a unifying framework for lbp and related methods

ISO 29585:2023 Health informatics — Framework for healthcare and related data reporting

ISO 29585:2023 Health informatics — Framework for healthcare and related data reporting

... standalone from the data warehouse dimension EXAMPLE An inpatient data mart Note 1 to entry: Data marts can also exist as a standalone database tuned for query and analysis, independent of a data ... potential for analysing data on a much wider scale, particularly for areas such as rare diseases where federated big data enables studies requiring this population size — The push for transparency ... principle of privacy by design and by default 3.7 data custodian role within the processing entity (IT department) that handles the data daily 3.8 data dictionary database used for data that refer to

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2024, 15:35

50 1 0
A design framework for reactive and time triggered embedded systems via the UML systemc bridge

A design framework for reactive and time triggered embedded systems via the UML systemc bridge

... can be validated and analyzed And third how to do validation and performance analysis for the mapped application... Ptolemy [7] Artemis supports the Y-chart approach and targets ... I. Ray. UML2Alloy: A challenging model transformation. pages 436–450. 2007. [17] P. Andersson and M. Hst. UML and SystemC - a comparison and mapping rules for automatic code generation. In Forum ... Tay, T. Mitra, and W.F. Wong. Fast and accurate simulation of biomonitoring applications on a wireless body area network. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:11

149 1,4K 0
A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity Exposure Draft doc

A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity Exposure Draft doc

... adoption and development, and finally full implementation within an organization as the organization changes and modifies necessary functions and operations and reaches a particular maturity ... improvement can be achieved in a variety of ways For example, an organization can create a separate improvement program, employ external assistance and support, or use it as a managerial support ... self-assessment and improvement and (2) provides a standard against which an external evaluation of an organization can be conducted ITIM as a Tool for Organizational Improvement ITIM offers organizations

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:22

172 311 0
interference calculus a general framework for interference management and network utility optimization

interference calculus a general framework for interference management and network utility optimization

... However, standard approaches typically ignore the particular analytical structure of the problem at hand Thus,... if r ≥ r The framework A1 , A2 , A3 is related to the concept of standard interference ... case, and most results derived in this book immediately transfer to standard interference. .. 1.2 Basic Axiomatic Framework of Interference Functions Axiomatic characterizations have a long-standing ... introduced by Yates [1], where scalability was required instead of scale invariance Scalability was motivated by a specic power control probA1 A2 lem It will be shown in Section 2.4 that standard

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 16:52

250 545 0
Báo cáo y học: "A statistical framework for modeling gene expression using chromatin features and application to modENCODE datasets" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "A statistical framework for modeling gene expression using chromatin features and application to modENCODE datasets" pptx

... L4 and adult. ROC curves are plotted based on the results of 100 trials of cross-validation. For each trial, the dataset was randomly separated into two halves: one half as training data and ... Schematic diagram of our data binning and supervised analysis. (a) DNA regions around the transcription sta rt site ( TSS) and transcription terminal site (TTS) of each transcript were separated ... sta ge, we repeated the analy- sis in other stages, including late embryo, larval stages and young adult. Although the exact values of correla- tion coefficients vary across stages, the spatial

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

18 398 0
Báo cáo y học: "A unified framework of immunological and epidemiological dynamics for the spread of viral infections in a simple network-based population" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "A unified framework of immunological and epidemiological dynamics for the spread of viral infections in a simple network-based population" ppt

... University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada and 2 Department of Computer Science, College of Arts and Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Email: David ... population after 100 Monte Carlo realizationsFigure 6 Mean (A) and accumulated (B) viral loads in the pop- ulation after 100 Monte Carlo realizations. Each reali- zation is associated with a randomly ... based on values presented by Wodarz and colleagues [4] and are displayed in Table 1. Variations in parameter values and their effect on the popula-tion-wide accumulated viral loadFigure 2 Variations

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

13 334 0
Báo cáo y học: " PAZAR: a framework for collection and dissemination of cis-regulatory sequence annotation" potx

Báo cáo y học: " PAZAR: a framework for collection and dissemination of cis-regulatory sequence annotation" potx

... PAZAR database<p>PAZAR is an open-access and open-source database of transcription factor and regulatory sequence annotation with associated web interface and programming tools for data ... [http://www.pazar.info] Kawaji H, Kasukawa T, Fukuda S, Katayama S, Kai C, Kawai J, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y: CAGE Basic/Analysis Databases: the CAGE resource for comprehensive promoter analysis ... GFF format data for importation into the database. Database content Each data collection within PAZAR is called a project and is identified by a project ID, a project name, a status and a list

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

12 261 0
a practical framework for business intelligence and planning in midsize companies featuring research from gartner 19 octorber 2009

a practical framework for business intelligence and planning in midsize companies featuring research from gartner 19 octorber 2009

... Analystswhodefine? ?and? ??carryoutdomain-specific? ?and? ??adhocanalysis. • Theuserswhoconsume analyticresults? ?and? ??associatedinformation? ?for? ??makingdecisions and managing performance. • ITstaffthatdefine,develop? ?and? ??supportthetechnologycomponents. ... updated information is organized differently (for example, in a data warehouse or data mart) than, say, for operational or transactional applications BI initiatives focus on locating and ... “forecasting” becomes packaged as an analytic application of “sales forecasting” and put in the hands of a sales manager 12 represent emerging markets Analytic applications can be bought as

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2014, 22:24

20 243 0
A combined statistical and in silico framework for analysis and characterization of microbial and mammalian metabolic networks

A combined statistical and in silico framework for analysis and characterization of microbial and mammalian metabolic networks

... Microbial and mammalian metabolism - available genomic and biochemical information for microbial and mammalian metabolic systems, their biotechnological applications, and limitations ... A COMBINED STATISTICAL AND IN SILICO FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MICROBIAL AND MAMMALIAN METABOLIC NETWORKS SELVARASU SURESH (B. Tech, University of Madras, Chennai, India) ... statistical analysis, and mathematical modeling are all pivotal for integrating and making sense of large and complex datasets generated through high... Abbreviations FBA Flux Balance Analysis

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 21:27

220 367 0
A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 4

A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 4

... (MIN) and a closed system called PHOLD as the benchmarks. First, we validate each measurement tool that analyzes the performance at a single layer. The results are validated against analytical results. ... measure time and space performance at the physical system layer (Πprob and Mprob). First, we validate the SPaDES/Java simulator that is used to measure Πprob and Mprob. We run the SPaDES/Java ... The SPaDES/Java supports a sequential simulation and a parallel simulation based on the CMB protocol with demand-driven optimization [BAIN88]. The SPaDES/Java is used to simulate a simulation

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:12

40 205 0
A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 3

A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 3

... Characterization 66 Balakrishnan et al. presented a general performance analysis framework for parallel simulators in [BALA97]. The main objective is to provide a common benchmark suite that ... the LP (for cancellation purposes). The state storage here includes the present state and past states that have been saved in case an LP has to rollback. In our characterization, a past state is ... feel that it is essential to have a complete and unified performance evaluation framework. The previous section has shown that most researchers characterize simulation performance as a function

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:12

41 215 0
A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 2

A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 2

... causal atomic order [HADZ93, ATTI98]. Hadzilacos and Toueg noted the necessity of uniform notation to understand the close relationship among broadcast event orderings [HADZ93]. Meanwhile, many ... simulation. .. events a2 , d 37 , and d 4 are processed and generate 6 8 8 6 8 10 8 events a6 , a7 , and a8 Now, the unprocessed events are d14 , a6 , a7 , a1 0 , and a8 8 10 ... implemented as a sequential program or a parallel program The sequential simulation maintains its event ordering by using a global event list called future event list (FEL) Parallel simulation

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:12

36 246 0
A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 1

A framework for formalization and characterization of simulation performance 1

... the Total Airport and Airspace Model (TAAM) [BODO03]. TAAM is a large air traffic simulation for aviation analysis. They noted that it is not practical to run TAAM using sequential simulation. ... these approaches based on Jain’s classification, i.e., measurement, analytical, and simulation [JAIN91]. 1.3.1 Measurement Approach The measurement approach evaluates the performance of a simulation ... performance bounds [XU01, SONG01, NICO02]. 1.3.3 Simulation Approach Ferscha et al. stated that the analytical approach fails to achieve satisfactory accuracy due to: (i) unrealistic and inadequate

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:12

27 216 0


... and firm interaction The specific problem at hand is the information asymmetry between managers and customers, which harms organizational performance as strategies and activities are often based ... asiakasnäkemyksen prosessimainen eteneminen sekä taipumus rakentaa havainnoista suurempia, suhteellisia kokonaisuuksia Analysoinnin satunnaistekijöiden ehdotetaan olevan alisteisia tiedostamattomille ... marketing can be operationalized as a set of complementary capabilities that lead to cultural and behavioural characteristics of an organization (Jaworski et al., 2000; Slater and Narver, 1995)

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2016, 12:12

100 473 0
TSum4act A Framework for Retrieving and Summarizing Actionable Tweets During a Disaster for Reaction

TSum4act A Framework for Retrieving and Summarizing Actionable Tweets During a Disaster for Reaction

... emotional analysis rather than in classification The performance of classification is measured by the average of 10-folds cross validation Results are showed in Table Table The performance of classification ... diversity, large volume and noise of tweets TSum4act was compared with retweet model and the result indicates that our framework can be used in real disasters A Framework for Retrieving and Summarizing ... interesting aspect is that our data is sparse after pre-processing while ME is a suitable approach to deal with sparse data We not use hashtags, emoticons, or retweets because these features are usually

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 13:15

12 124 0
Improving Environmental Sanitation, Health, and Well-Being:A Conceptual Framework for Integral Interventions

Improving Environmental Sanitation, Health, and Well-Being:A Conceptual Framework for Integral Interventions

... excreta wastewater as threats The cases of Thailand and Ivory Coast have also identified wastewater discharged into the canals as an issue for health and environment in the urban and peri-urban ... chosen as a peri-urban study site Human excreta and wastewater reuse in agriculture and aquaculture has been identified as an issue of environmental sanitation and agriculture, and health and wellbeing ... Improving Environmental Sanitation and Health (hazard analysis and critical control points) for management of pathogens in wastewater and sewage sludge treatment and reuse Water Science and Technology

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2019, 08:57

12 59 0
How to advance our understanding of flipped learning: Directions and a descriptive framework for future research

How to advance our understanding of flipped learning: Directions and a descriptive framework for future research

... & Rajagopalan, V (2014) Pharmacy students’ performance and perceptions in a flipped teaching pilot on cardiac arrhythmias American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(10): article 185 Yang, ... cklohku@gmail.com Gwo-Jen Hwang Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan E-mail: ... increased workload after flipping (Betihavas et al., 2016; Lo & Hew, 2017) In fact, it may be unrealistic to expect that every student can manage to learn all of the basic and advanced materials

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 08:05

15 25 0
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Rainfed Farming Systems: A Modeling Framework for Scaling-Out Climate Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Rainfed Farming Systems: A Modeling Framework for Scaling-Out Climate Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

... Southern Africa How to cite this paper: Alemaw, B.F and Simalenga, T (2015) Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Rainfed Farming Systems: A Modeling Framework for Scaling-Out Climate Smart Agriculture ... improved water harvesting have been explored as ways of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures This can be utilized to explore and design appropriate conservation agriculture and adaptation ... Change Impacts and Adaptation in Rainfed Farming Systems: A Modeling Framework for Scaling-Out Climate Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa Berhanu F Alemaw1, Timothy Simalenga2 Department of

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 16:20

17 45 0
The e-health literacy framework: A conceptual framework for characterizing e-health users and their interaction with ehealth systems

The e-health literacy framework: A conceptual framework for characterizing e-health users and their interaction with ehealth systems

... (2015) Roy Batterham holds a B.App.Sci (physiotherapy) and a M.Ed (program evaluation) He has worked for 20 years as a public health academic and program evaluator in academic, private and government ... Thailand and South East Asia Lars Kayser is a board certified specialist in internal medicine, associate professor in health informatics and currently director of Health Informatics study at ... literacy, often measured using tests of health -related reading ability and numeracy, has also been associated with a wide range of behavioural and health outcomes (Berkman, Sheridan, Donahue, Halpern,

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 00:06

20 107 0
A general framework for studying class consciousness and class formation

A general framework for studying class consciousness and class formation

... and class formation, but rather as a framework for de®ning an agenda of problems for empirical research within class analysis. In the multivariate empirical studies of class conscious- ness and ... framework 10. A general framework for studying class consciousness and class formation In one way or another, most class analysts believe that at the core of class analysis is a relatively simple causal ... ®rst explain limitation and transformation. Figure 10.3 illustrates the general abstract relation between limitation and transformation: structures impose limits on practices; practices transform...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

31 500 0

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