Foundations of ASP .NET AJAX
... professionals ® Foundations of ASP.NET AJAX Author of ASP.NET Intranets Robin Pars THE APRESS ROADMAP Companion eBook Foundations of ASP.NET AJAX Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# or VB SOURCE CODE ONLINE ... SOURCE CODE ONLINE Foundations of ASP.NET AJAX Build AJAX Applications in ASP NET Pro AJAX and the NET 2.0 Platform Foundations of Ajax ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-828-3 ISBN-10: 1-59059-828-8 ... 120 tag, 120 control, 141 ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extension 1.0 downloading, 32 installing, 32 AJAX Extensions, 28–29 server controls, 17–23 ASP.NET AJAX See also ASP.NET AJAX client libraries architecture,
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 09:26
ASP.NET AJAX Client Libraries
... places in ASP.NET AJAX controls and libraries Table 4-19 lists all the global shortcuts in the ASP.NET AJAX Client Library Table 4-19 Global Shortcuts in the ASP NET AJAX Client ... namespaces (Sys.Webforms, Sys.NET, and Sys.Services) For a complete reference of the ASP.NET AJAX Client Library, feel free to view the online documentation at http:/ /ajax docs In ... ASP.NET AJAX Client Libraries I n the first three chapters, you looked at the basics of ASP.NET AJAX and how you can use it to build web applications that provide
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
... power of ASP.NET AJAX server controls and the ease with which they can be used to add asynchronous update functionality to an ASP.NET page In addition, we explored the rich set of UI controls and ... AM Page 226 CHAPTER 10 ■ BUILDING A SAMPLE APPLICATION USING ASP.NET AJAX Figure 10-1 An ASP.NET AJAX-based stock application Understanding the Application Architecture The application is built ... history, and Bollinger band analytic charts Let’s start by creating a new ASP.NET AJAX-enabled web site Create the basic layout of the application along with the corresponding TabContainer and TabPanel
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
... SERVER CONTROLS IN ASP.NET AJAX In Chapter 3, you learned how to create a new AJAX-enabled ASP.NET site Alternatively, you can just as easily create an AJAX-enabled ASP.NET web application if ... UpdateProgress, and UpdatePanel Currently, additional controls are packaged in the Futures CTP builds of ASP.NET AJAX, which should surface in future releases of ASP.NET AJAX Using ASP.NET AJAX server ... Controls in ASP.NET AJAX T he first three chapters of this book gave you an overview of ASP.NET AJAX and how you can use it to build web applications to restrict unnecessary full page postbacks and processing
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
Using Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX
... this and other ASP.NET AJAX topics on Figure 6-3 The task list manager application 828-8 CH06.qxd 9/28/07 4:46 PM Page 117 CHAPTER ■ USING SERVER CONTROLS IN ASP.NET AJAX ... in ASP.NET AJAX T his chapter follows on from Chapter 5, which introduced you to the ASP.NET AJAX server controls and showed you how to use them In this chapter, you’ll look at two small ASP.NET ... data objects and a data access layer Summary The ToDo List application is an excellent example of an ASP.NET application and how it can be enhanced with AJAX functionality using ASP.NET AJAX server
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit (Part 1)
... the scope of this chapter Installing the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is not a stand-alone entity and requires ASP.NET AJAX to be installed because it heavily ... the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit (Part 1) B y now, you are quite familiar with the ASP.NET AJAX server controls and have seen many examples of their use The first release version of ASP.NET AJAX ... in your ASP.NET AJAX-enabled web application Figure 7-1 ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit toolbox in Visual Studio 2005 828-8 CH07.qxd 10/8/07 4:22 PM Page 133 CHAPTER ■ USING THE ASP.NET AJAX CONTROL
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit (Part 2)
... 10:56 AM CHAPTER Page 165 Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit (Part 2) I n the previous chapter, you were introduced to some of the controls in the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit As mentioned ... of the remaining controls in the toolkit and how they can be applied in ASP.NET web applications DropShadow and RoundedCorners Extenders The DropShadow and RoundedCorners extenders are similar ... the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit shown in Figure 8-1 Figure 8-1 An example of the DropShadow extender applied to a panel 828-8 CH08.qxd 10/11/07 10:56 AM Page 167 CHAPTER ■ USING THE ASP.NET AJAX
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
foundations of ajax (2007)
... XMLHttpRequest object is the heart of AJAX. .. will also need the ASP NET AJAX Extensions and the ASP NET AJAX Toolkit, which can be downloaded from http:/ /ajax 828-8 CH01.qxd 8/30/07 ... productivity of ASP NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 to develop ASP NET AJAX In the next chapter,... an overview of the ASP NET AJAX architecture, taken on a tour of the AJAX Library, and shown ... AJAX Extensions integrate with ASP NET 2.0 Introducing ASP.NET 2.0 Server Controls Understanding the ASP NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions and how they are architected first requires an understanding
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:34
microsoft press introducing microsoft ajax (2007)
... independent... say that AJAX is now.” And as far as the Windows and ASP.NET platforms are concerned, AJAX takes the form of Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Extensions The AJAX Core Engine AJAX is not ... a few APIs exist to implement AJAX functionality in ASP.NET, and one of these APIs is already integrated into ASP.NET. .. factor for AJAX and ASP.NET AJAX solutions.) Dynamic HTML is ... native ASP.NET AJAX controls or, at a minimum, provide controls that work seamlessly with ASP.NET AJAX Let’s... Part I ASP.NET AJAX Building Blocks Tip If you’re looking for a great Web
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:36
c# 4, 4, and wpf, with visual studio 2010 jump start
... 25 Cancellation of Tasks 27 Taskbar and Jump List 28 Professional 4 in C# and VBPart ii: Chart Server Control 35 ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit 39 Downloading and Installing the AJAX Control Toolkit ... 51 Model-View-Controller and ASP.NET 52 Using WCF Data Services 55 Creating Your First Service 57 Adding Your Entity Data Model 57 Creating the Service 59 Building an ASP.NET Web Package 64 WPF PROGRAMMER’S ... shown below The buttons are associated with the commands MediaCommands.Play and MediaCommands.Stop, which map to the handler methods OnPlay() and OnStop() With the MediaElement the property
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:41
... ASP. NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action ASP. NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action Building Dynamic Web Portals DARREN NEIMKE MANNING Greenwich (74° w long.) For online information and ordering of this and ... Portals and web parts 1 Introducing portals and web parts Web parts: the building blocks of portals Using web part connections The Web Part Manager 32 65 96 Working with zones 127 Understanding ... that Web Parts was extensible and would fit every need ASP. NET Web Parts in Action brings out those points of extensibility, allowing you to exploit Web Parts in the best possible ways Web Parts...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:24
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX From Novice to Professional phần 3 pps
... insert and retrieve data, and manipulate table structures, among other things A command is implemented via the SqlCommand class and controlled using the SqlCommand.CommandType and SqlCommand.CommandText ... the These denote an ASP NET directive and tell ASP NET to get ready to work its magic The WebService is the directive itself, and in this case you’re telling ASP NET to fire ... DATA BINDING WITH ASP. NET Summary This chapter gave you a whirlwind tour of data in ASP. NET and showed how your web applications can be used to access data You looked at ADO .NET and how it works,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:20
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX From Novice to Professional phần 4 doc
... s ASP. NET WEB SERVICES Summary This chapter introduced you to web services and their architecture You looked at the theory of web services and how the group of technologies—HTTP, SOAP, XML, and ... ASP. NET 2.0 and another site in a different virtual directory to use ASP NET 3.0 Thus, a single web server isn’t bound to a specific version of ASP. NET Manually Deploying Your ASP. NET Applications ... database server and the web server aren’t on the same computer ASP NET will execute using the Windows user account ASPNET, which probably doesn’t exist on the database server Unless the ASP NET worker...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:20
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX From Novice to Professional phần 5 pdf
... need the NET Framework 3.0 runtime components and the NET 3.0 extensions for Visual Studio (code-named Orcas) before you continue Launch your IDE and select File ® New Web Site The New Web Site ... technologies and standards without needing to write thousands of lines of code WCF is a critical component of NET 3.0, and is something that you will find invaluable as you build the next Web Your ... reliability to and from a web service It has guaranteed delivery and duplication elimination, as well as the facility to ensure that the ordering of messages is maintained WS-ReliableMessaging expands...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:20
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX From Novice to Professional phần 6 docx
... (CToFService.dll) and a web service that invokes it called CTOFService.Workflow1_WebService.asmx Right-click this service and click View in Browser The browser will launch and show the standard Web Services ... in an ASP NET web page or web service, or ideally, publish it as a web service that your other applications can use Fortunately, WF supports the latter—you can publish your workflows as web services ... page, or you can host it to an external web service that gets called from your web applications, but the WF activity runs on the ASP NET server that manages the web service Any application can host...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:20
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX From Novice to Professional phần 7 doc
... first ASP. NET AJAX application Getting Started with ASP. NET AJAX The ASP NET AJAX Core library can be downloaded from the Microsoft AJAX site, at http:/ /asp. net/ ajax/ After downloading and running ... extensions of ASP. NET AJAX in Chapter 14 281 9594CH12.qxd 282 1/22/08 10:59 AM Page 282 CHAPTER 12 s AJAX EXTENSIONS FOR ASP. NET Editions of ASP. NET AJAX The web landscape is changing and evolving ... object orientation, and more You can see the basic ASP NET AJAX server and client architectures in Figure 12-1 Figure 12-1 ASP NET AJAX client and server architectures The ASP NET infrastructure...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:20
Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX From Novice to Professional phần 8 ppsx
... 289 CHAPTER 12 s AJAX EXTENSIONS FOR ASP. NET Migrating ASP. NET to AJAX One of the nicest things about ASP NET AJAX is the fact that the UpdatePanel control can be used to add AJAX functionality ... s AJAX EXTENSIONS FOR ASP. NET Figure 12-9 ASP NET application using Ajax Building a Simple Ajax Application with ASP. NET Now, the example of adding two numbers is all very good, but how does ASP. NET ... secured site in ASP. NET and then seeing how this can be accessed from JavaScript as well as ASP. NET The ScriptManager Class The ScriptManager class is designed to manage the ASP NET AJAX script libraries,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:20