are you a copyeditor or proofreader



... and change the situation around you instead of letting it change you When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest you elevate to another level? How you handle Adversity? ARE YOU ... strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship, or some other trial, have I become ... hot water - the very circumstances that bring the pain When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor of the bean If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 18:20

4 601 2
scientific american   -  2003 08  -  are you a hologram

scientific american - 2003 08 - are you a hologram

... Database (www, a pay site that explains what herbals are used for, what they are safe (or unsafe) for and how they interact with various drugs David M Jones via e-mail A ... PLANNING: Laura Salant PROMOTION MANAGER: Diane Schube RESEARCH MANAGER: Aida Dadurian PROMOTION DESIGN MANAGER: Nancy Mongelli GENERAL MANAGER: Michael Florek BUSINESS MANAGER: Marie Maher MANAGER, ... earning a Ph.D at Harvard University Bartel is also an associate professor at M.I.T and a co-founder of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, which is developing RNAi-based therapeutics Lau and Bartel are among...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:18

83 672 0
4955 are you a chocoholic

4955 are you a chocoholic

... pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, their): a Chocolate is wonderful! is favorite sweet Do you like ? b Lisa can’t eat chocolate because has allergy c What like with chocolate? d ... so selfish! Give a piece of your cake too e chocolate bar is made with strawberry and is delicious! 8) Vocabulary : Things made of chocolate Write the names : a b _ c e ... Grammar 5) Consider the sentence “Chocolate contains three drugs” a Change it into Negative form: _ b Change it into Interrogative form: _ 6) “The drug causes...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 06:46

2 263 0
7560 are you a healthy eater (1)

7560 are you a healthy eater (1)

... rice and pasta FATS make you strong and give you energy There are fats in meat, butter and cheese and oil VITAMINS are important for your eyes, your skin, your bones, your hair and for other parts ... because…………………………………” D Read about the foods we eat Do you eat all of the seven important things? Tell your partner CARBOHYDRATES give you energy There are carbohydrates in bread, sugar, potatoes, ... many vegetables you eat? C Make plans Tell your partner what you are going to change in your diet Use sentences: “ From now on I will eat more/less…………………… because………………………………… I won’t eat any...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 13:45

3 170 0
3041 are you a fashion victim

3041 are you a fashion victim

... Answers 1) come into fashion, go out of fashion, a fashion victim, to be all the fashion/rage, after a fashion 2) 1-c, 2-e, 3-d, 4- a, 5-b 3) Jasmine is American - … lives in a small town ... small town in California She spends a lot of money on clothes – pay $300 for a pair of jeans She is not married – Jasmine is a single 21-year-old woman; she is young, extremely beautiful, single ... gives no explanation to anyone – she doesn’t have to account to anybody for each penny she spends She suffers a lot when people don’t appreciate her effort to be fashionable –don’t forget to compliment...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 06:48

2 128 0
''''The Worst Place in the World to be a Woman or Girl'''' – Rape in the DR Congo: Canada, Where Are You? docx

''''The Worst Place in the World to be a Woman or Girl'''' – Rape in the DR Congo: Canada, Where Are You? docx

... 32, available at, accessed 30 May 2009; finally, Global Witness released a report in July, 2009, “Faced with a Gun What Can You Do,” that yet again alleges that Canadian companies have ... Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Mali, Mozambique, Pakistan, Peru, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Ukraine, Vietnam, West Bank/Gaza are designated to receive 80 per cent of Canada’s ... needs.158 According to Canadian General Rick Hillier, Canadian Forces are especially valued by African nations not only for their professional skills, but also for their bilingual capacity and lack...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

27 416 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Satire Detection: Are You Having a Laugh?" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Automatic Satire Detection: Are You Having a Laugh?" ppt

... U.S .A. ), and punctuation sequences (e.g a comma, or a closing quote mark followed by a period) are treated as separate features Method 3.1 Standard text classification approach 3.2 Targeted lexical ... European Conference on Machine Learning, pages 9–17, Barcelona, Spain Susan Dumais, John Platt, David Heckerman, and Mehran Sahami 1998 Inductive learning algorithms and representations for text categorization ... lexical and validity (all) features Ion Androutsopoulos, John Koutsias, Konstantinos V Chandrinos, George Paliouras, and Constantine D Spyropoulos 2000 An evaluation of Naive Bayesian anti-spam...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20

4 408 0
You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto (Vintage)

You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto (Vintage)

... department as Rapture images are in an evangelical bookstore (Just in case you are not familiar with the Rapture, it is a colorful belief in American evangelical culture about the Christian apocalypse ... People, not machines, made the Renaissance The printing that takes place in North Korea today, for instance, is nothing more than propaganda for a personality cult What is important about printing ... suggests making that quadrant taboo for crowds Maybe if you combined all our approaches you d get a practical set of rules for avoiding crowd failures Then again, maybe we are all on the wrong track...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:20

129 401 0
The Path to Financial Freedom: A simple and easy guide to assist you in reducing or eliminating pdf

The Path to Financial Freedom: A simple and easy guide to assist you in reducing or eliminating pdf

... principal liability The program works as follows: A certified financial counselor will work out a payback plan that you can comfortably handle and will have you debt-free in to years Let’s say you ... card companies deliberately gave you more credit than you can comfortably handle) Enroll in a Creditor Approved Debt Modification Program The National Institute for Consumer Assistance (NICA) is ... Let’s say you have several credit cards totaling $20,000 or more At an average monthly interest rate of 80% or more, you will pay back $120,000 That is $20,000 on principal and $100,000...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

2 326 0
Brain Friendly Publiscations Who Are You Intermediate Questionnaires

Brain Friendly Publiscations Who Are You Intermediate Questionnaires

... WHO ARE YOU? HOW HAPPY ARE YOU? ✍ points When was the last time you had a really good laugh? a within the last few days c about a year ago b in the last month or so d so long ago that you can’t ... bed and your exercises What would you order for breakfast if you were staying in a hotel? a you never eat breakfast c a full English breakfast b a continental breakfast What’s your best time for ... exercise? a you already take aerobic classes or similar b it helps you lose weight c you re planning to take up a physical activity 10 How busy are you? a You spend an hour a day worrying about things...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:20

25 1,1K 2
where are you from

where are you from

... Nh×n tranh – Nãi tªn n­íc : T×m tõ cã ngh a « : A P P L E S O N E N G L I S H U G I R L S E A R G H O A U E N S G O O D N U G E T E A C H E R s ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2013, 01:27

13 633 6
what are you doing  lets learn 3

what are you doing lets learn 3

... Have breakfast An trua Have lunch An toi Have dinner Sing a song Draw a picture Read a book Write (a letter) Watch TV Ride a bicycle An toi An trua • • • • Sing a song Watch TV Read a book Draw ... I’m watching TV What are you doing? I’ m writing a letter Are you reading a book? Yes, I am Are you reading a book? No, I’m not I’m drawing a picture HOMEWORK Đặt câu hỏi cho câu trả lời sau dịch ... Draw a picture  singing a song  watching TV  reading a book  drawing a picture • Have breakfast having breakfast • Write (a letter)  writing • Ride a bicycle  Riding a bicycle What are you...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 02:11

18 423 0
Upgrading to Windows Vista: Is your Hardware Ready? Are You?

Upgrading to Windows Vista: Is your Hardware Ready? Are You?

... certificate, or placard that will allow a free or discounted purchase toward an upgrade More importantly, will the machine you already own meet the strict hardware requirements? New PCs that are ... replace a Windows XP-based computer with a Windows Vistabased computer, you can use an Easy Transfer Cable and, in a couple of clicks, transfer all of your personal data If you' re a more advanced ... Vista you would like to install, you have two options for the installation process: In-place upgrade You can upgrade in-place, which means you can install Windows Vista and retain your applications,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15

14 382 0
Are You Grammarphobic

Are You Grammarphobic

... a few rare cases, however, people have made substandard usage their trademark Dizzy Dean, a pitcher for the St Louis Cardinals who later became a radio and TV sports broadcaster, is a case in ... message is easy to track Here are the Top Two of page arrangement: • Organization • Visual impact You' ll learn all about these considerations in Part Effective Because all the ducks are in a row, ... writers must always be grammarians, whether they are aware of it or not What Is Usage? Usage is the customary way we use language in speech and writing Because we use language for different purposes,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 16:20

10 307 0
Google Adwords-Chapter 1:"Are You Prepared To Profit From Instant Web Traffic?"

Google Adwords-Chapter 1:"Are You Prepared To Profit From Instant Web Traffic?"

... Your competition cannot see the exact amount you' re bidding for your keywords or the CTR your ads are getting - a distinct tactical advantage that Yahoo lacks ... the information contained in this eBook correct Brad Callen and Bryxen Software are not liable for any actions that may result from the information contained within this eBook Brad Callen and Bryxen ... expense is also a chance for you to convert that visitor into a customer) You pay a certain amount "per click" on your ad If nobody clicks on your ad, you don't pay a dime and also get no visitors...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

8 343 0
Tài liệu Lab 5.2.7 Establishing a Console Connection to a Router or Switch docx

Tài liệu Lab 5.2.7 Establishing a Console Connection to a Router or Switch docx

... connectors a Examine the router or switch and locate the RJ-45 connector labeled “Console” Step Identify the computer serial interface, which is COM or a It should be a or 25-pin male connector labeled ... connector If the serial interface on the PC or dumb terminal is a DB-25, an RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter will be needed Both of these adapters typically come with a Cisco router or switch Step Locate or ... Locate or build a rollover cable Use a rollover cable If necessary, make one of adequate length to connect the router or switch to a workstation 2-6 CCNA 1: Networking Basics v 3.0 - Lab 5.2.7 Copyright...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

6 476 0
CHUYÊN đề 6 bạn có CHỌN ĐÚNG NHÀ LÃNH đạo are you picking the right leaders

CHUYÊN đề 6 bạn có CHỌN ĐÚNG NHÀ LÃNH đạo are you picking the right leaders

... độc lập với anh ta? Bạn cho ví dụ • Anh ta có trao quyền hạn, trách nhiệm hay đánh giá nhiệm vụ? • Anh ta có quan tâm đến hoạt động cách không cần thiết? Hay có khuynh hướng hay giao nhiều quyền ... Jack, Eric Vieau and Christina Flood, hai quản lý trước Jack Roger Warniers, phó giám đốc kinh doanh, người làm việc với Jack khách hàng nội Lãnh dạo đánh giá Linda Chung, Phó giám đốc cấp cao ... Jack có kỹ phân tích lớn Anh ta có đầu óc logic phân tích vấn đề nhanh chóng Christina: đồng ý Jack người giải vấn đề tuyệt Linda: Christuna, có quan sát khác không? Christina: để nghĩ thử Ah,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 15:20

16 405 0
Tài liệu 6 Powerful Tips That Will Make You A Success! doc

Tài liệu 6 Powerful Tips That Will Make You A Success! doc

... to the radio, what a waste! Imagine how much extra information you could learn by listening to educational audio cassettes instead! Any form of transportation that is used daily such as a bike, ... Machine Make it your goal to learn as much as you can about your field of interest, and never assume you know everything Have an open mind and study people who have already achieved success at ... more than this you will shorten your lifespan So get up early and instead of watching TV or reading newspapers, spend the first 30-60 minutes of your day reading something educational and related...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 11:37

3 352 0