a z of great performers

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English

... inter-/intraand many others vii A abandon abandoned, abandoning, abandonment (not -bb-) abattoir (not -bb-) abbreviate abbreviated, abbreviating, abbreviation (not -b-) abbreviations See -able/-ible Adjectives ... athletics (not atheletics) 22 ASTHMA ASTHMA AXIS attached, attaching, attachment (not -tch) audible (not -able) audience (not -ance) aural or oral? AURAL refers to the ears and hearing ORAL refers ... approaching (not apr-) aquaint Wrong spelling See ACQUAINT aquaintance Wrong spelling See ACQUAINTANCE aquarium (singular) aquaria or aquariums (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS 20 ARTIST OR ARTISTE? aquiesce...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:46

203 786 6
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_A

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_A

... athletics (not atheletics) 22 ASTHMA ASTHMA AXIS attached, attaching, attachment (not -tch) audible (not -able) audience (not -ance) aural or oral? AURAL refers to the ears and hearing ORAL refers ... approaching (not apr-) aquaint Wrong spelling See ACQUAINT aquaintance Wrong spelling See ACQUAINTANCE aquarium (singular) aquaria or aquariums (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS 20 ARTIST OR ARTISTE? aquiesce ... alga (singular) algae (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS allege (not -dge) alley or ally? An ALLEY is a little lane An ALLY is a friend alley (singular), alleys (plural) ally (singular), allies (plural)...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

23 379 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_B

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_B

... are acceptable but the second is rarely seen canoe canoed, canoeing, canoeist See ADDING ENDINGS (ii) canon See can’t Contraction of CANNOT canvas or canvass? CANVAS is a rough cloth To CANVASS ... spelling See CAREER carrying carry + ing See ADDING ENDINGS (iii) CAPPUCCINO cast or caste? Use CAST for a group of actors in a play and for a plaster CAST and a CAST in an eye Use CASTE when referring ... SOFT C AND SOFT G chaos chaotic character (not charachter) ˆ chateau/chateau (singular) ˆ chateaux or chateaux (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS check or cheque? Use these exemplar sentences as a guide:...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

30 364 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_D

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_D

... air in a room One also refers to a DRAUGHT of ale, a game of DRAUGHTS and a boat having a shallow DRAUGHT TE draft or draught? drawers or draws? DRAWS is a verb She DRAWS very well for a young ... exclamation mark (!), and a question mark (?) Use a full stop to end a statement There are five eggs in the fridge Use an exclamation mark with a command or an exclamation Get out! Use a question mark ... + able disappear dis + appear disappearance (not -ence) disappoint dis + appoint disapprove dis + approve disassociate or dissociate? Both are correct, but the second is more widely used and approved...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

21 354 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_F

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_F

... individual entries for the distinction in meaning singular -a alga antenna formula larva nebula vertebra 78 foreign plural algae antennae formulae larvae nebulae vertebrae English plural – antennas* ... formulas* – nebulas vertebras FOREIGN PLURALS singular -eau -eu adieu bureau chateau milieu plateau tableau foreign plural English plural adieux bureaux chateaux milieux plateaux tableaux adieus ... stratum ultimatum aquaria bacteria curricula data errata memoranda millennia referenda strata ultimata aquariums – curriculums – – memorandums millenniums referendums – ultimatums 79 FORESAKE...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

19 333 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_I

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_I

... See ADDING ENDINGS (iii) lain See LAY OR LIE? lama or llama? LAMA = a Buddhist priest LLAMA = an animal of the camel family landscape (not lanscape) language (not langage) larva (singular) larvae ... commas Note that a comma (within the inverted commas) marks the break between speech and narrative, and that another comma (after the narrative and before the second set of inverted commas) marks ... inference See ADDING ENDINGS (iv) inflammable See FLAMMABLE OR INFLAMMABLE? See also next entry inflammable or inflammatory? INFLAMMABLE = easily bursting into flames INFLAMMATORY = tending to arouse violent...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

20 317 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_M

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_M

... Mesdames (i) MEANT Plural of French Madame (ii) Used as a plural title before a number of ladies’ names: Mesdames Smith, Green, Brown and Kelly won prizes Always used with an initial capital letter ... MAY OR MIGHT? marihuana/marijuana Both spellings are correct marriage marvel marvelled, marvelling marvellous masterful or masterly? MASTERFUL = dominating MASTERLY = very skilful mathematics ... herd, congregation) are treated as singular nouns if regarded as a single whole: The audience WAS wildly enthusiastic They are treated as plural nouns when regarded as a number of units making up...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

17 324 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_P

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_P

... paralyse/paralyze Both spellings are correct paralysis paraphernalia parent (not perant) parenthesis (singular) parentheses (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS parliament parliamentary Wrong spelling See PARAFFIN ... is that it is not always clear, when a sentence begins on a new page, whether a new paragraph is also intended 132 PARTICIPLES Compare also the paragraphing of speech See INVERTED COMMAS paralyse/paralyze ... PARAFFIN AM FL Y parrafin partake or participate? PARTAKE = to share with others (especially food and drink) PARTICIPATE = to join in an activity; to play a part in partener participles TE They PARTOOK...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

21 352 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_S

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_S

... traditions, SCOTTISH universities, the SCOTTISH Highlands search seasonable or seasonal? SEASONABLE = normal for the time of year (SEASONABLE weather) SEASONAL = happening at a particular season ... SENTIMENTAL reasons (from sentiment) sickly SENTIMENTAL songs (from sentimentality) separate (not seperate) Remember that there is A RAT in sep /A/ RAT/e separate separated, separating, separation See ADDING ... (singular) sheaves (plural) See PLURALS (v) shear or sheer? SHEAR is a verb (a doing word) and means to cut off SHEER is an adjective and means very thin (SHEER material), almost perpendicular (a SHEER...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

23 332 0
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_U

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English_U

... text again, this time checking that you have maintained the appropriate tone Make any adjustments that may be needed " Examine the paragraphing Does each paragraph deal adequately with each topic? ... punctuation, grammar, usage and typographical errors " Make yourself read very slowly Best of all, read aloud Read sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph Read what is actually there, not what ... are reversed.) Should any paragraphs be jettisoned? " Are you happy with the layout and the presentation? " If you have made a lot of alterations, you may wish to make a neat copy at this stage...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

21 252 0
A-Z of the Environment Covering the scientific, economic and legal issues facing all types of organisation pdf

A-Z of the Environment Covering the scientific, economic and legal issues facing all types of organisation pdf

... Airborne particulates Air pollution 13 Air Quality Management Area 14 Air Quality Standard 15 All reasonable precautions and all due diligence 16 Ammonia 16 Anaerobic digestion 17 Animal and vegetable ... paragraph Part A( 2) (a) Disposing of or recycling animal carcasses or animal waste by rendering at plant with a treatment capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day of animal carcasses or animal waste, ... and abbreviations Figures Comparison of types of airborne contaminant Occurrence of asbestos Classification of biological agents Recommended ventilation rates Classification of hazardous substances...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

514 290 0
Talk about a place of great natural beauty ppsx

Talk about a place of great natural beauty ppsx

... a grand hotel I looked ahead at the green, calm sea and my little heart was touched The beauty, of which I was then the witness, was beyond description I only wished that I was born an artist ... to earn a living The trees dancing and swaying to the music of the rushing waves made my heart sing to the matchless rhythm As time passed, the sun was almost disappearing behind the horizon ... brightness is but a mere reflection of the sun’s light This, to me, pointed to the harsh reality behind the beauty of man-made laws As it was already dark, the fishing boats were out of sight and the children...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:20

7 529 0
A–Z of Haematology - part 1 pptx

A–Z of Haematology - part 1 pptx

... A Z of Haematology A Z of Haematology Barbara J Bain MB BS FRACP FRCPath Reader in Diagnostic Haematology Honorary Consultant Haematologist Department of Haematology St Mary’s Hospital Campus ... of a variant of factor V, factor V Leiden (see naturally occurring anticoagulants) actuarial survival an estimate of median survival made while many patients are still alive acute leukaemia Table ... in the diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) a coagulation test in which a contact activator, a partial thromboplastin and calcium are added to plasma with...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

25 312 0
A–Z of Haematology - part 2 docx

A–Z of Haematology - part 2 docx

... syndrome BAC bacterial artificial chromosome bacteraemia presence of bacteria in the blood stream bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) a bacterial cloning vector capable of maintaining very large fragments ... phenotypic abnormality in homozygotes, a heterozygote for a mutant gene cascade a sequence of reactions, e.g the coagulation cascade caseating granuloma a granuloma with central caseation necrosis, ... carcinoma, pancreatic and hepatocellular carcinoma, melanoma and various sarcomas CD10 is expressed on blast cells of the majority of cases of B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, more weakly...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

25 365 0
A–Z of Haematology - part 3 pdf

A–Z of Haematology - part 3 pdf

... normal mast cells; a humanized anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody, dacluzumab (Zenapax), has been used for prevention of cardiac allograft rejection and acute renal allograft rejection; anti-CD25 antibodies ... neoplasms of mature B cells but weakly or not at all on the cells of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and in only about a half of cases of lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma and a quarter of cases of hairy ... at least to 3% of Japanese, Thais and Africans but in less than 0.3% of Caucasians and can be involved in some cases of isoimmune neonatal thrombocytopenia and refractoriness to transfusion of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

25 320 0
A–Z of Haematology - part 4 ppt

A–Z of Haematology - part 4 ppt

... hospital blood bank consumption coagulopathy an alternative designation of disseminated intravascular coagulation contact activation activation of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation by contact ... danaparoid a heparinoid with antifactor Xa activity dapsone an oxidant drug which often causes haemolysis daunorubicin an anthracyclin used in the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia DBA-44 a ... acetate (DDAVP) 1deamino-6-D-arginine vasopressin, a vasopressin analogue that increases plasma concentration of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII and also increases fibrinolysis DF2 an earlier...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

25 342 0
A–Z of Haematology - part 5 potx

A–Z of Haematology - part 5 potx

... cases of Fanconi’s anaemia FANCE a cloned gene that causes some cases of Fanconi’s anaemia FANCF a gene at 11p15, mutation of which explains

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

25 429 0
A–Z of Haematology - part 6 pps

A–Z of Haematology - part 6 pps

... hypocellular rather than hypercellular hypoplastic anaemia an anaemia, usually pancytopenia, as a consequence of bone marrow hypoplasia; usually part of the spectrum of aplastic anaemia hypopyon accumulation ... year of age haemoglobin G the designation of a group of haemoglobin variants, some of which are alpha chain variants and some of which are beta chain variants, that have the same mobility as haemoglobin ... HPA-3 HPA-4 HPA-5 HPA-6w HPA-7w HPA-8w HPA-9w HPA-10w HPA-11w HPA-12w HPA-13w Ibα IIb IIIa Ia IIIa IIIa IIIa IIb IIIa IIIa Ibβ GP 1a three classical HLA class I groups of antigens (HLA -A, HLA-B...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20

25 341 0