anh văn 6 unit 16 animals and plants ppt

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 16 MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 16 MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT

... - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Giải tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp Unit 16 MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT A Animals and plants (Phần 1 -6 trang 166 - 168 SGK Tiếng Anh 6) Listen and repeat (Lắng ... some potatoes - tranh a) - a few flowers - tranh f) - a lot of vegatables - tranh d) - a lot of rice - tranh e) - some onions - tranh c) - a few tomatoes - tranh b) Listen and read (Nghe đọc.) ... (Ghi nhớ.) B Pollution (Phần 1-7 trang 169 -173 SGK Tiếng Anh 6) Listen and read Then answer the questions (Nghe đọc Sau trả lời câu hỏi.) VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Hướng

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2017, 21:10

13 746 0
Bài giảng tham khảo thao giảng Anh 6 Unit 16 Man and the environment (1)

Bài giảng tham khảo thao giảng Anh 6 Unit 16 Man and the environment (1)

... [...]...Ask and answer a little rice How much rice is there? There is a little rice Ask and answer some eggs How many eggs are there? There are some eggs Ask and answer a lot of ... How many eggs are there? There are a lot of eggs Ask and answer a few eggs How many eggs are there? There are a few eggs A3.Listen and write the letter of the picture under the right ... ,the usage of indefinite quantifiers and make sentences with them - Draw mind map in your notebook - Prepare A2(read the text at home,explain new words and try answering the questions

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2015, 09:55

20 373 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp Planning date:18/ 4/ 2013 Teaching date : Period 98 : Unit 16 : man and the environment Lesson 1: A- Animals and Plants( A1,3 ,6) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The ... V-ing b g d Don`t + V+O S+ be + Unit 16: B1,2 Vocabulary V/ Homework ( 2’ ) - Ask Sts to study vocab + exercises in the exercie book - Prepare: Unit 16: B3,4,5,7 comands+ tenses Planning date:22/ ... air d.Trash is polluting the land, the rivers c The pollution comes from gases and and the oceans trash d Trash is polluting the land, rivers and II.B 2-Listen and read oceans 1.Guess from context

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:10

20 549 5
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... Comparatives and Superlatives and superlatives - Exercises from page 127 to 129 in the - Have them Exercises from workbook page 127 to 129 in the - Unit 16: Man And The workbook and prepare Unit 16 Environment ... Environment – ANIMAL AND PLANTS - Lesson : (Voc) Tiếng anh lớp Date of planning: Date of teaching: Week: 33 Period: 99 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 3: ANIMALS AND PLANTS ( B1,2) I.Objectives: ... ………?” and - Have them prepare Unit 16 - Lesson “Because………? 4: (B1) : reading a text about - Unit 16: Man And The polution Environment – POLLUTION - Lesson : (B1) GV: Lê Đình Thanh Vân Tiếng anh

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:11

18 459 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... Giáo án English P: 11-04-2013 Unit 16 : MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT T: ………………… Period 96 – Lesson 1: A (1-2) I Objectives: - Reading a text about world place ... able to know more about the fact and the reason of the danger of rare animals II Vocabulary - Ôn tập số từ môi trường: land, forests, fields, animals - Dạy mới: plants, in danger, why, because ... the forest Stop cutting down trees Stop hunting these animals Homework: - Do Ex in workbook Giáo án English P: 20-04-2013 Unit 16 : MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT T: ………………… Period 98 – Lesson 3: B

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:13

10 387 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH UNIT 16: MAIN AND THE ENVIRONMENT PERIOD (A1, A3): ANIMALS AND PLANTS I/ OBJECTIVES: - Countable and uncountable quantifiers: a lot, a little, ... farming and getting further practice in a lot, a little, a few - Developing listening and reading comprehension V/ PROCEDURES: SECTION A2/ 166 - 167 STEPS Revision 5’ TECHNIQUES & CONTENT Nougats and ... rice and some tomatoes c/ There’s a little rice and some tomatoes and a few egger d/ etc … Homework: (5’) Learn by heart structures Workbook 132 GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH PERIOD (A2): ANIMALS AND PLANTS

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:14

13 378 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... English lesson plan Week: 33 Period: 96 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 1: A1,2 P. 166 - 167 I Aims: - To help ss use countable and uncountable quantifier: a lot, a little, a ... plan Week: 33 Period: 97 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 2: A3 P. 167 I Aims: - To help ss read a text about the environment to understand ideas in terms of cause and effect: “Why ? / ~ ... lesson plan Week: 33 Period: 98 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 3: B1 P. 169 - 170 I Aims: - To help ss read a text about pollution for vocabulary and to understand ideas - To develop ss’skills

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:16

15 392 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... Homework: Learn by heart all the words and structures Do U 16 A1-4Prepare lesson U 16 A3 Week 34 Period 97 Unit 16 MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Section A Animals and plants Lesson2(A3) I/ Objectives: - ... ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP Week 33 Period 96 Unit 16 MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Section A Animals and plants Lesson1(A1,2) I/ Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : Know and use ... situations and has student make sentences using should and shouldn’t Homework: Review the use of should and shouldn't Do Ex B 5, in the workbook Prepare B5 Week 35 Period100 Unit 16 MAN AND THE

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:17

15 394 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... Date of teaching: 22 / / 2012 Unit 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Period 96: A Animals and plants (A1,3) I Aims - Ss understand the content of the passage about animals and plants - To develop ss skill ... Date of teaching: 22 / / 2012 Unit 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Period 97: A Animals and plants (A2) I Aims - Ss understand the content of the passage about animals and plants - To develop ss skill ... and give the rules to protect environment - Guide Ss to prepare Period 99: Unit 16: B2 _ GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 21 / 4/ 2012 Date of teaching: 28 / / 2012 Unit 16:

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:19

16 439 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... /4/13 Teaching : /4/13 Unit 16 - man and the environment Period 96 A , Animals and Plants I - Objectives - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to use countable and uncountable quantifiers ... little rice and some tomatoes S3 : There’s a little rice , some tomatoes and a few eggs S4 : etc Planning : /4/13 Teaching : /4/13 Unit 16 - man and the environment Period 97 A Animals and Plants ... fruit trees fruit animals buffalo cows milk chickens eggs some a few  Ask and answer about Mr Hai a little Planning : Teaching : P98 Unit 16: Man and the Environment A .Animals and plants( A4-5 –

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:20

18 422 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

... planning: ……… UNIT 16 : Man and the environment Date of teaching:………………… Period 100: lesson 3: B1 I Aims and objectives - Reading for details about Pollution for vocabulary and to understand ideas, ... English 6 Date of planning: 8/ 5 UNIT 16 : Man and the environment Date of teaching: 10/ 5 Period 102: lesson 5 : B4-5 I Aims and objectives -Further practice in should and shouldn’t ... Date of planning:………………… UNIT 16 : Man and the environment Period 99: Lesson : A2 + A4, Date of teaching: ………………… I Aims and objectives - Reading a text about farming and getting further practice

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 15:22

26 450 0
Bài giảng anh van 6 unit 10

Bài giảng anh van 6 unit 10

... Tiếng Anh 6 là cuốn sách thứ nhất trong bộ sách bốn cuốn được biên soạn theo cùng quan điểm đó là quan đỉểm chủ điểm Sách Tiếng Anh 6 gồm 16 đơn vị, mỗi đơn vị được thực hiện 5 hoặc 6 tiết. Mỗi ... repeat and count by themselves Ss: do as directed T : explain how to form the plural nouns Ss: listen and copy down Contents 2 4 15 { { 5 6 16 7 8 17 9 10 18 13 14 19 Vocabulary : 30 thirty 61 ... Prepare: Unit 2: A1 - 4 D Evaluation Date of preparation : 4/9/ 2 010 Week :3 Date of teaching: 6/ 9/2 010 Period : 7 UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Lesson 1 - Section: A - COME... 1 -10 and 10 – 20 and

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2013, 04:11

35 732 0
Anh văn 6 Unit 1: Greetings (part A, B) pps

Anh văn 6 Unit 1: Greetings (part A, B) pps

... viƯc C«ng Picture drill pictures Rub out and remember dialogue open dialogue Mapped dialogue papers and pens Tiến trình tiết dạy: Mụn: Anh Lp: Tiết: Unit 1: Greetings (part A, B) IV YÊU CẦU TRỌNG ... Môn: Anh văn Lớp: Tiết: Unit 1: Greetings (part A, B) I Yêu cầu trọng tâm: - Grammar: Introduce yourself: - greeting ... LỚP: Nhóm Cơng việc Cơng cụ Picture drill pictures Rub out and remember dialogue open dialogue TiÕt Unit 1: Greeting (part A, B) VII papers and pens TIẾN TRÌNH TIẾT DẠY: THỜ CƠNG VIỆC I GIA N 3'

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

11 710 1


... know LESSON PLAN – ENGLISH 6 Week: 06 Period: 16 15’ 8’ 2’  Use: dùng để hỏi và trả lời xem bao nhiêu vật gì ( người) ở 1 nơi nào đó  PRACTICE Picture Drill B2 (P 36) , B5 (P37) Example Exchange ... ENGLISH 6 Week: 06 Period: 18 UNIT 3 AT HOME Lesson 6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Aims: Help Ss doing further practice in “BE, Imperative, Numbers, Question Words, There is/There are, and Furniture ... words. • help students practice with a new structure 8 0 6 5 2 6 7 7 9 3 10 0 3 2 4 4 5 1 LESSON PLAN – ENGLISH 6 Week: 05 Period: 15 8’ 2’ S2: and there’re [twenty two] desks  FURTHER PRACTICE

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2015, 18:00

12 573 0


... Drill Grade Class Classroom’s floor Thu 7 7C 2nd Phong 6 6A 1st You 6 6A 3rd Ex: S1: Which [grade/ class] is Thu in? S2: She’s in [grade 6/ 6a] S1: Where’s [her] classroom? S2: It’s on the [first] ... - Practise orally and individually - Copy - See word cues - Practise in pairs  FURTHER PRACTICE Noughts and Crosses Ex: - What’s the time? - It’s [six ten] 6. 10 6. 30 6. 45 7.00 11.00 11.30 ... communicate 1 200 2 32  3 45 4 10 5 60 0 UNIT 4 BIG OR SMALL ? Lesson 2 A3-5 page 45, 46 Aims: Help Ss practise reading a text & get further practise in number and school vocabulary Objectives:

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2015, 18:00

12 450 0


... develop writing skills [...]...LESSON PLAN – ENGLISH 6 Week: 11 Period: 32 UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Lesson 6: Grammar Practice Page 60 , 61 Aims: Further practice in Simple present tense, telling ... new words by situation and pictures - Model and write them on BB - Check Voc - Guide Ss to order vocabulary - Read this paragraph clearly - Check and correct - Find and write the words - Listen ... pairs - Write it at home - Listen and take notes • help students be able to communicate • help students develop writing skills • UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Lesson 2: A5 -6- 7 Page 54,55 Aims: Help Ss

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2015, 19:00

13 433 0


... ENGLISH 6 Week: 12 Period: 35 15’ 8’ 2’ b. There’s a lake ( F ) c. There’ a hospital (T )  WHILE READINGB1 p .65 -66 - (to) work - a neighborhood Comprehension Questions B1 p .66 a - f B2 p .66 a - ... Listen and copy down develop writing skills • help students be able to communicate UNIT 6 PLACES Lesson 3 B1 - 2 Page 65 - 66 Aims: Help student read a text about where Minh lives to understand ... UNIT 6: PLACES Lesson 1: A1-3 Page 62 , 63 Aims: Help student practice reading a text about where they live to understand the details & practice countryside

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2015, 19:00

12 179 0


... Ss understand the title and listen. LESSON PLAN – ENGLISH 6 Week: 16 Period: 47 8’ bike to school. 5 - Mai lives near her school. She is walking home from school. 6 - The boy is waiting for ... a; 5 -c ;6 - e Tape transcript. 1 - Mr Tam is a businessman. He's driving home from work. 2 - Mrs Thanh is waiting at the station. The train is late and she is very angry. 3 - Nam and Quang ... ->He's traveling by plance. • Help Ss can ask and answer with “What are you doing?” UNIT 8 OUT AND ABOUT Lesson 3 B1-3 Page 86- 87 Aims: Help Ss practice present progressive “WH” Qs

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2015, 19:00

14 269 1
bài giảng tiếng anh 6 unit 16 man and the environment

bài giảng tiếng anh 6 unit 16 man and the environment

... Period: 98 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Section: A2 + A6 A Animals and plants Listen and read Listen and read Then answer the questions Mr Hai is a farmer He has some paddy fields and he produces ... of eggs Yes, he They produce Yes, he Hai lot offruit UNIT 16 : MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 2: A animals and plants (A2-A6) III.* Structure: Các tính từ địnhlượng: • • • • • a lot of: ... any eggs 4.He has a dog and two cats 5.He has a small field and he grows a few vegetables F A Animals and plants Listen and read Mr Hai is a farmer He has some paddy fields and he produces a lot...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2014, 13:55

15 3,7K 0
Bài giảng tham khảo thao giảng Anh 6 Unit 16 Man and the environment (7)

Bài giảng tham khảo thao giảng Anh 6 Unit 16 Man and the environment (7)

... Listen * Write the and read Then text answer the Thisquestions is Mr Hai He is plowing with his buffalo He has What does he have? ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ANSWER THE 1/ Listen and repeat: QUESTIONS ... produce? How much rice does lot of produce? fields and he produces a Mr Hairice Near his house, he he produce field vegetables? a few has a small and he grows Does he produce any vegetables? Does ... fruit does he produce? Mr Hai has some animals He has two How much milk his cows produce? How much milk his cows produce? buffalo They plow the paddy fields and pull a cart He has a few cows They...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2015, 09:55

22 389 0