algorithms simulated annealing and tabu search

Tài liệu Application of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in Process Planning Optimization pptx

Tài liệu Application of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in Process Planning Optimization pptx

... J., Y F Zhang, and A Y C Nee, 1998, Set-up planning using Hopfield net and simulated annealing, International Journal of Production Research, vol 36, no 4, pp 981-1000 Chu, C C P and R Gadh, 1996, ... test the search capability of the developed GA The job shop information (machines, tools, and all the cost indices) is described earlier and the required OPTs and their machine, tool, and TAD ... 9.4 Applying Simulated Annealing to the Process Planning Problem Compared with GA, a simpler and more direct search method is the gradient descent method The idea is to start with a random (but...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15

27 515 0
Source investigation of a small event using empirical Green’s functions and simulated annealing ppt

Source investigation of a small event using empirical Green’s functions and simulated annealing ppt

... F for each point in time The simulated annealing is a two-loop procedure The first loop consists of perturbing the model randomly and solving the forward problem, and the second loop involves ... media, and makes it possible to separate propagation and source factors o n seismograms The simulated annealing method that we developed for deconvolution enabled us to recover a positive and stable ... local minimum of energy Simulated annealing is a numerical method proposed by Kirkpatrick, Gellat & Vecchi (1983) and Cerny (1985), analogous to the process of physical annealing, to obtain the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

13 486 0
thuật toán luyện kim song song (parallel simulated annealing algorithms) giải quyết bài toán max-sat

thuật toán luyện kim song song (parallel simulated annealing algorithms) giải quyết bài toán max-sat

... KHẢO [1.] Chen Tao Multi-FPGA Partitioning Using Simulated Annealing May 2003 [2.] S Kirkpatrick, J C G., And Vecchi, M Optimization by simulated annealing Science 220(4598)(May 1983), 498-516 ... song song 40 BÁO CÁO KHOA HỌC ĐỂ TÀI: THUẬT TOÁN LUYỆN KIM SONG SONG (Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithms) GIẢI QUYẾT BÀI TOÁN MAX-SAT MỞ ĐẦU - Nhiều toỏn tối ưu chưa cú thuật toán ... [3.] /algorithms. html MALLBA LIBRARY v2.0 40 [4.]Teknillinen Korkeakoulu Implementation of Simulated Annealing Optimization method for APLAC Circuit...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 10:51

41 344 0
BÁO CÁO MÔN HỌC CÁC KỸ THUẬT TỐI ƯU Tabu Search and Evolutionary Scatter Search for ‘TreeStar’ Network Problems, with Applications to LeasedLine

BÁO CÁO MÔN HỌC CÁC KỸ THUẬT TỐI ƯU Tabu Search and Evolutionary Scatter Search for ‘TreeStar’ Network Problems, with Applications to LeasedLine

... pháp sử dụng phổ biến sử dụng phần sau sách Dưới mô luyện kim (simulated annealing) tìm kiếm tabu (tabu search) Simulated annealing Simulated anneling giống với hillclimbing Sự khác biệt việc thêm ... Commission bang Steiner tree-star Cây bao trùm Steiner Tabu Search Tabu Search Scatter Search Tìm kiếm phân tán STS TS SS CHƯƠNG I: Heuristic and Adaptive Computation Techniques in Telecommunications: ... account, Dowsland (1995) Tabu Search Một cách khác để thoát khỏi tối ưu cục cung cấp tìm kiếm tabu (Glover 1989; 1989a; Glover and Laguna, 1997) Có nhiều khía cạnh tinh vi để tìm kiếm tabu, tìm hiểu...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2014, 09:55

51 1,4K 4


... minima Proof of convergence of Simulated Annealing algorithm can be revised [4] 3.1 Traditional Simulated Annealing algorithms Figure shows the classic algorithm simulated annealing In the algorithm, ... goto Figure Simulated Annealing algorithm It is well known that Simulated Annealing requires a well defined neighborhood structure and other parameters as initial and final temperatures Ti and Tf ... Yes Table SAT instances for testing algorithms Both algorithms: Simulated Annealing Algorithm with the Markov Chain Lenght dynamically (SA_C) and Simulated Annealing with Linear Regresion Method...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 11:20

300 324 0


... or in different processors Several authors (Wasserman [79], Killough and Wheeler [43], Brand and Heinemann [16], and Ewing and Lazarov [34]) have developed domain decomposition techniques at the ... domain decomposition (SRDD) Finally, Chapters and summarize the contributions of this work and present some recommendations for future research and ideas for further improvement in fullfield ... this study The appreciation is extended to Dr Roland Horne and Dr Thomas A Hewett for participating on the reading and examination committees, and to Dr Nathan Meehan for participating on the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20

194 306 0


... Simulated Annealing in Research and Applications Ivan Zelinka and Lenka Skanderova 69 Chapter Optimization Design of Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion Devices Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm ... Implant Using Simulated Annealing 217 Ali Sadollah and Ardeshir Bahreininejad Chapter 12 A Simulated Annealing Based Approach to Integrated Circuit Layout Design 239 Yiqiang Sheng and Atsushi Takahashi ... Application of a Double Simulated Annealing Process 37 Figure Filtering power and harmonic voltages – Combination {1,4,5,6} for h = 11 – (Conf A) 38 Simulated Annealing – Single and Multiple Objective...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20

294 254 0
Kết hợp thuật giải Large Neighborhood Search và Simulated Annealing cho một biến thể thực tế của bài toán Vehicle Routing

Kết hợp thuật giải Large Neighborhood Search và Simulated Annealing cho một biến thể thực tế của bài toán Vehicle Routing

... problems, algorithms, and results, Computers and Operations Research, vol 32, 1165-1179 [7] Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G., and Mercier (2004), A Improved tabu search algorithm for the handling of ... điểm có xe phép vào kho lấy hàng 3.2 Thuật giải Simulated Annealing Thuật giải Simulated Annealing (gọi tắt SA), tạm dịch “tôi luyện thép” Local Search mang tính xác suất, bắt nguồn từ thuật toán ... (2008), A tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with private fleet and common carrier, European Journal of Operational Research, 198(2), pp 464-469 [6] Li, F., Golden, B.L., and Wasil,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2014, 00:59

20 2,8K 22
Word Games Hangman and Word Search

Word Games Hangman and Word Search

... right 314 Chapter 9: Word Games: Hangman and Word Search So we’ll start with an empty grid and select random words from the list, random positions, and random directions Then, we’ll try to insert ... Hangman and Word Search Using letters and words for games has been popular since the mid-20th century with board games, such as Scrabble, and paper games, such as crosswords and word searches ... computer games and as web-based games This chapter looks at two traditional games: hangman and word search First, however, we need to take a closer look at how ActionScript handles strings and text...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20

30 351 0
Tài liệu Form BI-99V: Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Work Search ... ppt

Tài liệu Form BI-99V: Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Work Search ... ppt

... cho phép Những ban ngành sử dụng thông tin mà cung cấp cho chương trình Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Child Support Thêm vào đó, sử dụng thông tin bạn để trao đổi với ngân hàng Chase; ngân hàng...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15

18 412 0
Mastering Search Analytics: Measuring SEO, SEM and Site Search potx

Mastering Search Analytics: Measuring SEO, SEM and Site Search potx

... SEO/Paid Search and Site Search 161 Pulling Terms from Site Search for SEO/Paid Search Applying Site Search Patterns to SEO/Paid Search Site Search Capturing and Using ... the Value of Your Site Search? CRO for Site Search Search and Refinement Language Use Depth of Search Repetition of Search Average Ranking Clicked Tracking Trends Site Search Seasonality Concluding ... Paid Search and Applying Your Findings to SEO A/B and Multivariate Testing—Applying Insights from the Paid Search Page to SEO Testing Titles and Descriptions in Paid Search Finding Your Gaps and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

400 1,9K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Plot Induction and Evolutionary Search for Story Generation" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Plot Induction and Evolutionary Search for Story Generation" pot

... that is good enough for people to understand Cheng and Mellish (2000) focus on the interaction of aggregation and text planning and use genetic algorithms to search for the best aggregated document ... with genetic search (Sections and 4) Finally, we present our experimental results (Sections and 7) and conclude the paper with discussion of future work Related Work Our work builds on and extends ... our search procedure is simpler and more global; instead of searching for the best story twice (i.e., by first finding the n-best stories and then subsequently reranking them based on coherence and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

11 440 0
The Heart of Grief Death and the Search for Lasting Love pptx

The Heart of Grief Death and the Search for Lasting Love pptx

... ideas about grieving and letting go Over the years, I have found and developed vocabulary that fits comfortably with and reflects the richness and depth of what I have heard and learned about such ... and what most of us find difficult to put into words in everyday life I have found apt and effective ways to speak and write about love in terms of heart, soul, and spirit Real-life stories and ... longlasting We can and relearn how to be and act at home and at ease, in ways old and new, in the worlds we experience There can always be later, painful meetings with people, places, and things The...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

310 872 1
Báo cáo khoa học: " New Ranking Algorithms for Parsing and Tagging: Kernels over Discrete Structures, and the Voted Perceptron" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " New Ranking Algorithms for Parsing and Tagging: Kernels over Discrete Structures, and the Voted Perceptron" docx

... denition: If the productions at and are different If the productions at and are the same, and and are pre-terminals, then Else if the productions at and are the same and and are not pre-terminals, ... state labels at and are different If the state labels at and are the same, but the words at and are different, then Else if the state labels at and are the same, and the words at and are the same, ... the th sentence in training data, and to denote the set of candidates for Without loss of generality we take to be the correct candidate for (i.e., ) Each candidate is represented by a feature...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20

8 346 0
mechanism of vertical ge nanowire nucleation on si (111) during subeutectic annealing and growth

mechanism of vertical ge nanowire nucleation on si (111) during subeutectic annealing and growth

... plan-view (in a, b, and c) and in cross-sectional view (insets to a, b, and c) Scale bars are lm in (a)–(c) and lm in (a)–(c) insets (d) HRTEM image, (e) bright-field TEM image, and (f) electron ... investigate the effect of annealing, all Ge nanowires were grown in the same conditions, following only a variation in the annealing temperatures III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figures 1(a) and 1(b) present ... time between the particle deposition and the onset of annealing was of the order of 10 and was crucial to successful nanowire growth Immediately after the annealing, Ge nanowire growth was carried...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:54

5 245 0
university press of kentucky peace out of reach middle eastern travels and the search for reconciliation jun 2007

university press of kentucky peace out of reach middle eastern travels and the search for reconciliation jun 2007

... devastation, the hundreds of thousands driven from their homes, and the many tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths required to achieve it—one hundred per day, and fourteen thousand in the first six months ... Sudan and the Crisis in Darfur 93 Conspiracy Then and Now: History, Politics, and the Anti-Semitic Imagination 109 Incendiary Images: Blasphemous Cartoons, Cosmopolitan Responsibility, and Critical ... Jacobsen, and Michael Thompson spent their valuable time reading drafts of the text and offering excellent comments and criticisms Linda Lotz was very helpful with copyediting the manuscript, and Stephen...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

208 760 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Rapid thermal annealing and crystallization mechanisms study of silicon nanocrystal in silicon carbide matrix" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Rapid thermal annealing and crystallization mechanisms study of silicon nanocrystal in silicon carbide matrix" doc

... co-sputtering Si and SiC targets Furnace annealing and RTA techniques were compared by studying the precipitation and crystallization of Si and SiC-NC with varying Si/SiC ratio after annealing Si and SiC-NC ... [12] In this paper, we compare two annealing techniques: conventional furnace annealing and RTA upon Si and SiC nanocrystalline system, and subsequently research the differences of structural ... RTA and furnace annealing Wan et al Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:129 Figure XRD curve comparison of SRC80 sample by RTA and furnace annealing...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

7 396 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Time-Domain Convolutive Blind Source Separation Employing Selective-Tap Adaptive Algorithms Qiongfeng Pan and Tyseer Aboulnasr" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Time-Domain Convolutive Blind Source Separation Employing Selective-Tap Adaptive Algorithms Qiongfeng Pan and Tyseer Aboulnasr" docx

... and T Aboulnasr x1 (n) and x2 (n) be h1 (n) and h2 (n), respectively Two adaptive filters h1 (n) and h2 (n) of length L in stereophonic acoustic echo canceller are updated to estimate h1 (n) and ... mixture signals, y = [y1 , , yN ]T is the vector of separated signals, A and W are instantaneous mixing and unmixing systems and can be described as ⎡ ⎢ a11 · · · a1N ⎤ ⎥ · · ⎥, A=⎢ · ⎦ ⎣ aM1 · · ... each frequency bin separately As a result, the order and the scale of the unmixed signals are random because of the inherent indeterminacy of ICA algorithms When we transform the separated signals...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

11 280 0