... actor or director, allowing users to quickly navigate from an actor or director in a spe- cific title to other material they may be interested in. The buttons in the results panel can be pointed ... allowing the user to ‘glue’ together references to multiple actors or directors in order to constrain the search. For example, they can say “movies with THIS actor and THIS direc- tor” and point ... Abstract In order to effectively access the rapidly increasing range of media content available in the home, new kinds of more natural in- terfaces are needed. In this paper, we ex- plore the application...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20
The Economic Effects of Restricted Access to Land in the West Bank pdf
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Enhancing smallholders’ access to Agribusiness in the Central region of Viet Nam " potx
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 12:20
... Company intends to expand its business to electric wires and cables business. This business will be the core of the company in the future. To optimize the benefits of its established brand, the ... in building the brand, to some extent, has so far contributed to the success of its brand name. However, during the interview, the Assistant Director of the Company, admitted that advertising ... greatly. In practice, this attempt to develop the SME’s sector has been thwarted by the following shortcomings: • Complicated administrative procedures in implementing the Law. • Interference of the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:29
A discussion proposal on people''''s adaptability to floods in the Mekong river delta
... systems in upstream to the low parts of the basin. • Estimate the role of floods in the people’s lives; notice the effects to the women and children in the flooded areas. • Assess the environmental ... according to the motto: “Both the Government and People do together”. Almost of these water works play significant role in providing benefit to local farmers but they have also brought other ... water eliminates a great part of the salinity in the soil in the coastal areas and flushes toxicity released from acid sulfate soil. Also, floods kill the insets and rats population. Otherwise,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15
... 32 homes, each OLT card supporting a total of 128 homes. Each neighborhood is supported by its own FDH, up to 1,152 homes. The first 32 subscribers in the neighborhood are connected to the ... terminated in a “parking lot” until a subscriber is activated. Service turn-up requires mating connectors rather than splicing, moving a connectorized distribution cable from the parking ... terminated with a fiber jumper that retains the dust cap on the open connector, which is stored in a protected area of the cabinet. Connectorized tail-ends of distribution cables are also stored...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 17:15
The noneffects of class on the gendered division of labor in the home
... (Coverman 1985). To the extent that wives occupy lower status in the labor force than their husbands, they are thus also likely to be in a weaker bargaining position within the household. Taking these two ... bargaining situation, the resources people bring to household bargaining affects their relative power. In these terms, class inequalities between men and women would be expected to be translated into ... domination within the family was rooted in male control of private property. The pivot of this linkage was the desire by men to insure that their property was inherited by their children. To...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu People''''s adaptability to floods in the Mekong river delta pptx
... Cambodia to Vietnam. At Phnom Penh, the river meets the Tongle Sap river, then splits into Tien river and Hau river before entering the border of Vietnam and continues to branch into 9 tributaries ... part of the Mekong river to the sea, the MD accepts yearly all the water flood volume of the basin. About 1.2 to 1.9 million ha of land, mainly in the North parts of the MD such as the LongXuyen ... yearly to sea. About 80 percent of annual flow volume enters the low lying parts of the basin in Vietnam as the flood season from June to November. The river network of the Mekong is rather complicated,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to XML in the .NET Framework doc
... that do business over the Internet. Note that this topic does not discuss solutions to the problems. It states the problem in a way that sets the stage for the remaining modules in the course. ... customers. Move the slider further to the right to see how Northwind Traders customers interact with the Web applications and also interact directly with Northwind Traders. Explain that the Web applications ... user interface for Northwind Traders customers. You move the slider to the left to see how Northwind Traders uses the XML Web services that it maintains for its suppliers. Move the slider further...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
... bridging [12]. Some ex- amples, taken from [12], appear below, where the ref- erence requiring bridging is underlined. 1. I looked into the room. The ceilinq was very high. 2. I walked into the ... deriving as many entities as possible using operators in the intensionai logic. In this section we illustrate this point by showing how definitely referenced sets, information about kinds, in- ... than the sense of normally flying a plane. 196 alternative to the abductive theorem-proving approach described in [16]. 5. Top-Level Abstractions in the NIKL Taxonomy WML and NIKL together...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu David prefers to live in the country rather than live in the city doc
... prefer to do” hoặc “prefer doing”. Nhưng có sự khác biệt về cấu trúc: “prefer to do something rather than (do) something else” còn cấu trúc “prefer doing something to (doing) something” – thích ... David prefers to live in the country rather than live in the city something rather than (do) something else” với nghĩa là “ hơn là”. "Prefer .… rather than"- cách dùng ... nói và người nghe đều biết đến. Ta có 2 cụm từ: in the country”- ở miền quê và in the city”- ở thành thị. -“rather than”- hơn là: Trong đó “ rather” là một trạng từ (abverb) có nghĩa là hơn...
Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 00:20
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