... bound to a DataGrid using data binding For more information on data binding and using the DataGrid, refer to Chapter 7, Data Presentation.” 2143-2 ch02 3/19/01 3:43 PM Page 13 Common ASP. NET Code ... read (and display) the contents of a text file, as well as how to use a DataList and databinding to display the contents of an array A thorough examination of databinding and use of the DataList ... Page 42 Common ASP. NET Code Techniques CHAPTER FIGURE 2.11 The user can enter HTML and a filename and the ASP. NET page will generate a file on the Web server with the proper name and contents!...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
... there (and mostly valid) at http://www.dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspnet/AnArchitecturalViewOfTheASPNETMVCFramework aspx The taste of ASP. NET MVC was ittersweet for me Overall, ASP. NET MVC seemed ... Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern W Atop the standard ASP. NET runtime environment, ASP. NET MVC built its own shell of functionalities On one end, the ASP. NET MVC shell connects to effective ASP. NET run-time objects ... testability and SoC to the ASP. NET Web Forms model for all applications 26 Part I The Programming Paradigm ASP. NET MVC at a Glance ASP. NET MVC is a new platform for building ASP. NET applications...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:06
asp.net mvc 4 and the web api
... framework like ASP. NET MVC with fewer service-oriented bells and whistles—as being advantageous In this section, you’ll look in detail at a few of these www.it-ebooks.info CHAPTER ■ ASP. NET MVC as a ... ASP. NET MVC Framework provides a great platform for building REST-style Web APIs In scenarios where much of the power and flexibility of WCF and SOAP aren’t needed, MVC can be a very simple and ... that the Open Data Protocol (OData) exists This protocol was created by microsoft and a few other companies to standardize web-based data querying and updating Here’s what the www.odata.org web...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 14:37
windows azure and asp.net mvc migration
... Migration ▶ CHAPTER 1: Migrating from ASP. NET to ASP. NET MVC ▶ CHAPTER 2: Creating the ASP. NET MVC Project www.it-ebooks.info Migrating from ASP. NET to ASP. NET MVC CONCEPTS IN THIS CHAPTER ➤ Knowing ... Understanding the Statelessness of ASP. NET MVC Understanding Strongly Typed Class References ASP. NET, ASP. NET MVC, or Both? 3 8 9 :KDW $UH WKH 'LHUHQFHV %HWZHHQ $'21(7 and NHibernate? 10 Understanding ... INTRODUCTION xiii xv PART I: MIGRATION CHAPTER1: MIGRATING FROM ASP. NET TO ASP. NET MVC Getting Started Comparing ASP. NET to ASP. NET MVC Understanding the Model-View-Controller Using Master Pages versus...
Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 09:04
Hướng dẫn lập trình asp.net 3.5 microsoft - bài 7 : dynamic data ppt
... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc488545.aspx Microsoft ASP. NET, URL: http://www .asp. net/ DynamicData/ ScottGu's Blog, URL: http://weblogs .asp. net/ scottgu/archive/2008/12/02/dec-2nd-links -asp- net- aspnet -dynamic- data -asp- net- ajax -asp- net- mvc- visual-studio-silverlight-wpf.aspx ... Bài DYNAMIC DATA VỚI LINQ TO SQL Bài giới thiệu tổng quan Dynamic Data, tính Dynamic Data Cách xây dựng ứng dụng Dynamic Data với LINQ to SQL Dynamic Data gì? ASP. NET Dynamic Data cung ... 7: Dynamic Data với LINQ to SQL 13 Trả lời: Dynamic Data hỗ trợ mô hình liệu LINQ to SQL ADO .NET Entity Framework Các bước xây dựng Dynamic Data với LINQ to SQL Trả lời: Tạo project Dynamic Data...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
... at data binding in ASP. NET and explaining the fundamentals of the ADO .NET API You’ll look into the architecture of this flexible data framework, including data providers, and the DataSet and DataAdapter ... Development with ASP. NET Web Forms with ASP. NET 37 Data Binding with ASP. NET 69 ASP. NET Web Services ... best-of-both-worlds approach And here is where ASP NET arrived to fill the gap The Arrival of ASP. NET ASP NET was the result of developers and architects sitting back and thinking about the direction...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:20
... ASP. NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action ASP. NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action Building Dynamic Web Portals DARREN NEIMKE MANNING Greenwich (74° w long.) For online information and ordering of this and ... widely used and deployed Thanks to our customers and to authors like Darren, we are moving ever closer to that goal ASP. NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action is a fundamental tool for any ASP. NET developer ... and custom solution delivery I was challenged during my writing to present each of these passions in a real and dynamic environment and in a way that underlines the extensibility of the ASP. NET...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:24
... the ASP. NET MVC forum, where members of the ASP. NET community are frequently able to provide informal support: http://forums .asp. net/ 1146.aspx Upgrading an ASP. NET MVC Project to ASP. NET MVC ASP. NET ... side-by-side with ASP. NET MVC However, you must uninstall ASP. NET MVC Preview or ASP. NET MVC Beta before installing ASP. NET MVC RC Software Requirements The ASP. NET MVC run-time components require ... release of ASP. NET MVC Release Candidate (RC) for Visual Studio 2010 ASP. NET MVC is a framework for developing Web applications that uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern The ASP. NET MVC RC...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2013, 13:25
Question Bank ASP .Net and Webforms
... the database for the purpose of allowing the user to retrieve the data into a datareader or a dataset as per the user’s requirements a) Data Provider c) NET Data Provider b) NET Data [1.0] d) NET ... which the data retrieved from the database can be stored a) Database c) DataLink b) Dataset [1.0] d) DataResult 141 The data in the dataset is stored in the form of objects a) Table c) Datatable ... display data in a dataset, controls are necessary a) True [1.0] b) False 144 .NET Data Providers will take care of retrieving, inserting, updating and deleting data between a dataset and the database...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 09:10
Programming ASP.NET MVC 4
... like to both create ASP. NET MVC applications and continue working with ASP. NET MVC applications, fear not ASP. NET MVC can be installed and run side by side with ASP. NET MVC installations Once ... Up and Running CHAPTER Fundamentals of ASP. NET MVC Microsoft ASP. NET MVC is a web application development framework built on top of Microsoft’s popular and mature NET Framework The ASP. NET MVC ... step: creating your first ASP. NET MVC application Creating an ASP. NET MVC Application The ASP. NET MVC installer adds a new Visual Studio project type named ASP. NET MVC Web Application This is...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 10:24
... Html.Encode(ViewData["Message"]) %> Uses view data from controller To learn more about ASP. NET MVC visit http:/ /asp. net/ mvc < /asp: Content> ... older books covering the ASP. NET pipeline and server runtime Because ASP. NET MVC layers on ASP. NET, it is important to understand the fundamentals If you are a current ASP. NET developer, you will ... stars in the ASP. NET community and they have opened up the doors to their concert with ASP. NET MVC in Action —Mohammad Azam, Microsoft MVP I really enjoyed ASP. NET MVC in Action and highly recommend...
Ngày tải lên: 07/05/2013, 15:13
Developments in Web Security With IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET
... Default .asp IIS 6.0 IIS 6.0 Yes-transfer to ASP. NET Transfer control back To IIS 6.0 ASP Classic Runs ASP. dll Chance for ASP. NET to run after ASP is done ASP. NET App-Domain Execution Phase ASP. NET ... ISAPI extensions Means you can easily map ASP requests to ASP. NET Not supported on earlier versions Requires both ASP. NET 2.0 and IIS 6.0 Securing ASP w/ ASP. NET Wildcard mapping Wildcard mapped requests ... Other HTTP Modules Identity File Auth Module ASP. NET App-Domain Impersonation and Windows Authentication Securing ASP with ASP. NET 2.0 Securing ASP w/ ASP. NET Wildcard mapping IIS 6.0 introduces wildcard...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27
microsoft press microsoft asp net and ajax architecting web applications
... Contents A Look at ASP. NET AJAX 4.0 260 ASP. NET AJAX Templates 260 ASP. NET Library for ADO .NET Data Services ... classic ASP. NET Architecture Is the Concern If ASP. NET fully embraces the old model of the Web, which is centered around JavaScript and HTML, should we conclude that ASP. NET is dead? And if so, ... bypassing the browser and reducing page flickering Partial rendering is offered natively in ASP. NET 3.5 and also works in ASP. NET 2.0 through a separate download—the ASP. NET AJAX Extensions (For...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:30
Sự khác biệt giữa ASP.net MVC và ASP.net WebForm
... sánh tính ASP. net WebForm với ASP. net MVC Các tính ASP. net WebForm Kiến trúc chương Kiến trúc mô hình WebForm –> Kiến trúc sử dụng việc phân trình Bussiness –> Database ASP. net MVC chia chương ... điều khiển BlogEngineController ) - ASP. net MVC Framework hỗ trợ file ASP. net ASPX ASCX Master đánh dấu tập tin “view template” (có thể dễ dàng sử dụng tính ASP. net lồng trang Master, snippets, ... với ASP. net WebForm phải chạy tất tiến trình ASP. net, thay đổi ID Controls ảnh hưởng đến ứng dụng Đối với MVC việc sử dụng unit test thẩm định dễ dàng Controllers thực - Sau bảng so sánh tính ASP. net...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 14:47
Professional ASP NET MVC 1 0 (wrox programmer to programmer)
... 8:30:50 AM Professional ASP. NET MVC 1.0 Table of Contents Chapter 1: NerdDinner Chapter 2: Model View Controller and ASP. NET Chapter 3: ASP. NET > ASP. NET MVC Chapter 4: Routes and URLs Chapter 5: ... http://tinyurl.com/aspnetmvc The complete book Professional ASP. NET MVC 1.0 is copyright 2009 by Wiley Publishing Inc and may not be redistributed without permission.” Page 46 of 186 The default ASP. NET MVC ... JavaScript library files and scripts (.js) Where you put CSS and image files, and other non -dynamic/ non-JavaScript content Where you store data files you want to read/write ASP. NET MVC does not require...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:06