a statistical spoken dialogue system

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Interface for Barge-in Free Spoken Dialogue System Based on Sound Field Reproduction and Microphone Array" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Interface for Barge-in Free Spoken Dialogue System Based on Sound Field Reproduction and Microphone Array" pptx

... uses a fixed filter designed in advance and real-time a daptation is unnecessary. As a result, computational cost can be reduced. In addition, the proposed method has an advantage that sound virtual ... S Hayamizu, S Itahashi, T Kobayashi, and T Takezawa, “Design and creation of speech and text corpora of dialogue, ” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol... issue and ... a transaural system, say, a three- dimensional sound field localization [11]. In transaural sys- tem, we can show the user a clear sound image of a pri- mary sound source by reproducing a binaural

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

13 318 0
Tài liệu A Hybrid Neural Fuzzy System for Statistical Process Control docx

Tài liệu A Hybrid Neural Fuzzy System for Statistical Process Control docx

... work for various applications, data transformation is necessary to standardize the raw data into the value range that both neural network components can work with. Formulas for data transformation are ... operations, etc. A QC can be mathematically defined as a random variable, which is a function that takes values from a population or distribution. Denote a QC as random variable x . If a population ... shift magnitudes, has values between 0 and 1. The network was trained by a standard backpropagation algorithm with adaptive learning rates. A V-NN output value close to 0 means the process variation

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 01:20

22 716 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system" doc

... human participants This problem can be addressed via the use of the PARADISE evaluation methodology for spoken dialogue systems (Walker et al., 2000) In a PARADISE study, after an initial data ... Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system Myroslava O Dzikovska and Peter Bell and Amy Isard and Johanna D Moore Institute for Language, ... Riccardi, and Mazin Gilbert 2006 The AT&T spoken language understanding system IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing, 14(1):213–222 Pamela W Jordan, Maxim Makatchev, and Umarani

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

11 381 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " A Framework for Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " A Framework for Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents" docx

... PARADISE: A Framework for Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents Marilyn A. Walker, Diane J. Litman, Candace A. Kamm and Alicia Abella AT&T Labs Research 180 Park Avenue Florham Park, ... 07932-0971 USA walker, diane,cak,abella@research.att.com Abstract This paper presents PARADISE (PARAdigm for Dialogue System Evaluation), a general framework for evaluating spoken dialogue agents. ... calculate c2 for Agent A, assume that the average number of repair utterances for Agent A& apos;s subdialogues that repair depart-city is 6, that the mean over all compa- rable repair subdialogues

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 23:20

10 351 0
A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

... the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING 2017, Yangon, Myanmar Tran, V K and Nguyen, L M (201 8a) Adversarial domain adaptation for variational natural language generation ... Van-Khanh Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen, Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Variational Natural Language Generation in Dialogue Systems, Accepted at The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics ... Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), pp 442-451, August 2017 Vancouver, Canada [7] Van-Khanh Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen, Tojo Satoshi, Neural-based Natural Language Gen- eration in Dialogue

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2019, 22:55

147 136 0
A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

... Speech and Language, August 2018 International Conferences [4] Van-Khanh Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen, Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Variational Natural Language Generation in Dialogue Systems, Accepted ... the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING 2017, Yangon, Myanmar Tran, V K and Nguyen, L M (201 8a) Adversarial domain adaptation for variational natural language generation ... inform(name=‘Ananda Fuara’; pricerange=‘expensive’; goodformeal=‘lunch’) Ananda Fuara is a nice place, it is in the expensive price range and it is good for lunch Ananda Fuara is a good for lunch place

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2021, 20:09

97 8 0
A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

... Speech and Language, August 2018 International Conferences [4] Van-Khanh Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen, Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Variational Natural Language Generation in Dialogue Systems, Accepted ... the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING 2017, Yangon, Myanmar Tran, V K and Nguyen, L M (201 8a) Adversarial domain adaptation for variational natural language generation ... inform(name=‘Ananda Fuara’; pricerange=‘expensive’; goodformeal=‘lunch’) Ananda Fuara is a nice place, it is in the expensive price range and it is good for lunch Ananda Fuara is a good for lunch place

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2021, 09:45

97 10 0
A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

... Speech and Language, August 2018 International Conferences [4] Van-Khanh Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen, Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Variational Natural Language Generation in Dialogue Systems, Accepted ... the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING 2017, Yangon, Myanmar Tran, V K and Nguyen, L M (201 8a) Adversarial domain adaptation for variational natural language generation ... inform(name=‘Ananda Fuara’; pricerange=‘expensive’; goodformeal=‘lunch’) Ananda Fuara is a nice place, it is in the expensive price range and it is good for lunch Ananda Fuara is a good for lunch place

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2021, 22:20

97 19 0
A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

... Speech and Language, August 2018 International Conferences [4] Van-Khanh Tran, Le-Minh Nguyen, Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Variational Natural Language Generation in Dialogue Systems, Accepted ... the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING 2017, Yangon, Myanmar Tran, V K and Nguyen, L M (201 8a) Adversarial domain adaptation for variational natural language generation ... inform(name=‘Ananda Fuara’; pricerange=‘expensive’; goodformeal=‘lunch’) Ananda Fuara is a nice place, it is in the expensive price range and it is good for lunch Ananda Fuara is a good for lunch place

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2021, 07:43

97 13 0


... Pyongyang, Korea Shemya Island, Alaska San Francisco, California Colorado Springs, Colorado San Antonio, Texas Chicago, Illinois Miami, Flordia Annapolis, Maryland Values At Observation Site HRBK ... can be defended Site Launch Observation Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Location Kerman, Iran Iraklion, Greece San Francisco, California Colorado Springs, Colorado San Antonio, Texas ... LabVIEW data acquisition card in the computer and an external antenna interface box to provide the drive voltages Site Launch Observation Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Location Pyongyang,

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2022, 23:26

20 0 0
Luận văn a study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

Luận văn a study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

... Tгaiпiпǥ D0maiп Adaρ? ?a? ?i0п M0del 60 Tгaiпiпǥ ເгiƚiເs 61 Tгaiпiпǥ ? ?a? ?iaƚi0пal Пeuгal Laпǥuaǥe Ǥeпe? ?a? ?0г 61 Adѵeгsaгial Tгaiпiпǥ 61 DualѴAE - A Dual ? ?a? ?iaƚi0пal ... Iпƚeг? ?a? ?i0пal ເ0пfeгeпເe 0f ƚҺe ? ?a? ??ifiເ Ass0ເiaƚi0п f0г ເ0mρu? ?a? ?i0пal Liпǥuisƚiເs, ? ?A? ??LIПǤ 2017, ? ?a? ?ǥ0п, M? ?a? ?maг T? ?a? ?, Ѵ K̟ a? ?d Пǥuɣeп, L M (201 8a) Adѵeгsaгial d0maiп adaρ? ?a? ?i0п f0г ? ?a? ?iaƚi0пal ? ?a? ?uгal ... ເ0mρu? ?a? ?i0пal ? ?a? ?uгal Laпǥuaǥe Leaгпiпǥ (ເ0ПLL), ρρ 442-451, Auǥusƚ 2017 ? ?a? ?ເ0uѵeг, ? ?a? ?ada [7] ? ?a? ?-K̟? ?a? ?Һ T? ?a? ? , Le-MiпҺ Пǥuɣeп, T0j0 Saƚ0sҺi, Пeuгal-ьased ? ?a? ?uгal Laпǥuaǥe Ǥeп- e? ?a? ?i0п iп Dial0ǥue

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2023, 19:54

172 2 0
A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

A study on deep learning for natural language generation in spoken dialogue systems

... dissertation Abstract Natural language generation (NLG) plays a critical role in spoken dialogue systems (SDSs) and aims at converting a meaning representation, i.e., a dialogue act (DA), into natural ... 5.1 VNLG - Variational Neural Language Generator 5.1.1 Variational Autoencoder 5.1.2 Variational Neural Language Generator Variational Encoder Network Variational Inference ... generators (ARoA-M and RALSTM) can leverage out-of-domain data on scenario of domain scalability We trained the generator on the 49 4.5 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS unseen Laptop domain from scratch (Scratch),

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2023, 14:10

97 0 0
Facial expression recognition fusion of a human vision system model and a statistical framework

Facial expression recognition fusion of a human vision system model and a statistical framework

... mostly to statistical approaches [14], which treat an individual instance as a random vector, apply various statistical tools to extract discriminating features from training examples, and ... Budynek, and S. Akamatsu. Automatic Classification of Single Facial Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 21:1357–1362, 1999. 5, 37, 80 [53] G. J. Mclachlan. Discriminant Analysis ... Lyons, and J. Gyoba. The Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) Database. URL http://www.kasrl.org/jaffe.html. 21 [40] T. Kanade, J. Cohn, and Y. Tian. Comprehensive Database For Facial Expression

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:47

131 1,6K 0
Talk a lot spoken english course 1

Talk a lot spoken english course 1

... pair work with a partner The starting sentences all contain embedded grammar, which means grammar that occurs as a natural part of the sentence block as it is being spoken and automatically ... in a shorter timeframe. [...]... Conditional: to talk about regular actions and things that are always true to talk about completed actions in the past to talk about what is happening at ... feedback form or by emailing info@englishbanana.com. We’d also be really excited to hear about your ideas and proposals for new Talk a Lot topics and activities that we can use in future Talk a

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 15:13

167 997 7
Talk a lot spoken english course 2

Talk a lot spoken english course 2

... Banana.com materials, e.g. adapt a worksheet that is saved as a .doc Word document so that it is more suitable for your needs. 4. You may add any or all English Banana.com materials to an internal ... Standard Disclaimer: By accessing and using www.englishbanana.com you accept that all materials and services, including links to external websites, are provided in good faith and 'as is'. ... You agree that you will not hold English Banana.com responsible for any issues or consequences that may arise from accessing and using English Banana.com materials. No guarantee of availability

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 15:13

175 717 6
Spatial moment analysis of colloid facilitated radionuclide transport in a coupled fracture-matrix system

Spatial moment analysis of colloid facilitated radionuclide transport in a coupled fracture-matrix system

... colloids. Enhanced radionuclide transport at Chalk River Nuclear laboratories in Canada [12,13] Oak Ridge National laboratory in Tennessee [14,15] and Uranium deposit in Australia [16] were attributed ... Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved. Spatial moment analysis of colloid facilitated radionuclide transport in a coupled fracture-matrix system N. Natarajan 1 , G. Suresh Kumar ... migration significantly since they are smaller than the intergranular pores and fractures in rock and have the capacity to travel long distances in percolating waters [19]. Many researchers have

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 17:03

14 478 0
PROBE–A multicriteria decision support system for portfolio robustness evaluation

PROBE–A multicriteria decision support system for portfolio robustness evaluation

... robustness evaluation that integrates two main architectural components: a multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) component and a portfolio decision analysis (PDA) component The MCDA component allows ... original preference robustness evaluation PROBE software (Bana e Costa 2001, Bana e Costa et al 2007) Given an uncertainty domain , we say that portfolio p* additively dominates portfolio p if and ... allocation, portfolio robustness, DSS Working Paper LSEOR 09.108 Introduction Suppose that a manager has several projects, each one expected to add value to his organization The manager has associated

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 11:41

26 373 0
Tài liệu Xử lý tiếng nói - Spoken Language System Architecture docx

Tài liệu Xử lý tiếng nói - Spoken Language System Architecture docx

... lớn và nhiềungữ điệuc? ?a âm thanhnhiềungữ điệuc? ?a âm thanhnhiều ngữ điệu c? ?a âm thanhnhiều ngữ điệu c? ?a âm thanh Các thành phầncơ bảncủamộthệ thống TTSCác thành phầncơ bảncủamộthệ thống TTSCác ... sang dạng ngữ ngh? ?a đượcquyướcnói sang dạng ngữ ngh? ?a đượcquyướcnói sang dạng ngữ ngh? ?a được quy ướcnói sang dạng ngữ ngh? ?a được quy ước [...]...Thành phần quản lý hội thoại có chức năng giao ... c? ?a nhiễucáchphátâmâm, âm vị, tác động c? ?a nhiễu, cách phát âm âm, âm vị, tác động c? ?a nhiễu, cách phát âm c? ?a nhiều người nói khác nhauc? ?a nhiều người nói khác nhau –– Các mô hình ngôn ngữ: bao

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 10:15

12 561 3
Tài liệu Design of a Powerline Home Automation System pdf

Tài liệu Design of a Powerline Home Automation System pdf

... that carries any amount of noise, it is possible to transmit data reliably (that is, with an error probability of zero) as long as the data rate is below a certain limit known as the channel capacity ... Signal attenuation on a powerline across the 0-300 kHz frequency band Figure taken from Chan and Donaldson [3] From the above analyses of noise and attenuation it is clear that choosing a good carrier ... spectrum on a residential powerline Figure taken from Vines and Trussel[4] Signal attenuation on a residential powerline A study done by Chan and Donaldson [3] shows that the signal attenuation is

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 20:20

55 699 1


... storage, access, and reporting of financial data Manages purchases of goods and services Central Data Base Maintains transaction details and structural data e.g., Chart of Account Budget Manages ... budget preparation Accounts Payable Manages payments Cash Management Monitors cash position and analyzes cash flows Accounts Receivable Manages revenue Asset Management Maintains records of major government ... the core are a central database and general ledger, accounts payable, and cash management functions At the time the system was shut down, work had been underway to incorporate budget and procurement

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

41 461 1

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