... leap year addition of one day Their calendar Of 365 days lost about a quarter of a day each twelvemonth and about a whole day every four years New Year's Day began with the rising of the star ... became the Egyptian Satan, and he was depicted as a black serpent, a black pig, a red mythical monster, or simply as a red−haired man; he was also given half−animal and half−human form As we have ... Mediterranean peoples, who multiplied rapidly in their North African area of characterization, and spread into Asia Minor and Europe and up the Nile valley as far as Nubia, where Thoth, the lunar...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
... the Daugavpils area of what became Latvia at the beginning of the First World War, and had worked as a language teacher in Russia where she had met her husband, also an expatriate Latvian, when ... Russians In parts of Latvia and Estonia, such as Narva, Daugavpils, Riga and Liepaja, there were numbers of Russians living and working alongside ethnic Latvians In the border area of Narva in ... when he was serving in the Tsarist army in Kazan A third was born in Russia after his father, a factory manager, had been evacuated to central Russia at the beginning of the First World War So there...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:24
Architecture and the UML
... Diagrams Diagrams Scenario Scenario Diagrams Statechart Diagrams Diagrams State State Diagrams Class Diagrams Diagrams Use Case Use Case Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Diagrams State State Diagrams Object ... Diagrams Diagrams State State Diagrams Component Diagrams Diagrams Models Component Component Diagrams Deployment Diagrams Activity Diagrams Diagrams Use Case Model Use Case Diagrams Use Case ... object diagrams context of a group of objects interaction between these objects 38 Activity Diagram An activity diagram is a variant of statechart diagrams organized according to actions, and mainly...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:37
... important of scholarly tasks at hand today; acknowledging that Ireland and the Irish were assigned a crucial place in the ideological work of English nation-formation in the past – a point often made ... and in English representations are certainly not; if racial categories serve in some contexts as a means of naturalizing power inequities, by making Irish and English ‘‘national character’’ a ... it has in France, all distinctions would thereby be lost Here Burke avows the central role of masculine heterosexual discipline in creating and maintaining social, political, and national order:...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39
... so involved in AngloNorman and Angevin society through landholding and marriage, cannot have been monolingual in Breton or in any way insular in their culture and politics It is surely signi®cant ... Treguier in favour of Alan, and to remain unmarried.68 In 1145, both Alan and Henry were at Conan III's court at Quimper, when Alan con®rmed their father's grants to a priory in Guingamp, indicating ... impost, as distinct from the customary dues payable by the inhabitants of ducal domains The only instance I have found of ducal tallia levied on the à inhabitants of a barony is at Pontchateau There,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46
... mind, has during the last few decades been instructed in the art of reading printed words, without acquiring an adequate supply of information or any training in the reasoning faculties such as would ... Daily Mail was indeed exaggerat- The war at home ing every cabled bit of news from South Africa into a headline The surest way to attract customers, the Daily Mail’s Alfred Harmsworth appeared ... Mail was wrestling in the April coverage of the Mafeking siege The Mail’s efforts to create drama about Mafeking resulted in some fancy footwork Headlines that day read ‘‘Lady Sarah Wilson...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54
... specifically accepted by Tamanaha as law are state law, customary law, religious law, international law, transnational law, indigenous law and natural law (pp 224–30) Tamanaha, General Jurisprudence, ... and practices into a discourse which may maintain stability whilst accommodating change within manageable, consistent parameters of normativity and meaning This may already be within the Western ... Ward: A Critical Introduction to European Law Ward: Shakespeare and Legal Imagination Zander: Cases and Materials on the English Legal System Zander: The Law-Making Process Globalisation and the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54
... It had a dateline as well as a multi-part headline characteristic of urgent news with bold-faced capitals, bold italics, and exclamation marks The story was set in multiple columns, and the paper ... similarly blurred manuscript and print Marginalia, after all, were highly personal comments; Baudelaire characterized Poe's ``Marginalia'' as the secret chambers of his mind.24 In an annotated ... that he was studying for his examination, but the work also reveals Poe's rebellion against his French teacher Professor Blaetterman's European training gave him a traditional approach to teaching...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58
... work take a varied approach to this problem, though all assume that newspapers are printed publications that appear frequently, at regular intervals, in dated (or numbered) instalments, containing ... gazettes are read at Constantinople, Smyrna, Cairo, in the Levant, in both Indies, just as at the Hague and in the caf´ s of Amsterdam’. German e papers were also widely available The Gazette ... he saw absolutism as the only guarantee against social disintegration In fact, Manzon’s fear of demagoguery and democratic forces was shared by the other international journalists, but in a more...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58
... technical advances in the print industry.22 In Letters on Education (1790), Catherine Macaulay argued that the ‘advantages of printing, by rendering easy the communication of ideas, giving an universality ... burden always remained an adventure, and who during these years showed great wisdom in agreeing to become my permanent literary critic and partner Abbreviations AR AAR BC ER GM MM MR RR Analytical ... raised again by what Wordsworth called those ‘great national events’ that were ‘almost daily taking place’: the French Revolution, the Napoleonic and American wars, urbanization, industrialization,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00
... offer, taken as a whole, a central perspective on Greek mathematical practices in general, as well as on Archimedes’ individual character as an author Third and most important, having now read many ... pyramid is a third part of a prism having the same base as the pyramid and an equal height,8 and that every cone is a third part of the cylinder having the base the same as the cylinder and an ... that ,” again in the particular terms of the diagram (with the same example, we can say that y is re-stated in particular reference to the diagram) Construction, in which added mathematical...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00
... the rational craftsman’s approach to war could easily work against ideas of restraint in war, a point dramatically illu´ strated in India by the Arthasastra of Kautilya This was a manual of statesmanship ... them is the way in which they indicated that war-making was a methodical and painstaking affair, a far cry from a mere blind lashing out at enemies.34 Yet another way in which rational or rule-governed ... instance, the deliberate insulting of a diplomat was treated as actually constituting a declaration of war.79 The Bible relates that, in ancient Israel, David made war against the Ammonites because...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02
Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth
... Kenya Korea Malaysia Mexico Morocco Nepal Netherlands Nicaragua Nigeria New Zealand Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Portugal Rwanda Salvador Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore Spain ... Costa Rica Denmark Dominican Rep Ecuador Egypt Ethiopia Finland France Ghana Germany Great Britain Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica ... Used in the Analysis (The period starting in 1995 covers 1995-98) Country Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Bolivia Botswana Brazil Burma Canada Chile China Colombia Congo (Braz.)...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50
Circuit theory of finance and the role of incentives in financial sector reform
... technical and financial assistance on accounting techniques, financial practices (such as asset and liability management), project evaluation, and performance analysis, monitoring, managementinformation ... of the quality and quantity of available information To the extent that financial institutions invest in reputational capital and financial investors have an interest to combine risks and returns ... rising short-term dollar-denominated debt East Asian financial systems also suffered from inadequate financial regulation and from too rapid liberalization Domestic and external financial liberalization...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:33
Facts of Vietnam Freight forwarding industry and the role of Vietnam Freight Forwarders Association (VIFFAS) to the industry in international economic integration processhelpful to Oristar.doc
... mentioned above, inland waterway transport is very advantageous in serving transport in the Mekong Delta linking to Cambodia The total length of the inland waterway (IW) system is about 40,998 km, mainly ... location in South-East Asia with a more than 2000km of coastline, deep-water ports, international airports, trans-national railways and a rather developing road network, which are good backgrounds ... They are shallow in draft and their yard & warehousing systems are insufficient for accommodating containers and cargo Today, there are only a few ports with modern handling facilities and equipment...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:42
Báo cáo y học: "The association of meat intake and the risk of type 2 diabetes may be modified by body weight"
... in this analysis For other participants the average of the baseline and follow-up FFQ data were used in the analyses The average daily intake of individual food items (g /day) was combined to ... physical activity was obtained using a validated questionnaire [11] The questionnaire evaluated regular exercise and sports participation during the previous years and provided information on daily ... daily activity such as walking, stair climbing, cycling, household activities and daily commuting to and from work (walking and cycling) We calculated the metabolic equivalents for each activity,...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 16:49
Báo cáo y học: "HLA-DR regulation and the influence of GM-CSF on transcription, surface expression and shedding
... HLA-DR standard, cell lysates and plasma samples were separated using a Mini-PROTEAN® II The separation gel was a 14% polyacrylamide gel (National Diagnostics, Georgia) prepared following manufacturer’s ... from a septic patient (d) shows the weak surface staining of HLA-DR in the same patients’ PBMC a b d Nucleus Perinuclear staining Intracelluar staining c Figure 4: Soluble HLA-DR in plasma from ... the intracellular and surface staining of PBMC in a healthy control and from a septic patient These images illustrated a high intracellular expression of HLA-DR within the PBMC in septic patients...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 09:57
Báo cáo y học: "Human toxoplasmosis and the role of veterinary clinicians"
... practically nill References Angulo FJ, Glaser CA, Juranek DD et al Caring for pets of immunocompromised persons Can Vet J 1995; 36: 217-222 Glaser CA, Angulo FJ, Rooney JA Animal-associated opportunistic ... opportunistic infections among persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus Clin Infect Dis.1994;18:14-24 Han K, Shin DW, Lee TY, et al Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection and risk factors ... factors associated with seropositivity of pregnant women in Korea J Parasitol 2008; 94: 963-965 Grant S and Olsen CW Preventing zoonotic diseases in immunocompromised persons: the role of physicians...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:06