a blog less ordinary—what makes a great blog

What make a great manager?

What make a great manager?

... despot; you gain advantage by being a team leader A common mistake about the image of a manager is that they must be loud, flamboyant, and a great drinker or golfer or racket player or a great something ... in that nearly every historic "Leader" one can name has had a completely different approach; Machiavelli did not advocate being a caring Protector as a means of becoming a great leader but rather ... is not repeated nor problems tackled too late, and that the necessary resources are allocated and arranged Provider The Manager has access to information and materials which the team needs Often...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2013, 15:56

7 439 0
What Makes a Perfect Parent

What Makes a Perfect Parent

... child-resistant packaging (an estimated fifty lives a year), flame-retardant pajamas (ten lives), keeping children away from airbags in cars (fewer than five young children a year have been killed by airbags ... seem to have a clear impact on his academic progress, at least in the early years Can 151 F R E A KO N O M I CS the same be said for parenting? Did all those Baby Mozart tapes pay off? What about ... they care a great deal about education, and about their children in general (Which means they create an environment that encourages and rewards learning.) Such parents may believe—as fervently as...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20

30 547 0
What makes 10 - A book about number facts

What makes 10 - A book about number facts

... Paul Kline Editor: Robert Stengard-Olliges Cover design by Nicola Stratford, bdpublishing.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Freeman, Marcia S (Marcia Sheehan), 1937What makes ... 1.00 What Makes Ten? Count your fingers How many ways can you make ten? You can add one and nine to make ten We write: + = 10 10 +9 10 11 +8 10 Two and eight makes ten + =10 12 +7 10 What you ... e lac sp Step 3: goes in the t en ’ 20 pla ce the ’s ne goes in the o 00 To be a good mathematician, you need to know all the addition facts Start with the numbers that make ten, and then tackle...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 15:59

25 1,1K 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: What makes biochemical networks tick? A graphical tool for the identification of oscillophores ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: What makes biochemical networks tick? A graphical tool for the identification of oscillophores ppt

... degradation (–ajsajs) and a second influence through its autocatalytic feedback (+ajsbjs) through the same reaction, vs The latter influences cancel each other, again as all stoichiometries are ... border, all phase trajectories lead inward Steady states on the border are readily identified ([21] and an example below) That am be positive and (i < m) be negative in a (unstable) steady state [25] ... they are not branched and correspond to any step between two substances in graphs such as Graph (1), i.e any path that involves a single chemical reaction One actual chemical reaction may effect a...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

11 639 0
What makes a bank efficient? – A look at financial characteristics and bank management and ownership structure pdf

What makes a bank efficient? – A look at financial characteristics and bank management and ownership structure pdf

... form of a larger salary than through dividends.12 As a result, the salaries of owner/managers may tend to be greater than that of hired managers, even when performance is comparable The small number ... cases, though, there are too few banks in a particular category to make meaningful comparisons, and hired managers at some of the smaller, least efficient banks appear to be drawing higher salaries ... State bank examination reports also commonly contain an examiner’s narrative discussion of the management of the bank and the individuals who dominate policymaking and oversee the daily operations...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

20 643 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Phrase Table Training For Precision and Recall: What Makes a Good Phrase and a Good Phrase Pair?" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Phrase Table Training For Precision and Recall: What Makes a Good Phrase and a Good Phrase Pair?" doc

... phrase translation accuracy and at the same time extract as many as possible valid phrase pairs that are missed due to incorrect word alignments One approach is to leverage underlying word alignment ... is trainability Under the general framework, one can put as many features as possible together under the log-linear model to evaluate the quality of a phrase and a phase pair The phrase table ... configurable features used to evaluate the quality of a phrase and a phrase pair Ideally, a perfect combination of feature functions divides the correct and incorrect candidate phrase pairs within a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20

8 472 0
retire happy, what you can do now to guarantee a great retirement (2008)

retire happy, what you can do now to guarantee a great retirement (2008)

... research has shown that total cholesterol can be lowered when trans fats and saturated fats are replaced with oils that are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as canola, corn, ... fats were initially hailed as a substitute for the vilified saturated fats in the early 1980s.) Saturated fats—like those found in coconut and palm oil—are also bad, and the American Heart Association ... coffee, caffeinated and sugary soda, and alcohol • Occupy your hands To avoid reaching for a cigarette, try holding a pen, a straw, a soft stress ball, nail file, or a piece of paper that you can fold...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:10

248 662 0
What makes Total Quality Management work A study of obstacles and outcomes

What makes Total Quality Management work A study of obstacles and outcomes

... quality Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) This award is administered by ASQ and is presented annually to organizations that demonstrate quality and performance excellence Three awards ... essential success factors; without it there can be no quality leadership, (b) It is a big advantage for companies to have available a field-tested, proven managerial process as an aid to annual quality ... 548), “Many organizations adopt new managerial innovations such as TQM, yet a smaller number are able to sustain the success of the innovation.” Also, stated in another article (“Proposing a Framework...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:23

139 570 0
maxwell - the price is wrong; understanding what makes a price seem fair and the true cost of unfair pricing (2008)

maxwell - the price is wrong; understanding what makes a price seem fair and the true cost of unfair pricing (2008)

... Aquinas held, was based on demand Demand, as cited by both Albert and Aquinas, appears to have meant individual demand, a person’s subjective evaluation of a potential purchase It is the demand ... many cases, customers consider a price fair simply because it less than anticipated As a researcher has commented, “Saying a price is fair may be another way of saying it is lower.”10 A socially ... that if sellers not play fair, consumers will quit But what is a fair price? “Fair” has two separate meanings: “acceptable” and “just.”9 Acceptable implies that a fair price is satisfactory Fair...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 17:44

259 672 0
What makes a successful marriage  implications for practice

What makes a successful marriage implications for practice

... not many studies tell us why a marriage stays intact A review of local research yielded only studies on marriage and marital satisfaction – a Masters thesis on marital satisfaction of dual earner ... needs and satisfaction The definition of durability was that a marriage that last was more successful than one that ended up in divorce In many cases, marital stability and marital quality went hand ... Page ii Acknowledgements Dedicated to my mother and late father, husband, Dr Larry Haverkamp, and God’s precious gifts - my daughters; Larrissa and Larrinna One day, years ago, as I was walking...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 18:36

123 621 0
a great vâction

a great vâction

... last vacation? What’s the best vacation you’ve ever had? Have you had a vacation like Charlie’s ? I sure have! Last summer, my cousin visited my hometown, and… Activity A Group work Look at these ... country each person visited? “I think Sally visited….” B Listen Sally and Harry are discussing their vacations Answer the questions Sally Harry What season was it? What was the weather like? What did ... had planned better    walked over 100 miles    D Pair work Discuss these questions Have you had a vacation like Julia’s, Charlie’s, or Michael’s? What happened? What did you on your last...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2013, 01:26

12 527 1
How to write a great paper

How to write a great paper

... to.) Write a paper, and give a talk, about any idea, no matter how weedy and insignificant it may seem to you Do not be intimidated Write a paper, and give a talk, about any idea, no matter how ... understand Opens the way to dialogue with others: reality check, critique, and collaboration Do not be intimidated Fallacy You need to have a fantastic idea before you can write a paper or give a talk ... Fallacy we write papers and give talks mainly to impress others, gain recognition, and get promoted Good papers and talks are a fundamental part of research excellence Papers communicate ideas...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 12:23

46 451 0
Danger! A True History of a Great City''''s Wiles and Temptations pot

Danger! A True History of a Great City''''s Wiles and Temptations pot

... individual, all females are beautiful and the ancient and faded siren has as good a chance for patronage as her younger and more favored rival Hence the concert saloon has its advantages for all kinds ... prevalent vice stalks abroad, and it more clearly stamps the character of a community than does its more open and brazen manifestations Many causes may lead to a woman's becoming a professional ... profession As he had fluent command of the German language a useful adjunct to the practice of a criminal lawyer in New York and gave promise of attaining a high rank as an advocate, Mr Howe made him...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:20

141 329 0
How To Build A Great Media Center PC

How To Build A Great Media Center PC

... your existing hardware and will enable greater storage, connectivity and playback functions A very popular MCE is the Xbox 360 Recycle and upgrade an older PC with standalone software This method ... information about Media Center Extenders is available from Microsoft For a list of hardware that was approved by Microsoft for full compatibility and features visit this page There are other alternatives ... For a minimum specification media center, you shouldn’t buy any video card cheaper than 70$, a hard drive smaller than 160GB, RAM less than 1GB and a processor under a 1.8Ghz Intel Celeron Dual...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 17:33

53 375 0
Using iOS 5: Your Guide to a Great Mobile System

Using iOS 5: Your Guide to a Great Mobile System

... a type of place (Italian restaurants, for example) or a specific location, and Siri can show it to you on a map Siri also talks with Wolfram Alpha, (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/wolfram-alphaa-step-closer-to-star-treks-computer/)so ... by date, regardless of which list they’re in Safari Safari is by and large the same browser that you know and love (or hate) – iOS hasn’t changed it a whole lot Having said that, there are a few ... tweet a web- page from Safari, a map from Maps, a video from the YouTube app, or photos from your Camera Roll the same way you’d email or MMS them You can also choose to add your location regardless...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 23:44

52 358 0