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... Respirator inspection, cleaning and disinfection, and replacement as needed Regular inspection and monitoring/surveillance of work area conditions and employee exposure and stress Periodic program ... hazardous physical agents as well as toxic chemicals Noise, ionizing and nonionizing radiation, and heat and cold can all be monitored and compared with exposure limits Today, the most widely-practiced ... of these interviews and discussions, both managers and workers frequently present information on work practices and process changes that deviate substantially from the standard operating procedures

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

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The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 1 ppt

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 1 ppt

... Summary 407 References and Suggested Reading 407 17 Properties and Effects of Natural Toxins and Venoms 409 William R. Kem 17.1 Poisons, Toxins, and Venoms 409 17.2 Molecular and Functional Diversity ... Toxicology and the Safety and Health Professions 35 2.2 Transfer across Membrane Barriers 37 2.3 Absorption 41 2.4 Disposition: Distribution and Elimination 45 2.5 Summary 53 References and Suggested ... System 152 7.7 Summary 154 References and Suggested Reading 155 8 Dermal and Ocular Toxicology: Toxic Effects of the Skin and Eyes 157 William R. Salminen and Stephen M. Roberts 8.1 Skin Histology

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

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... The linear two-compartment open model, where C1 and C2 are the concentrations in the central and peripheral compartments, respectively, and k12 and k21 are the rate constants for transfer between ... the organs and tissue groups and mixed venous blood returning to the lung to be reoxygenated Organs of entry (lung, liver), excretion (kidney, intestine, lung), and metabolism (liver), and tissue ... mechanisms, and the action of gastrointestinal enzymes or intestinal microflora • Factors determining the rate of diffusion across the skin • Absorption of solid and liquid particulates and of gases and

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

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... light penetration and damage Inhibit microorganism growth and penetration Regulate body temperature and electrolyte homeostasis 160 DERMAL AND OCULAR TOXICOLOGY P450-mediated) and phase II enzymes ... provide protection against wetness or chemicals and minimizing wet working conditions and hand washing can be very helpful Complete healing of lesions may take several weeks, and the likelihood ... benzocaine, and propylene glycol Chloramine, glutaraldehyde, thimerosal, and mercurials Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde Hydroquinone, diphenylguanidine, and p-phenylenediamine Poison oak and ivy

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

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... known as sol, contains the cilia and is thin and watery so that cilia movement is not impeded; the upper layer, the gel, is thick and viscous The cilia beat in unison and move the gel layer along ... establish exposure levels and for sensitivity to possible biases, and 4) no association is supported by the biggest and best controlled studies Toxic Responses of the Embryo and Fetus For many people, ... state, metabolic and endocrine imbalances of the mother Nutrient deficits and interference with placental metabolism and transport are clearly mechanisms that can affect fetal growth and neural function

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

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... schwannoma and glioma Neurofibromatosis type acoustic nerve tumors and meningiomas Familial and sporadic breast and ovarian cancer, also prostate and colon cancers Breast cancer (female and male) ... Toxicology 2nd edition New York: Raven Press, Ltd, (1995) Gorospe, W C., and M Reinhard, “ Toxic Effects on the Ovary of the Nonpregnant Female.” in Witorsch, R J., ed., Reproductive Toxicology 2nd edition ... tissues and cell types in the male and female repro• • • • ductive organs to certain types of toxicants The functional and toxicological implications of the different patterns of cellular division and

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 404 0
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 6 pps

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 6 pps

... used in household insecticides and in pet products (e.g., flea and tick dips and sprays) Pyrethrins and pyrethrum are very rapidly metabolized and excreted from humans and have very low mammalian ... contaminated clothing and materials) and thorough washing of the contaminated skin with soap and water Regulatory Information on Organophosphates and Carbamates OSHA PELs and ACGIH TLVs exist ... OF BIOLOGICAL ORIGIN 353 sias and paresthesias of the face and limbs, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, headache, tremor, and mental disturbances Myoclonic movement and convulsions are sometimes

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

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... Sax, N I., and R J Lewis, Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 7th ed., Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, 1989 Sittig, Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens, 2nd ed., ... herbicides, chlorophenols, and dioxins—an expanded and updated international cohort study, Am J Epidemiol 145(12): 1061–1075 (1997) Lilienfeld, D E., and M A Gallo, “ 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and 2,3,7,8-TCDD: ... 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, July 17, 1996, memorandum from Jess Rowland, M.S and Ester Rinde, Ph.D to Joanne Miller and Walter Waldrop, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances Vanholder, R.,

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 490 0
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 8 pot

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 8 pot

... mocassins, and copperheads belong to this group Many pit vipers occur in North and South America, whereas vipers occur only in Africa and Europe In general (and there are some exceptions), pit viper and ... then predatory fish and marine mammals 426 PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS OF NATURAL TOXINS AND VENOMS Ciguatoxin (Table 17.2), which activates voltage-gated sodium channels in nerve and muscle cells, ... It causes a variety of symptoms such a lethargy, tingling and numbness of the lips, hand and/ or feet weakness, itching, joint pains, and gastrointestinal symptoms including diarrhea These problems

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

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The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 10 pptx

... Portland, OR, 1983 Paustenbach, D., “ Occupational exposure limits, pharmacokinetics, and unusual work schedules,” in Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Vol IIIA, 2nd ed., L J Cralley and ... toxins: animal venoms and toxins: arthropod toxins and venoms, 426427 coelentrate (cnidarian) venoms, 428429 fish venoms and toxins, 425426 molhtsc venoms and toxins, 427428 reptiles and amphibians, ... toxicology and 338-339 cancer incidence and 13-3 15 carboxyhemoglobin and, 98 developmental loxicology and 230 female reproductive toxicology, 221-222 lung cancer incidence, 180-l platelet formation and,

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Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2017, 08:28

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... at work in the chemical recovery process can be found in Smook, Handbook for Pulp and Paper Technologists, 2nd Edition, 1992 and will not be discussed here. The kraft chemical recovery process ... Pulp and Paper Industry Introduction, Background, and Scope However, pulp and paper are commodities and therefore prices are vulnerable to global competition. Countries such as Brazil, Chile, and ... acetate, and cellophane. Sector Notebook Project 6 November 2002 Pulp and Paper Industry Introduction, Background, and Scope II.B.2. Industry Size and Geographic Distribution The pulp and paper...

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Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:22

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... provided in the Instructor’s Guide, and instructors may choose to provide students with these answers. NEW FEATURES This second edition has been updated and expanded and includes a new chapter, authored by ... statistics and epidemiologic rates are new to this second edition and other sections have been expanded. INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDE A guide for the instructor is a new feature to accompany this second edition. ... significant events and dates in human life. Births, deaths, marriages, and divorces are recorded and certifi- cates issued. Morbidity data is discussed in Chapter 9. Mortality rates and their com- putation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 07:20

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