author of kinematic geometry of surface machining

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode 1 doc

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode 1 doc

... .2.3 Machining of Cylinder Surfaces 475 11 .2.4 Reinforcement of Surfaces of. .. Part I  Basics 1   Part Surfaces: Geometry 3 1. 1  Elements of Differential Geometry of Surfaces ... The method is devel- oped on the premises of wide use of Differential Geometry of surfaces, and of elements of Kinematics of multiparametric motion of rigid body in Euclid- ian space. Due to ... DG/K-based method of surface generation. The DG/K-based method is targeting synthesizing of optimal methods of part surface machining, and of optimal form-cutting tools for machining of surfaces. A

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

30 103 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode 2 pdf

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode 2 pdf

... LLC 28 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining motion of the work and of the cutting tool at every instant of machining An appropriate criterion of optimization is of critical ... kind of mapping of one surface onto another surface; a novel analyti- cal method of investigation of the cutting-tool geometry; and a set of analytically described conditions of proper part surface ... Koenderink [4] inspired the author to apply the circular disposition of circular diagrams of local surface patches to the needs of kinematical geometry of surface machining © 20 08 by

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

30 241 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode 3 pptx

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode 3 pptx

... Possibility of Replacement of Axodes with Pitch Surfaces Pitch surfaces in many cases of surface machining... the kinematic scheme of the cutting tool profiling Kinematic schemes of cutting ... kinematic scheme of surface generation only for nonagile kinematics of surface machining The nonagile kinematics of surface machining features the elementary relative motions of ... LLC 46 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining nonagile kinematics of surface generation can be considered as a particular (degenerated) case of agile kinematics of surface

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

30 155 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 5 ppsx

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 5 ppsx

... local -surface contact of surfaces of the first kind is identical to the true -surface contact of the surfaces 2 Consider line kind of contact of the surfaces...122 Kinematic Geometry ... 146 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining of surfaces contact is referred to as the true-line contact of the surfaces When two surfaces are in... the indicatrix of conformity (of ... analytical description of the geometry of contact of two surfaces for the needs of the theory of surfaces generation 4 .5. 3.1 On a Possibility of Implementation of Two of Plücker’s Conoids

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 114 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 6 pptx

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 6 pptx

... 184 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining of the parameter of motion w The theory of surface generation also deals with surfaces for which the enveloping surface is congruent to the moving surface ... kind of quasi-surface contact of the second kind be maintained instead A quasi-surface contact of the surfaces P and T yields avoidance of interference of the surface T within the interior of the ... Definition 4.3: Quasi-surface (of the second kind) contact of the surfaces P and T is a kind of point contact of the surfaces under which actual tangency of the surfaces is within the true-point contact to local-surface

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 164 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 7 pot

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 7 pot

... Two-Parametric Kinematic Schemes of Surface Generation Kinematic schemes of surface generation, those that feature two relative motions of the part surface P and of the generating surface T of the cutting ... form-cutting... problem of determining optimal parameters of the kinematic scheme of surface generation and of optimal parameters of the geometry of the generating surface of the form-cutting ... single-parametric kinematic scheme for derivation of the generating surface of the cutting tool. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 196 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining Use of a single-parametric

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 128 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 8 pdf

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 8 pdf

... be considered as a line of intersection of the three surfaces, say of the generating surface T of the cutting tool, of the rake surface R s , and of the clearance surface C s . This requirement ... cutting edge of a precision form-cutting tool can be considered as a line of intersection of three surfaces: of the generating surface T of the cutting tool, of the rake surface R s , and of the ... 220 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining which the surface C s passes through the computed cutting edge of the form- cutting tool. Third, the conguration of the dened clearance surface

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 161 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 9 doc

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 9 doc

... of the angle of inclination λ s . 6.2.6 Diagrams of Variation of the Geometry of the Active Part of a Cutting Tool Analytical methods for the computation of actual values of the geometry of ... representation of the tool-in-use system. 6.3.3 Reference Planes Investigation of the impact of kinematics of a machining operation on actual (kinematical) values of geometry of the active part of a cutting ... Capabilities of the Analysis of Geometry of the Active Part of Cutting Tools Implementation of the vectorial method for the computation of geometry of the active part of a cutting

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 139 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 10 potx

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 10 potx

... LLC 302 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining 7.1.7 Spherical Indicatrix of Machinability of a Sculptured Surface The above-considered Gauss maps of the sculptured part surface and of the ... 292 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining form, say in terms of the rst and the second fundamental forms of the GMap P( ) of the given surface P. The rst fundamental form Φ 1 0.P of the ... Spherical map of a point of the surface P in the initial orientation of the work and after its optimal orientation. © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 296 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 157 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 11 pptx

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 11 pptx

... rate of conformity of the generating surface of the tool to the sculptured surface — when normal radii of curvature of these surfaces in a current section by normal plane are of ... characteristic surfaces of the first kind, it is convenient to express all the elements of local topology of the R 1 -surface in terms of the corresponding elements of local topology of the surface ... principal curvatures of a surface [17] © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 350 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining The second fundamental tensor of the R 1 -surface can be expressed

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 134 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 12 pps

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 12 pps

... T of the cutting...382 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining of cut is approximately equal to the corresponding radius of normal curvature of the generating surface T of ... Convergence of the methods of computation of the closest distance of approach of the surfaces P and T © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 396 Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining ... terms of geometry of the nominal part surface P and of the surface P ac of the elemen- tary surface cell. In order to solve the problem, an analytical local representa- tion of the surfaces

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 178 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 13 ppsx

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 13 ppsx

... of Optimal Surface Machining Operations Synthesis of optimal surface machining here means a development of a procedure of computation of the optimal parameters of a surface machining... ... functions of coordinates of the point K on the surface P, of coordinates of the point K on the surface T, of the angle µ of the local relative orientation of surfaces P and T, and of the direction ... implementation of the DG/K-method of surface generation. 9.1 Criteria of the Efficiency of Part Surface Machining The design of a sculptured surface machining process is an example of a problem

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 133 0
Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 14 pdf

Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machinin Episode Episode 14 pdf

... coefcient of interference K int is a function of design parameters of the part surface being machined, of design parameters of the generating surface of the cutting tool, and of parameters of kinematics ... efficiency of turning of form surfaces of revolution can be increased if the proper control of the radius R T is introduced Kinematics of surface machining in the method of turning of ... of form surfaces of revolution [6] is capable of properly... axial profile, a method of turning of surfaces of revolution is proposed [16] In this method of surface machining,**

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

30 211 0
Tài liệu Soft Computing for Optimal Planning and Sequencing of Parallel Machining Operations docx

Tài liệu Soft Computing for Optimal Planning and Sequencing of Parallel Machining Operations docx

... tasks of process planning The recent introduction of parallel machines (mill-turn machining centers) can greatly reduce the total machining cycle time required by the conventional sequential machining ... parallel machining schedule to minimize the total machining cycle time Because of the relatively new trend of applying parallel machines in industrial manufacturing, only a handful of papers ... with the capability of activating i cutting tools (I Ն i Ն 1) on distinct MUs, in parallel, either for the purpose of machining a single workpiece, or for the purpose of machining, in parallel,

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15

34 402 0
Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 1: Introduction doc

Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 1: Introduction doc

... ℜ3 , i=1, , n } of points in 3D space minimum and maximum of x-coordinates of points XYZ minimum and maximum of y-coordinates of points XYZ minimum and maximum of z-coordinates of points XYZ interpolation ... planar domain of f ( x, y ) variogram function matrix representing grid values size of the grid = number of columns and rows of the matrix P step of the grid in the x-direction the step of the grid ... professor at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, in the 1950s In fact, the work of professor Krige is the base of science field called geostatistics Kriging is probably the most often

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

12 429 1
Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 2 The ABOS method ppt

Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 2 The ABOS method ppt

... maximum of x-coordinates of points XYZ y1 , y2 minimum and maximum of y-coordinates of points XYZ z1 , z2 minimum and maximum of z-coordinates of points XYZ i1 , j1 size of the grid = number of columns ... Zerobased maps 22 2.4.2 Shape of generated surface One of the first aspects evaluated by the user of interpolating technique is the shape of the created surface – the surface should be smooth, local ... Number of circulations = values of matrix K 2 2 2 8 8 2 2 8 8 1 8 8 1 8 88 1 8 8 8 Ordinal index of point XYZ 2 2 Values of matrix NB Fig 2.2.3a: Computation of the matrices NB and K All elements of

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

17 623 0
Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 3:Computer implementation doc

Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 3:Computer implementation doc

... is the name of an ASCII file containing coordinates of initial and end points of the line segments, at which the created surface has to be discontinuous. Similarly as in the case of the boundary ... it was decided to keep primary compatibility of input / output data formats with the Surfer software (see [S2]), be- cause the majority of related software uses Surfer data format either directly ... elements of the matrix P are used for the computation of weighted average. 3.7 Limits of the actual compilation The actual compilation contains several limits as for the maximal number of faults,

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

12 327 0
Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 4: Graphical user interface doc

Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 4: Graphical user interface doc

... display of maps Interpolation Digitization of map objects Cross-section display 3D display of surface Digitization of background Digitization of a finite difference model grid Determination of a ... management of projects 2. transformation of map objects coordinates 3. specification of interpolation parameters and running SURGEF.EXE 4. 2D and 3D display of surfaces, computation and display of isolines ... and display of isolines and display of cross-sections 5. digitisation of map objects 6. mathematical operations with surfaces 7. computation of volumes between surfaces The first requirement is

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

21 310 0
Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 5:Solving special tasks In the next sections there are examples of interpolation problems, ppt

Tài liệu Art of Surface Interpolation-Chapter 5:Solving special tasks In the next sections there are examples of interpolation problems, ppt

... z-value of the first surface, but if the z-value of the second surface is greater, the resulting value is the average. In the case of the second operation (%) the res- ulting value is the z-value of ... measurement of snow surface before the avalanche event and AVALAN.DT1 containing the measurement of snow surface after the avalanche event. In figure 5.5a there are two maps of snow surfaces created ... projection of the model grid created by the EGRID utility and surfaces of layers generated by SurGe The surfaces of layers must be specified (using the suffix convention) in order of

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

17 506 0
Tài liệu Enumeration of Kinematic Structures According to Function P2 doc

Tài liệu Enumeration of Kinematic Structures According to Function P2 doc

... sum of the product i × L i . Hence,  i iL i = 2e. (2.7) Let v k denote the number of vertices of degree k, namely,v 2 denotes the number of vertices of degree two, v 3 the number of vertices of ... and chords. The arcs of G consist of all the elements of E that form the spanning tree T , whereas the chords consist of all the elements of E that are not in T . The union of the arcs and chords constitutes ... detailed descriptions of the theory. 2.1 Definitions A graph consists of a set of vertices (points) together with a set of edges or lines. The set of vertices is connected by the set of edges. Let the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15

26 380 0

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