a how structured is your data

Tài liệu Oracle XML DB Developer''''s Guide pptx

Tài liệu Oracle XML DB Developer''''s Guide pptx

... Slack, Muralidhar Subramanian, Asha Tarachandani, Priya Vennapusa, James Warner Contributor: Reema Al-Shaikh, Harish Akali, Vikas Arora, Deanna Bradshaw, Paul Brandenstein, Lisa Eldridge, Craig ... Dan Chiba, Mark Drake, Fei Ge, Wenyun He, Thuvan Hoang, Sam Idicula, Namit Jain, Neema Jalali, Bhushan Khaladkar, Viswanathan Krishnamurthy, Muralidhar Krishnaprasad, Geoff Lee, Wesley Lin, Annie ... Nipun Agarwal, Abhay Agrawal, Omar Alonso, David Anniss, Sandeepan Banerjee, Mark Bauer, Ravinder Booreddy, Stephen Buxton, Yuen Chan, Sivasankaran Chandrasekar, Vincent Chao, Ravindranath Chennoju,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20

840 8,7K 2
An error analysis on the use ofcohesive devices in writing by freshmen majoring in English at thang long university

An error analysis on the use ofcohesive devices in writing by freshmen majoring in English at thang long university

... translation will be formed as a habit of language learning The awareness on particular collocations should be raised in this way and as context is a critical factor that guarantees effective learning ... discourse analysis because it includes all those items in a text that are semantically related in some cases This type of lexical cohesion, according to Haliday and Hasan (1976), is achieved ... by Haliday and Hasan (1976) are included in this chapter 24 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter describes the subjects, instruments of data collection and methods of data analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12

62 2K 2
An error analysis of using reference in written english by secondary   school studend = phân tích lỗi của học sinh THPT tong việc sử dụng phép quy chiếu trong tiếng anh viết

An error analysis of using reference in written english by secondary school studend = phân tích lỗi của học sinh THPT tong việc sử dụng phép quy chiếu trong tiếng anh viết

... equally, equally good Figure 3: Comparative reference ( Halliday and Hasan, 1976, p.76) (1) General comparison Halliday and Hasan indicate that general comparison is meant comparison that is simply ... things are like each other, as in (b) It is the same cat as the one we saw yesterday It is a similar cat to the one we saw yesterday (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:78) (2) Particular comparison Halliday ... that that is always anaphoric, this may be either anaphoric or cataphoric.In addition, the demonstratives this and that may refer to a clause, a sentence and a sequence of sentences (Quirk et al,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:08

51 613 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Error-Driven Word-Character Hybrid Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Error-Driven Word-Character Hybrid Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging" docx

... (Asahara, 2003; Nakagawa, 2004) POC tags indicate the word-internal positions of the characters, as described in Table Table 1: Position-of-character (POC) tags Figure shows an example of a lattice ... idea has proven effective for estimating the statistics of unknown words in previous studies (Ratnaparkhi, 1996; Nagata, 1999; Nakagawa, 2004) We adopt Baayen and Sproat’s approach as the baseline ... Spanning Tree Algorithms for Dependency Parsing University of Pennsylvania, PhD Thesis Masaki Nagata 1994 A stochastic japanese morphological analyzer using a forward-DP backwardA* n-best search...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 01:20

9 338 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Error Analysis of Relation Extraction in Social Media Documents" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Error Analysis of Relation Extraction in Social Media Documents" ppt

... overall dataset Analysis Overall the system is not performing as well as it does on the ACE-2004 dataset However, there is a 25 point F-Measure difference between the LiveJournal and JDPA authored ... NAACL/HLT 2007 Kessler J., Eckert M., Clark L., and Nicolov N The ICWSM 2010 JDPA Sentiment Corpus for the Automotive Domain International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media Data Challenge ... lexical features (Zhou et al., 2005) as the basis for the features of our system similar to what other researchers have done (Chan and Roth, 2010) Additional work has extended these features (Jiang...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 21:20

5 396 0


... language’s features Later in 1978 he recasts interference as learners’ reliance on the first language as their strategy of communication, which means learners use literal translation as a learning ... inter-lingual source, an analysis of semantic and structural differences among particular features in English and Vietnamese should be made and introduced to the students; this strategy will raise students’ ... those of adversative ones, should be raised in this way and as context is a critical factor that guarantees effective learning it should be accompanied in exercises on collocation When applying...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2015, 10:03

11 487 2
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Improved Error Model for Noisy Channel Spelling Correction" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Improved Error Model for Noisy Channel Spelling Correction" ppt

... strings that were found in a large collection of text, and that (a) not appear in their dictionary and (b) are no more than one edit away from a word that does appear in the dictionary They iteratively ... Laird et al 1977) The idea is that contexts that are useful will accumulate fractional counts across multiple instances, whereas contexts that are noise will not accumulate significant counts Applying ... that for a particular pair of strings {s, w} we can use the standard dynamic programming algorithm for finding edit distance by filling a |s|*|w| weight matrix (Wagner and Fisher 1974; Hall and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

8 433 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article An Alternative Method to Compute the Bit Error Probability of Modulation Schemes Subject to Nakagami-m Fading" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article An Alternative Method to Compute the Bit Error Probability of Modulation Schemes Subject to Nakagami-m Fading" pdf

... channel is seen as an additive noise channel whose noise is modeled as the ratio between a Gaussian random variable and a Nakagamim random variable Exact and closed-form expressions were obtained ... (analytical) m = 0.6 (analytical) m = 0.8 (analytical) m = 0.95 (analytical) 20 25 30 10−4 10 15 SNR (dB) M = 16 (analytical) M = 64 (analytical) M = 256 (analytical) M = 1024 (analytical) Shayesteh ... that the Rayleigh fading channel can be seen as an additive noise channel whose noise is modeled as the ratio between a Gaussian random variable (r.v.) and a Rayleigh r.v The cumulative density...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

12 404 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article An Iterative Soft Bit Error Rate Estimation of Any Digital Communication Systems Using a Nonparametric Probability Density Function" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article An Iterative Soft Bit Error Rate Estimation of Any Digital Communication Systems Using a Nonparametric Probability Density Function" pptx

... white Gaussian noise with zero mean and a covariance matrix equal to σ ISF , (n ∼ N (0, σ ISF )) It is seen [9] that a sufficient statistic for demodulating the data bits of the K users is given ... support: applications to shape classification and speech coding,” Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, vol 10, no 3, pp 215–231, 1994 [7] S Saoudi, F Ghorbel, and A Hillion, “Some statistical ... kernel-diffeomorphism estimator,” Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, vol 13, no 1, pp 39–58, 1997 [8] M Troudi, A M Alimi, and S Saoudi, “Fast plug-in method for parzen probability density estimator...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

9 340 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Error Sign Feedback as an Alternative to Pilots for the Tracking of FEXT Transfer Functions in Downstream VDSL" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Error Sign Feedback as an Alternative to Pilots for the Tracking of FEXT Transfer Functions in Downstream VDSL" pptx

... significantly above the noise as it would unacceptably decrease the performance So this shows that for a given bit rate usage, a well- EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE Relation between estimation variance and ... Then transmission can start at a lower rate, without any crosstalk cancellation, considering crosstalk as noise During this first part, some coarse estimation of the crosstalk channel can be performed, ... have been shown In this paper, we additionally provide a theoretical justification based on the CramerRao bound, we provide a more detailed analysis of the performance both analytically and with...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

14 601 0
Truth, error, and criminal law an essay in legal epistemology

Truth, error, and criminal law an essay in legal epistemology

... book is a first stab at laying out such an agenda In this chapter, I formulate as clearly as I can what it means to speak of legal errors Absent a grasp of what those errors are, we obviously cannot ... or dismissed by the judge? These are mistakes just as surely as a false acquittal is Likewise, if an innocent person – faced with a powerfully inculpatory case – decides to accept a plea bargain ... that they are unimportant or that they can be ignored in the final analysis But if we are to get a handle on the core epistemic issues that are at stake in a criminal trial, it is best – at the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2015, 01:41

256 549 0
dau an tinh luyen

dau an tinh luyen

... mong muốn Dầu sau r a gia nhiệt đến nhiệt độ sấy 100-105oC, sau than đất hoạt tính hút vào thiết bị Tại hỗn hợp khuấy trộn thời gian 45 phút, ngừng cấp điện khuấy trộn, đ a hỗn hợp qua máy lọc để ... nghiên cứu phương pháp phòng trừ sâu bọ d a đề ổn định nguồn nguyên liệu cho ngành chế biến d a Thông tin để doanh nghiệp a dạng hoá sản phẩm từ d a thời gian tới Biên tập: ÁI THÙY ... chất TCVN 2637-78 Nước chất bay hơiTCVN 2637-78 Chỉ số độ chua KNCL&ATTP (mgKOH/g) Chỉ số Percxyt KNCL&ATTP Phản ứng kreiss KNCL&ATTP Kết Mẫu Mẫu Trong sánh Trong sánh Trắng Trắng % 0.784 0.08 %...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 10:55

4 791 8