all some and any quantifiers

Gián án some and any

Gián án some and any

... However, some and any need not stand directly before the noun Sometimes, the noun appears somewhere before some or any and is not repeated So if you are not sure whether to use some or something ... sentence that you can place after some Example: I not have to buy bread Rachel has already bought some [bread] Exceptions Positive Clauses with Any We usually use some in positive clauses But after ... positive clauses But after never, without, hardly, we use any Example: We never go anywhere She did her homework without any help There’s hardly anyone here ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2013, 20:11

2 256 0
Văn phạm: Some and any potx

Văn phạm: Some and any potx

... sánh something anything: A: I'm hungry I want something to eat Tôi đói Tôi muốn ăn B: What would you like? Anh muốn ăn gì? A: I don't mind Anything Tôi không bận tâm Thứ D Somebody/someone/anybody/anyone ... No/Nothing/Nobody v.v = not +any/ anything/anybody v.v We haven't got any money (=We've got no money) Chúng đồng I didn't say anything (=I say nothing) Tôi không nói She didn't tell anybody about her plans ... định) some dùng câu hỏi đề nghị hay yêu cầu đó: Would you like something to eat? Anh muốn ăn không? Can I have some sugar, please? Làm ơn cho chút đường C Ta thường dùng any sau if: If there are any...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 18:20

7 348 0
Unit 7 some and any

Unit 7 some and any

... Cách dùng some any: - Some any dùng để số lượng không xác định được, dùng hay không cần phải nêu rõ xác số * Some: vài, vài, số, số + Some dùng mệnh đề khẳng định Ví dụ:  I gave him some money ...  We bought some food + Any dùng mệnh đề phủ định câu nghi vấn Ví dụ:  She didn't have any money  Have you got any books?  Some câu hỏi: - Khi ta hỏi mong câu trả lời yes dùng some (các câu ... thức số nhiều a, an Some đứng trc danh từ số nhiều đếm VD: There are some books on the table Có vài sách bàn Any Any đứng trước danh tù số nhiều đếm - Khi đạt câu hỏi với "any" , người nói ngụ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2016, 04:30

23 334 0


Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2013, 21:10

1 383 2
Tài liệu Unit 1: ALL WORK AND NO PLAY doc

Tài liệu Unit 1: ALL WORK AND NO PLAY doc

... stand somebody: I can’t stand his brother can’t stand something: I can’t stand the sight of blood can’t stand doing something: She couldn’t stand being kept waiting can’t stand somebody doing something: ... stand /stAnd/ verb [transitive] (usually in negatives or questions) to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant: BEAR: chịu đựng How you stand him being here all the time? can’t stand ... to give something to someone formally or officially: trao tặng present someone with something: We are very pleased to have been presented with this prestigious award present something to someone:...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 22:20

10 756 1
Tài liệu Cast Iron-, All-Steel- and Aluminium Die Sets and Plates doc

Tài liệu Cast Iron-, All-Steel- and Aluminium Die Sets and Plates doc

... subject to alterations Cast Iron-, All- Steel- and Aluminium Die Sets and Plates Remarks and Guide Lines Special Die Sets and Plates to Customers’ Drawings Die sets and plates up to size 22003 1100 ... alterations Contents Page All Steel- and Aluminium Die Sets A23–A41 Standard All- Steel Die Sets – without stripper plates A24–A28 2010.45 2010.46 2010.47 2010.49 Standard All- Steel Die Sets – with ... Toolmakers favour ball bearing buides because of their free movement on the bench FIBRO ball bearing guides have brass ball cages – a material giving optimum results in stability and ball density Despite...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 20:20

65 325 0
Tài liệu WOMAN In all ages and in all countries WOMEN OF MODERN FRANCE doc

Tài liệu WOMAN In all ages and in all countries WOMEN OF MODERN FRANCE doc

... hard and disagreeable for her, she sought consolation in love and the toilette, in balls and fêtes, in ballets and hunting, in promenades and gallant conversations, in tennis and carousals, and ... from intrigues and rivalries, favoring no one and encouraging no slander, she was, strange to say, respected, admired and honored by Protestants and Catholics alike Calumny and all the agitations ... devil and angel, blamed and praised; she both put down and upheld the state; she caused many an agreement and no end of disputes; she produced three kings and three civil wars; she built castles and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 10:20

295 277 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " Almost all cocycles over any hyperbolic system have nonvanishing Lyapunov exponents " pdf

Tài liệu Đề tài " Almost all cocycles over any hyperbolic system have nonvanishing Lyapunov exponents " pdf

... c ⊕ E s and there exists λ < and N ≥ such that s Df N | Ex < λ and s c (Df N | Ex )(Df N | Ex )−1 < λ and u (Df N | Ex )−1 < λ and u c (Df N | Ex )−1 (Df N | Ex ) < λ for all x Assume all three ... O(1, 0) = Oi and O(0, 1) = f κi (Oi ) Then, more generally, (24) f κi (Oi (k, l − 1)) = Oi (k − 1, l) for all k > and l > We claim that µ(Oi (k, l)) > for all k + l ≥ In view of (24), and the fact ... (x) and Wloc (x) are uniformly bounded from zero on each x ∈ H(K, τ ), and so is the angle between the two disks Let x ∈ H(K, τ ) and δ > be a small constant, depending on K and τ For s any...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

39 294 0
Tài liệu Greek Women Women In All Ages and In All Countries, Vol. l (of 10) potx

Tài liệu Greek Women Women In All Ages and In All Countries, Vol. l (of 10) potx

... Neleus; and Leda, mother of Castor and Pollux; and Iphimedia, and Phædra, and Procris, and Mæra, and Clymene, and hateful Eriphyle, and innumerable other wives and daughters of heroes, Homer's ... princess then calls her maidens and bids them give the stranger meat and drink, and olive oil for his bath, and raiment to put on And when he had bathed and anointed himself, and had put on the ... of siege and struggle and innumerable wars, of the hurling of many valiant souls to Hades, of the fall of Troy, and of the varied wanderings and dire fortunes of the surviving heroes and heroines...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 04:20

150 541 0
Tài liệu Cities for All Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City docx

Tài liệu Cities for All Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City docx

... sentimental and sensual dimension, friendly and loving, individual and cooperative, pluralistic and homogenizing, protective and sheltering, uncertain and surprising, transgressive and mysterious ... Serendip,” a country once called Ceylan and now known as Sri Lanka On their journey, the three princes discover, unintentionally and by chance, many curious and novel facts and events “Serendipity” ... achieve happiness and solidarity, generating and redistributing the benefits of the city for all We are aware of the challenges of this particular aspiration for social justice Some call it wishful...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 01:20

326 398 0
Tài liệu SOME và ANY các kết hợp với SOME - ANY ppt

Tài liệu SOME và ANY các kết hợp với SOME - ANY ppt

... cầu điều gì: - Would you like some tea? (bạn có muốn uống trà không?) - Can I have some of those apples? (tôi lấy táo không?) Any có nghĩa khác Any/ anyone/anybody/anywhere mang ý nghĩa: bất cứ,bất ... ta thường dùng any/ anyone/anything… Sau if: - If any letter arrives for me, can you send them to this address? (nếu có thư gửi đến cho ,anh gửi chúng địa không?) - If anyone has any questions ... dụng Some Any, kết hợp từ để từ khác mang ý nghĩa khác Nào ta tìm hiểu Chúng ta dùng some và” any với danh từ không đếm danh từ số nhiều Nguyên tắc chung some dùng câu khẳng định any dùng...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 07:20

9 598 2
Design accessible web sites 36 Keys to Creating Content for All Audiences and Platforms potx

Design accessible web sites 36 Keys to Creating Content for All Audiences and Platforms potx

... experiment Andy and Dave Design Accessible Web Sites Thirty-Six Keys to Creating Content for All Audiences and Platform Jeremy J Sydik The Pragmatic Bookshelf Raleigh, North Carolina Dallas, Texas Many ... Gerry, Susie, Stephen, Jeannine, my grandparents, and the rest of my family for their faith and prayers for this project and their understanding when I sometimes nodded off on a couch at family ... Unfortunately, with respect to standards compliance, the browser wars never really ended The Web Standards Project ( can help you find your way through these and many other content related...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 11:21

303 1,1K 0
Sử dụng "some" và "any" pot

Sử dụng "some" và "any" pot

... Nguyên tắc chung "some" dùng câu khẳng định "any" dùng câu phủ định câu hỏi Mời người tìm hiểu rõ với viết Chúng ta dùng "some" và" any" với danh từ không đếm danh từ số nhiều - I have some ideas Tôi ... Tôi có số ý tưởng - I don't have any ideas Tôi chẳng có ý tưởng - Do you have any ideas? Bạn có ý tưởng không? Tuy nhiên, dùng "some" câu hỏi - Would you like some tea? Bạn có muốn tách trà không? ... uống có giới hạn) + Khi dùng "any" câu hỏi, không hạn chế lựa chọn - Would you like anything to drink? Bạn có muốn uống không? ("You" uống thức uống nào) - Do you have any questions? Bạn có câu hỏi...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 00:20

5 508 2
all joy and no fun the paradox - senior jennifer

all joy and no fun the paradox - senior jennifer

... her daughter was small “That was the most negative emotion I experienced as a father,” recalls Gilbert “Boredom Throwing the ball back and forth and back and forth and back and forth The endless ... his jammies And I’ll come home four hours later, and they’ve both fallen asleep on the floor, all clothed, and there’s a movie playing and a bag of chips Same here I think my husband thinks of ... housework and get everything cleaned and the dishes and make dinner and all that, there’s going to be some TV time involved I’d occupy them while you took your break I’d keep them safe and engaged...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:03

176 314 0
How Are We Presenting: A Look At How We All Present And Where It All Goes Wrong

How Are We Presenting: A Look At How We All Present And Where It All Goes Wrong

... stories, use visuals, be more human - less robot That’s all folks A huge thanks to everyone who took part in the survey, and good luck with any presentations you might have in the near future! Find ... 5% 3% Learn what to with PowerPoint, not just how to use it Presentations Viewed and Delivered per year How many presentations you view per year? 47% 25+ 22-24 4% 19-21 4% 16-18 13-15 Almost ... 1-3 5% How many presentations you deliver per year? 18% 25+ 22-24 19-21 16-18 13-15 3% 4% 6% 9% 22% 10-12 7-9 4-6 1-3 8% 18% 14% Seriously consider the goals of both the presentation and individual...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 11:53

44 385 1
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archivea, some or any pdf

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archivea, some or any pdf

... an any 3.There's newspaper on the table a some any 4.I've got salad sandwiches for my lunch today a some any 5.I haven't got tea Can you go to the corner store and buy some mor a some any ... about cup of coffee? a some any 7.There are grapes in the fridge a some any 8.Is there orange juice left in the fridge? a the any 9.I need money to go shopping a any some 10.We need to buy ... go shopping a any some 10.We need to buy rolls if you want to make hotdogs for your lunch a some any ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

6 277 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archivea, some or any docx

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archivea, some or any docx

... an any 3.There's newspaper on the table a some any 4.I've got salad sandwiches for my lunch today a some any 5.I haven't got tea Can you go to the corner store and buy some mor a some any ... about cup of coffee? a some any 7.There are grapes in the fridge a some any 8.Is there orange juice left in the fridge? a the any 9.I need money to go shopping a any some 10.We need to buy ... go shopping a any some 10.We need to buy rolls if you want to make hotdogs for your lunch a some any ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

6 284 0
Non-count and count quantifiers docx

Non-count and count quantifiers docx

... will be coming to the party tonight? much many lots Unfortunately, she doesn't have very _ friends much many a lot of I bought some milk, some apples, and a _ bananas lots of few little There ... Nào làm tập xem There wasn't _ traffic this morning many much a few There was _ information given during the class none many much The _ of advice he received was well worth the cost ... furniture included several few plenty of The _ of students at the school has increased amount some number 10 There is _ water on the floor because of the storm last night lots few a little...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:22

4 459 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Structure and yield of all-sized and even-sized conifer-dominated stands on fertile sites" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Structure and yield of all-sized and even-sized conifer-dominated stands on fertile sites" potx

... broad-leaved-coniferous stands grow better than conifer stands; and (2) that evensized stands grow better than all- sized stands MATERIALS AND METHODS The 3rd national forest inventory (1951-1953) in Finland was ... conifer stands (table I) However, only the largest difference (19%), in all- sized stands, was statistically significant (p < 0.01) The relative growth in both all- sized conifer and mixed stands was ... corresponding evensized stands The volume of the growing stock in mixed stands was less than that in conifer stands This was also the case when comparing all- sized stands with even-sized stands The differences...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

13 193 0