an empirical study of business and economics student opinion in ukraine

An Empirical Study of Firm Environmental and Financial Performance Evidence from Small and Medium Manufacturing Firms in Vietnam

An Empirical Study of Firm Environmental and Financial Performance Evidence from Small and Medium Manufacturing Firms in Vietnam

... determine if and how the interaction between the investment climate and business performance varies by business types It also addresses issues related to finance (examining financial constraints on ... there is an inverse relation between financial valuation and pollution, the study of King and Lenox (2001) reported that fixed characteristics of a firm (such as firm size and research and development ... previous research into the relationship between environmental performance N.P. Tuân / VNU Journal of Science, Economics and Business 28, No. 5E (2012) 1‐16 and financial performance, and develops...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:42

16 782 0
Theoretical frameworks and an empirical study of source use

Theoretical frameworks and an empirical study of source use

... Gupta and Pawan Pandey, for helping me decide between an enticing industry job offer and a PhD Those who assisted me in the data gathering and entering process – Sumeet Nagdev, Shivajee Dewangan, ... boundaries of information seeking and information retrieval Notable among these include the work of Cuadra and Katter (1967), Bates (1990) and Saracevic (1975) Jarvelin and Ingwersen (2004) and Ingwersen’s ... model of information search process outlines different behaviors in information seeking – starting, chaining, browsing, differentiating, monitoring, extracting, verifying and ending, which are intended...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:07

282 296 0
An empirical study of the effects of data model and query language on novice user query performance

An empirical study of the effects of data model and query language on novice user query performance

... opportunity to thank Dr Ooi Beng Chin and Dr Huang Zhiyong for all their guidance and caring in both my study and personal life during my stay in the school of computing of NUS My special thanks go to ... particulars of the query language, e.g the keywords, and order of the operations and statements By measuring user performance of stage and stage 2, we can determine the impact of the data model and the ... want to thank Mr Wu Xinyu for his kind caring and encouragement when I encountered many difficulties at the beginning of my study in NUS I am cordially grateful to my parents, Xiang Xiaohe and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 13:21

113 482 0


... disutility, and costs of switching providers (Jones et al., 2002; Chen and Hitt, 2002; Burnham et al., 2003) Hannan and Freeman (1984) explain the linkage of structural inertia and organization change ... definition and research models Analysis and findings are provided in Chapter In Chapter we provide discussions and implications, and finally conclusions are drawn in Chapter Chapter Background and ... Similarly, switching cost of an information system can affect the retention of customers and explain the continuous usage of an installed system (Hong et al., 2008; Chen and Hitt 2000) Whitten and Wakefield...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 21:33

103 368 0
Online game service satisfaction and preference an empirical study of vietnamese online gaming industry

Online game service satisfaction and preference an empirical study of vietnamese online gaming industry

... rising incomes, increasing PC and Internet penetration rates, and a large population of youth that are actively seeking out entertainment content These findings are contained in the business intelligence ... ONLINE GAME SERVICE SATISFACTION AND PREFERENCE: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF VIETNAMESE ONLINE GAMING INDUSTRY In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ... personal interests in an exchange, and the contracts between the two parties take part in an exchange are vague and incomplete (E Anderson, 2008) 2.4.3 Uncertainty The “uncertainty” is the inability...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2015, 15:38

112 539 1
An american vietnamese cross cultural study of interrupting and asking for clarification in business meetings

An american vietnamese cross cultural study of interrupting and asking for clarification in business meetings

... used by American and Vietnamese businesspoeple in interrupting and asking for clarification in business meetings? What are the major similarities and differences in interrupting and asking for clarification ... in business meeting context 3.2 Objectives of the study The study is designed:  firstly, to investigate ways of interrupting and asking for clarification in business meetings in Vietnamese and ... cross-cultural study of interrupting and asking for clarification in business meetings” to find out the similarities and differences in how businesspeople interrupt and ask for clarification in these...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2016, 14:50

13 283 1


... conditions and financial constraints Journal of Financial Economics , 68, 75-109 Lang, Ofek and Stulz RM Leverage, investment and firm growth J Finance Econ 1996; vol 40, p 3-29 Leland, Hayne and David ... Separation of Ownership and Control, Journal of Law economics Franck B and Usha R.Mittoo (2002) The determinants of Capital structure choice: A survey of European firms Friend and Lang, An empirical ... decisions in the area of corporate finance These include dividend policy, project financing, issue of longterm securities, financing of mergers, buyouts and so on One of the many objectives of corporate...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 23:46

42 1,2K 1


... accounting financial of bank Another way to characterize performance is to distinguish between financial and nonfinancial performance (Ittner, 2008) The financial performance is often measured using ... Bean and Weippert (2002), and Marimuthu and Kolandaisamy (2009) and whether the boards can maintain their independency although they come from inside the firms and they tend to be involved in ... minority members, or independent board members bring unique and important information and knowledge to the board and managers, encourage different and innovative insights in decision making and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 23:50

51 547 0
Tài liệu An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in Nominal and Inflation- Indexed Government Bonds pptx

Tài liệu An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in Nominal and Inflation- Indexed Government Bonds pptx

... management and pension investing and how these implications vary by investment horizon and the investor’s share of real and nominal liabilities Fourth, our analysis of supply effects in the in ationindexed ... uplift  Let    denote the face value of in ation-indexed bonds outstanding and  the combined face value of nominal and in ation-indexed bonds outstanding at time   for either the US or the ... 77:375—410 Anderson, Nicola and John Sleath, 2001, "New estimates of the UK real and nominal yield curves", Bank of England 2001, ISSN 1368-5562, available at www.bankofengland

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 02:20

41 556 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of Information Synthesis Tasks" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of Information Synthesis Tasks" doc

... (given a complex information need) extracting, organizing and relating the pieces of information contained in a set of relevant documents, in order to obtain a comprehensive, non redundant report that ... sentences (also in chronological order), together with one bar indicating the remaining time and another bar indicating the remaining space The 50 sentence limit can be temporarily exceeded and, when ... the other hand, all baselines improve, and some of them (SentenceSim precision and perplexity) give better results than both ROUGE and NICOS Of course, no reliable conclusion can be obtained from...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 15:20

8 426 0
Business Administration, B.S. College of Business and Economics pot

Business Administration, B.S. College of Business and Economics pot

... requirements and sophomore standing .Study of the role of law in business including the study of legal institutions and their role in facilitating and regulating business Includes a study of the legal ... Programs of the College of Business and Economics BLAW 508 MBA Law in the Business Environment (3) Prerequisite: Graduate standing Study of the role of law in business, including the study of legal institutions ... law in business including the study of legal institutions and their role in facilitating and regulating business Topics include agency and employment law, the various forms of business organizations,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

7 468 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of Chinese Chunking" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of Chinese Chunking" docx

... University of Pennsylvania Hongqiao Li, Changning Huang, Jianfeng Gao, and Xiaozhong Fan 2004 Chinese chunking with another type of spec In The Third SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing Yuqi ... Zhang and Qiang Zhou 2002 Chinese basephrases chunking In Proceedings of The First SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing Andrew Kachites McCallum 2002 Mallet: A machine learning for language ... Park and Byoung-Tak Zhang 2003 Text chunking by combining hand-crafted rules and memory-based learning In ACL, pages 497–504 GuoDong Zhou, Jian Su, and TongGuan Tey 2000 Hybrid text chunking In...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 487 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of the Influence of Argument Conciseness on Argument Effectiveness" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of the Influence of Argument Conciseness on Argument Effectiveness" docx

... P Zanna (1991) Attitudes and beliefs ; Attitude change and attitude-behavior consistency Social Psychology R M Baron and W G Graziano Robin, J and K McKeown (1996) “Empirically Designing and ... subject, for k ranging from to –1 The constant k In the definition of s-notably-compelling?, the constant k determines the lower bound of scompellingness for an objective to be included in an argument ... conciseness of the argument (by varying k as explained in Section 2.3), and what microplanning tasks the generator performs In the experiment described here, we focused on studying the influence of argument...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:20

8 402 0
School of Business and Economics Bachelor of Commerce: Broaden docx

School of Business and Economics Bachelor of Commerce: Broaden docx

... nonfinancial reporting issues such as the challenge of sustainability within business and society, and gain an introductory understanding of management accounting and business finance ACCT 103 Introduction ... ECON 345 The Economics of Risk and Insurance Finance FINC 301 Corporate Finance Theory and Policy FINC 302 Applied Corporate Finance FINC 305 Financial Modelling FINC 311 Investments FINC 312 Derivative ... reporting framework ACCT 152 Law and Business This course is an introduction to the legal environment of business in New Zealand including the Treaty of Waitangi and the Bill of Rights, and concepts...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

16 512 0
Crying Wolf: An Empirical Study of SSL Warning Eectiveness pot

Crying Wolf: An Empirical Study of SSL Warning E ectiveness pot

... FF2, IE7, and our single page warnings take the may answer incorrectly because they are confused standard tactic of explaining the potential danger to and users may knowingly answer incorrectly ... Egelman, L F Cranor, and J Hong You’ve been warned: an empirical study of the effectiveness of web browser phishing warnings In Proceeding of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing ... Stewart and I M Martin Intended and unintended consequences of warning messages: A review and synthesis of empirical research Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 13(1):1–1, 1994 [20] D Wendlandt,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

18 549 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "an experimental study of ambiguity and context" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "an experimental study of ambiguity and context" ppt

... translators 59 51 46 48 52 36 26 45 ambiguity and Context TABLE III List of "Particles" a above against all an and are as at be behind between by can certain does done during for from has if in ... S., Introduction to Topology Princeton, 1949 Moulton, F R., Introduction to Celes15 tial Mechanics, Macmillan, 1914 v Neumann J and Morgenstern,O., 15 Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton, ... effective in reducing ambiguity, being significantly worse than one word following One word on each side of the word to be translated is more effective than two preceding or two following It is...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

8 353 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of Active Learning with Support Vector Machines for Japanese Word Segmentation" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Empirical Study of Active Learning with Support Vector Machines for Japanese Word Segmentation" pptx

... pool and ặ is the number of examples including both labeled examples in the training set and unlabeled ones in the primary pool The ặ must be less than the percentage of support vectors of a training ... newspapers, magazines, and textbooks It contains 208,000 sentences We selected randomly 20,000 sentences for training and Hiragana and katakana are phonetic characters which represent Japanese syllables ... training text classiers In Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Rettrieval, pages 312 Andrew Kachites McCallum and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

8 554 0
Department of Business and Economics - International Economics Master pot

Department of Business and Economics - International Economics Master pot

... entirely in English Teaching is in seminars in which students have close contact with the teaching staff and in which students are expected to play an active part The Berlin School of Economics and ... worldwide, we guarantee that student life is enhanced by applied expertise and an inter­ ational approach n 2 Berlin School of Economics and Law International Economics 3 Key facts Type of programme ... European Framework of References) Evidence of having completed undergraduate courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and inter­ national economics Provide a letter of motivation and your CV in...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

5 343 0
Qatar University College of Business and Economics The Office of Research and Graduate Programs QATAR MBA (Master of Business Administration) doc

Qatar University College of Business and Economics The Office of Research and Graduate Programs QATAR MBA (Master of Business Administration) doc

... critical thinking, and engage students in active and collaborative learning Serving the students of Qatar and other students of GCC countries and the region, the College of Business and Economics ... of the nature of business finance, financial planning and analysis tools and help students acquire the necessary skills to be able to take important financial decisions which add and protect value ... prepare business students to provide effective and ethical business leadership in an increasingly complex, knowledge based, networked, and global economy The College of Business and Economics...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20

27 458 0

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