... model for use in interpreting pragmatic ill-formedness and intersentential ellipsis The approach presented here builds on those uses of plans for task modeling, but adds a layer modeling problem- solving ... that match each new query in a coherent problemsolving dialogue and thereby building up a model of the agent's problem- solving behavior A domain plan library for a subset of naval fleet operations ... ill-formedness By searching the metaplan tree for queries coherently related to the previous context, suggested fillers can be found for the unknown wildcards For the roughly 20 examples worked with...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:21
... you m a y see Matlab referred to as: Matlab, Matlab/ S, Matlab/ Simulink, or just S i m u l i n k Don't let this confuse you, in each case you are still using Matlab WHERE TO USE MATLAB? (SHOULD ... platforms) provided At the UW we will make available the Macintosh v e r s i o n of Matlab for your use; but you should feel free to use other software tools o r platforms if you are comfortable ... platforms if you are comfortable with them We will, however, be unable t o help you with other packages besides Matlab for Macintosh There are two easy Part of the power of Matlab comes from the fact...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20
A Guide to MATLAB for Chemical Engineering Problem Solving phần 1 docx
... you m a y see Matlab referred to as: Matlab, Matlab/ S, Matlab/ Simulink, or just S i m u l i n k Don't let this confuse you, in each case you are still using Matlab WHERE TO USE MATLAB? (SHOULD ... platforms) provided At the UW we will make available the Macintosh v e r s i o n of Matlab for your use; but you should feel free to use other software tools o r platforms if you are comfortable ... platforms if you are comfortable with them We will, however, be unable t o help you with other packages besides Matlab for Macintosh There are two easy Part of the power of Matlab comes from the fact...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
A Guide to MATLAB for Chemical Engineering Problem Solving phần 2 potx
... your folder, Matlab can refer to it as a new function You can then invoke it as a function from the command line, o r are currently from within a larger Matlab script available for Matlab to use, ... vector, t: Matlab Guide: ChE465 KDH v.2.1.1 p 15 then u s e Print date: 10/4/00 »t = [0:1:10] t = 10 for data collected one per second for 10 seconds There are times when it is distracting for Matlab ... parameters in arbitrary units for purposes of demo % t is time, tfin is final time, % c will be a matrix with three columns, one for each species % each row will be for another time point % initial...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo y học: " Planning and problem-solving training for patients with schizophrenia: a randomized controlled trial" doc
... range of problem- solving skills and was considered to promote intrinsic motivation Patients who received ten sessions of problem- solving training showed greater improvement on problem- solving ... training of problem- solving in a broader sense Thus, the two approaches for defining the focus for cognitive remediation suggest executive functioning and more specifically planning and problem- solving ... of planning and problem- solving in contrast to a training of basic cognition Overall, participants improved on cognitive performance and functional capacity Planning and problem- solving training...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22
101 activities for teaching creativity and problem solving
... No evaluation with generation! No evaluation with generation! No evaluation with generation! No evaluation with generation! NO EVALUATION WITH GENERATION! Creativity and Problem Solving LLLL Chapter ... teaching Problem solving Study and teaching Organizational effectiveness I Title: One hundred one activities for teaching creativity and problem solving II Title: One hundred and one activities for ... nature of problems, problem solving, creativity, and a guide for selecting activities appropriate for different situations (Chapter 3) Part II includes activities originally designed for individuals,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2013, 20:09
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems" pptx
... associated with the selected topic is then picked up as the current utterance We must make two caveats for the performance of the algorithm, related to the sparse data problem in calculating mutual information ... classification of Seligman et al (1994), and with topic types The topics are assigned to utterances on the basis of the new information carried by the utterance New information (Clark and Haviland, 1977; ... mutual information is negative: the word signals absence of the topic rather than supports its presence Compared with a simple counting whether the word occurs with a topic or not, mutual information...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Mathematical Summary for Digital Signal Processing Applications with Matlab pdf
... Mathematical Summary for Digital Signal Processing Applications with Matlab E.S Gopi Mathematical Summary for Digital Signal Processing Applications with Matlab 123 E.S Gopi National ... Vector with the elements filled up with real numbers Œ2:89 21:87 100 Column Vector with the elements filled up with Complex numbers 1Cj j 7 49 C 7j Matrix of size with the elements filled up with ... vector [x y] 2D Map before Transformation vector [−x −y] 2D Map after Transformation Fig 1.2 Illustration of the linear transformation of the vector 1.12 Transformation Matrix with Different Basis...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 13:20
101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques: The Handbook of New Ideas for Business
... Creativity is vital to successful problem solving The problem- solving proFigure 2.1 The Creative Problem- Solving (CPS) Process Environmental Analysis Problem Recognition Problem Identification Making ... traditional problem- solving process p rad iced by business people for many years It then discusses how problem solving can be made more creative It thus sets the stage for examining the aspects of problem ... 177-178 '3 For example see, Richard Foster, loc cit.; Thomas J Peters, loc cit 101 CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUES 15 ( tt svr Pr ()blew Solving Stagrs • Building Creativity Into Problem Solving...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:23
Topics on Cervical Cancer with an Advocacy for Prevention Edited by Rajamanickam Rajkumar potx
... associated with the potential reaction of the sample taker when faced with a circumcised woman The anxiety of potentially being faced with a male sample taker was a significant problem for these ... understanding of risk 10 Topics on Cervical Cancer with an Advocacy for Prevention factors for cervical cancer, and many of the women held fatalistic attitudes, associated with the idea of ‘God’s ... detection efforts However, several subpopulations remain under screened, Active young women, minority women with language difficulties, and women with specific cultural health beliefs are at risk for...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 23:20
solving odes with matlab - shampine gladwell thompson
... initial value problem has a unique solution This book is about solving initial value problems for ODEs, boundary value problems for ODEs, and initial value problems for a class of DDEs with constant ... is in wide use With associates at The MathWorks, Inc., they wrote all the programs for solving ODEs in Matlab, programs that are the foundation of this book Solving ODEs with MATLAB L F SHAMPINE ... intentionally left blank Solving ODEs with MATLAB This book is for people who need to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs), both initial value problems (IVPs) and boundary value problems (BVPs)...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:28
solving odes with matlab instructors manual - l.f. shampine
... PECE form is y(tn + h) − yn+1 = − h3 y(tn ) + 3! Solution for Exercise 2.8 For this formula α0 = 1, α1 = , α2 = −3, α3 = , β0 = 0, β1 = 3, β2 = 0, β3 = 2 With these values it is straightforward ... the ball for k = 0.70 and the path for k = 0.35 22 CHAPTER INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS Solution for Exercise 2.29 The program ex29ch2.m is a straightforward modification of dfs.m When invoked with >> ... expect for the given tolerances Solution for Exercise 3.16 The problem is solved in a straightforward way using the program ex16ch3.m Solution for Exercise 3.17 This BVP is solved in a straightforward...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:28
problem solving and critical thinking for designers
... Courier Westford, Westford, MA P1: OTA/XYZ fm P2: ABC JWBT456-Piotrowski January 24, 2011 15:39 Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA Problem Solving and Critical Thinking for Designers ... process, then, is design problem solving It deals with achieving a solution to whatever the client’s problem happens to be When the client has a problem, he or she might express the problem as a need, ... Westford, Westford, MA DESIGN AS PROCESS also being used within corporations to develop new products or to solve other problems A key to design thinking is a shift away from traditional problemsolving...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:33
Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies With Pension Applications A Problem Solving Approach by Michael M_1 potx
... Ramsey–Boiteux conditions, solving for the same optimum tax structure ˆ The intuition for the above condition is the following: kji < means that profits of good j fall as qi increases, calling for an increase ... 14.2 Equilibrium with Asymmetric Information We shall now generalize the analysis in previous chapters of pooling equilibria in a single (annuity) market to an n-good setting with pooling equilibria ... distributed in the population, with ¯ a distribution function, G(α), over a finite interval, α ≤ α ≤ α The economy has given total resources, R > With a unit cost of for the numeraire, Y, the aggregate...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies With Pension Applications A Problem Solving Approach by Michael M_4 ppt
... (2001) compared mortality tables for annuitants to those for the general population for both males and females and found significantly higher expected lifetimes for the former In chapter 11 we shall ... annuities purchased or sold (with (M) = 0) and r p (z) is the rate of return in the (pooled) annuity market for age-z individuals, M ≤ z ≤ T For any consumption path, the demand for annuities is, by ... (8.22) (with w(z) = for Ri ≤ z ≤ T) The optimum age of retirement in state i, Ri∗ , is determined by u (ci )w(Ri∗ ) = e(Ri∗ ), i = 1, (8.23) Multiplying (8.22) by p for i = and by − p for i =...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies With Pension Applications A Problem Solving Approach by Michael M_5 pptx
... wages are constant; w(z) = w With a constant level of consumption, c, before age M, the level of annuities held at age M is a(M) = F (M) M F (z)(w − c) dz = w−c α eα M − For the above survival function, ... assets For our purpose it suffices to take a special case of the previous section Consider an individual on the verge of retirement, with assets W that can be annuitized, a, or kept in other forms, ... annuities Consumption after age M for a risk-class-i individual is conR T stant, ci , and the budget constraint is w M Fi (z) dz − ci M Fi (z) + T a M M Fi (z)r (z) dz = For our case it is equal to...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies With Pension Applications A Problem Solving Approach by Michael M_7 pot
... the hazard rate of survival function F (z) For function (3.1), for example, the hazard rate is equal to α/(1 − eα(z−T) ), which for any finite T increases with z When T = ∞, the hazard rate is constant, ... to be apparent For example, annuity issuers seem to have no difficulty providing payout schemes that vary with age If individuals are planning for rising or declining consumption with age, it can ... information on each individual’s survival probabilities does not remain private information but becomes known to annuity issuers When this information is common knowledge, then the market for...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies With Pension Applications A Problem Solving Approach by Michael M_9 doc
... 104–5; information effects and, 3–4; insurance and, 81–83; motive for, 1n1; partial annuitization and, 33–34; period-certain annuities and, 87–89; pooling equilibrium and, 82; private information ... in East Asia In Population Change and Economic Development in East Asia, A Mason (ed.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp 155–184 Levy, H 1998 Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Stochastic ... World Bank 1994 Averting the Old Age Crisis: Policies to Protect the Old and Promote Growth Oxford: Oxford University Press Yaari, M 1965 Uncertain lifetime, life insurance and the theory of the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
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