... both the real time tools and the offline tools are built on top of the Datascope relational database system. This tutorial explains some basic concepts behind relational database systems and how these ... be used as the basis of sorts, joins, and subsets. The system provides a variety of ways to use the data. There are c, FORTRAN, tcl/tk and perl interfaces to the database routines. There are command ... parameters: • the database schema name • a path... Schema and Data Representation The database path specifies a path along which to look for the files while hold the database tables
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:21
... we only wish to place the support for sequence data in the context of the larger database system. The reader is referred to [Ses96] for further details on E-ADTs and the PREDATOR system. The ... directly over into the system architecture. PREDATOR is a client-server database in which the server is a loosely-coupled system of E-ADTs . The high-level picture of the system is shown in ... plotted on the Y-axis. For all the implementa- tions, the scan cost grows with the width of the records. Note that the SHORE Array implementation is the most efficient whatever the cardinality
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20
LogBase: A Scalable Log-structured Database System in the Cloud pot
... index search with the data key a as the prefix Among the found entries, the one that has the latest timestamp contains the pointer to the current version of the data record in the log The ability to ... P tr > The IdxKey is composed of two parts: the primary key of the record as the prefix and the timestamp as the suffix P tr is the offset that points to the location of a data record in the log, ... and therefore, other servers only need to reload the corresponding index file and check the tail of that log (from the consistent point immediate after the latest checkpoint) Otherwise, in the
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20
The SAP DB Database System pot
... replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. The SAP DB Database System 3 SAP AG April 2003 The SAP DB Database System: 12 Architecture of the Database System 12 Database ... SAP DB Support 144 The SAP DB Database System 11 SAP AG April 2003 The SAP DB Database System: This manual gives you an overview of the database system SAP DB Version ... Architecture of the Database System You can find an overview of the main architecture characteristics of the SAP DB relational database system in the Fact Sheet on the SAP
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20
oracle database quick installation guide 10g release 1 ( for the solaris operating system (x86)
... of these guides are available on the product disc To access them, use a Web browser to open the welcome.htm file, either in the top-level directory of the CD-ROM or in the db directory on the ... for the global database name and SID Global Database Name Specify a name for the database, followed by the domain name of the system: sales.your_domain.com The value that you specify, up to the ... Select Database Management Option Accept the default values, then click Next Specify Database File Storage Option Select the File System option and specify the database file location, then click
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:52
Research software system automatically send x-ray and supersonic machines's data to the central database
... (16 )The second question is How does that automated system work? The ultrasonic X-ray automation system on the central database is implemented in the PACS system, the storage and transmission system ... 1 THE OPERATION OF THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM 1.1 The operation (12 )The input will be images taken from medical devices managed by the HIS / LIS administration department, and the images will then ... of the project, the benefits and experiences learned are how to select a topic, find information and synthesize information Extend the understanding of databases, information systems and the
Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2021, 21:02
The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto
... HỆ THỐNG CSDL HƯỚNG ĐỐI TƯỢNG OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Tóm tắt: Tài liệu cố gắng định nghĩa hệ thống CSDL hướng đối tượng Nó mơ tả đặc ... thuộc lớp phép trùng, khơng có thứ tự o List: đối tượng thuộc lớp xếp theo thứ tự, truy xuất o Array: đối tượng thuộc lớp xếp theo thứ tự, truy xuất ngẫu nhiên Ví dụ: Định nghĩa cho class LUONG ... Các lựa chọn mở: Mơ hình lập trình (Programming paradign) Hệ thống trình diễn (Representation system) Kiểu hệ thống Tính đồng dạng (Uniformity) Kết luận Lời giới thiệu: Hiện nay,
Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2022, 16:56
THE PROGRESS EXERCISE FOR DATABASE SUMMARY OF ALL supermarket database system with ERD model and relational model, simple queries
... the quantity of 10 and the price of 10,000, then increase the quantity of PEPSI by 10 in the Product table and update the new price to 10,000 b Update the quantity for the product when a sale ... for one of the following requirements: (1 point) a Update the quantity and price for the product when it is imported For example, in the receipt “PN01”, enter the PEPSI product with the quantity ... the learned knowledge, lecture slides, and textbooks given by the lecturer during the learning process The result obtained after this assignment is the knowledge that can be consolidated in the
Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2022, 11:00
The Microsoft Office System
... Places from the menu in the dialog. 4. Locate the reference to the portal in the Look In list. 5. Right-click the icon and select Move Up from the pop-up menu until the icon is at the top of the list. ... resolve the conflicts by hand. The final option is to simply override one copy of the document with the other. Once the document conflicts have been resolved, you can save the document back to the ... certain sections of the document to a user. Each user can add their section to the document and track the progress through the task list. The Documents Tab The Documents tab in the workspace is
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 14:20
Visual Studio 2005 and the Microsoft Office System
... in the editor. Marking the property with the WebBrowsable attribute, however, will not save the changes to the page once the application is closed. If you want the changes to persist, then the ... the project is created, you must set a reference to the System. Web namespace, which contains the WebPart base class. Once the reference is set, you may then set up the class to inherit from the ... individual who is using the page. The database associated with your web application remembers the property values for each user based on the security context with which they access the application.
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 14:20
Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 9: Messages and Threads
... class The previous section described the system? ??s application roster, the be_roster global object used to access the roster, and the BRoster class that defines the type of object be_roster is The ... mostly with system messages—messages generated and dispatched by the system The Message Protocols appendix of the Be Book defines all the system messages In short, system messages fall into the following ... number of arguments the user typed The array argv will thus always have as its first element the string that is the name of the program Consider the case of the user launching the justdiscussed
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Programming the Be Operating System-Chapter 10: Files
... For the Save file panel, the display of the panel comes when the user chooses the Save As item from the File menu In response to the message issued by the system to the appropriate MessageReceived() ... created The other parameters are worthy of a little explanation The second argument, target, is used to define the target of the message the system will deliver to the application in response to the ... control is in the hands of the user Once the user confirms a choice (whether it’s a file selection in the Open file panel, a click on the Save button in the Save file panel, or a click on the Cancel
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15
Report Development Tools Building Custom Reports in the R/3 System
... Determine the Component Information System 5–10 Step 3: Enter the Selection Criteria for the Standard Analysis 5–11 Step 4: Run the Standard Analysis .5–11 Step 5: Create the Initial ... Viewing Data in the SAP DemoCube 11–7 Using the InfoCatalog .11–10 Accessing the InfoCatalog 11–10 From the BW Main Screen 11–10 From the BW Administrator ... Create the Evaluation 6–8 Step 2: Generate the Evaluation 6–14 Step 3: Execute the Evaluation 6–15 Step 4: Modify the Layout .6–16 Getting the Most
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15
Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 5: Installing and Configuring the X Window System
... write these down so that you remember to observe them even after they've scrolled off the screen Figure 5.14: The selected card definition Next, you must specify the X server... change the ... the desktop and a pop-up menu will appear From the menu, select the Exit, Logout, or Quit menu item X. .. Figure 5.16, xf86config asks whether it should change the first line of the ... to page forward through the database If you accidentally page past your card, simply continue moving forward; when the program reaches the last entries of the database, it
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15
Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 6: Using the X Window System
... cannot use the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to reboot your system To reboot your system, you can terminate X and then use the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence, or access a terminal window and enter the command: ... the text To so, you move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the text, press the left mouse button, and drag the mouse across the text to be marked X automatically copies the marked text into a ... launches the help viewer whenever you select the Help menu item of an application or applet You can also launch the help viewer by selecting the Help System menu item from the main menu The default
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Database Systems: The Complete Book- P5 pptx
... happens if there is a failure after line (14); perhaps the computer fails or the network connecting the database to the processor that is actually performing the transfer fails. Then the database ... stdo has the value "Disney" and yr has the value 1990, then the result of the select-from is the bag of the lengths of the movies made by Disney in 1990. When we apply the SUM operator ... If the transaction aborts, then (without precautions) it is possible that these changes were seen by some other transaction. The most common solution is for the database system to lock the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Database Systems: The Complete Book- P6 docx
... doubled the size of blocks. tre n-ould halve the number of disk 110's for an algorithm like TPAIJIS. On the other hand, the only change in the time to access a block would be that the transfer ... and the three gaps between them. Recall that the gaps represent 10% of the circle and sectors the remaining 90%. There are 128 gaps and 128 sectors around the circle. Since the gaps together ... one another. However, instead of allowing reads of any block from either disk, we keep the head of the first disk in the inner half of the cylinders, and the head of the second disk in the outer...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Database Systems: The Complete Book- P7 doc
... On the other hand, the key 23, which used to separate the first and second children of the second child of the root now represents the smallest key accessible from the second child of the ... addresses and enter them into the translation table if they are not already there. These pointers include both the pointers from records in the block to elseivhere and the addresses of the block itself ... ~ve follo~v the procedure for lookup of the record. and Tve place the new record in that bucket. If there is room in the block for the bucket then there is nothing more to do. The problem...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20
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