... them. 31 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5. 0 Effects, part 2 Adobe Systems Incorporated 3 45 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 951 10-2704 USA World Wide Web www.adobe.com Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, ... arrow tool ( ) in the After Effects Tools palette. 2 In either the Composition or Timeline window, select the layer on which you want to paint. 9 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5. 0 Effects, part 2 You ... Timeline window. 5 Make sure that the original source layer is still selected, and then choose Effect > Keying > Difference Matte. A BC 28 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5. 0 Effects, part 2 By...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15
... 20 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5. 0 Effects, part 3 Adobe Systems Incorporated 3 45 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 951 10-2704 USA World Wide Web www.adobe.com Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, ... 1 Adobe After Effects 5. 0 Effects, part 3 This PDF file contains documentation for effects from the following effect categories: Perspective and Render. Perspective effects Use these effects ... original layer, so only the effect of Vegas is visible on a transparent background. 5 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5. 0 Effects, part 3 Beam This effect animates the movement of a laser beam. You can...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16
Tài liệu Adobe After Effects 5.0 doc
... the key features of After Effects. If you’re an experienced After Effects user, you may want to scan this overview and then skip to “What’s New in After Effects 5. 0.” After Effects is available ... 12: 05 PM UG.book Page 8 Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12: 05 PM 1 UG.book Page 33 Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12: 05 PM 11 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5. 0 User Guide Adobe Premiere After Effects ... Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12: 05 PM 31 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS 5. 0 User Guide Versatile output options After Effects delivers the most versatile motion graphics and visual effects toolkit available today,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:19
Giáo trình Adobe After Effects
... Giáo trình Adobe After Effects Biên sọan : GV. Lương Tuấn Kiệt Lưu hành nội bộ – 2007 http://www.mythuat.vn Mở Đầu After Effects (AE) là một trong ... (WorkSpace) của After Effects (AE). Vùng nhìn Project: Quản lý các files import. Composition panel: Giống như monitor, sẽ hiển thị kết quả sau khi xử lý. Timeline: Điều khiển animation, effects ... tính (không có card dựng phim) http://www.mythuat.vn Tại hàng Timecode base, chọn 25fpt ( 25 frame per secon cho hệ PAL video) và Audio setting chon Sample Rate 41.100 kHz. Tiếp đến...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 09:00
After Effects một số project 2
... Quảng các 30s, bạn gõ vào số 30 thay thế vào số 05 này- giờ:phút:giây:frame) . http://www.mythuat.vn Tại hàng Timecode base, chọn 25fpt ( 25 frame per secon cho hệ PAL video) và Audio setting ... Edit/Preferences/General… bạn bấm next đến thanh Import: Bạn chọn tại Sequence Footage 25 Frames Per Second nếu là hệ PAL video. Phần Still Footage (ảnh tĩnh) chọn Length of Composition. ... http://www.mythuat.vn Phần 2 THỰC HIỆN MỘT PROJECT Trước khi bắt tay vào edit hay làm effects một đọan phim nào đó, chúng ta phải sắp xếp các hình ảnh, âm thanh, kịch bản…. Tức là thực...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 15:47
Flash After Effects- P3
... property. Figure 5. 15: Create a new Point Text layer. Chapter_ 05. indd 126 1/1/2008 12:37:02 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Keying in After Effects 97 Before ... movie. Create a new project in After Effects. Select 1. Composition > New Composition. Make the following settings: Composition Name: 3 DownloadText Width: 3 55 0 Height: 3 400 Pixel Aspect ... 3 55 0 Height: 3 400 Pixel Aspect Ratio: 3 Square Pixels Frame Rate: 3 15 Duration: 3 0:00: 05: 00 Click 3 OK. Select 2. Layer > New > Text. After Effects places the insertion point in the center of the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15
Flash After Effects- P4
... Environments 157 Figure 6.34: The artwork was created in Photoshop on separate layers. The dimensions of the hallway are 250 0 x 50 0 pixels at a resolution of 72 dpi. In Adobe After Effects, select ... parenthood! Figure 7.2: The completed character animation uses parenting in After Effects. Create a new project in 1. Adobe After Effects. Import the footage file. Double-click inside the Project panel. ... considerably. Figure 6 .53 shows the same 3D environment seen through a 135mm focal length. The hallway now looks like a very small, compressed space. Figure 6 .53 : A camera focal length of 135mm compresses...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15
Flash After Effects- P5
... SoundChannel(); Chapter_07.indd 1 95 1/1/2008 12 :50 :57 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 232 Chapter 9: Shapes and Sounds Shape Layers The Shape Layers in Adobe After Effects ... Tool. Chapter_07.indd 187 1/1/2008 12 :50 :55 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Playing with Fire 219 Playing with Fire Visual effects do not have to take up ... integrates the Puppet tools in After Effects with ActionScript in Flash. You will create an interactive dancing puppet for the Web. Chapter_07.indd 190 1/1/2008 12 :50 :56 PM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 00:15
Tài liệu Flash After Effects- P6 pdf
... Panel, 5 6, 7–9 compared to Flash Library, 36 Puppet Tools, 77, 1 85 exercises using, 77–82, 1 85 190 interactive exercise using, 191–198 Q QuickTime, 7, 32, 45, 259 –260 codecs, 260, 2 65 QuickTime ... exercise, 232–2 35 music and, 249 Solid Layers, 28, 65 Sound visualization, 249 audio keyframes, exercise, 253 – 256 audio spectrum, exercise, 249– 252 Index.indd 281 1/1/2008 6 :58 :01 PM Please purchase ... 32, 45, 259 –260 codecs, 260, 2 65 QuickTime Exporter, 51 exercise using, 51 55 exporting an ActionScript-driven animation using, exercise, 56 –62 R Raster Images, 3, 90 exporting vector and, 64–66 and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu Flash After Effects- P7 ppt
... 147– 155 4:3 aspect ratio definition, 38 video formats, 39–40 A After Effects 3D space and, 140–168 and ActionScript, 1 45, 156 , 163 animating a layer’s position in 3D space, exercise 147– 155 camera ... 40 3D Space adding a camera in, 156 , 160–163 animating in, 147– 155 camera tools, 151 converting layers to, 140–146 creating 3D environments, 156 –166 and parenting, 152 and text, 142–144 understanding ... and temporal, 22– 25 tweening versus, 19–22 K Keyframe Assistants, 26 exercise using a keyframe assistant, 253 Keyframes 3D and, 156 , 162–1 65 Audio keyframes, exercise, 253 – 256 auto Bezier and,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu Flash và After Effects pptx
... bandwagon and integrating After Effects into their projects. Why would someone who uses Flash care about After Effects? After Effects provides many features and effects that not only can enhance ... visual effects that are rather difficult or next to impossible to achieve in Flash. Within After Effects, these complex effects can be applied through a simple drag-and-drop interaction. After Effects ... files after they were imported, After Effects will lose the link and not be able to properly display the footage. Good organizational skills are essential to creating projects in After Effects. ...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 03:16
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