advanced test on articles in english grammar

A study on communicatve activities for non anglish majors in english grammar classes at vinh medical university

A study on communicatve activities for non anglish majors in english grammar classes at vinh medical university

... recommendations for teaching language in general and teaching English grammar in particular 1.4 Scope of the study This study mainly focuses on communicative activities for non - English majors in English ... Organization of the study This paper has three main parts: Introduction, development and conclusion The first part-introduction is a brief description of the research including the reasons for choosing ... selection, data collection and analysis “Findings and discussion” deal with the findings drawn out from the analysis of data The findings and discussion are based on problems happening during process

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

86 700 2
A study on difficulties in studying grammar of english majored students at faculty of english, thuongmai university

A study on difficulties in studying grammar of english majored students at faculty of english, thuongmai university

... learning English grammar Students’ evaluations of the grammar teaching and learning Questions and in the questionnaire for the students investigated their evaluation of grammar teaching in the ... comprehensible inputs What‟s more, according to his Monitor theory, consciously-learned grammar can only function as monitoring and monitoring overuse will only disturb the flow of production Consequently, ... impressions of grammar lessons The results from table 10 shows that in contrast to a few students thinking grammar lessons as interesting and relaxing, most of the students reporting that grammar

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2022, 09:30

37 8 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on difficulties in studying grammar of english majored students at faculty of english, thuongmai university

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on difficulties in studying grammar of english majored students at faculty of english, thuongmai university

... learning English grammar an Lu Students’ evaluations of the grammar teaching and learning Questions and in the questionnaire for the students investigated their evaluation of grammar teaching in ... teaching and learning reality with regard to teaching and learning grammar in Language Focus lessons The investigation of teaching and learning language skills and pronunciation will be beyond ... comprehensible inputs What‟s more, according to his Monitor theory, consciously-learned grammar can only function as monitoring and monitoring overuse will only disturb the flow of production Consequently,

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2023, 05:56

37 2 0
Using corpus based activities in english grammar lessons effects on learners achievements and perceptions of autonomy m a

Using corpus based activities in english grammar lessons effects on learners achievements and perceptions of autonomy m a

... learn English grammar 16 I can explain why I choose the materials I use in learning English grammar 19 I can describe how I am learning English grammar 21 I have in mind a plan for improving my English ... 23 Publication Trinh, K N (2018) Using AntConc as a corpus analysis tool in the EFL grammar classroom: Pros and cons In Le, T M H (Ed.), Proceeding of the International Conference on English Language ... English grammar I have clear goals for improving my English grammar I can define my needs in learning English grammar 12 I am good at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the English grammar

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2023, 21:26

218 2 0


... doubtlessly, decidedly, definitely, evidently, incontestably, for me, in my mind, in my opinion, in my view, in truth, incontrovertibly, indeed, indisputably, indubitably, inevitably, likely, mandatorily, ... findings indicate that modal markers appear the most in the Introduction and Conclusion sections of the Linguistics RAs whereas the Background and Method sections of the Engineering RAs contain ... frequently used, especially in the Introduction, Background and Method sections of Engineering RAs and in the Discussion and Conclusion parts of Linguistics RAs.Within the Vietnamese scholarly

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2024, 05:54

19 1 0
exercises in english - grammar workbook - teacher edition level c

exercises in english - grammar workbook - teacher edition level c

... Washington, D.C., in the spring 2 They went to the Smithsonian Institution Building 3 The red castle on the mall 4 A collection of museums 5 Everyone enjoyed the visit Read each sentence Write E on ... the Internet Kevin searched the Internet Combining sentences, using and to connect the subjects Diane and Kevin searched the Internet Each pair of sentences has the same predicate Combine each ... tools, paint, hats, and silk stockings _ 10 “Buy nothing you can make yourselves,’ Washington said George Washington believed in being self-sufficient Write three sentences with examples of things

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 21:58

18 665 0
exercises in english - grammar workbook - teacher edition level d

exercises in english - grammar workbook - teacher edition level d

... Pronouns 32 First Person Pronouns 33 Second Person Pronouns 34 Third Person Pronouns 35 Singular Pronouns and Plural Pronouns 36 Subject Pronouns 37 Pronouns in Compound Subjects Trang 3 51 52 ... words in the second column Write the correct letter on the line Use each letter once 1 The sun shines a contains solar energy Plants use b to get energy The food in plants c every day on the rain ... Principal Verb Parts Irregular Verbs Begin, Beginning, Began, Begun Know, Knowing, Knew, Known Break, Breaking, Broke, Broken; Choose, Choosing, Chose, Chosen Do, Doing, Did, Done Teach, Teaching,

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 22:00

20 710 1
exercises in english - grammar workbook - teacher edition level f

exercises in english - grammar workbook - teacher edition level f

... Reviewing Sentences 119 CONJUNCTIONS, INTERJECTIONS, PUNCTUATION & CAPITALIZATION 115 Conjunctions Connecting Words 121 116 Conjunctions Connecting Prepositional Phrases 122 117 Conjunctions Connecting ... William and Mary, a school in Virginia 2 He was appointed to the Second Continental Congress, the colonies’ government, in 1775 3 In 1776 Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, a key document ... italicized 1 Hong Kong includes some 200 islands off the south coast of China Britain leased this territory from China in 1898 Hong Kong reclaimed land from the sea to gain more space Hong Kong traded

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 22:07

22 612 0


... MAJOR FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS 32 4.1 Major findings 32 4.1.1 Findings from analyzing students’ writing assignments 32 4.1.2 Findings from analyzing the survey questionnaire ... coherence in writing This study maybe makes interesting points for the further study into the similar problem Study on coherence in essay writing, improving coherence in essay writing among the ... (1998) Teaching Writing Skills Longman Chambers, Essay writing: Cohesion and Coherence, London: Longman, 1989 Enkvist, N E., Text Linguistics for an Applier: An Introduction In Connor U & Kaplan

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2014, 16:13

62 699 2
test it fix it english grammar pre-intermediate level sep 2003

test it fix it english grammar pre-intermediate level sep 2003

... find out why (i a on bin c in d at e in l2l a 6ft b6ft cat d6ft e6ft f ffi g6ft hat iat j6ft kffi IAt m 6ft nm o 6ft -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ f at gat hat i on i in 0 F E A E at on in at on in on in in ... uncountable in English are... did She sings better than he does Note: Sen tences wit h superlative adverbs aren't as common as sentences with co m par at iv e adverbs -ing or -ed? Test it ~ Test ... ve rb These trousers don 't fit me Are these scissors sharp enough? The police are coming My glasses need cleaning Test it ~ Test it again o Choose t he best option, A or B o Comple...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:58

45 581 0
A study on subordinators in english and vietnamese

A study on subordinators in english and vietnamese

... between English and Vietnamese in terms of subordinators. Part C, the last past, is the conclusion. This part consists of recapitulation, conclusions, implication for teaching and learning English ... coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions The writer shows specific subordinators. .. show that subordinators differ in important ways from other clause links Subordinators ... as assuming that, conceding that, granted that, in case that, on the occasion that, with the condition that… What about considering... (1973) partly present subordination formal indicators

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2014, 11:55

50 909 6
Using group work in english grammar lessons for first-year students in the college of technologies and economics in trade

Using group work in english grammar lessons for first-year students in the college of technologies and economics in trade

... Studies on the use of group work in foreign language teaching and learning 9 2.5. Reasons of using group work in grammar teaching 10 2.5.1. Challenges in teaching grammar 10 2.5.2. Reasons of using ... mention some definitions about group work activities, the advantages as well as the limitations of using group work in English grammar lessons. The reasons why I choose using group work in English ... limitations of using group work to learn grammar 32 3.3.2. Classroom observation 34 3.4. Summary of the findings 36 Chapter 4: Suggestions and conclusion 37 4.1. Suggestions for grammar teaching

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42

10 674 6
An investigation into visitor attraction articles in english and vietnamese electronic newspapers

An investigation into visitor attraction articles in english and vietnamese electronic newspapers

... research on the topic “An Investigation into Visitor Attraction Articles in English and Vietnamese Electronic Newspapers” to clarify their main features in both two languages This thesis is conducted ... known as online newspaper or a web newspaper existing on the World Wide Web or Internet, either separately or as an online version of a printed periodical 2.2.3 Advertising Definitions and ... foundation, construction, management of the spot Recognition stage always consists of only one sentence to confirm that a spot has been officially recognized as a tourist destination in a region,

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

13 432 0
SKKN tiếng anh: Combining effectively forms of practice and test their vocabulary in English class 5

SKKN tiếng anh: Combining effectively forms of practice and test their vocabulary in English class 5

... implementation IV The effect of experience initiatives 17 C / CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 I Conclusion 17 II Recommendation 18 A INTRODUCTION: I Why choose topics: English has truly become an international ... vocabulary right in class Help students interest in learning the discipline and love more English subjects Thereby contributing to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools, especially ... well as in daily communication English is the most important media in many countries around the world For that reason, access to and understanding English is very urgent in this information era

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2017, 10:09

21 602 2
A cross cultural study on criticizing in english and vietnamese

A cross cultural study on criticizing in english and vietnamese

... NINH MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS ENGLISH LINGUIAGE A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY ON CRITICIZING IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE (NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ GIAO THOA VĂN HỐ TRONG ... the teaching and learning of English in Vietnam are more or less under the influence of the traditional ways of teaching and learning language, which mainly focused on the development of linguistic ... G (1984) National Cultures and Corporate Cultures In L.A Holmes, J (1992) An Introduction to Sociolinguistics London: Longman Holmes, J (1995) Women, Men and Politeness London: Longman Hornby,

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

98 760 3
a study on euphemism in english with reference to vietnamese equivalents

a study on euphemism in english with reference to vietnamese equivalents

... indispensable element in people’s interaction 61 It seems that the increasing number of interactions among people coming from different cultural backgrounds Cultural interactions seem demanding ... section of conclusion Moreover, with the findings withdrawn from the analysis in chapter 4, I would like to suggest some implications in using euphemism in English as a foreign language Finally, ... lives in a complex, interdependent social world with many role prescriptions, one needs to attend to relationships and to the context On the other hand, if one lives in relatively independent, individualistic

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:33

77 978 1
A study on metaphors in english advertising slogans for food and beverage

A study on metaphors in english advertising slogans for food and beverage

... source domain is a person The characteristic of the source domain, the person in the personification that can perk up plain potatoes and bring on the burger are mapped on the target domain, the ... beverage advertising slogans only, so it is considered to be one aspect of studies on advertising slogans in general - The study focuses on English advertising slogan without making comparison with Vietnamese ... CONCLUSION 55 5.1 Recapitulation 55 5.2 Concluding remarks (on each of the thesis objectives) 56 5.2.1 Concluding remarks (on the first objectives) 56 5.2.2 Concluding

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:33

72 641 1
12 TENSES in English Grammar Full

12 TENSES in English Grammar Full

... cooking in the supermarket now Is he working on any special kitchen He isn’t studying English at the projects at work? They are visiting their aunt moment → Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t next month ... + Am/ Is/Are + S + V-ing +…? They are playing football is not = isn’t are not= aren’t They aren’t singing at present Are you watching TV? in the school yard She isn’t going to the → Yes, I am./ ... likes pop music Common adverbs (Các trạng từ phổ biến) Adverb (Trạng từ) Meaning Nghĩa) Example (Ví dụ) every day/week/month/year ngày/tuần/tháng/năm I go shopping every month once/twice/three times…

Ngày tải lên: 16/05/2018, 13:16

47 2 0