The academic word list
... All-Purpose Academic Word List by Alice Thomas The Academic Word List (AWL) consists of 570 word families that occur reasonably frequently over a wide range of academic texts. The list was ... beyond the 570 headwords. The 570 words are grouped into 10 sublists that reflect word frequency. Thus, the first sublist contains words with the highest frequency and the last sublist contains ... for each sublist of words may be found at AWL Sublists ( Sublist 1 analyze...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 02:36
Word list in english
... đỡ For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at Word Part of Speech, Meaning a pivotal figure a premium price a range of (n) dãy, hàng; phạm ... bộ; am (nhà nhỏ một gian của ẩn sĩ); (thơ ca) túp lều tranh, căn nhà nhỏ; (thơ ca) nấm mồ cellist Viola; the bass member of the violin family. census (n) việc tính toán dân số một cách chính...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:15
... significance significantly signified signifies signify signifying similar dissimilar similarities similarity similarly source sourced sources sourcing specific specifically specification specifications specificity specifics structure restructure restructured restructures restructuring structural structurally structured structures structuring unstructured theory theoretical theoretically theories theorist theorists vary invariable invariably variability variable variables variably variance variant variants variation variations varied varies varying Sublists of the Academic Word List Each word in italics is the most frequently occurring member of the word family in the Academic Corpus. For example, analysis is the most common form of the word ... ratios reject rejected rejecting rejection identically ideology ideological ideologically ideologies infer inference inferences inferred inferring infers innovate innovation innovated innovates innovating innovations innovative innovator innovators insert inserted inserting insertion inserts intervene intervened intervenes intervening intervention interventions isolate isolated isolates isolating isolation isolationism media mode modes paradigm paradigms phenomenon phenomena phenomenal priority priorities prioritisation prioritise prioritised prioritises prioritising prioritization prioritize prioritized prioritizes prioritizing prohibit prohibited prohibiting prohibition prohibitions prohibitive prohibits publication publications quote quotation quotations quoted quotes quoting release released releases releasing reverse reversal reversed reverses reversible reversing reversals irreversible simulate simulated simulates simulating simulation sole solely somewhat submit submission submissions submits submitted submitting successor succession successions successive successively successors survive survival survived survives surviving survivor survivors thesis theses topic topical topics transmit transmission transmissions transmitted transmitting transmits ultimate ultimately unique uniquely uniqueness visible visibility visibly invisible invisibility voluntary voluntarily volunteer Sublist 5 of the Academic Word List academy academia academic academically academics academies adjust adjusted adjusting adjustment adjustments adjusts readjust readjusted readjusting readjustment readjustments readjusts alter alterable alteration alterations altered altering alternate alternating alters unalterable unaltered amend amended amending amendment amendments amends aware awareness unaware capacity capacities incapacitate incapacitated challenge challenged challenger challengers challenges challenging clause clauses compound compounded compounding compounds conflict conflicted conflicting conflicts consult consultancy consultant consultants consultation consultations consultative consulted consults consulting contact contactable contacted contacting contacts decline declined declines declining discrete discretely discretion discretionary indiscrete indiscretion draft drafted drafting drafts redraft redrafted redrafting redrafts enable enabled enables enabling energy energetic energetically energies enforce enforced enforcement enforces enforcing entity entities equivalent equivalence evolve evolution evolved evolving evolves evolutionary evolutionist evolutionists expand expanded expanding expands ... American spelling is included in the word families, so contextualise and contextualize are both included in the family context. Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List analyse analysed analyser analysers analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analyze analyzed analyzes analyzing approach approachable approached approaches approaching unapproachable area areas assess assessable assessed assesses assessing assessment assessments reassess reassessed reassessing reassessment unassessed assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions authority authoritative authorities available availability unavailable benefit beneficial beneficiary beneficiaries benefited benefiting benefits concept conception concepts conceptual conceptualisation conceptualise conceptualised conceptualises conceptualising conceptually consist consisted consistency consistent consistently consisting consists inconsistencies inconsistency inconsistent constitute constituencies constituency constituent constituents constituted constitutes constituting constitution constitutions constitutional constitutionally constitutive unconstitutional context contexts contextual contextualise contextualised contextualising uncontextualised contextualize contextualized contextualizing uncontextualized contract contracted contracting contractor contractors Sublist...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 13:15
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 22:55
Word form list
... wooded, wooden, woody wool, woollens, woolliness woollen/US woolen, woolly/US wooly word, wording wordy, worded, wordless work, workaholic, worker, workings, workable, unworkable, overworked, workout ... forestry forgetfulness forgiveness form, formation, transformation, reformer, transformer formality fortune freebie, freedom freeze, freezer, freezing frequency, infrequency freshness, refreshments friend, friendliness fright fruit, ... forcibly forgetfully free freeze frequent freshen, refresh befriend frighten fund, refund furnish garden generalize formally, informally fortunately, unfortunately free, freely frequently, infrequently freshly,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:26
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Term-list Translation using Mono-lingual Word Co-occurrence Vectors*" doc
... not term-lists, and the number of words that were successfully translated 6. The best results were obtained when the length of term-lists was 4 or 6. In general, the longer a term- list becomes, ... multi-dimensional vector space, called WORD SPACE (Schuetze, 1997) for defin- ing the coherence of words. The starting point of WORD SPACE is to represent a word with an n- dimensional vector ... many times the word wi occurs close to the word. For simplicity, we consider w~ and wj to occur close in context if and only if they appear within an m -word distance (i.e., the words occur...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Processing Partially Free Word Order" ppt
... Processing Partially Free Word Order* Hans Uszkoreit Artificial Intelligence Center SRI International 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 Abstract The partially free word order in German ... the role of pragmatics in governing word order is much greater than in English while the role syntax plays is greater than in some of the so-called free -word- order languages like Warlpiri. ... high degree of word- urder freedom. The analysis presented in the next section demonstrates the functioning of the formalism and some of its virtues. 4.2 The Analysis of German Word Order Uszkoreit...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Detection of Japanese Homophone Errors by a Decision List Including a Written Word as a Default Evidence" docx
... default from the list. This is the deci- sion list. After step 6, we obtain the decision list for the homophone set { ~_~, ~.~ } as shown in Table 3. Table 3: Example of decision list ~id. ~gth ... the word sense disambiguation problem because the former can use the written word but the latter cannot. In this paper, we incorporated the writ- ten word into the original decision list ... the written word but the latter cannot. In this pa- per, we incorporate the written word into the original decision list by obtaining the identifying strength of the written word. The improved...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu 570 IELTS academic words-part 9 ppt
... a minimal amount of risk involved. (The) damage to the car was minimal. • minimalism • minimalist • minimally Nhóm 9 ðinh Nho Hiệp – - 2 - Behalf: Thay mặt ... typing messages instead of speaking. Devote: Cống hiến, dâng hiến She devotes most of her free time to charity work. Most of the magazine was devoted to coverage of the royal wedding. I ... 1861. • unfounded Inherent: (~intrinsic )Vốn có, vốn thuộc về, (thuộc) bản chất The desire for freedom is inherent in all people. Violence is inherent in our society. • inherently Insight:...
Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu 570 IELTS academic words-part 10 pdf
... and his Cabinet colleagues Compile: Sưu tầm, cóp nhặt (tài liệu) We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job. The album was compiled from live recordings from last year's...
Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Parsing Free Word Order Languages in the Paninian Framework" pptx
... human languages including Indian and other languages have relatively free word or- der. tn free word order languages, order of words contains only secondary information such as em- phasis etc. ... Each word group is uniquely identifiable before the core parser ex- ecutes, (b) Each demand word has only one karaka chart, and (c) There are no ambiguities between source word and demand word. ... grammars are based on context free gram- mars which are basically positional grammars. It is important to develop a suitable computational grammar formalism for free word order languages for...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Knowledge-free Method for Capitalized Word Disambiguation" doc
... first word in a sentence, words in all-capitalized titles or ta- ble entries, a capitalized word after a colon or open quote, the first capitalized word in a list- entry, etc. Capitalized words ... ten common words which were not listed in the lexicon. More damaging is the biind assignment of the com- mon word category to the words listed in the lexicon: out of 2,012 known word- tokens ... After Single Word Assignment we applied a sim- ple strategy of marking as common words all unassigned words which were found in the stop- list of the most frequent sentence-initial words. This...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20
... presented to the syntactic parser. To demonstrate the parser's ability to correctly parse free word order sentences, the other 23 permutations of sentence (2) were given to the parser. The ... karli ku CONCLUSION We have presented a currently implemented parser that can parse some free -word order sentences of Warlpiri. The representations (e.g., the lexicon and phrase-markers) ... case-assignment and argument-linking are not directional. In this way, the fixed-morpheme order and free -word order have been properly accounted for. (KARLI (datum (v -)) (datum (n +))) (KU (action...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:20
FDA Freedom of Information Distribution: VAERS Line List Report docx
... 11 MAY 2007 03:14Report run on: Page 6 VAERS Line List Report Vax Name: HPV (GARDASIL) All comb. w/AND FDA Freedom of Information Distribution MedDRA PT Age F Gender 13-Jul-2006 Vaccine ... arm Unknown Unknown Unknown 11 MAY 2007 03:14Report run on: Page 21 VAERS Line List Report Vax Name: HPV (GARDASIL) All comb. w/AND FDA Freedom of Information Distribution MedDRA PT Age F Gender 31-Jul-2006 Vaccine ... maxima Intramuscular Intramuscular 11 MAY 2007 03:14Report run on: Page 41 VAERS Line List Report Vax Name: HPV (GARDASIL) All comb. w/AND FDA Freedom of Information Distribution MedDRA PT Age F Gender 08-Aug-2006 Vaccine...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20
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