... to both standard and extended access lists: Two-step process. First, the access list is created with one or more access- list commands while in global configuration mode. Second, the access list ... Lab 1.4.3 Copyright 2001, Cisco Systems, Inc. Access Control List Basics Access Control Lists (ACLs) are simple but powerful tools. When the access list is configured, each statement in the ... for. The deny command discards packets matching the criteria on that line. Two important keywords that can be used with IP addresses and the access list command are any and host. The keyword...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
... to both standard and extended access lists: Two-step process. First, the access list is created with one or more access- list commands while in global configuration mode. Second, the access list ... Lab 1.4.3 Copyright 2001, Cisco Systems, Inc. Access Control List Basics Access Control Lists (ACLs) are simple but powerful tools. When the access list is configured, each statement in the ... you will configure an extended ACL to block access to a Web server. Before you proceed, issue the no access- list 50 and no ip access- group 50 commands on the Vista router to remove the ACL...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Sap Solutions For Governance Risk And Compliance And Grc Access Control 3 doc
... Audit Access Controls SAP GRC Access Control © SAP AG 2007, SAP Skills 2007 Conference / G3 / 37 SAP GRC Access Control 5.3 SAP GRC Access Control branding and single launchpad for all 4 access control ... Process Control: Centralized Control Management Centralized Control Management One system for managing automated and manual controls System can manage – Financial Control – Operational Controls – ... Access Control Role Reduce cost of role maintenance Ease compliance and avoid authorization risk Eliminate errors and enforce best practices Assure audit-ready traceability and security...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 19:20
implementing nap & nac security technologies - the complete guide to network access control
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 11:44
Báo cáo hóa học: " Inconsistency resolving of safety and utility in access control" potx
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Inconsistency resolving of safety and utility in access control" docx
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article AWPP: A New Scheme for Wireless Access Control Proportional to Traffic Priority and Rate" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Admission Control and Interference Management in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks" pot
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20
User and Security Management
... thống. Một người dùng muốn thực hiện một hành động User and Security Management 88 This page has been intentionally left blank. User and Security Management 94 có một người dùng mà chúng ta có ... Database Design and Implementation with SQL Server Session 6 User and Security Management Mục tiêu bài học: Kết thúc chương này bạn có thể Hiểu về bảo mật trong SQL Server security Miêu tả ... này gọi là các vai trò máy phục vụ. User and Security Management 86 2. Thủ tục sp_defaultdb thay đổi CSDL mặc định để đăng nhập. 3. Thủ tục sp_grantdbaccess được sử dụng để thêm một tài khoản...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2012, 13:54
Access Control List - ACL
... 1: Router2(config) #access- list 1 deny host Router2(config) #access- list 1 permit any o Cách 2: Router2(config) #access- list 1 deny Router2(config) #access- list 1 permit ... cần thực hiện là “IP access- group 1 in”. Router2(config)#interface ethernet0 Router2(config-if)#ip access- group 1 in Router2(config-if)#exit 3 d. Kiểm định lại các Standard Access List • Bước 11: ... Router2(config) #access- list 1 permit any o Cách 3: Router2(config) #access- list 1 deny Router2(config) #access- list 1 permit any • Bước 10: đặt access- list vừa tạo vào giao tiếp Ethernet 0. Chú ý phân...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 14:04
Question Bank Adv .Net and Security in .Net Project
... assembly is compiled to native service is started and stopped respectively. 175. Statement 1: To implement a service controller program, the ServiceController class of the System.ServiceProcess ... classes ServiceProcessInstaller and ServiceInstaller must be inherited. [1.5] a) Only statements 1 and 2 are true. d) Statements 1, 2, 3 are true. b) Only statements 1 and 3 are true. e) None of ... Only statements 2 and 3 are true. 176. Which of the following is/are true regarding service control program? [1.5] a) It can be optionally created for a windows service. d) Control operations...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 09:10
... some PC to connect to remote PC and send device control command. To do that, we open a chat window from YM and send a message which contains standard control commands (ex: D01: ON#, Reload# ) ... communication between the controller and the computer is important. The purpose is to transmit and receive command strings from PC to microcontroller or from microcontroller to microcontroller We use ... program on remote PC will receive commands and transfer it to COM port (RS232). The board connects to remote PC through COM port will receive and perform these commands. The data from sensor or device...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 11:25
Java and Security
... to the JDK documentation and the security path of the Java Turorial at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial /security1 .2/index.html. Security Problems and Java Security Testing Finally, ... make it: 1. Easy to use fine-grained access control 2. Easy to configure security policy 3. Easy to extend the access control structure 4. Easy to extend security checks to Java applications ... privileges) into giving root access to the worm. Garbage collection, exceptions, and thread controls are part of Java no matter how you try to use it. But, security and safety are two entirely...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 08:20
Điện tử công suât mạch MMC Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:24
Tài liệu tự động hóa nhà máy nhiệt điện Power plant control and instrumentation
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:37
Access Control Lists
... layer design and equipment ■ Discussion on testing and verification strategies ■ Output of testing and verification commands from routers ■ Output of testing and verification commands for switches ... Administration Group. The other building is for the Sales and Marketing Group, and the larger Research and Development Group. The Research Group and the Sales and Marketing Group will each have employees ... These will assist with design and development activities and used when configuring switches and routers. A separate table should be created for each router and switch at each location. (NOTE:...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 20:15
Danh sách điều khiển truy cập (Access Control List)
... source Lệnh ip access- group Lệnh này dùng để liên kết một danh sách truy cập đã tồn tại vào một giao diện. Cú pháp như sau: ip access- group access- list-No {in/out} o access- list-no: số ... đề tổng quát, cú pháp được mô tả như sau: access- list access- list- number {permit|deny} {test conditions} o access- list: là từ khóa bắt buộc o access- list-number: Lệnh tổng thể này dùng để ... giao diện. Cú pháp như sau: {protocol} access- group access- list-number Với: Protocol: là giao thức áp dụng danh sách truy cập Access- group: là từ khóa Access- list-number: Số hiệu nhận dạng...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 00:20
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