at the current state of technology

quản trị chuỗi cung ứng và hậu cần thực trạng ứng dụng công nghệ số trong ngành logistics hiện nay tại việt nam the current state of digital technology application in the logistics industry in vietnam

quản trị chuỗi cung ứng và hậu cần thực trạng ứng dụng công nghệ số trong ngành logistics hiện nay tại việt nam the current state of digital technology application in the logistics industry in vietnam

... competitivelandscape .The use of information technology in the logistics field is a crucial means to minimizerisks in business operations and promptly meet requirements from partners However,attention to integrating ... into the logisticsoperations of Vietnamese logistics companies remains limited Due to theirinternational nature, these companies must focus more on researching, applying, anddeveloping technology ... applications in their logistics services The article will outlinethe current situation and problems in Vietnam's logistics industry and then providesolutionsTrang 3Keywords: Logistics, digital technology,

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2024, 17:29

11 4 0
Assessing the current state of water pollution in traditional bamboo weaving village in yen tien commune, y yen district, nam dinh province

Assessing the current state of water pollution in traditional bamboo weaving village in yen tien commune, y yen district, nam dinh province

... concentration of the substances in the wastewater in years 32 Figure 7- The biological treatment of wastewater 36 Figure 8- Wastewater treatment by technology system using activated ... concentration of the substances in the wastewater in years 31 Figure 5- The change in concentration of the substances in the wastewater in years 31 Figure 6- The change ... 4.5 The analytical results of wastewater of Yen Tien in 2013 29 Table 4.6 The analytical results of wastewater of Yen Tien in 2014 30 Table 4.7 The analytical results of wastewater of

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2020, 11:28

52 110 0
Assessment of the current state of vegetation cover over the years from satellite data for duc trong district, lam dong province

Assessment of the current state of vegetation cover over the years from satellite data for duc trong district, lam dong province

... Statistics of average surface temperature on each type of coating show that the average surface temperature of vegetation cover is lower than that of other soil groups The difference in the average ... biodiversity The thesis presents studies of using Landsat satellite images collected in 1995, 2005, 2017, combined with spatial analysis to determine the status of vegetation cover, surface temperature ... LIỆU VỆ TINH CHO HUYỆN ĐỨC TRỌNG, TỈNH LÂM ĐỒNG ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT STATE OF VEGETATION COVER OVER THE YEARS FROM SATELLITE DATA FOR DUC TRONG DISTRICT, LAM DONG PROVINCE Chuyên ngành:

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2021, 14:12

99 11 0
Growing and Strengthening the Mars Science Community A White Paper derived from a retreat held Nov. 6, 2003 at the California Institute of Technology

Growing and Strengthening the Mars Science Community A White Paper derived from a retreat held Nov. 6, 2003 at the California Institute of Technology

... 2003, at the California Institute of Technology The purpose of the retreat was to evaluate these issues from the perspective of a representative set of scientists who are actively involved the Mars ... criteria, introduce a category that is like the 'Cost-effectiveness category' that is along the lines of: "Importance in graduate education and mentoring of the next generation of scientists"  Add ... that it may not be possible to implement them all In assessing the relative priority of the possible solutions, it was necessary to recognize that there is a rather wide range of opinion at the

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 20:08

18 5 0


... control the generator’s loading scheme in order to operate at the most optimal point Using the current control mode shown in Fig 4, the optimal load control of the wave activated linear generator ... MATLAB/Simulink The effect of the load resistance on the generator performance, i.e., the generator output power and the generator efficiency are analyzed through the developed model The resistance-average ... lighting, heating, cooling as well as the water provision and sewing services consume 5% of the total3 The other 27% of world's energy is lost in the energy generation and transmission stages The overall

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2022, 23:55

11 3 0
An archival analysis of green information technology the current state and future directions

An archival analysis of green information technology the current state and future directions

... gathering all other papers that exist in the literature and also proposes TPO matrix where articles are consolidated and allocated An Archival Analysis OF Green Information Technology: The Current ... institution, that the content of this thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program, that to the best of my knowledge ... ARCHIVAL ANALYSIS OF GREEN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: THE CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS A Thesis Submitted In Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters by Research (Information System-

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2017, 16:15

133 277 0
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp the current status of applying information technology in learning english of first year biotechnology students at the vietnam national university of agriculture

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp the current status of applying information technology in learning english of first year biotechnology students at the vietnam national university of agriculture

... of biotechnology of Vietnam National University of Agriculture Moreover, the study design is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches The outcomes of the study indicate ... evaluate the use of information technology to support the foreign language learning process; thereby, proposing solutions to improve the 46 effectiveness of the application of information technology ... leading the top of the device ownership chart Most of the participants assess their information technology at a high level, remarkably in the fields of online application and mobile technology

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2023, 23:08

61 7 0
A study on the current situations and solutions to improve vocabulary learning strategies on the second year english major students at hung yen university of technology and education

A study on the current situations and solutions to improve vocabulary learning strategies on the second year english major students at hung yen university of technology and education

... rationale of the study In recent years, with great development in the country as well as in the world, we see that the education industry is receiving a lot of attention in its innovative methods of ... on the current situations and solutions to improve vocabulary learning strategies of the second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education” 1.2 Aims of the ... above-stated objectives, the study finds out the answers to the following research questions: What is the current situation of the second-year English major students towards learning vocabulary at

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2023, 13:49

49 35 4
luận văn tiếng anh :the difficulties in rewriting English sentences of firstyear students at Faculty of Automobile Engineering at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education

luận văn tiếng anh :the difficulties in rewriting English sentences of firstyear students at Faculty of Automobile Engineering at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education

... exercises at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education are conducted in the process of doing this study The results of such research showed that the data analysis as well as the interpretation of ... Technology and Education There are 4 opened questions were designed according to the aims of the study The data collection supplies the information about the fact of teaching and learning ... their opinions The definition ,the formation, the seating arrangement ,and the role of the learners in rewriting English sentence lessons are also mentioned A survey on the use of rewriting English

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2016, 20:07

53 759 1
Summary of Doctoral dissertation of public Management: The current state management of civil status in northern border provinces of Vietnam

Summary of Doctoral dissertation of public Management: The current state management of civil status in northern border provinces of Vietnam

... and direct the lower state management agencies of civil status Roles of state management of civil status: (1) State management of civil status is the basis for the state to formulate policies; ... management of civil status and state management of civil status in Northern border provinces: (1) General characteristics of state management of civil status - State management of civil status is a state- run ... contents of state management of civil status 2.2.1 Concept, characteristics, principle and role of state management of civil status The concept of state management of civil status: the exercise of

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2020, 21:40

24 53 0
Summary of Doctoral thesis in Law: Theory and practice of investor state dispute settlement - Applying to vietnam in the current context of international economic integration

Summary of Doctoral thesis in Law: Theory and practice of investor state dispute settlement - Applying to vietnam in the current context of international economic integration

... investors and the host states rather than other administrative, commercial or non-commercial relations ⮚ In terms of space: The thesis has general researches on ISDS in a number of states around the world ... type of dispute in the context of implementation of the ISDSMs under Vietnam's new generation FTAs Structure of the thesis With the research purpose and obligations, the object and scope of the ... review of the thesis topic and issues that need further research On the basis of reviewing domestic and foreign research works with contents related to the topic of the thesis, the thesis has the

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 15:29

28 64 0
Summary of Doctoral thesis in Law: Theory and practice of investor state dispute settlement - Applying to vietnam in the current context of international economic integration

Summary of Doctoral thesis in Law: Theory and practice of investor state dispute settlement - Applying to vietnam in the current context of international economic integration

... investors and the host states rather than other administrative, commercial or non-commercial relations ⮚ In terms of space: The thesis has general researches on ISDS in a number of states around the world ... type of dispute in the context of implementation of the ISDSMs under Vietnam's new generation FTAs Structure of the thesis With the research purpose and obligations, the object and scope of the ... review of the thesis topic and issues that need further research On the basis of reviewing domestic and foreign research works with contents related to the topic of the thesis, the thesis has the

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 16:15

28 76 0
Issues of the European transport policy and current state of eu funded transport research

Issues of the European transport policy and current state of eu funded transport research

... 2001 The aim is to present the relation of the European Transport Policy to the transport research funded by the EU, and at the same time to give an overview of the current state and prospects of ... What remains to be seen is G A Giannopoulos / Issues of the European Transport Policy and Current State 113 the extend to which the Commission and the national governments of the member states ... the application of the guidelines adopted in the 1996 European Parliament and Council decision, the white paper states that the Commission will concentrate on the revision of the current Community

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 17:49

12 24 0
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: A study on the effects of learning English speaking skills for non English major students by joining English club at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: A study on the effects of learning English speaking skills for non English major students by joining English club at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education

... chapter introduces the rationale, the aims, research questions, the scope, the methodology and the design of the study 1.1 Rationale of the study Nowadays, it is easy to witness that English is recognized ... UTEC at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education After getting the data, the researcher will produce the tables and charts for presenting and analyzing the collected data 1.6 Design of the ... related to the issue of the paper and provide background knowledge for better understanding of the rest of the paper such as aspects of speaking skills Then, the author also mention about the

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2020, 19:43

50 876 6
A The interference of the mother tongue in the first year students’ English pronunciation at Thai Nguyen University of Technology.

A The interference of the mother tongue in the first year students’ English pronunciation at Thai Nguyen University of Technology.

... THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOTHER TONGUE ON THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS’ ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION AT THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY is completely the result of my own word for the Degree of Master at ... the replacement of the sound /i:/ with /I/, the replacement of the sound /u:/ with /'/ and the replacement of the sound /*:/ with /+/ There were 84 mistakes of the sound replacement made by the ... between the consonants of the cluster or delete one of the consonants of the cluster 16 students in the study inserted a vowel /+/ between the consonants of the cluster Implications Given the pronunciation

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 20:57

43 7 0
The current situation of English language teaching in the light of CLT to the second-year students at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance: a case study

The current situation of English language teaching in the light of CLT to the second-year students at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance: a case study

... College of Economics and Finance in the light of CLT?  What are the dificulties that the teachers of English at TCEF experience when applying CLT ?  What are the solutions to improve the quality of ... communication activities for the second year students at TCEF Objectives of the study The main objectives of this study are as follows: To identify and investigate the current situation of English ... Description of the teachers at TCEF Settings of the study Research methodology Subjects Survey instruments Questionnaires for teachers The classroom observation The interview Presentation of statistical

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:14

63 65 0
Common English writing errors made by English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education and the significance of correcting errors to English writing teaching

Common English writing errors made by English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education and the significance of correcting errors to English writing teaching

... students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education and the significance of correcting errors to English writing teaching” Aims of the study The study is aimed at investigating the common ... my observation, it is a fact that Vietnamese students commit a great number of errors when they write in English whatever level they are at After teaching at Hung Yen University of Technology ... major students often make are basically dueto the lack of vocabulary and problems with normal grammatical rules in English The main causes of these errors are the interference of mother tongue,

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:13

56 21 0


... Application Contexts • Characterization Issue • Computation Issue • Duality • Organization COMPUTATION PROBLEM • Iterative descent • Approximation • Role of convergence analysis • Role of rate of ... convergence of steep- est descent x 0 x 1 x 2 f(x) = c 1 f(x) = c 3 < c 2 f(x) = c 2 < c 1 . . . Quadratic Approximation of f at x 0 Quadratic Approximation of f at x 1 Fast convergence of New- ton’s ... Zero slope at a local minimum x ∗ ∇f(x ∗ )=0 • 2nd order condition: Nonnegative curvature at a local minimum x ∗ ∇ 2 f(x ∗ ): Positive Semidefinite • There may exist points that satisfy the 1st and 2nd...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 17:15

202 338 0
The 2011 State of Inbound Marketing

The 2011 State of Inbound Marketing

... that allow customers to find them. The State of Inbound Marketing report shows that businesses that more aggressively practice this are capturing leads more effectively. Given the digital nature ... from the following social media / blog channels? THE STATE OF INBOUND MARKETING 8 A more granular view of the data shows that:  Marketers are allocating ... a series of questions related to their business‘ marketing programs the results they have seen. Most of the questions fell within three categories: - Marketing budget and sources of leads,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:56

19 311 0

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