abiogenic deep origin of hydrocarbons and oil and gas deposits formation

Báo cáo y học: "Psychogenic or neurogenic origin of agrammatism and foreign accent syndrome in a bipolar patient: a case report" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Psychogenic or neurogenic origin of agrammatism and foreign accent syndrome in a bipolar patient: a case report" pdf

... telegraphic with omissions of function Table 1: Performance of FG and norms (mean and standard deviation or range) on neuropsychological and language tests Test Working memory and executive functions ... shown consistent alteration of language and cognitive functioning in clinical populations [39] Because of the acute onset and stability of the symptoms in FG, the presence of a neurodegenerative process ... coordinator SP and JM reviewed the existing literature and drafted the manuscript MF and NP reviewed the manuscript and contributed to the writing NP and LG conducted the brain imaging exams and interpreted...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 21:20

7 502 0
Báo cáo y học: "Distribution patterns of small-molecule ligands in the protein universe and implications for origin of life and drug discovery" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Distribution patterns of small-molecule ligands in the protein universe and implications for origin of life and drug discovery" doc

... bio-ligands Ligands and theand2 of bio-ligands and binding ATP, ligands Additionalfor file 1ownerships of metabolism-relevantADP and block numbers of for proteins folds that bindligands ligands them ... ACD-SC-derived ordinary molecules; Ligands, sc-PDB-derived ligands; Ligands (≤ 3), ligands covering ≤ folds; Ligands (4-9), ligands covering 4-9 folds; Ligands (≥ 10), ligands covering ≥ 10 folds Implications ... the origin of life Thus, it is intriguing to explore the chronology of ligand-protein binding and answer the following questions: which ligand was first recognized by a protein and what kind of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

13 359 0
Numerical study of hemodynamics and gas transport in arterioles

Numerical study of hemodynamics and gas transport in arterioles

... both the location and magnitude of the O2 release sources and NO scavenging sites and this directly influences the gas bioavailability in time and space These aspects of the gas transport physics ... Scientific understanding of the bioavailability of these two gases (NO and O2) is important as abnormal changes in their bioavailability could lead to dysfunction of major tissues and organs [23, ... the gas transport in arterioles through altering gas transport properties of cells or diffusion dynamics of individual gasses This study aims to investigate the effect of hemodynamics on gas...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:24

167 279 0
Information, Entropy, and the Origin of Life

Information, Entropy, and the Origin of Life

... the use of information, to survive and exist in a nonequilibrium state, resisting the pull toward equilibrium that is described by the Second Law of Thermodynamics For them, the origin of life ... 2004 21:6 Information, Entropy, and the Origin of Life 333 chose to quantify the information “i” per register (or position) in his message as i = K log W (1a) where W is the total number of symbols ... the diversity of life in the biosphere, it is generally recognized that the origin of life is one of the great unsolved mysteries in science (Radetsky1992; Wade 2000) At the heart of this mystery...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

3 559 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Quantitative analysis of the experimental O–J–I–P chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics Apparent activation energy and origin of each kinetic step Steve Boisvert, David Joly and Robert Carpentier doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Quantitative analysis of the experimental O–J–I–P chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics Apparent activation energy and origin of each kinetic step Steve Boisvert, David Joly and Robert Carpentier doc

... which occurs at the I step [33] The origin of both the JI and IP phases, with half-times of 7.4 0.6 ms and 42 ms, has often been attributed to the reduction of the PQ pool Some authors have proposed ... excellent approximation of FI traces and to quantitatively estimate the contribution of each phase The average values of amplitudes and half-times (t1 2) found for each phase of the FI measured at ... contributions and kinetics of the three main components of the FI traces Deconvolution of the traces with the sum of three exponential rises provided an excellent t between simulated and experimental...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

8 712 0
An Assessment of the Environmental Implications of Oil and Gas Production: A Regional Case Study pot

An Assessment of the Environmental Implications of Oil and Gas Production: A Regional Case Study pot

... Standard National Wildlife Federation Oil and gas Outer Continental Shelf Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (EPA) Oil & Gas Accountability Project Office of Policy, Economics, and ... tight gas sands, shale gas, and CBM Unconventional oil and gas resources are loosely defined as resources that are generally deeper and / or more difficult to recover than traditional oil and gas ... air, water, and land use impacts associated with oil and gas production nationally and in Region These policies range from the implementation of mandatory emissions limits on oil and gas operations...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20

115 745 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Origin and properties of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial isoforms of taurocyamine kinase pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Origin and properties of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial isoforms of taurocyamine kinase pptx

... mitochondrial isoform (referred to henceforth as MiTK) as described below The cDNA for the cytoplasmic TK consists of 1811 bp with an ORF of 1098 bp andand 3¢ untranslated regions of 21 and 692 bp, ... other hand, mitochondrial TK showed activity for taurocyamine, lombricine (30% of that of taurocyamine) and glycocyamine (7% of that of taurocyamine) Recombinant Arenicola MiTK was incapable of phosphorylating ... Alignment of mitochondrial targeting sequences of vertebrate and invertebrate MiCKs and Arenicola MiTK Sequences correspond to ubiquitous (uMiCK) and sarcomeric (sMiCK) MiCKs from man and chicken and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

10 469 0
The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices doc

The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices doc

... IMPACTS FOR IRELAND OF HIGH OIL AND GAS PRICES 15 Ireland‘s dependence on Oil and Gas future dominance of oil and gas in Ireland’s imported fuel mix Ireland is part of a handful of EU 27 countries ... IMPACTS FOR IRELAND OF HIGH OIL AND GAS PRICES  Pathways to risk mitigation and a low carbon future Ireland‘s dependence on Oil and Gas Chapter ,s dependence on Oil and Gas Ireland Pathways to ... and a low carbon future Economic and Social Impacts of three Oil and Gas Price Scenarios Chapter Economic and Social Impacts of three Oil and Gas Price Scenarios Pathways to risk mitigation and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

32 495 0
Greasy palms - The social and ecological impacts of large-scale oil palm plantation development in Southeast Asia docx

Greasy palms - The social and ecological impacts of large-scale oil palm plantation development in Southeast Asia docx

... 17% of all species of birds, 12% of all species of mammals, 16% of all species of reptiles, and 16% of all species of amphibians.36 PNG covers only 0.3% of the Earth's surface but holds 5% of ... frontier? Currently, 96% of all oil palm plantations in Indonesia are located on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan In order to give the islands East of Java ‘their equal share’ of oil palm, the Indonesian ... Mha of land, half of which was forestland Only 7% of the area burnt was grassland CIFOR furthermore estimated that 447,000 hectares of estate crops were burnt in 1997-1998.69 D.2 The role of oil...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

54 2,3K 0
A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

... production of oil and gas on federal lands In addition, the BLM approves and supervises most oil and gas operations on American Indian lands The BLM regulations governing onshore oil and gas operations ... volume of produced water and other wastes generated as a result of oil and gas E&P in the U.S and how those wastes were managed and disposed of Due to the differences between onshore and offshore ... Conservation Commission, the Groundwater Information Center at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, the Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, and the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission In addition,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

87 562 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Sequences and structural organization of phospholipase A2 genes from Vipera aspis aspis, V. aspis zinnikeri and Vipera berus berus venom Identification of the origin of a new viper population based on ammodytin I1 heterogeneity docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Sequences and structural organization of phospholipase A2 genes from Vipera aspis aspis, V. aspis zinnikeri and Vipera berus berus venom Identification of the origin of a new viper population based on ammodytin I1 heterogeneity docx

... ammodytins I1 and I2 and ammodytin L genes of V am ammodytes, the VP7 and VP8 genes of V palaestinae, and the PLA2 genes of Crotalinae snakes (Trimeresurus flavoviridis) were also of similar length ... Analysis of venom gland PLA2 cDNAs is currently underway to determine which of these genes are expressed The presence in the neurotoxic snake of two ammodytin I1 isoforms (In and Ia) and of several ... structure of the molecule Six of these residues were substituted (Fig 3), probably decreasing the stability of the molecule by preventing the formation of disulfide bonds Toxicity and heterocomplex formation...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 03:20

10 451 0
A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Origin Of Our Ideas Of The Sublime And Beautiful

A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Origin Of Our Ideas Of The Sublime And Beautiful

... three states, of indifference, of pleasure, and of pain Every one of these I can perceive without any sort of idea of its relation to anything else Caius is afflicted with a fit of the colic; ... Beautiful in Sounds 26 Taste and Smell 27 The Sublime and Beautiful Compared Part IV Of the Efficient Cause of the Sublime and Beautiful Association Cause of Pain and Fear Continued How the Sublime ... words, if the nature of the language, framed for the purposes of business rather than those of philosophy, and the nature of my subject, that leads me out of the common track of 17 discourse, did...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:11

165 444 0
Origin and Development of Commercial and Islamic Banking Operations pot

Origin and Development of Commercial and Islamic Banking Operations pot

... BC) of Lydia They were of electrum Origin and Development of Commercial and Islamic Banking Operations (a mixture of gold and silver) This must have encouraged the emergence and practices of banking ... ups and downs depending on the political and military conditions of the Republic In time of wars and disorder, inflation, financial stagnation and bankruptcy prevail and in times of peace and ... rates of growth their market shares in the mobilization of deposits and the allocation of funds have grown considerably Conclusion Historical evidence on the origin and development of banking and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

23 372 0


... the shape of the vessels employed at the time of the introduction of the art, and these depend, to a great extent, upon the kind and grade of culture of the people acquiring the art and upon the ... the wide-open mouth takes the place of the severed neck, and a handle connects the top of the rim with the back of the vessel The handle being broken off and the vessel inverted, [Pg 452] b, ... modification of handles Functional features.—Functional features of art products liable to influence ornament comprise handles, legs, feet, rims, bands, and other peculiarities of shape originating...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

34 490 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Modeled ligand-protein complexes elucidate the origin of substrate specificity and provide insight into catalytic mechanisms of phenylalanine hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Modeled ligand-protein complexes elucidate the origin of substrate specificity and provide insight into catalytic mechanisms of phenylalanine hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase pptx

... catalytic domains of PAH and TH Docking of the native cosubstrate BH4 into the crystal structure of the PAH catalytic domain yielded a total of 286 conformations Out of these, 44 conformations were ... carbonyl oxygen of BH4 coordinated directly to the iron and the guanidinium moiety was fixed by an H-bond between the proton of N2 and the backbone oxygen of Gln310 (Fig 3) This conformation of BH4 coincided ... 2003 Fig Placement of BH4 in the catalytic site of PAH and TH Distance-energy diagrams obtained after docking BH4 into the active sites of PAH (A) and TH (B) Total energies of candidate positions...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20

11 336 0
Budget Impasse Hinges on Confusion among Deficit Reduction, Tax Increase, and Tax Reform: An Economic Analysis of Dual Capacity and Section 199 Proposals for the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry ppt

Budget Impasse Hinges on Confusion among Deficit Reduction, Tax Increase, and Tax Reform: An Economic Analysis of Dual Capacity and Section 199 Proposals for the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry ppt

... in the oil and gas industry than would occur under a neutral system,” the move disadvantages oil and gas firms relative to other firms—meaning all of U.S manufacturing outside of oil and gas that ... barrel of oil equivalent See MMS, Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources of the Nation’s Outer Continental Shelf, Feb 2006, at (Oilequivalent gas is a volume of gas ... Transportation and warehousing Information Finance and insurance Real estate and rental and leasing Professional, scientific, and technical services Management of companies and enterprises Administrative and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20

30 513 0
Báo cáo Y học: Ascidian arrestin (Ci-arr), the origin of the visual and nonvisual arrestins of vertebrate pdf

Báo cáo Y học: Ascidian arrestin (Ci-arr), the origin of the visual and nonvisual arrestins of vertebrate pdf

... 2002 Origin of vertebrate visual and nonvisual arrestins (Eur J Biochem 269) 5113 and possesses some of the features typical of a vertebrate, including a dorsal tubular central nervous system and ... isolated and sequenced on both strands To analyze the expression levels of two isoforms, semiquantitative RT-PCR was performed using a set of primers, Ar-ImunoFw (5¢-GCAGATCTGGACCCAATCATAGG TTC-3) and ... FRYGRED and PCSVMLQ, respectively Finally, based on the nucleotide sequence of the PCR products, specific primers were synthesized and used for 5¢- and 3¢-RACE Based on the sequence of 5¢- and 3¢flanking...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 08:20

7 555 0
hancock - plant evolution and the origin of crop species 2e (cabi, 2004)

hancock - plant evolution and the origin of crop species 2e (cabi, 2004)

... PLANT EVOLUTION AND THE ORIGIN OF CROP SPECIES Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species Second Edition James F Hancock Department of Horticulture Michigan State University ... generated a cascade of new information on evolutionary processes, the structure of plant genomes and crop origins Ideas about the evolutionary role of introgression, hybridization and polyploidy have ... The goal of these chapters is to describe the overall framework of species change and demonstrate the intimacy of nature and crop evolution In the second half of the book, I focus on when and where...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:10

324 437 0
led zeppelin. the origin of the species how, why and where it all began

led zeppelin. the origin of the species how, why and where it all began

... heavily of ci- 42 THE ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES der, and launch into vigorous steps that blended a type of skipjiving with the Charleston in a curious galumphing motion to the puffing and plinking of ... of Val Doonican, Herman’s Hermits and the most vacuous of chart pop as with Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry and Bob Dylan - and is at least as intriguing as a fully mobilised Led Zeppelin’s years of ... broke and subsided With the means to turn their every whim into audible reality, and each member of the team from the humblest equipment-humper to the high command of Bonham, Grant, Jones, Page and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:26

305 454 0

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