708 of the consumers in the ciskei

(Tiểu luận) topic the impact of key opinion consumers (kocs)on the purchasing intention of young consumers in vietnam

(Tiểu luận) topic the impact of key opinion consumers (kocs)on the purchasing intention of young consumers in vietnam

... Examine the Vietnamese young generation’s point of views on KOCs; (2) Gain a deeper insight into the current impact of KOC on the purchasing intention and behavior of young consumers in Vietnam The ... explore the impact of KOCs on purchase intention of young consumers in Vietnam FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Findings Our findings of this case study were divided into main parts: Awareness and opinion ... their opinions Lastly, the findings contribute to predicting the future impact of KOCs, offering valuable insights into the potential trajectory and evolving nature of this trend in the marketplace

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2023, 05:29

16 72 1
tiểu luận the factors affecting the green buying behavior of environmentally friendly laundry powder of young consumers in da nang city

tiểu luận the factors affecting the green buying behavior of environmentally friendly laundry powder of young consumers in da nang city

... is incremental in demonstrating the significant moderating role of green advertising in enhancing consumers' positive evaluation of green brands, thereby further influencing their green buying ... impact the purchasing decisions of 62% of Vietnamese consumers Although it can be seen that the proportion of consumers intending to buy green products is high and increasing rapidly, the sales ... testing and evaluating the influence of factors affecting the green purchasing behavior eco-friendly brand laundry detergent powder of young consumers in Da Nang City 2.1.2 Specific aims of the

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2024, 13:45

76 0 0
Customer engagement in a facebook brand community A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Customer engagement in a facebook brand community A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

... marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications They have become a major factor in ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2017, 16:08

85 235 2
Customer engagement in a facebook brand community: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Customer engagement in a facebook brand community: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

... marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications They have become a major factor in ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2020, 13:48

85 17 0
Customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

Customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

... marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications They have become a major factor in ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2020, 08:53

85 53 0
Customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

Customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

... marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications They have become a major factor in ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2020, 15:53

101 11 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

... marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications They have become a major factor in ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2020, 17:28

85 30 1
Online shopping intention of young consumers in buying facial cosmetics in ho chi minh

Online shopping intention of young consumers in buying facial cosmetics in ho chi minh

... special potential market in the trend of technology and the opening in mindset of social development The main purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior of young consumers in perception, importance ... variables Based on the result obtained after processing and analyzing data in chapter 4, the next chapter presents the conclusion of the current study, the recommendation of these findings and identifies ... limited, the subject of this study are young consumers who are living in Ho Chi Minh city This study only focuses on the online field and mainly the influence of perceived risked To get a view of the

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2021, 21:26

70 63 0
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

... marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2022, 09:02

85 4 0
 unlicensed customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

unlicensed customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

... marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications They have become a major factor in ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam ID:

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2022, 09:41

85 1 0
Antecedents of purchase intention toward organic food a study of young consumers in vietnam

Antecedents of purchase intention toward organic food a study of young consumers in vietnam

... food in the context of urban Vietnam We expect to see the similar findings pertaining to the significantly positive impact of these antecedents on PI Therefore, we propose the following hypotheses ... behavioral intention construct plays the role as a powerful predictor of the behavior (Ajzen, 2011) In our study, we focus on explaining the consumers? ?? purchase intention (PI), rather than the behavior ... study attempts to investigate the antecedents driving the intention to buy organic food among young urban consumers in an emerging country of Vietnam, with the emphasis on the role of several consumer

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2023, 08:15

10 3 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

Luận văn thạc sĩ customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

... tools for marketing purpose in the airlines bussiness In the global trends, the social 123doc networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications They have become ... service industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all overall the domestics ... UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Le Minh Hoang Long CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT IN A FACEBOOK BRAND COMMUNITY: A study of Airline consumers in Vietnam

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2023, 21:15

85 5 0
(Luận văn) customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

(Luận văn) customer engagement in a facebook brand community a study of airline consumers in vietnam

... have resulted in airline profitability taking a nosedive Therefore, increasingly airlines t to networks are increasingly replacing traditional media for marketing and communications ng They have ... industry was approved by the Ministry of Transport aim to gain the 5th position in om ASEAN aviation market and raise the passengers carried by airlines achieving 3.23% of all an Lu overall the ... group of factors that can affect the customer satisfaction, loyalty hi ep The advent of Web 2.0 and in particular the social network media in recent years have led to an explosion of interest in

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2023, 14:38

85 1 0
Always On, Always Connected Finding Growth Opportunities in an Era of Hypermobile Consumers The 2012 Accenture Consumer Electronics Products and Services Usage Report pdf

Always On, Always Connected Finding Growth Opportunities in an Era of Hypermobile Consumers The 2012 Accenture Consumer Electronics Products and Services Usage Report pdf

... significant inroads in the past five years. On the following pages, we explore these findings in more detail and discuss the implications they have for companies looking to capitalize on the emerging ... One-third of consumers purchased a smartphone in 2011, an increase of 15 points in comparison with the previous year. While tablet computers are still in their infancy, ownership of these devices ... that keep them connected anywhere, anytime. As a result, TV viewing and purchase intentions are declining. • The consumer cloud uplift: Consumers are increasingly reaching into the network

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

21 412 0
Supply chain management in the presence of strategic consumers and consumption externalities

Supply chain management in the presence of strategic consumers and consumption externalities

... the production quantity and bring the. .. epidemic and luxury goods In Chapter 2, we study the in uenza (flu) vaccine supply chain in the USA The in uenza vaccine in the ... to the market The supply received at the beginning of the flu season is first allocated to the group with higher infection disutility, and the remaining supply, if any, is then... ... utility loss of individual due to infection if she does not search for the vaccine, and the last term is the average utility loss of individual... vaccine to the market while individuals

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2014, 06:15

176 506 0
Analyzing the impact of individual lecture factors on new product adopting behavior of consumers in hanoi

Analyzing the impact of individual lecture factors on new product adopting behavior of consumers in hanoi

... studies explaining the new electronic product adoption behavior in terms of culture. 2.1.2. Overview of the studies in Vietnam Up to the completion of the study, in Vietnam, there is no official ... products at the time of the investigation, and then ask the respondents on the number of new products in the list they own. Advantages: - The scale is based on the real behavior of new product ... uncertainty avoidance in terms of personal aspect. Therefore, the study uses the scale of uncertainty avoidance of Jung and Kellaris (2004) instead of that of Hofstede although Hofstede's

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2014, 21:55

11 399 0
Seafood Supply Chain Quality Management:  The Shrimp Supply Chain Quality Improvement  Perspective of Seafood Companies in the Mekong Delta,  Vietnam

Seafood Supply Chain Quality Management: The Shrimp Supply Chain Quality Improvement Perspective of Seafood Companies in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

... Among the chain actors, the role of the SFC is vital – not only in ensuring the quality of the final product, but also in SFC’s material suppliers. In order to control the quality of the supplier’s ... lack of defining of critical control points (CCPs), which have the function of eliminating or controlling identified hazards. As a result, there is no effective use of HACCP in all steps of the ... Hong Minh, the deputy of Fisheries Industry; Mr. Dinh Hoe, the deputy head of VASEP in Ho Chi Minh City; Mr. Nguyen Chinh, the director of the NAFIQAVED branch in Cantho for all your information,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 09:34

247 719 1


... Secondly, Linh Dam New Town (located in the south-west of Hanoi) deserves one of the new urban models, dealing with the high-density development in the south-west of Hanoi. By learning from the ... in the existing community. In addition, compact development of a New Town is a good option in preserving the green belt, and allowing full utilization of existing infrastructures. Nevertheless, ... positions. There are three local parks with 28 ha in total and 13 m2 green area per person: one in the north, one in the east and the last one in the west of Linh Dam area. Among them, the eastern...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 08:15

10 805 3
Analysis of Phosphorus Behavior in the Giant Reed for Phytoremediation and the Biomass Production System

Analysis of Phosphorus Behavior in the Giant Reed for Phytoremediation and the Biomass Production System

... experiment using radioactive phosphorus indicated that the decreasing of phosphorus in the leaves occurred in the order of location from the bottom to the top, which is relevant to the order of dying ... the above-ground part of the giant reeds that will remain the following year are cropped before the start of the dying down period. Then, after all of the above-ground part has died down, the ... utilized in the next year. Based on these findings, a management method adequate to obtain the biomass of the giant reed and maintain the wetland potential is proposed as shown in Fig. 10. In this...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

12 1K 0

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