about the ged social studies exam

About the GED Social Studies Exam

About the GED Social Studies Exam

... within other areas The topics of human health and development are not part of the updated Social Studies Test What’s New for the GED? In 2002, the GED was revamped with a new emphasis for the Social ... review the fundamental content areas and skills you need to well on the exam Defining Social Studies Social studies is the study of how people live every day It explores many aspects of life: the ... of the country and why (geography) The next four chapters introduce you to key terms and offer information about major topics in the four subjects of the Social Studies Test The exercises in these...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

14 629 2
The GED Social Studies Exam - Geography

The GED Social Studies Exam - Geography

... the GED Social Studies Exam YOU HAVE reviewed what you need to know for the Social Studies Exam Now you will learn some specific tips and strategies to use on the exam O S O C I A L Studies Exam, ... resources about the history and culture of the United States 167 – TIPS AND STRATEGIES FOR THE GED SOCIAL STUDIES EXAM – www.socialstudies.org Website of National Council for the Social Studies ... the photographer is trying to express? Is there a caption or title to the photo? What is the historical context of the image? – TIPS AND STRATEGIES FOR THE GED SOCIAL STUDIES EXAM – Look at the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

20 401 0
About the GED Language Arts, Reading Exam

About the GED Language Arts, Reading Exam

... is what the passage is about Main idea and theme,on the other hand,are what the writer wants to say about that subject For example, take another look at the poem you read in the pretest, The Eagle”: ... different from the subject in that the theme says something about the subject For example, take John Donne’s poem (5) “Death Be Not Proud.” The subject of the poem is death But the theme of the poem ... together Likewise, the theme of a work of literature is the thought that holds together the characters and action It’s the idea that guides every choice the writer makes throughout the text For example,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

14 634 1
About the GED Mathematics Exam

About the GED Mathematics Exam

... – ABOUT THE GED MATHEMATICS EXAMThe GED Mathematics Test is given in two separate sections The first section permits the use of a calculator; the second does not The time limit for the GED ... ■ The leg opposite the 30-degree angle is half the length of the hypotenuse (And, therefore, the hypotenuse is two times the length of the leg opposite the 30-degree angle.) The leg opposite the ... to find the length of any side as along as you know the measure of the other two ■ The length of the hypotenuse is ͙2 multiplied by ෆ the length of one of the legs of the triangle ͙ෆ ᎏ The length...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

20 623 4
About the GED Science Exam

About the GED Science Exam

... on the GED The chart on the next page summarizes the approximate breakdown of question types and subjects covered in the questions on the GED Science Exam 211 – ABOUT THE GED SCIENCE EXAMGED ... space science GED questions will test your knowledge of the Earth and solar system, the geochemical cycles, the origin and evolution of the Earth, and the universe Recent Changes in the GED In accordance ... topics covered on the GED Science Exam are: ■ ■ ■ physical science—35% of the questions life science—45% of the questions Earth and space science—20% of the questions On the GED, physical science...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

14 611 1
– GED SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 29. What is the author’s purpose in including Joe pot

– GED SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 29. What is the author’s purpose in including Joe pot

... on the GED The chart on the next page summarizes the approximate breakdown of question types and subjects covered in the questions on the GED Science Exam 211 – ABOUT THE GED SCIENCE EXAMGED ... electrons) The strength of the force depends on the charges and on the distance between them The greater the charges, the greater the force The closer the charges are to each other, the greater the ... with the mass of our planet The greater the masses involved, the greater the gravitational force between them The sun exerts a force on the Earth and the Earth exerts a force on the sun The moon...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

48 776 0
About the ged writting exam pot

About the ged writting exam pot

... what the sentence is about who or what is performing the action of the sentence The predicate tells us something about the subject—what the subject is or does Thus, in the following sentence: The ... Dependent Clauses The word phone is the subject It tells us what the sentence is about who or what performs the action of the sentence The verb phrase is ringing is the predicate It tells us the action ... (Sunil receives the present; the present receives the action of being given.) The reporter / asked the president a question (The president receives the question; the question receives the action of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 324 0
About the ged writting exam 2 ppt

About the ged writting exam 2 ppt

... was racing to the car? Because the modifier racing to the car is next to I, the sentence says that I was doing the racing But the verb watched indicates that he was the one racing to the car Here ... your silverware in the bin, and your tray should go on the counter (Two verbs follow the to + verb + your + noun pattern; the third puts the noun first, then the verb.) Again, the sentence is clearer ... will review these grammar rules and more so that you will be prepared for the exam U SAGE refers to the rules that govern the form of the words we use and how we string those words together in sentences...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 313 0
About the ged writting exam 3 pptx

About the ged writting exam 3 pptx

... participle They may be lost They might have gotten lost 52 – USAGE – action that the subject of the sentence performs upon an object: I lay the baby down in the crib In the following examples, the subjects ... transitive—an object “receives” the action—while the other is intransitive the subject itself “receives” or performs the action For example, lie is an action that the subject of the sentence “performs” ... down The transitive verb lay, on the other hand, is an The sun will rise at 5:48 A.M tomorrow He raised the rent to $750 per month The basic forms of these verbs can also be a bit tricky The following...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 343 0
About the ged writting exam 4 pot

About the ged writting exam 4 pot

... that can be either singular or plural, depending upon the noun or pronoun to which they refer, should take the pronoun that matches their referent If the antecedent is singular, the pronoun and ... their antecedents the words they replace For example, in the following sentence: all any most none some All of the chocolate is gone It was delicious! All of the cookies are gone They were delicious! ... believe everything their parents tell them None of the information is accurate; it’s all out of date None of the facts are accurate; they are all out of date the word children is the antecedent and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 316 0
About the ged writting exam 5 pps

About the ged writting exam 5 pps

... on the other hand, can lead to a great deal of confusion for your readers and can send a message other than the one you intended For example, take a look at the following two versions of the ... bother Xavier Don’t bother, Xavier 61 – MECHANICS – These sentences use the same words, but have two very different meanings because of punctuation In the first sentence, the comma indicates the ... comma indicates the speaker is telling the reader not to bother Xavier In the second sentence, the speaker is telling Xavier not to bother Here’s another example of how punctuation can drastically...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 315 0
About the ged writing exam 6 ppsx

About the ged writing exam 6 ppsx

... than I) then at that time, therefore (first this, then that; if you think it’s good, then I’ll it) their possessive form of they there location; in that place through in one side and out the other; ... have the basic underlying structure of main idea → support They begin with a main idea (sometimes called the thesis or theme of the text) that controls the whole passage It is this idea that the ... popular, and the syndicated show still airs today on channels like the Cartoon Network To answer many of the questions about organization on the GED, you will need to be able to determine the writer’s...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 275 0
About the ged writing exam 7 pps

About the ged writing exam 7 pps

... paragraphs They are essential to good writing Notice, for example, the difference between the two paragraphs below In the first version, the transitions have been omitted In the second version, they ... the paragraph or is simply implied In the first paragraph below, the topic sentence is at the beginning; in the second example, the topic sentence is at the end (1)Electronic mail (e-mail) is ... sentence The topic sentence is commonly found at the beginning of the paragraph, but it can also be at the end Less frequently, the topic sentence is found somewhere in the middle of the paragraph...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 303 0
About the ged writing exam 8 docx

About the ged writing exam 8 docx

... writers are always thinking about their readers: Who are they? What they know about the subject? What prejudices or preconceived notions might they have? What will keep their attention? Good writers ... or scenario) You follow the directions exactly and directly answer the questions in the prompt In the first example, you must state your position on the issue raised in the prompt—censorship of ... provide In other words, your answer to the question in the prompt is your thesis—your main idea It is the “argument” that you are going to make and the idea you need to support A thesis does...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 248 0
About the ged writing exam 9 pdf

About the ged writing exam 9 pdf

... changes the tone The first sentence is calm and neutral The second sentence, on the other hand, is emotional and excited There are endless varieties of tones when you speak Likewise, there are ... support for your thesis.) Conclusion: Tell them what you have told them (Restate your thesis.) Here, the characteristics that make good neighbors are organized by order of importance The most important ... too Here’s an example of a general sentence made more precise: S TYLE The machine made a loud noise and then stopped The generator made a loud bang and then stopped Style refers to the manner in...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 1,7K 0
About the ged writing exam10 docx

About the ged writing exam10 docx

... on the other, or with antecedents on one side and pronouns on the other The subjects and verbs need to agree in order for the scale to be balanced Likewise, the pronouns need to agree with their ... Idioms Another third of the questions on Part I will be about usage: the rules that govern the form of the words we use and how we put those words together in sentences Chapter reviewed the usage ... and then review your notes from the whole Language Arts, Writing section When you are ready, move on to the practice questions that follow The GED Language Arts, Writing Test in a Nutshell The GED...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 258 0
About the ged writing exam 2 ppt

About the ged writing exam 2 ppt

... for the GED Language Arts, Reading Exam 341 Chapter 39 GED Literature and the Arts, Reading Practice Questions 347 PART VI The GED Mathematics Exam 379 Chapter 40 About the GED Mathematics Exam ... for the GED Language Arts, Writing Exam 87 Chapter 12 PART II Preparing for the GED GED Language Arts, Writing Practice Questions 91 PART III The GED Social Studies Exam 123 Chapter 13 About the ... for the GED Social Studies Exam 155 Chapter 19 GED Social Studies Practice Questions 171 vii – CONTENTS – PART IV The GED Science Exam 203 Chapter 20 About the GED Science Exam 209 Chapter 21...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 185 0
About the ged writing exam 4 docx

About the ged writing exam 4 docx

... approximately 60–65% of the questions correctly, you should receive a standard score of about 410 points per exam – ALL ABOUT THE GEDThe Structure of the GED Enough to Pass Each of the five GED tests contains ... to pass the math exam) You will find out much more about each of the GED exams in the chapters ahead But first, it’s time to review study skills and create your study plan – ALL ABOUT THE GED – NUMBER ... all of the tests, especially the science and social studies exams Other specific changes include: Getting Your Diploma Most states will automatically issue your diploma if you pass the GED The names...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 306 0
About the ged writing exam 5 docx

About the ged writing exam 5 docx

... about the basic structure of the GED exams Parts II–VI each begin with a summary of the content covered on each exam and the type of questions you will be asked on the tests Be sure to read these ... can about the exams Get all the details about the GED Contact your local testing center to find out: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ specific state eligibility requirements (make sure you are eligible to take the exams) ... Week Study social studies Focus: national history Week Study social studies Focus: world history Week Study social studies Focus: geography and economics Take practice social studies GED 15 ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:20

6 284 0