... N.W LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33 126 (30 5) 4 43- 935 3; fax 4 43- 7559 ASM International (ASM) 9 639 Kinsman Road Materials Park, OH 440 73 (440) 33 8-5151; fax 33 8-4 634 International Oxygen Manufacturers’ ... Q u ~ ~ cMA 02269-9101 Y, (617) 770 -30 00; fax 770-0700 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 32 5 Broadway Boulder, CO 8 030 3 -33 28 (30 3) 497 -30 00 20 AWS Practical Reference Guide ... Not for Resale American Water Works Association (AWWA) 6666 W Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80 235 (30 3) 794-7711; fax 794- 731 0 American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33 126 (30 5)...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 17:18
... 255 -32 ,768 to +32 ,767 short unsigned short int unsigned int 16 16 16 16 2 2 long 32 unsigned long 32 -32 ,768 to +32 ,767 to 65, 535 -32 ,768 to +32 ,767 to 65, 535 -2,147,4 83, 648 to +2,147,4 83, 647 ... */ codeptr = (unsigned int code *)start; codeend = (unsigned int code *)end; /* Now perform the checksum calculation, looping */ /* until the end of the range is reached */ while (codeptr
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 02:20
... 0.6Fy or 1 .33 S St = 0.6Fy or St = 1 .33 S = 0.6 *34 988. 435 St = 1 .33 * 1 639 4.966 = 209 93. 06 = 21805 .30 4 COMPRESSION, Sc = 0 .33 3Fy = 0 .33 3 *34 988. 435 or = 1 .33 S (whichever is less) or = 21805 .30 4 S = ... (1 639 4.966 psi) t = ( 435 ) (51) / ((1 639 4.966) (1.0) – (0.6) ( 435 )) t = 1 .37 5" t = 1 .37 5" + corrosion allowance t = 34 .9 + 1.6 mm t = 36 .5 mm t = 1. 438 7" we shall take a plate of ½" for safety 34 ... thickness is t = PR/ (2SE +.4P) As for methanator P < 0 .38 5SE 33 435 < 0 .38 5(1 639 4.966) (1.0) 435 < 631 2.06 Satisfied therefore hoop stress will be governing therefore design is based on the longitudinal...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 16:34
Tuyển tập một số Code for Web
... trang nháy chuột vào mục “Thêm khối chính” – Gõ Tiêu đề khối “Kinh nghiệm sống” – Sao chép đoạn code Dán vào ô Văn (có thể nhúng mã HTML) – Sau bấm nút Cập nhật – Cuối bạn chọn thứ tự xuất khối ... trang nháy chuột vào mục “Thêm khối cột chức năng” – Gõ Tiêu đề khối “Tin giáo dục” – Sao chép đoạn code Dán vào ô Văn (có thể nhúng mã HTML) – Bấm nút Cập nhật Chúc bạn thành công! ... cuối trang nháy chuột vào mục “Thêm khối chính” – Gõ Tiêu đề khối “Truyện cười” – Sao chép đoạn code Dán vào ô Văn (có thể nhúng mã HTML) – Sau bấm nút Cập nhật – Cuối bạn chọn thứ tự xuất khối...
Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 04:00
Code for Hydrogen Pipelines Hydrogen Pipeline Working Group Workshop pps
... to B31 Standards Committee for Hydrogen Piping/ Pipeline code development • B31. 12 Status & Structure • Hydrogen Pipeline issues • Research Needs • Where Do We Go From Here? Code for Hydrogen Piping ... sections of B31. 1, B31. 3 and B31. 8 – Have separate parts for industrial, commercial/residential and pipelines – Include new requirements for construction, operation, and maintenance Performance-Based ... Piping • Model document for section B is ASME B31. 8 • Anticipated operating ranges: – Pressure: full vacuum to 3, 000 psig – Temperature: - 40˚F to 30 0˚F Common Section • This section of the code...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 23:21
Pressure Piping Alternative Test Methods Procedure Requirements ppsx
... ASME B31. 3, paragraph 34 5.7) on category D fluid service piping systems that will not be leak tested in accordance with B31. 3 paragraphs 34 5.4, 34 5.5 or 34 5.6 The PESR & ASME B31. 3 Pressure Piping ... ½ test pressure or 170 kPa (25 psi) per ASME B31. 3 345.5.5 Visual examination of joints per Par 34 1.4.1(a) completed Pressure Gradually Increased in Steps (As per ASME B31. 3 345.5.5 and 34 5.7.2) ... in Table 34 1 .3. 2) Weld Reinforcement (internal & external) Acceptable (Minimum requirements provided in Table 34 1 .3. 2) Heat Input: (if applicable) Total # of passes: ASME B31. 3 ASME B31. 3 (Minimum...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 23:21
... to displacements of piping e,g thermal expansion, seismic anchor movements, and building settlement REQUIRMENTS OF ASME B31. 3 (PROCESS PIPING CODE) This code governs all piping within the property ... Shear stress =τmax=S1-S2 / 2=Sy / The maximum principal stress theory forms the basis for piping systems governed by ASME B31. 3 Note: maximum or minimum normal stress is called principal stress ... factor from table 30 2.2.5 of B31. 3 Author: HANAN AZEEM PIPING ENGINEER J-TECH PVT LTD (www.j-tech.com.pk) 18 KM FEROZPUR ROAD LAHORE, PAKISTAN Phone: 92-042-58122 63- 5,58242 03- 04 E-mail: hazeem@j-tech.com.pk,...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 23:21
Báo cáo y học: "The Proteomic Code: a molecular recognition code for proteins" docx
... purposes) Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2007, 4:45 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 the sequential complementary coding of some pituitary proteins ... more complementers are in 1-1, 1 -3, 3- 1, 3- 3 position pairs than in 1-2, 2-1, 2 -3, 3- 2 position pairs We wanted to know whether the 1-1, 3- 3 (complement) or the 1 -3, 3- 1 (reverse-complement) pairing ... codon) forms a perfect double string with the 3' U3A2C1-5' sequence (His, H codon, reverse and complementary reading) Suboptimal complexes are 5'-A1X2G 33' partially complemented by 3' -U3X2C1-5'...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Bluetooth source code for remote devices
... connection The following sample code was developed for WinCE NET but the code for Windows NET platform appears to be very much the same We define the class BTLib for searching for devices and establishing ... little-endian data for cross-platform consistency and conformance with the FlexiPanel protocol #include "BtLib.h" #define Swap16(x) _BtLibNetSwap16(x) #define Swap32(x) _BtLibNetSwap32(x) Err BtConnection::Connect() ... BtConnection::Read (UInt8* data, UInt32 size) { Err err = errNone ; UInt16 index = ; Page 13 27-Apr-05 Bluetooth Source Code for Remote Devices © FlexiPanel Ltd www.FlexiPanel.com UInt32 bytesRead = ; bool...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 10:30
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