Grammar Exercises with Key
... sees a little rain outside. 5. Sharon has a few quarters for the washing machine. 6. Mary has little popcorn left. 7. Stephanie has a few tomatoes. 8. Chris has very little luggage. Using Comparisons Fill ... the apartment. (man) 3. Actually, two __________ rented the car. (lady) 4. She has two new __________ — twins. (baby) 5. All __________ offer a flat rate. (agency) 6. I actually caught four __________. ... small. 6. The store in ___________ I bought the magazine is around the corner. 7. The hotel ___________ I am staying in is called the Peachtree Plaza. 8. The restaurant ___________ I always eat...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 23:10
... (I live in an aparnnent.) (I don't have a roommate.) (I don't want a roommate.) (I had a roommate last year.) It didn't work out. (He was dmcult to live with. ) What did he ... dreamed about English grammar last night.) 9. A: B: The map on the wall. (The teacher is pointing at the map on the wall.) 10. A: B: No, I'm not. (I'm not afraid of snakes.) Are ... movie starts at 7:20.) B: Two days ago. (Sara got back from Brazil two days ago.) .&X. ;,: .,: : '5 19. A: B: Because she wanted to talk to Joe. (Tina called because she wanted...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20
... vegetables when helshe makes a salad. Two nights ago, while helshe was making a salad, he /she cut his/her finger with the knife. What happened two nights ago? When I have a headache, my head ... Saturdays with my parents. Last Saturday, I spent the day with my friends instead. What did I do last Saturday? Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ... years? Make predictions about your classmates' futures. For example: Heidi is going w becmne a famous research scientist. AS will have a happy marriage and lots of children. Carlos...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20