adsorption chromatography ion exchange

inorganic ion exchangers

inorganic ion exchangers

... II / ION EXCHANGE / Inorganic Ion Exchangers 1587 Incomplete ion exchange reactions In some cases, some of the cations are constrained within the structure and are nonexchangeable Such cations ... conditions; however, practical ion exchange may have also kinetic limitations A particular example of when the desired ion Figure The principal reasons for limitations to ion exchange reactions ... K#/Na# exchange in zeolite P Circles, forward exchange; triangles, reverse exchange; Ks, cation fraction in solution; Kz, cation fraction in the solid Data were determined at 253C and at a solution...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 17:01

12 279 0
ion exchange

ion exchange

... permission.) The sodium form is used as a strong acid cation exchanger, the sodium ion being the ion for which the resin has least selectivity 162 I / ION EXCHANGE / Derivatization Anion functionality ... hydrometallurgy In some of these applications ion exchangers with lower capacities can be effective The Theory of Ion Exchange Ion Exchange Equilibria When an ion exchange solid is allowed to reach ... create ion exchange properties These are known as ‘ionogenic’ groups and are either ionized, or capable of dissociation into Rxed ions and mobile counterions In an inorganic exchanger the ionogenic...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 17:01

18 366 0
Protein separation in ion exchange membrane partitioned free  flow isoelectric focusing (IEM FFIEF) system

Protein separation in ion exchange membrane partitioned free flow isoelectric focusing (IEM FFIEF) system

... Modification Table 5-2 Ion exchange capacity of the membranes with different modification rates Table 5-3 Pore size characterization and pure water permeation (PWP) Table 6-1 Running conditions of ... separation by anion exchange membrane partitioned free flow isoelectric focusing (IEM-FFIEF) ………………………………………………………… 158 6.3 Results and discussion ………………………………………………………………159 6.3.1 Confirmation ... A Effective cross-section area of membrane, in m2 b Radius of pore, in nm Cbi Concentration of ions dissociated from buffer solution, in mole.L-1 C if Concentration of ionic species i in feed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:39

210 239 0
Humic acid removal from aqeous solution by hybrid eletrodialysis ion exchange

Humic acid removal from aqeous solution by hybrid eletrodialysis ion exchange

... Co-ions Cation exchange resin (-) Cations (+) Anions (-) Anion exchange resin (+) Anions (-) Cations (+) An ion exchange process can be described as a reaction Suppose that the ion exchange resin ... solution The composition of the two main types of ion exchange resin can be summarized in Table 2-1 Table 2-1 Composition of the resins Type of ion exchange Fixed charges Counter-ions Co-ions Cation ... 1.2 Water desalination costs as a function of the feed solution concentration for distillation, ion exchange, electrodialysis, and reverse osmosis Fig 1.3 Electrodeionization process unit Fig...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 21:14

138 313 0
Ion exchangersPhương pháp trao đổi ion

Ion exchangersPhương pháp trao đổi ion

... Concentration Separation Diffusion Catalysis Dehydration Coalescence on Oleophilic Resins Liquid Ion Exchangers 12.1.10 Ion- Exchange Membranes 12.2 Technical Considerations Introduction Definition ... acidic cation exchangers; SBA = strongly basic anion exchangers; WAC = weakly acidic cation exchangers; WBA = weakly basic anion exchangers [Full View] Ion- Exchange Equilibria 5.1 Dissociation and ... cation – porous gel anion; b) Gel cation – standard gel anion; c) Macroporous cation – porous gel anion; d) Macroporous cation – standard gel anion; e) Macroporous cation – macroporous anion;...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2016, 19:13

93 708 0
Experiment 7 ion exchange

Experiment 7 ion exchange

... 200 ml of 10% NaCl solution by dissolving 20 g NaCl in distilled water and then place this solution in regenerate tank B Backwashing Fill the cation exchanger with cation resin to a depth of ... discussion (d) conclusion (e) references and (f) an appendix that contains the filled data sheet CIVL 375: Experiment Data Sheet SOFTENING BY ION EXCHANGE Name ID Experimental Conditions Experiment ... calculations If you are requested to submit a report of this experiment then your report should contain (a) an introduction that ends with the objective (b) methodology including sample identification...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2016, 15:59

3 259 0
Syngas cleaning with nanostructured microporous ion exchange polymers in biomass gasification using a novel downdraft gasifier

Syngas cleaning with nanostructured microporous ion exchange polymers in biomass gasification using a novel downdraft gasifier

... extended to biofuel production and power generation [4,5] The critical intensified unit operations of this ammonia technology include gasification, syngas cleaning, gas separation and various reactors ... various reactors for ammonia conversion and steam reforming of syngas The integration of the unit operations and global scale integration with water and food generation technologies require novel ... extensive coking of heat exchangers and plugging of valves [29] Consequently in most post gasification applications, including power generation and gas to liquid conversion, tars as well as particulates...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2016, 14:02

10 446 0
Adsorption characteristics of Ni2+ ion onto the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-melamine / polyvinylidene fluoride blended resin

Adsorption characteristics of Ni2+ ion onto the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-melamine / polyvinylidene fluoride blended resin

... heavy metal ions to reduce heavy metal pollution in ecosystems, including chemical precipitation, ion exchange, carbon adsorption, coprecipitation /adsorption, and membrane filtration[5-15] Nevertheless, ... metal ions from water with a low cost is adsorption Sorption operations, including adsorption and ion exchange, are a potential alternative water and wastewater treatment technique Conventional ... (ESEM) and N2 adsorption/ desorption experiments The Ni2+ ion sorption of the blended resin from aqueous solution was measured, along with the adsorption isotherm and the batch sorption kinetics...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

12 377 0


... 5 ION- EXCHANGE CHROMATOGRAPHY 1.3 ION- EXCHANGE CHROMATOGRAPHY Ion- exchange chromatography involves separation of ionic and polar analytes using chromatographic supports derivatized with ionic ... ion- exclusion partition chromatography, Donnan exclusion chromatography, and ionmoderated partition chromatography It has been demonstrated that the retention of Applications of Ion Chromatography ... separation of anions and cations on weak cation -exchange stationary phases, and the use of indirect spectrophotometric detection in IEC REFERENCES Wheaton RM, Bauman WC Ion exclusion, a unit operation...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

455 416 1
ion chromatography 3rd ed - j. fritz, t. gjerde (wiley-vch, 2000) ww

ion chromatography 3rd ed - j. fritz, t. gjerde (wiley-vch, 2000) ww

... Agent 158 Weak-Acid Ion Exchangers 159 Chelating Ion- Exchange Resins and Chelation Ion Chromatography 161 Fundamentals 161 Examples of Metal -Ion Separations 162 Ion- Exclusion Chromatography 8.1 ... Retention Factors 83 Ion- Exchange Equilibria 84 Selectivity Coefficients 84 Other Ion- Exchange Interactions 86 Distribution Coefficient 87 Retention Factor 87 Selectivity of Sulfonated Cation -Exchange ... Development of Ion- Exchange Separations 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Introduction 23 Separation of Cations 26 Cation Separations Based On Affinity Differences 26 Cation Separations with...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:25

264 269 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Exchange Symmetries in Motzkin Path and Bargraph models of Copolymer Adsorption" ppsx

Báo cáo toán học: " Exchange Symmetries in Motzkin Path and Bargraph models of Copolymer Adsorption" ppsx

... 1|p) In this section we find an asymptotic expression up to decaying terms for the location of the adsorption critical point in a Motzkin path model of {AB p−1 }∗ copolymer adsorption Unfortunately, ... bottom conformations only differ by one factor of α, and the exchange relation follows Weighted Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Figure 5: Edge-visit exchange relation The critical adsorption point is ... asymptotic expression for the critical adsorption point in terms of p, similar to equation (1) The starting point is an exchange symmetry for Motzkin paths, analogous to the exchange symmetry...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23

24 258 0
Báo cáo vật lý: "Immobilization of Dithizone onto Chitin Isolated from Prawn Seawater Shells (P. merguensis) and its Preliminary Study for the Adsorption of Cd(II) Ion" pdf

Báo cáo vật lý: "Immobilization of Dithizone onto Chitin Isolated from Prawn Seawater Shells (P. merguensis) and its Preliminary Study for the Adsorption of Cd(II) Ion" pdf

... characterization and adsorption study Journal of Physical Science, Vol 19(1), 63–78, 2008 2.3.4 67 Preliminary biosorption study of Cd(II) ion Adsorption of Cd(II) ion from a single metal aqueous solution ... removal of cations such as Cd ions.9 However, the adsorption of chitin towards metal ions is not selective, especially when alkali and alkali-earth metal ions are also available in the solution in high ... Cd(II) ion in the solution Typical Cd(II) adsorption by unmodified chitin and dithizone-immobilized chitin as a function of pH of the medium is presented in Figure The equilibrium adsorption process...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20

16 417 0
Engineering of oligopeptide modified surface for metal ion adsorption and sensing applications

Engineering of oligopeptide modified surface for metal ion adsorption and sensing applications

... surfaces for Cu2+ adsorption 3.1 Ion- imprinted silica gels functionalized with oligoglycines for Cu2+ adsorption 3.1.1 Introduction 3.1.2 Experimental section 3.1.3 Results and discussion 47 24 26 ... 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Experimental section 10.3 Results and discussion 10.4 Conclusions 191 191 193 195 208 Chapter 11 Conclusions and recommendations 11.1 Conclusions 11.2 Recommendations References ... metal ion sensors by using ion- selective peptides 1.2 Metal Ion Sensors The detection and quantification of metal ions in aqueous solutions is an important analytical problem Although atomic adsorption...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 10:22

264 455 0
Chương liên kết ion.doc

Chương liên kết ion.doc

... 19 : LUYÊN TẬP VỀ : LIÊN KếT ION LIÊN KẾT CỘNG HOÁ TRỊ SỰ LAI HOÁ CÁC OBITAN NGUYÊN TỬ Liên kết phân tử KF thuộc liên kết A cộng hoá trị B cộng hoá trị phân cực C ion D cho - nhận Hãy chọn phương ... HCl, CsF, H2O NH3 Hợp chất có liên hết ion A HCl B CsF C H2O D NH3 Chọn đáp án Các liên kết phân tử NH3 thuộc liên kết A cộng hoá trị B cộng hoá trị phân cực C ion D cho - nhận Hãy chọn đáp án Nguyên ... kết A ion B cộng hoá trị không phân cực C cộng hoá trị phân cực D cho - nhận Hãy chọn đáp án Liên kết phân tử HBr liên kết A cộng hoá trị không phân cực B cộng hoá trị phân cực C cho -nhận D ion...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:01

4 1,9K 11
Exchange Server 2010

Exchange Server 2010

... Cloud Computing Profile Virtualization Document redirection Offline files Presentation Virtualization Managemen t Application Virtualization Desktop Virtualization Ảo Hoá xu hướng tất yếu hệ thống ... doanh nghiệp bao gồm: Server Virtualization, Desktop Virtualization, Application Virtualization, User Enviroment Virtualization … Bộ tài liệu “Xây dựng hệ thống Exchange 2010 ảo hoá với độ sẵn sàng ... Trong Installation Type  Chọn Custom Exchange Server Installation  Nhấn Next Trong Server Role Selection  Chọn Client Access Role  Nhấn Next Exchange Server 2010 – Virtualization and High Availability...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 09:55

129 907 5
Do an Exchange Server 2007.doc

Do an Exchange Server 2007.doc

... Typical Exchange Server Installation, chọn Next Hình I.2.6 Trang Installation Type - Màn hình Exchange Organization : đặt tên vinaconex-jsc, chọn Next Hình I.2.7 Trang Exchange Organization - Màn ... thống Exchange Server 2007 • Chương Giới thiệu Exchange Server 2007 • Chương Cài đặt quản trị Exchange Server 2007 • Chương Quản lý Exchange Recipients • Chương Quản lý Dữ liệu chia sẻ file Exchange ... E-MAIL EXCHANGE SERVER 2007 Chương GIỚI THIỆU TỔNG QUAN VỀ HỆ THỐNG EXCHANGE SERVER 2007 VÀ DỊCH VỤ ACTIVE DIRECTORY 1.1 Giới thiệu Microsoft Exchange 2007 1.1.1 Giới thiệu tổng quát Exchange...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 13:20

96 1,6K 22
Quản Lý User Exchange Server

Quản Lý User Exchange Server

... khác domain email addresses thực mailbox enable chúng Bên bạn hai user OU Managers email address Exchange Alias liên quan đến chúng ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 08:59

2 758 9
Revision of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) Indices.doc

Revision of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) Indices.doc

... inclusion of China and Hong Kong SAR reflects an increasing recognition of the Indian economy’s rapidly growing integration with the developing and emerging Asian economies The six countries/regions, ... criteria: (i) the share in India’s exports and trade, (ii) regional representation and (iii) the regular availability of data on exchange rates and prices on a monthly basis The new countries ... Quatar Hence, CPI for the Middle East region as given in the International Financial Statistics (IFS) of IMF is used as a proxy for prices for these countries IV EXCHANGE RATE The Special Drawing Right...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 16:47

8 723 4