a systematic review of microdialysis studies

Báo cáo y học: "A systematic review of controlled studies: do physicians increase survival with prehospital treatment?" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "A systematic review of controlled studies: do physicians increase survival with prehospital treatment?" pptx

... certain groups of patients Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2003, 47:146-152 Di Bartolomeo S, Sanson G, Nardi G, Scian F, Michelutto V, Lattuada L: Effects of patterns of prehospital care ... anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2000, 44:972-979 Baxt WG, Moody P: The impact of a physician as part of the aeromedical prehospital team in patients with blunt trauma Jama 1987, 257:3246-3250 Anonymous: ... influence may only be minor because the studies demonstrated an increase as well as a decrease and no change in survival suggesting absence of any systematic bias The observation is in accordance with...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20

8 374 0
Healthcare professionals'''' intentions and behaviours: A systematic review of studies based on social cognitive theories ppt

Healthcare professionals'''' intentions and behaviours: A systematic review of studies based on social cognitive theories ppt

... explaining intention and predicting the clinical behaviour of healthcare professionals By means of a systematic review, the overall efficacy was evaluated and the effect of factors that could affect ... efficacy of prediction was also examined Overall, the efficacy of prediction of behaviour was equivalent to values This systematic review also showed that a number of factors affect the efficacy of ... theory of planned behavior: a review of its applications to health-related behaviors Am J Health Promot 1996, 11:87-98 Armitage CJ, Conner M: Efficacy of the theory of planned behaviour: a meta-analytic...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

12 539 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Healthcare professionals'''' intentions and behaviours: A systematic review of studies based on social cognitive theories" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Healthcare professionals'''' intentions and behaviours: A systematic review of studies based on social cognitive theories" pot

... explaining intention and predicting the clinical behaviour of healthcare professionals By means of a systematic review, the overall efficacy was evaluated and the effect of factors that could affect ... efficacy of prediction was also examined Overall, the efficacy of prediction of behaviour was equivalent to values This systematic review also showed that a number of factors affect the efficacy of ... theory of planned behavior: a review of its applications to health-related behaviors Am J Health Promot 1996, 11:87-98 Armitage CJ, Conner M: Efficacy of the theory of planned behaviour: a meta-analytic...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21

12 338 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Toxicity of polymyxins: a systematic review of the evidence from old and recent studies" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Toxicity of polymyxins: a systematic review of the evidence from old and recent studies" ppsx

... blockade that resulted in quadriplegia, apnea, cardiac arrest Case 2: circumoral – acral paresthesias 33 1974 [71] Medical wards Colistimethate sodium (IM) 66 year old male MIU/day for 60 days ... peripheral paresthesia, partial deafness, visual disturbances, vertigo, confusion, hallucinations, seizures, ataxia, and neuromuscular blockade The last of these usually produces a myasthenia-like ... early cessation of the medication and appropriate supportive treatment In the presence of established acute renal failure, haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis can only manage renal complications,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

13 345 0
Báo cáo y học: "Attributable mortality of Acinetobacter baumannii infections in critically ill patients: a systematic review of matched cohort and case-control studies" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Attributable mortality of Acinetobacter baumannii infections in critically ill patients: a systematic review of matched cohort and case-control studies" doc

... 31:690-697 Garnacho-Montero J, Ortiz-Leyba C, Fernandez-Hinojosa E, Aldabo-Pallas T, Cayuela A, Marquez-Vacaro JA, Garcia-Curiel A, Jimenez-Jimenez FJ: Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator-associated ... sex; (3) APACHE II; (4) date of admission; (5) primary diagnosis of ICU admission; (6) LOS in the ICU at least as long as that of the case before isolation of Ab; (7) Mechanical ventilation for ... medical and surgical ICU in Spain [20] Falagas et al [21] Available online http://ccforum.com/content/10/2/R48 A baumannii (cases) with the outcomes of matched patients without A baumannii isolation...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23

8 324 1
Báo cáo y học: " Green tea (Camellia sinensis) and cancer prevention: a systematic review of randomized trials and epidemiological studies" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Green tea (Camellia sinensis) and cancer prevention: a systematic review of randomized trials and epidemiological studies" ppt

... Hoshiyama Y, Kawaguchi T, Miura Y, Mizoue T, Tokui N, Yatsuya H, Sakata K, Kondo T, Kikuchi S, Toyoshima H, Hayakawa N, Tamakoshi A, Ohno Y, Yoshimura T: A prospective study of stomach cancer death ... Yoshimura T, JACC Study Group: A prospective study of green tea consumption and oral cancer incidence in Japan Ann Epidemiol 2007, 17:821-826 Hara N, Sakata K, Nagai M, Fujita Y, Hashimoto T, Yanagawa ... tea and a lower risk of colorectal cancer [43] Breast cancer (5 studies) In a meta-analysis of two prospective cohorts of 35,004 Japanese women [64], green tea intake was not associated with a...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

7 296 0
Lay health workers in primary and community health care: A systematic review of trials pdf

Lay health workers in primary and community health care: A systematic review of trials pdf

... Primary outcomes: Health behaviours such as the type of care plan agreed, and adherence to care plans (medication, dietary advice etc.) Health care outcomes as assessed by a variety of measures ... considerations (such as sparse data, etc.) according to the GRADE approach 5.3 DA TA EX TRAC TIO N Reviewers extracted data from the studies included using a standard form Not all articles were extracted ... Manandhar DS, Osrin D, Shrestha BP, Mesko N, Morrison J, Tumbahangphe KM, Tamang S, Thapa S, Shrestha D, Thapa B, Shrestha JR, Wade A, Borghi J, Standing H, Manandhar M, Costello AM; Members of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

86 502 1
Nitrosamine and related food intake and gastric and oesophageal cancer risk: A systematic review of the epidemiological evidence ppt

Nitrosamine and related food intake and gastric and oesophageal cancer risk: A systematic review of the epidemiological evidence ppt

... M, Natsukawa S, Shaura K, Koizumi Y, Kasuga Y, Hanaoka T, Tsugane S Association of Helicobacter pylori infection and environmental factors in non-cardia gastric cancer in Japan Gastric Cancer ... population: a 6-year survey Jpn J Cancer Res 1992; 83: 568-575 Inoue M, Tajima K, Kobayashi S, Suzuki T, Matsuura A, Nakamura T, Shirai M, Nakamura S, Inuzuka K, Tominaga S Protective factor against ... log scale Figure A: Meat intake and gastric cancer (case-control studies) ; (a) Meat intake: (a1 ) meat (a2 ) pork (a3 ) grilled meat (a4 ) mutton (a5 ) beef (a6 ) red meat; B: Processed meat and gastric...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:21

8 559 0
What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

... evaluations of microfinance programmes within Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania (Zanzibar), Uganda and Zimbabwe, and include both rural and urban initiatives ... interventions, and two were of savings schemes alone They include evaluations of programmes within Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania (Zanzibar), Uganda and Zimbabwe ... Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe One study also included data from Haiti Of these 35 studies, 33 evaluated the impact of microcredit, evaluated the impact of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

104 546 0
Comparison of composition (nutrients and other substances) of organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs: a systematic review of the available literature doc

Comparison of composition (nutrients and other substances) of organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs: a systematic review of the available literature doc

... Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable paper Unobtainable ... Carbohydrates Total amino acids, total essential amino acids, alanine, β-alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartate, aspartic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamate, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, ... plant non-digestible carbohydrates, β-carotene and sulphur Given the reasonable amount of available data, and the hazards of conducting analyses on small datasets, it was deemed inappropriate...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20

209 727 0
a systematic review of the research literature on the use of phonics in the teaching of reading and spelling

a systematic review of the research literature on the use of phonics in the teaching of reading and spelling

... as calculated by the reviewers (mean of word recognition and word attack measures; also mean of comprehension measures, mean of spelling measures, and synthetic versus analytic, where applicable), ...  Reading and spelling et al. Total instructional time = specific data not N/S – whether supplementary or additional or part replacement etc  available (reviewer estimate = approx ...  Table 2: Quality assessment of the included RCTs Author, date Reporting of method of allocation  Sample size justification  Intention to teach analysis  Blinded assessment of outcome...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 09:22

85 571 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Human resources and the quality of emergency obstetric care in developing countries: a systematic review of the literature" potx

báo cáo sinh học:" Human resources and the quality of emergency obstetric care in developing countries: a systematic review of the literature" potx

... Matthews Z, Hussein J, Mavalankar D, Mridha MK, Anwar I, Achadi E, Adjei S, Padmanabhan P, Marchal B, et al.: Going to scale with professional skilled care [see comment][erratum appears in Lancet ... s’ assessment Addr essed aspects Hospital-based morbidity and mortality Acceptability, patients’ satisfaction Caesarean rates, case fatality rates Services utilisation rates Health Perinatal ... explanatory analytical studies; normative evaluation studies; and descriptive articles Based on an assessment of each component of the intervention against norms and criteria, normative evaluation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

12 640 0
báo cáo sinh học:" The global pharmacy workforce: a systematic review of the literature" ppt

báo cáo sinh học:" The global pharmacy workforce: a systematic review of the literature" ppt

... Australia [14] and Canada [7] Generally male pharmacists predominated above the age of 50 Education One response to the shortage of pharmacists was found to be a planned expansion of the number of ... numbers of entrants to the profession However, this expansion presented many concerns regarding quality of teaching, the number of available pharmacy-trained faculty and the academic standard of applicants ... a lack of pharmacy students choosing to undertake postgraduate pharmacy education As academics are usually required to hold a postgraduate degree, this may worsen the pharmacy faculty shortages...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

8 500 0
báo cáo sinh học:" A systematic review of task- shifting for HIV treatment and care in Africa" potx

báo cáo sinh học:" A systematic review of task- shifting for HIV treatment and care in Africa" potx

... South Africa (urban) Cohort 2,084 Nurse/pharmacist managed ART 75% of clients had undetectable viral load at 12 months Torpey et al 2008 [27] Zambia Cohort (quantitative and qualitative analysis) ... health of their patients Several studies have evaluated task shifting against a gold standard of care We know of only one randomized controlled trial that has assessed the effectiveness of task-shifting ... randomized trial in Uganda [59] comparing home-based and facility-based care also found similar rates of viral load suppression, failure and mortality A community-based program offering home-based ART...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

9 532 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Thirty years after Alma-Ata: a systematic review of the impact of community health workers delivering curative interventions against malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea on child mortality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa" docx

báo cáo sinh học:" Thirty years after Alma-Ata: a systematic review of the impact of community health workers delivering curative interventions against malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea on child mortality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa" docx

... for research Malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia are of huge public health importance in sub-Saharan Africa and if ITNs, Page of 11 antimalarials, antibiotics, oral rehydration solution and other simple ... al.: Thirty years after Alma-Ata: a systematic review of the impact of community health workers delivering curative interventions against malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea on child mortality and ... programmes on child mortality Additional material Additional file 1: Database searches Additional file 2: Data extraction sheet Page 10 of 11 Author details PHDC Masters Programme, London School of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

11 585 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Type D personality in the general population: a systematic review of health status, mechanisms of disease, and work-related problems" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Type D personality in the general population: a systematic review of health status, mechanisms of disease, and work-related problems" docx

... [41] Finally, Type D was a strong predictor of adverse cardiac outcome after acute myocardial infarction, and the associated risk was similar to that of traditional cardiovascular risk factors ... behavioral and biological mechanisms of disease as a function of Type D personality in apparently health individuals (Table - section a) Regarding behavioral mechanisms, two studies showed that Type ... was systematically reviewed and we managed to retrieve hard copies of all articles that fulfilled our selection criteria Finally, the methodological quality of each of the selected articles was...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 595 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A systematic review of mobility instruments and their measurement properties for older acute medical patients" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " A systematic review of mobility instruments and their measurement properties for older acute medical patients" doc

... yield to a manageable size The complete search strategy is shown in Appendix Databases searched were Medline, Cinahl, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the Cochrane Central Register ... HABAM, mobility, transfers and balance, each had high correlation with the HABAM total score and with each other [27] Cronbach's alpha for the HABAM total score, mobility, transfers and balance ... 15%, 7% and 4% of the total scale variance respectively All of the HABAM items loaded on the first component Rasch analysis of the same data confirmed the unidimensionality of the HABAM after the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

15 939 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Multiple myeloma and farming. A systematic review of 30 years of research. Where next?" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Multiple myeloma and farming. A systematic review of 30 years of research. Where next?" pdf

... interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests Additional material Additional file Table Farming and Multiple Myeloma, meta analysis of observational studies control studies: ... meta analysis of case control studies: Individual and pooled odds ratio, category "Working as a Figure and farmer for Multiple ten years" Farming and Multiple Myeloma, meta analysis of case control ... All observational studies are subject to a range of methodological problems that are more severe, and far less tractable, than those affecting clinical trials Methodological checklists for case-control...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

7 360 0
báo cáo hóa học:"Differences in resistance mutations among HIV-1 non-subtype B infections: a systematic review of evidence (1996–2008)" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:"Differences in resistance mutations among HIV-1 non-subtype B infections: a systematic review of evidence (1996–2008)" pptx

... results of a global collaboration PLoS Med 2005, 2:e112 Lolekha R, Sirivichayakul S, Siangphoe U, Pancharoen C, Kaewchana S, Apateerapong W, Mahanontharit A, Chotpitayasunondh T, Ruxrungtham K, Phanuphak ... 42:512-4 Kandathil AJ, Kannangai R, Abraham OC, Sudarsanam TD, Pulimood SA, Sridharan G: Genotypic resistance profile of HIV-1 protease gene: a preliminary report from Vellore, south India Indian J ... Vandamme AM, Tanuri A, Phanuphak P, Weber JN, Pillay D, Harrigan PR, Camacho R, Schapiro JM, Shafer RW: Impact of HIV-1 subtype and antiretroviral therapy on protease and reverse transcriptase...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

11 754 0