... is not necessarily bad news Previously, when these kinds of rules were implicit in our models, we tended not to be aware of them, making it harder to challenge them and ask if they were in fact ... will be much more difficult to make equally clear assertions about business rules as they are practiced in the business Also, the project has intentionally not dealt with entire categories of ... COMMON TERMS are words in everyday language using their commonly-accepted meaning Specifically, COMMON TERMS are part of the basic vocabulary, for example, ‘car,’ ‘city,’ etc., and are taken as...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20
... the fact table that are accessed by the SSBM queries are not very compressible if they not have order to them, since they are either keys (which have high cardinality) or are random values The ... where there are 1-2 function calls to extract needed data from a tuple for each operation (which if it is a small expression or predicate evaluation is low cost compared with the function calls) [25] ... new optimization, called invisible joins, which substantially improves join performance in late-materialization column stores, especially on the types of schemas found in data warehouses However,...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Ethics review: Position papers and policies – are they really helpful to front-line ICU teams" potx
... created, such policies are rarely looked at, front-line staff are unaware of their content [4,5] and (some would argue) they are rarely followed by the ICU team [6-10] Currently, little information ... intensive care Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2006, 50: 634 Graf J, Janssens U: Still a black box: what we really know about the intensive care unit admission process and its consequences? Crit Care Med ... to ration critical care resources are flawed Currently, our system based on need is failing because ICUs are filled to 90% capacity, precluding any surge capacity Long hours are spent searching...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20
Seeing things as they really are
... I call a group of my former students to find what they re doing They have moved to smaller companies and are much happier.” Another problem with these giant companies, in Drucker’s view: They ... rather than impersonal, as they are in U.S business “The overseas Chinese have already become multinationals and are major factors in a lot of very important markets They really control mainland China’s ... large companies,” Drucker says, “and they switch to medium-size and small companies after a few years The only reason they take jobs at large companies is they re the only ones recruiting on campus...
Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2013, 15:56
Báo cáo y học: "PARP-1 inhibitors: are they the long-sought genetically specific drugs for BRCA1/2-associated breast cancers"
... inhibitors specifically kill human BRCA2-deficient pancreatic cancer cells? Because PARP-1-null mice are viable and healthy [32], and inhibitors that are specific for PARP-1 are relatively non-toxic ... mutation carriers Why are BRCA1- and BRCA2-deficient cells extremely sensitive to PARP-1 inhibition? The products of the genes, BRCA1, BRCA2 and PARP-1, are nuclear proteins and are critical components ... originated from naturally occurring BRCA1/2 mutations were not tested To investigate this, Gallmeier and Kern (2005) treated a cell line CAPAN1, which harbors the frequent, naturally occurring BRCA2...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 16:57
Web Application Firewalls: When Are They Useful?
... problem With the name, first of all: Adaptive Firewall Adaptive Proxy Adaptive Gateway Application Firewall Application-level Firewall Application-layer Firewall Application-level Security Gateway ... need all the help we can get.) Insecure applications aside, WAFs are an important building block in every HTTP network OWASP AppSec Europe 2006 Network Firewalls Do Not Work For HTTP Firewall ... Multilayer Inspection Firewall Web Adaptive Firewall Web Application Firewall Web Application Security Device Web Application Proxy Web Application Shield Web Shield Web Security Firewall Web Security...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27
Managers and Leaders - Are They Different?
... identifications with parents and find a harmony between what they expect and what they are able to realize from life But suppose the pains of separation are amplified by a combination of parental demands ... outcome since they were involved in formulating the decision-making rules Because they believe in the rules they formulated, they will accept present losses, believing that next time they will win ... leaders make in their careers Managers see themselves as conservators and regulators of an existing order of affairs with which they personally identify and from which they gain rewards A manager’s...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 07:15
What are they doing? Giáo án dự tuyển vào trường Cao đẳng tài nguyên và môi trường
... sport are they playing? - They re playing basketball a - Are they doing something? Yes, they are They are having a party Oh It sounds good Yes, it is Are they dancing? No, they aren’t They are ... beautiful What are they doing? They are sitting and drinking Are they only sitting and drinking? No, they are also answering the interviewers - Are they enjoying the party? - Yes, they are Use1: ... aren’t They are sitting and drinking b - What are the man and the woman doing? They are interviewing Are they interviewing all people? No, they aren’t They are just interviewing some people c - d...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2013, 09:11
Tài liệu Tiếng Anh lớp 1, 2 - Lesson eighteen (Bài 18) ARE WE...? ARE YOU...? ARE THEY...? pdf
... No, they are not Are they trees? - Yes, they are Are they roses? - No, they are not Are they daisies? - Yes, they are Are they dogs? - No, they are not Are they cats? - Yes, they are Are they ... they are - Are they ? - , they are not - Are they ? - , they are - Are they ? - , they are not - Are they ? - , they are - Are they ? - , they are not - Are they ... - Are we ? - , you are not - Are you ? - , we are - Are they ? - , they are not - Are we ? - , you are - Are you ? - , we are not - Are they ? - , they are...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 15:20
... football payers In a team, there are 11 footballers with a referee So, it is really an exciting game In addition, playing football makes us stronger or healthier When playing it, you use all parts ... We also know that thre are many kinds of book but I usually read about informal industry, economy, new or ducument for my job We all know that book are our faithful friend They can help us with ... that spring is the fine weather of all seasons So, flower of all kinds are in full bloom It’s the season when people came to each other That is why it is called the season of love Bài 26: MY...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 16:20
Guide to IVAs Are they worth it? doc
... realistically afford You won’t normally have to sell your house Once your IVA has been agreed, all your creditors are bound by the terms As long as you make the payments as agreed, your debts are ... as your car Plus, after the IVA has ended, the restrictions are less severe than they are for someone who has been bankrupt – though they re still tough Don’t be taken in by the aggressive ads ... Northern Ireland, with unsecured debts of (usually) at least £20,000 IVAs aren’t available in Scotland, where the nearest equivalent is something called a Protected Trust Deed There’s more information...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21
Microfinance services by savings banks in Africa - The sleeping giants have started moving, but where are they going? potx
... microfinance’s arena is often overlooked as many are still restricted from lending and offering microcredit schemes However, these restrictions are progressively lifted, fully or partially, allowing ... and underbanked populations mostly in the rural areas are the satellite (mobile) branches, which allow to serve financially-excluded geographical areas where mainstream banks found it unprofitable ... speaking, African savings banks are providers of microfinance services although they have historically not been classified among microfinance institutions Prepared by Mr Diogal POUYE (WSBI Vice-President...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Why Are They Excited? Identifying and Explaining Spikes in Blog Mood Levels" potx
... Similarly, ALLPOSTS (date, hour) is the number of all posts created within the interval specified by the date and hour The ratio of posts labeled with a given mood to all posts could be expressed for all ... (Sunday, , Saturday) and for all one-hour intervals (0, , 23) using the formula: R(mood, day, hour) = DW (date)=day POSTS (mood, date, hour) , DW (date)=day ALLPOSTS (date, hour) where day ... with that mood to all posts, created within the interval, is significantly different from the ratio that has been observed on the same hour of the similar day of the week Formally: D(mood, date,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20
Federal Pollution Control Laws: How Are They Enforced? ppt
... challenges Although all are potentially subject to pollution control laws and regulations, a majority of federal agencies and their facilities are not involved in activities that would generally warrant ... Laws: How Are They Enforced? Enforcement at Federal Facilities64 Unless a statutory exemption exists, federal facilities are subject to the federal pollution control statutes,65 and generally also ... although federal funding for enforcement allocated to states increased marginally from FY2009 to FY2010, overall, reductions in state budget revenue are impacting their ability to maintain viable...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
scientific american - 2000 07 - alien civilizations if they really exist, why aren't they here
... extraterrestrials are commonplace, he asked, where July 2000 Where Are They? Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc Where Are They? Maybe we are alone in the galaxy after all by Ian Crawford ... stars, where have they gone? Did they all just allow themselves to become extinct? The apparent rarity of technological civilizations begs for an explanation One Where Are They? Copyright 2000 ... sensitive radio receivers to pull in signals that, if they are out there, are probably quite weak by the time they get to us Essentially all major SETI programs here on Earth have been based...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:03
Outline môn Tiếng Anh - What are the good and bad points of advertising from the view point of a consumer?
... STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES They don’t have to spend so much money for advertisement The customers just read some newspapers that they like so if they don’t read all They can’t know that information ... compared with other types LEAFLET WEAKNESSES Advertising leaflets can not create the trust for customers The customers usually receive the leaflets after that they throw away or if they ... Advertising is interesting It attracts not only adults but also children CHEATING like they will all be Advertising usually makes products look fantastic deals but the reality is not EXPENSIVE Advertising...
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 15:10
... isn't working today He's in the kitchen Anne: What's he doing? Linda: He's cooking Anne: What are you doing? Linda: I'm reading ...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Q&A: What are pharmacological chaperones and why are they interesting" pdf
... essentially the whole surface of a protein should be available for small-molecule binding - that is, that proteins are sticky everywhere But in the early 1990s, one of us established that only a small ... actually available to bind organic molecules, because tightly bound water prevents access to much of the protein surface [13] These sites can be mapped crystallographically [14] and computationally ... [26] All these compounds are analogs of normal physiological substrates or reaction products that interact with these proteins, and all have shown efficacy in animal models of the disease They...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:21
Báo cáo y học: "The anti-inflammatory effects of levocetirizine - are they clinically relevant or just an interesting additional effect" pptx
... inhibit allergeninduced wheal and flare in a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, placebo-controlled study in 18 allergic subjects [27] This is an interesting approach as the use of allergenchallenge ... levocetirizine on nasal provocation testing with adenosine monophosphate compared with allergen challenge in allergic rhinitis Clin Exp Allergy 2009, 39(3):409-16 Walsh GM: Second-generation antihistamines ... with seasonal allergic rhinitis: a pilot study Clin Exp Allergy 2004, 34:958-964 Frossard N, Strolin-Benedetti M, Purohit A, Pauli G: Inhibition of allergen-induced wheal and flare reactions...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 21:20