for Self-Avoiding Walks in Zd" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: "Improved Upper Bounds for Self-Avoiding Walks in Zd" ppt

... extensions staying completely in those j dimension and a single other one going on step in positive direction in dimension j + In our implementation we exploit this kind of symmetry by “normalizing” states ... closing a loop of length – both transfering to state ω (3.2) A step in the same direction as the previous step, transfering us back to state again (3.3) A step in any other of the remaining 2d ... numbers g (d,k) (n) Since a self -avoiding walk does not contain loops of any length, we can obtain an upper bound for the number f (d) (n) of self -avoiding walks by simply subtracting g (d,k) (n)...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

10 341 0
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 1 pps

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 1 pps

... Analysis Pump maintenance files Failure analysis on centrifugal pumps Why is this pump in the shop? 226 226 227 228 16 Avoiding Wear in Centrifugal Pumps Introduction Erosion Corrosion Wear rings Fluid ... resistance changes Long term resistance changes Pumps in parallel and pumps in series Pumps in parallel Three tips Pumps running in series Combined parallel and series pump operation 92 92 92 ... Bearing maintenance Bearing seals 155 12 Pump Shaft Packing History Vegetable fibers Reciprocating action Packing Rotary action Synthetic fibers Compression packing The lantern ring The packing...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

17 222 0
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 2 pdf

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 2 pdf

... diameter (8 inch) to maintain the discharge head and pressures, but you would be converting the inch suction nozzle into a inch suction nozzle This would reduce the fluid velocity entering into the ... losses expressed in feet in the suction piping and connections Hi = Inlet head, or the losses expressed in feet that occur in the suction throat of the pump up to and including the eye of the ... 17 Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Bachus Custodio formula explained in Chapter In most cases, the pump is relatively close to the vessel being drained by the pump In this case the Hf is...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

20 377 0
Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 3 potx

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Episode 3 potx

... packing w Valve stem packings on valves in the suction piping syndrome Figure 3-3 ~ Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps w Joint rings on suction piping w Flange face sheet gaskets at pipe joints ... pumping ring) between both sets of faces on: w Vertical pumps w Lift pumps and pumps in suction lift conditions w Pumps in vacuum w Pumps operating to the right of their best efficiency point (BEP) ... the resulting seal, bearing and pump failure Too many maintenance people (engineers and mechanics) are running around in circles, wringing their hands, and jumping up and down, trying t o deal...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

20 273 0