a course in british literature

A COURSE OF BRITISH LITERATURE 1 the passionate shepherd to his love

A COURSE OF BRITISH LITERATURE 1 the passionate shepherd to his love

... quite bare, and making a wretched appearance after the palaces I had beheld in the village This hovel however, joined a cottage of a neat and pleasant appearance, but after my late dearly bought ... notably argumentative man, a characteristic he shared with his son, who was involved in several violent confrontations In 1589 Marlowe got into a fight, in which a man was killed, and he was ... language is being learnt The aim of this book, therefore, is to devise ways of making literature a more significant part of a language teaching class and of developing the EFL leaners’ cultural

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2022, 03:06

57 163 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 10 pps

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 10 pps

... a brief exposition of most results from linear algebra employed in statistics, see also C. R. Rao, Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications, Chapter 1, Wiley, 1965; H. Scheffé, The Analysis ... of Modern Algebra, 3d ed., MacMillan, 1965; S. Lang, Linear Algebra, Addison-Wesley, 1968; D. C. Murdoch, Linear Algebra for Undergraduates, Wiley, 1957; S. Perlis, Theory of Matrices, Addison-Wesley, ... I.3 Basic Definitions About Matrices 507 and rank rank rank 22 AA IAA 11 ++−− () = n. iv) If A j , j = 1, . . . , m are symmetric idempotent matrices of the same order and Σ m j =1 A j is also

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

66 338 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 9 pps

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 9 pps

... distributed, under H. We may summarize all relevant information in a table (Table 1) which is known as an Analysis of Variance Table. EXAMPLE 3 For a numerical example, take I = 3, J = 5 and let Y 11 = ... 440 17 Analysis of Variance 440 Chapter 17 Analysis of Variance The Analysis of Variance techniques discussed in this chapter can be used to study a great variety of problems of practical interest. ... necessarily non-singular) Then for any μ / m × k constant matrix A = (αij), the r vector Y defined by Y = AX has the m-Variate Normal distribution with mean A and covariance matrix A A / μ Σ In

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

67 376 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 8 doc

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 8 doc

... case that θ is a real-valued parameter and proceed to define what is meant by a random interval and a confidence interval DEFINITION 1 A random interval is a finite or in nite interval, ... the interval estimation problems to be dealt with in Chapter 15), sampling according to a stopping time is, in general, profitable, the mathematical. .. consideration cannot be repeated at ... at will, in many other cases this is, indeed, the case In the latter case, as a rule, it is advantageous not to fix the sample size in advance, but to keep sampling and terminate the experiment

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

70 364 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 7 ppsx

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 7 ppsx

... of fatal traffic accidents in a certain city during a year may be assumed to be an r.v distributed as P(λ) For the latest year x = 4, whereas for the past several years the average was 10 ... C0 = a C0 = α , 0 0 as was to be seen Next, we assume that C0 is a discontinuity point of a In this case, take again... unique In fact, if C = C0 is a discontinuity point of a, then ... the graph of a, then γ = 0 and C is the unique point for which a( C) = α Finally, if the above (straight) line coincides with part of the graph of a. .. alternative A is a (measurable)

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

54 327 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 6 pdf

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 6 pdf

... estimators and then we attempt to identify an unbiased estimator with variance equal to the lower bound found If that... solved again At any rate, we do have a lower bound of the variances of a ... a UMVU estimator Using the second approach, one would first determine a lower bound for the variances... one-parameter exponential form and identify the various quantities appearing in a ... is said to be a uniformly minimum variance unbiased (UMVU) estimator of g(θ ) if it is unbiased and θ has the smallest variance within the class of all unbiased estimators of g(θ ) θ under all

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

54 474 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 5 ppsx

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 5 ppsx

... usual Euclidean distance in ޒ k .) 8.6* Pólya’s Lemma and Alternative Proof of the WLLN The following lemma is an analytical result of interest in its own right. It was used in the corollary ... 0 and (4) It is known from linear algebra that |Δ| = 1 for an orthogonal transformation Also in the case of an orthogonal transformation, we have dij = cji, i, j = 1, , k, so that... determine ... defined above; iii) If X is interpreted as a specified measurement taken on each item of a product made by a certain manufacturing process and cj, j = 1, 2, 3 are the profit (in dollars) realized

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

59 348 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 4 docx

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 4 docx

... its name from the property just established As has already been seen in the first two examples in Section 2 of Chapter 5, factorial moments are especially valuable in calculating the variance ... a function defined on the entire real line and taking values in the complex plane. Those readers who are not well versed in matters related to complex-valued functions may feel uncomfortable in ... Stochastic Independence: Criteria of Independence 7.3.3 The life of a certain part in a new automobile is an r.v X whose p.d.f is Negative Exponential with parameter λ = 0.005 day iii) Find

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

59 364 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 3 docx

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 3 docx

... x, as x varies in G, of such intervals is equal to G The same is true if we consider only those intervals corresponding to all rationals x in G These intervals are countably many and each ... improper integral in which the limits are taken symmetrically As an example, for σ = 1, μ = 0, we have, in terms of the principal value integral, REMARK 6... and contained in G Clearly, the union ... = () at continuity points of f. For k > 2, we have a theorem strictly analogous to Theorems 3 and 6 and also remarks such as Remark 1(i)–(iv) following Theorem 3. In particular, the analog

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

54 450 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 2 pps

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 2 pps

... black at least 2 cards in are red exactly 1 card in is an ace the first card in is a diamond, the second is a heart and the third is a club card in is a diamond, 1 is a heart and 1 is a club ... is the probability that: i) All 24 volumes appear in ascending order? ii) All 24 volumes appear in ascending order, given that volumes 14 and 15 appeared in ascending order and that volumes 1–13 ... importance to us Such calculations are facilitated by a transformation of the sample space S, which may be quite an abstract set, into a subset of the real line ‫ ޒ‬with which we are already familiar

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

52 403 0
A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 1 ppt

A Course in Mathematical Statistics phần 1 ppt

... A1 ∩ (A2 ∩ A3 ) = (A1 ∩ A2 ) ∩ A3 5 A1 ∪ A2 = A2 ∪ A1 A1 ∩ A2 = A2 ∩ A1 6 A ∩ (∪j Aj) = ∪j (A ∩ Aj) A ∪ (∩j Aj) = ∩j (A ∪ Aj) } } } (Associative laws) (Commutative laws) (Distributive ... S, (Ac)c = A 2 S ∪ A = S, ∅ ∪ A = A, A ∪ Ac = S, AA = A 3 S ∩ A = A, ∅ ∩ A = ∅, A ∩ Ac = ∅, AA = A The... for a first-year course in mathematical statistics ... } { } A1 − A2 = s ∈ S ; s ∈ A1 , s ∉ A2 Symmetrically, A2 − A1 = s ∈ S ; s ∈ A2 , s ∉ A1 Note that A1 − A2 = A1 ∩ Ac , A2 − A1 = A2 ∩ Ac , and that, in general, A1 − A 2 2

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

58 364 0
2.a course in cryptography

2.a course in cryptography

... Michael George, Lucja Kot, Vikram Krish- naprasad, Huijia Lin, Jed Liu, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Tudor Marian, Thanh Nguyen, Ariel Rabkin, Tom Roeder, Wei-lung Tseng, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam ... Venkitasubramaniam and Parvathi- nathan Venkitasubramaniam) for scribing the original lecture notes which served as a starting point for these notes. In particu- lar, we are very grateful to Muthu ... paradoxical problems that reach far beyond the original... performing a careful frequency analysis of the alphabet in the English language So what do we do next? Try to patch the scheme again?

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2014, 16:32

204 206 0
The modern period in british literature

The modern period in british literature

... eroded away • Imagist poetry instead of Victorian expansiveness • The Second Coming” instead of “Ulysses” or to replace the Victorian style that Joyce described as ? ?a namby-pamby jammy marmalady ... War I • Warfare: WMDs, killing from distance and from air, shell shock, 8% of British population killed or wounded • Psychology: understanding and accepting that not all minds are ‘normal’ and ... Victorian expansiveness • “The Second Coming” instead of “Ulysses” or to replace the Victorian style that Joyce described as ? ?a namby-pamby jammy marmalady drawersy (alto-là) style with effects of incense,

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2016, 22:44

17 167 0
giáo trình văn học anh - a course in british literature

giáo trình văn học anh - a course in british literature

... courage and cunning in defending Catholic Ireland against English exploitation Swift defines man not as rational animal but as an animal capable of reason Those who have suggested that he is misanthropic ... in the Crystal Palace in London: a display of Britain at the height of its wealth, power and influence Crimean War against Russia Karl Marx’s Das Kapital Darwin’s publication of ‘On the Origin ... suggest that the faults which make and mar human buoyancy lie not in the stars, not in a particular unattainable star, but in ourselves’ (Andrew Sanders, p 144) 52 That time of year thou mayst in me...

Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2015, 00:02

212 5,8K 23
A Course in Game Theory

A Course in Game Theory

... Finite Horizon Games 105 6.6 Iterated Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategies 108 Notes 114 Bargaining Games 117 7.1 Bargaining and Game Theory 117 7.2 A Bargaining Game of Alternating Offers 118 ... division is based Noncooperative and Cooperative Games In all game theoretic models the basic entity is a player A player may be interpreted as an individual or as a group of individuals making a decision ... hospitality I am grateful also to the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for financially supporting my...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 12:15

373 492 0
A course in robust control theory 3

A course in robust control theory 3

... say that a subspace S V is A- invariant if A : V ! V and AS S : Clearly every map has at least two invariant subspaces, the zero subspace and entire domain V For subspaces S of intermediate dimension, ... the invariance property is expressed most clearly in a canonical basis for the subspace When S is A- invariant, the partitioning of A] as above yields a matrix of the form A] = A1 A2 : A3 Similarly ... have a similarity transformation X such that X ;1AX = is diagonal, and we say that the matrix A is diagonalizable Summarizing we have the following result Proposition 1.7 A matrix A is diagonalizable...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 17:41

380 402 0
A course in fluid mechanics with vector field theory   d  prieve

A course in fluid mechanics with vector field theory d prieve

... different material points occupy the spatial point r material derivative (a. k .a substantial derivative) - rate of change within a particular material point (whose spatial coordinates vary with ... added to continuity (a scalar equation), we obtain a total of independent scalar equations, the same number as of scalar unknowns Thus we are now in position to begin solving problems involving ... location may change with time.♣ ♦ Actually, this only works for steady flows In unsteady flows, pathlines, streaklines and streamlines differ (see “Streamlines, Pathlines and Streaklines” on page...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:48

198 560 0
A Course in Metric Geometry docx

A Course in Metric Geometry docx

... or in nite, and a single point is counted as an interval Since a path is a map one can speak about its image, restrictions, etc A length structure on a topological space X is a class A of admissible ... distance-preserving map from one Euclidean space to another is an a ne map, that is, a composition of a linear map and a parallel translation Show by example that this is generally not true for arbitrary ... path for maps of intervals: a path γ in a (topological) space X is a (continuous) map γ : I → X defined on an interval I ⊂ R By an interval we mean any connected subset of the real line; it may...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20

425 399 1
a course in universal algebra - s. burris and h.p. sankappanavar

a course in universal algebra - s. burris and h.p. sankappanavar

... earlier ordinal has the same cardinality as κ The finite cardinals are 0, 1, 2, ; and ω is the smallest in nite cardinal; (iii) the cardinality of a set A, written |A| , is that (unique) cardinal κ ... a compact element in a lattice and that of a compact subset of a topological space Algebraic lattices originated with Komatu and Nachbin in the 1940’s and B¨chi in the early 1950’s; the original ... a ∧ b = inf {a, b} Suppose that L is a lattice by the first definition and ≤ is defined as in (A) From a a = a follows aa If a ≤ b and b ≤ a then a = a ∧ b and b = b ∧ a; hence a = b Also if a...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 14:57

331 409 0
on the shoulders of giants a course in single variable calculus - smith & mcleland

on the shoulders of giants a course in single variable calculus - smith & mcleland

... function In Example 4.1 above, we estimated the gradient at a point on the graph of by drawing up a table, but such a table cannot give an exact answer for the gradient at a particular point In this ... same breathing difculties are experienced on high mountains when no motion at all is taking place It appears that the atmosphere becomes thinner in some way as height increases, and that, as a ... should agree with the experimental data As far as such data is concerned, the only values which are measured in the real world are decimal numbers to a certain accuracy Since more sophisticated...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:40

291 1,5K 0