a procedure for multiclass discrimination

Báo cáo sinh học: "Mixture model for inferring susceptibility to mastitis in dairy cattle: a procedure for likelihood-based inference" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: "Mixture model for inferring susceptibility to mastitis in dairy cattle: a procedure for likelihood-based inference" pdf

... models having an adequate predictive ability, and to develop feasible computational procedures For example, a non-Bayesian analysis may be carried out more... Now, to combine quadratic forms ... general, the y may be either scalar or vector valued, or may be discrete as in [5,28]. Methods for inferring parameters are maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis. An account of likelihood-based ... likelihood / EM algorithm / mastitis / dairy cattle 1. INTRODUCTION Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland associated with bacterial infection. Its prevalence can be as large as 50%, e.g.,

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

25 246 0
A procedure for distributing recruits in manpower systems

A procedure for distributing recruits in manpower systems

... S Data for graded manpower systems are normally available as stocks for each grade or flows between grades We assume that the flows follow a natural order, i.e., promotion is from one grade ... formulate a population-dynamic model consisting of aggregate-fractional flow balance equations within a discrete-time Markov chain framework for the system We use MATLAB as a convenient platform to solve ... A. A.Osagiede, W .A. Iguodala/ A Procedure for Distributing between the categories are governed by the sub-stochastic matrix, P  ( pˆ ) The use of time invariant aggregate-fractional flow rates

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 14:04

12 18 0
A procedure for optimal design of a dynamic vibration absorber installed in the damped primary system based on Taguchi’s method

A procedure for optimal design of a dynamic vibration absorber installed in the damped primary system based on Taguchi’s method

... ca ks cs ca ma ca ms cs ka ca ks cs ca ma ca ms , F0 ka ica ks ka ka ma cs ca i , (4) and H us F0 us ks ms ka ma 2 ka ma ka ma cs ca 2 ca2 2 cs ka ca ks cs ca ma ca ms 2 (5) The formula (5) will ... us ka ica ua ica ua F0 , Eq (3) denotes a set of linear algebraic equations with two unknowns us s ua a F0 ka ks ms ms ka ma ma ka ma ma cs ca (3) us and ua It follows that ica i cs ka ca ks ... equations of motion 650 A procedure for optimal design of a dynamic vibration absorber installed in the damped … ms xs cs ma xa ca xs ca xs ca xa ks ka xs ca xa ka xs ka xa ka xa f s (t ) F0 sin t

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2020, 21:07

13 65 0
A procedure for multi-objective optimization of tire design parameters

A procedure for multi-objective optimization of tire design parameters

... considering manufacturing practices, data from literature (Olatunbosun & Bolarinwa, 2004; Serafinska et al., 2013; Yang et al 2014) and trial FE analyses, the ranges of values for tire design parameters ... the area Tire performance is evaluated through a large set of performance characteristics, such as dry/wet handling and traction, endurance, wear resistance, ride comfort, rolling resistance, aquaplaning, ... surface approximation Mathematical models representing functional relationships between tire design parameters and performance characteristics allow for systematical analysis and optimization of tire

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2020, 22:04

12 88 0
Non-targeted metabolite profiling of citrus juices as a tool for variety discrimination and metabolite flow analysis

Non-targeted metabolite profiling of citrus juices as a tool for variety discrimination and metabolite flow analysis

... (including accurate mass values and retention time) and peak area values per sample was obtained Statistical analyses Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) was performed with pvclust package running ... cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase; ANOVA: Analysis of variance; PA: Phaseic acid; DPA: Dehydrophaseic acid; ABAGE: Abscisic acid glycosyl ester; PAL: Phenylalanine ammonia lyase; CHS: Chalcone synthase ... Electrospray ionization; HCA: Hierarchical cluster analysis; PLS-DA: Partial least squares discriminant analysis; VIP: Variable importance for the projection (related to PLS-DA); ABA: Abscisic acid;

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 23:46

16 20 0
A procedure for the estimation over time

A procedure for the estimation over time

... method explained in [14] List of abbreviations MFA: Metabolic flux analysis FSA: Flux spectrum approach FBA: Flux balance analysis CHO: Chinese hamster ovary (cells) AIS: Average along time of ... project All the authors read and approved the final manuscript Additional file Analysis of the effect of the uncertainty of each measured flux Details and datasets of the indirect and direct analysis ... correspond to the m metabolites and columns to the n fluxes Assuming that the intracellular metabolites are at pseudo-steady state, material balances around them can be formulated as follows [38,39]:

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2022, 15:34

25 23 0
carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels a procedure for estimation and results for 1950 1982

carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels a procedure for estimation and results for 1950 1982

... coal equivalent at 29.31 x 10" J/t (7000 calories per gram), the resulting calculations are straightforward 5.1 Gases Although there are compositional data available for many individual natural ... heating value basis Our factor is based on US data and assumes only that the ratio of A H H I A H , is the same for average world coal as for US coal Table shows, by year, the A H , , of US coals ... natural gases we have been unable to locate any statistical summary of the composition of natural gases produced over large geographic areas From the analytical data for 252 well-head samples of

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 09:06

30 0 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Sequential Procedure for Individual Identity Verification Using ECG" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Sequential Procedure for Individual Identity Verification Using ECG" potx

... maximum was 37 heartbeats. In all cases, the correct decision was reached. 5.2. Second Data Set. Two additional ECG data collection campaigns used a simplified protocol and a standard, FDA approved ECG ... sequential procedure arrives at the correct decision in fifteen heartbeats or fewer in all but one instance and in most cases the decision is reached with half as many heartbeats. Analysis of an additional ... credentials Figure 1: Simplified architecture for an authentication system. [6] analyzed other cardiovascular modalities and found ECG data most discriminating for human identification. This paper

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

13 334 0
A modal pushover analysis procedure for estimating seismic demands for buildings

A modal pushover analysis procedure for estimating seismic demands for buildings

... Structures, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2000 16 Matsumori T, Otani S, Shiohara H, Kabeyasawa T Earthquake member deformation demands in reinforced concrete frame structures Proceedings U.S.–Japan Workshop ... SK Adaptive spectra-based pushover procedure for seismic evaluation of structures Earthquake Spectra 2000; 16(2):367–392 13 Paret TF, Sasaki KK, Eilbekc DH, Freeman SA Approximate inelastic procedures ... 580 A K CHOPRA AND R K GOEL enough for practical application in building evaluation and design That said, however, all pushover analysis procedures considered not seem to compute accurately local

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2018, 14:12

22 122 0
A deep learning based procedure for estimation of ultimate load carrying capacity of steel trusses using advanced analysis

A deep learning based procedure for estimation of ultimate load carrying capacity of steel trusses using advanced analysis

... consisting of training and test data are created based on advanced analysis In datasets, input data are the member cross-sections of the truss members and output data is the ultimate load factor of ... An example of a planar 39-bar steel truss is studied to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the DL method Five optimizers such as Adadelta, Adam, Nadam, RMSprop and SGD and five activation ... efforts, they have been gradually being replaced by advanced analysis methods [1–4] which can account for geometric and material nonlinearities directly and model complex contact conditions Advanced

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2020, 02:44

11 28 0
SegCorr a statistical procedure for the detection of genomic regions of correlated expression

SegCorr a statistical procedure for the detection of genomic regions of correlated expression

... the Gaussian assumption reasonable For example, in the context of segmentation, [7] showed that Gaussian segmentation applied to log(1 + x)-transformed RNA-seq data performs as well as negative ... (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated Delatola et al BMC Bioinformatics (2017) 18:333 (ii) one can aim at detecting chromosomal domains ... information is available at the end of the article same copy number variation (CNV) It has further been observed that local regulations may occur in specific nuclear domains, as the nuclear region

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 17:06

15 25 0
A Numerical Procedure for the Assessment of Contact Pressures on Buried Structures Overlain by EPS Geofoam Inclusion

A Numerical Procedure for the Assessment of Contact Pressures on Buried Structures Overlain by EPS Geofoam Inclusion

... Canadian highway bridge design code, Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Mississauga AASHTO (2012) LRFD bridge design specifications, 6th edn American Association of State Highway and Transportation ... between accuracy and computing cost An average element size of 3 mm was found to satisfy the balance and produce accurate results To validate the numerical model, the calculated and measured load–strain ... geofoam generally behaves as a nonlinear elasto-plastic hardening material A constitutive model that is capable of describing the details of material behavior, including the nonlinearity, elasticity,

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2021, 17:26

14 9 0
a complete procedure for predicting and improving the performance of hawt s

a complete procedure for predicting and improving the performance of hawt s

... (Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering; Universitiy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Urbana, Illinois) [8] 1997 An evaluation of an empirical model for stall delay due to rotation ... Figure Calculated angle of attack and prediction procedure by LSWT and measuring method of LFA of the NREL UAE phase-VI rotor [18] Figure Calculated angle of attack and experimental data of the aero-elastic ... ∗ AR (7) Airfoil stall angle and blade averaged values of CL and CD at α = 20 degrees are used as inputs for the Viterna equations, because these values CLstall,average = 1.24 and CDstall = 0.44

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 08:29

11 3 0
a rapid non invasive procedure for quantitative assessment of drought survival using chlorophyll fluorescence

a rapid non invasive procedure for quantitative assessment of drought survival using chlorophyll fluorescence

... Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia and 2Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, Research School of Biological Sciences, the Australian National University, Canberra, ACT ... here allows the acquisition of quantitative numerical estimates of Arabidopsis drought survival times that are amenable to statistical analysis Furthermore, the required measurements can be obtained ... media [9] Rosette detachment and uprooting are suitable for assessment of a plant's ability to resist rapid water loss using dehydration avoidance mechanisms, such as stomatal closure In contrast,

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 08:55

14 0 0
a bayesian track before detect procedure for passive radars

a bayesian track before detect procedure for passive radars

... form expression Therefore, in order to obtain a tractable formulation, we propose a Gaussian mixture approximation Our targeted application is passive radar, with civilian broadcasters used as ... passive radars Khalil Jishy1 and Frederic Lehmann2* Abstract This article presents a Bayesian algorithm for detection and tracking of a target using the track-before-detect framework This strategy ... Track-before-detect, Gaussian mixture filtering, Passive radar Introduction Most currently available civilian and military radars use collocated transmit and receive antennas to send an electromagnetic signal and

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 08:50

15 2 0


... pancreatic parenchyma, a lateral pancreaticojejunostomy was created Postoperatively there was resolution or significant improvement in their abdominal pain symptoms, the diameter of pancreatic ... et al Surgical [11] Nathan JD, Ellery K, Balakrishnan K et Success in Chronic Pancreatitis: Sequential Endoscopic Retrograde al The Role of Surgical Management Cholangiopancreatography and ... tests, pancreatic enzymes, tumor markers, computed tomography, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography The dilated pancreatic duct was opened via a longitudinal incision made sharply through

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2024, 17:46

11 0 0
Academic writing - a handbook for international student

Academic writing - a handbook for international student

... British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record has been ... Education (CELE) at The University of Nottingham who have piloted these materials, and in particular my colleagues Ann Smith, Janet Sanders, John Rabone and Sandra Haywood for their help in unravelling ... Questionnaire design and survey reports The note-making and paraphrasing process A comparison of classroom learning with internet-based teaching Education is the most important factor in national development

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 16:20

272 827 31
Cambridge grammar trouble spots - A guide for student writers

Cambridge grammar trouble spots - A guide for student writers

... sentences Example: Amelia Earhart, a famous aviator, was born in 1897 s V Answer: Amelia Earhart, a famous aviator, was born in 1897 1 Earhart first flew across the Atlantic in 1928 2 Her flight across ... want to @ Packing Information into an Independent Clause We can add information at several points to a simple sentence containing one independent clause, and that information can take the form ... Because he has many animals to feed, the zookeeper orders tons of food every day A A subordinate clause must always be attached to an independent clause A subordinate clause standing alone is a

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 17:00

194 560 7
Module 7: Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 as a Solution for Internet Connectivity

Module 7: Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 as a Solution for Internet Connectivity

... provide greater availability and performance for the hub airport Enable active caching on PRXYSRV4 To restrict traffic between the hub airport and the firewall To improve the performance for accessing ... shuttle airport and the firewall To allow workstations to automatically be configured to access the proxy array To force all HTTP and FTP traffic through the proxy array Enable access to PRXYSRV9 for ... to create a proxy array The proxy array would provide increased performance and availability In addition, Windows Clustering can be used to increase the availability of Proxy Server THIS PAGE

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15

62 359 0
Module 8: Routing as a Solution for Private Network Connectivity

Module 8: Routing as a Solution for Private Network Connectivity

... subnets and hosts can be easily managed by RIP -for- IP version Specify auto-static routing with updates once a day at midnight To automatically update the routing information at a regular interval ... subnets and hosts can be easily managed by RIP -for- IP version Specify auto-static routing with updates once a day at midnight To automatically update the routing information at a regular interval ... is easier to manage and the router platform can handle the existing traffic RRARTR3 Between Subnets F and H Reason for placing router Specify a static route entry that forwards e-mail messages

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15

50 371 0

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