7 7 another state machine design example

Machine Design 7 March 2013

Machine Design 7 March 2013

... wheels 73 73 Access our Reader Service Web site to quickly find and request information on the products and services found in the pages of MACHINE DESIGN www.machinedesign.com/rsc MACHINE DESIGN. com ... Southborough, MA 0 177 2 Telephone: 508-485-2244 Fax: 508-485-2430 42 MACHINE DESIGN. com RS# 1 37 MARCH 7, 2013 machine- vision controller supports up to six cameras — three analog and another three based ... UHOLDEOHSURGXFWDYDLODEOH &2 67 ())( &7, 9($&&85 $7( (DVLO\LQWHJUDWHGLQWRDQ\V\VWHPRXU VWHSSHUPRWRUVRIIHUDFRVWHIIHFWLYHDQG DFFXUDWHPRWLRQFRQWUROVROXWLRQ 810 $7& +('352'8 &7 68332 57 7LQFDQ :KHQ\RXFKRRVHD1LSSRQ3XOVHVWHSSHU...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2013, 12:46

102 709 12
Machine Design Databook Episode 1 part 7 doc

Machine Design Databook Episode 1 part 7 doc

... for use in Eq (8-41) ho =Do Ko ¼ Ro =Do 0.1 67 1.36 0. 178 1. 27 0.192 1.182 0.208 1.08 0.2 27 0.99 0.25 0.90 0. 276 0.81 0.313 0 .73 0.3 57 0.65 0.4 17 0. 57 Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library ... (8 -73 ) and (8 -74 ) tc ¼ PDi cos ðsa  À 0:6Pފ ð8 -73 Þ P¼ 2sa t cos Di þ 1:2t cos ð8 -74 Þ The required thickness of the knuckle and pressure shall be determined by Eqs (8 -75 ) and (8 -76 ) ... and in in for L 97: 78 14:6 > or > ð pKÞ1=6 ð100h=do Þ1=2 for L 22:4 1:46 > or > ð pKÞ1=6 ðh=do Þ1=2 or 5 :7 0:58 ð10p=Þ5=2 22:4 > pK ð pKÞ1=6 or 372 :65  103 USCS ð10p=Þ5=2 97: 78 > pK ð pKÞ1=6...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 11:21

40 368 0
Machine Design Databook Episode 2 part 7 pdf

Machine Design Databook Episode 2 part 7 pdf

... 0.624 0.646 0. 676 0.695 0 .72 1 0 .73 7 0 .75 9 0 .77 3 0 .79 3 0.585 0.610 0.645 0.6 67 0.6 97 0 .71 5 0 .74 1 0 .75 7 0 .77 9 0 .79 2 0.811 0.502 0.553 0.684 0 .70 5 0 .73 5 0 .75 3 0 .77 7 0 .79 2 0.813 0.825 0.843 TABLE 21-3 ... 0.6 67 0.690 0 .70 5 0 .72 6 0.520 0.544 0. 579 0.600 0.630 0.649 0. 676 0.692 0 .71 5 0 .73 0 0 .75 0 0.542 0.5 67 0.602 0.624 0.654 0. 673 0.699 0 .71 5 0 .73 8 0 .75 2 0 .77 2 0.564 0.590 0.624 0.646 0. 676 0.695 0 .72 1 ... given at the website 2 275 1103 172 5 1 377 1206–1 377 150–300 172 5– 379 0 1068–2059 1382– 172 5 1103–2206 1240–2343 2 274 –2412 Mpa 1.58 1.24 0 .73 –0. 97 100–200 1.03–2.41 0.83–1 .73 1.10–1.45 0.86–1.93...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 11:21

40 414 0
Machine Design Databook Episode 3 part 7 potx

Machine Design Databook Episode 3 part 7 potx

... 458 608 678 300 72 8 r1 =a r2 =a Rr r02 =a   !2ðmaxÞ 2aðinitialÞ ¼ À ðmaxÞ Jmax J ¼ 0.5 0.886 0 .70 7 0.500 0.383 0.309 0.500 0 .70 7 0.866 0.924 0.951 0. 577 1.000 1 .73 2 2.414 3. 078 0.134 0.293 ... 0.6 17 0.690 3008 270 8 2408 2258 2168 0.1 67 0.250 0.333 0. 375 0.400 6.46 2.41 1.00 0.620 0.4 47 1 .73 2 1.000 0. 577 0.414 0.325 48460 118240 228540 318380 388300 31.44 5.41 1.35 0.699 0.465 À 672 À48 ... 40 25 50 32 63 40 50 75 90 34 40 52 48 62 56 74 68 86 82 108 105 132 130 166 160 190 45 0.392 0.04 40 0.10 32 0. 17 28 3.334 0.34 25 5.296 0.54 20 14 .71 0 1.5 18 0.12 21. 575 27. 458 2.2 2.8 16 14...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 11:21

40 357 0
Machine Design Databook 2010 Part 7 pdf

Machine Design Databook 2010 Part 7 pdf

... spline 1 .71 1.85 1 .72 2.30 1 .72 1.81 1 .72 1.80 2.26 1 .72 1 .79 1 .73 1 .78 2. 07 1 .73 1 .78 1 .73 1.99 1 .73 1 .77 1 .73 1.94 1 .73 1 .77 1 .73 1.90 1 .73 1 .76 1 .73 1.88 1 .73 1 .76 1 .73 1.86 1 .73 1 .73 Deviation ... 7. 629 9.324 10. 379 12 .73 6 14.460 17. 478 20 .73 8 22.484 24 .73 8 27. 711 29. 571 30.566 32 .73 9 34.589 37. 604 39 .72 0 40 .74 0 42.621 44 .74 0 47. 724 50.624 52 .74 0 54.650 57. 648 60 .74 0 62.663 64 .74 0 67. 729 ... 14.68 16.68 17. 68 19.68 21.68 24.68 27. 68 29.69 31.69 34.69 36.69 37. 69 39.69 41.69 44.69 46.69 47. 69 49.69 51.69 54 .70 57. 70 59 .70 61 .70 64 .70 67. 70 69 .70 71 .70 74 .70 77 .70 79 .70 81 .70 d5 , Dimensions...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:23

80 446 1
Mechanical Engineering-Tribology In Machine Design Episode 7 ppt

Mechanical Engineering-Tribology In Machine Design Episode 7 ppt

... but also increased power consumption in transmitting engine torque 4.14.4 Design features of the tyre surface Another example of a compromise involving the tyre is the incorporation of a tread ... forward velocity of the tyre relative to the road surface - GI- Figure 4. 57 la] u ward tlrust (b) 158 Tribology in machine design , kontact ; length J squeeze f ~ l m zone - v , , contact l ... seals Design features in seals that exclude external contamination from mechanical systems may be of vital importance Seals are also important to energy conservation design in all types of machines...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21

25 246 0
Tribology in Machine Design Episode 7 potx

Tribology in Machine Design Episode 7 potx

... Reynolds As usual, the eqn (5 .7) and its reduced forms in any coordinate system shall be referred to as the Reynolds 178 Tribology in machine design equation Equation (5 .7) transformed into the cylindrical ... purposes of design calculation it may be assumed that the film is in a state of simple torsional shear Numerical example A vertical shaft of 75 mm diameter rests in a footstep bearing and makes 75 0 r.p.m ... u^ S S JJ- °£ c s ^~c- oE t s "§C7 8° ^ ^ | §S « |«° -3,6 - I £ ~3^ £ "i P - - S C o,T32 '««

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 17:20

30 272 0
Tài liệu Module 7: Creating a Security Design for Accounts pdf

Tài liệu Module 7: Creating a Security Design for Accounts pdf

... Manager passwords are stored, see Q1 477 06, How to Disable LM Authentication on Windows NT Module 7: Creating a Security Design for Accounts 17 Considerations for Designing Password Policies *****************************ILLEGAL ... information about auditing service accounts, see Q 274 176 , Security Event for Associating Service Account Logon Events 16 Module 7: Creating a Security Design for Accounts How Account Passwords Are ... will be able to: Determine threats and analyze risks to accounts Design security for accounts 2 Module 7: Creating a Security Design for Accounts Lesson: Determining Threats and Analyzing Risks...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20

30 352 0
Seminar 7: Multi-State Systems and Function Sequences ppt

Seminar 7: Multi-State Systems and Function Sequences ppt

... multi -state systems: • Multi -State (Timed) In a multi -state (timed) system, the transition between states will depend only on the passage of time For example, the system might begin in State ... to go to next state */ System _state_ G = HEAT_WATER; Time_in _state_ G = 0; } else { /* Using cold water only */ /* Ready to go to next state */ System _state_ G = WASH_01; Time_in _state_ G = 0; } ... Private variables - */ /* The state of the system */ static eLight _State Light _state_ G; /* The time in that state */ static tLong Time_in _state; /* Used by sEOS */ static tByte Call_count_G...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 18:20

35 490 1
Handbook of Machine Design P48

Handbook of Machine Design P48

... Mechanical Design and Systems Handbook, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985 41.6 Richard E Gustavson, "Computer-Designed Car-Window Linkage," Mech Eng., September 19 67, pp 45-51 41 .7 Kurt Hain, ... [41.12] 47. 70 SPATIALLINKAGES Most practical linkages have motion entirely in a plane or possibly in two parallel planes with duplicated mechanisms such as those in a backhoe or a front loader Design ... Ind., ser B, vol 55, no 3, August 1963, pp.289-2 97 41.4 Ferdinand Freudenstein, "Approximate Synthesis of Four-Bar Linkages," Trans ASME, vol 77 , no 6,1955, pp 853-861 41.5 Ferdinand Freudenstein...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 12:15

23 373 1
Fundamentals of Machine Design P34

Fundamentals of Machine Design P34

... (approx) The design stress 1.5 is therefore σ −1,d = 214800 = 79 556 N/m Since the total length of the weld is 2 .7 0.1 m, the maximum fluctuating load allowable for the joint is 79 55.6 N The joint ... fillet weld or longitudinal weld 2 .7 The values of the allowable fatigue stress ( σ −1,a ) are also tabulated in the design code for various weld geometries For example, the allowable fatigue stress ... inertia forces in machines and mechanisms, forces due to unbalance of the rotating components etc Since these forces are to be withstood by the joints, care should be taken while designing a joint...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 09:15

8 802 0
Handbook of Machine Design P50

Handbook of Machine Design P50

... Circuit capability Cvs, for components in series, is found from the equation 71 =71 +71 + *^v3 + -+ ^vn 7? ^vs ^vI ^v2 71 (43-21) For components in parallel, individual flow capabilities are simply ... 28.8gpm The power required to drive the pump in Example was 2.8 hp In this example, the power required is pQ " 2= mT 1000(28.8) 171 4 =16 8hp " FIGURE 43. 27 A variable-displacement, pressure-compensated ... the output state cannot be reversed by applying a reset signal The reverse is also true 43.14.3 Design Example To illustrate the use of the technique, consider a simple clamp and punch machine The...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 20:15

48 349 0
Handbook of Machine Design P49

Handbook of Machine Design P49

... the machine Where does the circuit designer get this information? From the machine designer, who had to go through the analysis in order to engineer the machine in the first place When the designer ... steady- state load analysis in designing open-loop circuits and dynamic load analysis in designing closed-loop systems The cycle profile1 is the recommended technique for displaying the results of machine- cycle-load ... analysis 42.3.1 Case Study Machine- Cycle Analysis The following case study illustrates the total approach to a practical circuit design problem, the hydraulic excavator, an actual example from industry...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 20:15

9 349 0
Handbook of Machine Design P1

Handbook of Machine Design P1

... use in a design problem The designer is limited by human knowledge, human skills, and, again, economics as to what can be made Another important external influence on the designer and the design ... other machine design books discuss the design factor and the factor of safety extensively, including many more complex examples than the one presented here A major danger in the use of both the design ... design as well as the approach and execution Individual designs will vary depending on the most important local influences at any given time 1.1.4 Design Procedure The general procedure for design...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 20:15

20 341 0
Handbook of Machine Design P52

Handbook of Machine Design P52

... 10000 12500 16000 20000 17. 8 22.4 28.2 35.5 44 .7 56.2 70 .8 89.1 112 141 178 224 282 355 4 47 562 70 8 891 122 413 77 8 2239 2818 3548 44 67 5623 70 79 8913 11 220 14130 177 80 22390 SOURCE: ANSI standard ... limit 14.1 17. 8 22.4 28.2 35.5 44 .7 56.2 70 .8 89.1 112 141 178 224 282 355 4 47 562 70 8 891 122 1413 77 8 2239 2818 3548 44 67 5623 70 79 8913 11220 14130 177 80 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 ... 125 177 177 250 355 355 500 71 0 71 0 1000 1420 1420 2000 2840 2840 4000 5680 5680 8000 11360 11360 16000 2 272 0 Lower band limit Center frequency Upper band limit 14.1 17. 8 22.4 28.2 35.5 44 .7 56.2...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 18:15

38 334 0
Handbook of Machine Design P51

Handbook of Machine Design P51

... Fe-Fe2+ Cr-Cr3+ Zn-Zn2+ Al-Al3+ 2+ Mg-Mg H- 1.498 + 1.2 +0.9 87 +0 .79 9 +0 .78 8 +0.3 37 0.000 -0.126 -0.136 -0.250 -0. 277 -0.403 -0.440 -0 .74 4 -0 .76 3 -1.662 -2.363 metals in order of increasing activity, ... homopolymer — 275 days at 75 F at 10%: unsatis Acrylic— lim service at r.t AcrylicPVC alloy— no change in 70 % after days at 73 F Alumina (porous)— res 70 % at 212 F Butyl rubber— 70 hrs at r.t.; ... effect by 10 -70 % at r.t Fluorosilicone rubber—after days at 75 F in 70 %: t.s —40%, volume + 5% Glass (borosilicate) — satis at 150 F Glass-ceramic— exc in 70 % at 194 F1 98% at 77 F Graphite (impervious)—res...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 18:15

28 300 0
Handbook of Machine Design P3

Handbook of Machine Design P3

... 0.00135 0.043 17 0.062 87 0.099 87 0.03968 0.042 07 0.06 170 0.09530 0.036 87 0.04133 0. 079 96 0.09282 0.03483 0.05854 0. 075 79 0.09149 0.033 37 0.05541 0. 073 33 0.01 077 7 0.03233 0.05340 0. 071 90 0.010402 ... 0. 077 8 0.0643 0.0526 0.04 27 0.0344 0.0 274 0.02 17 0.0 170 0.0132 0.0102 0.0 077 6 0.005 87 0.00440 0.00326 0.00240 0.00 175 O2 0.4880 0.4483 0.4090 0. 370 7 0.3336 0.2981 0.2643 0.23 27 0.2033 0. 176 2 ... R2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0 .7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 40.000 000 45.056 404 46.3 47 480 47. 316 865 48.158 264 48.948 810 49 .73 8 564 50. 578 6 27 51.551 239 52. 875 4 47 0.3 67 879 0.103 6 27 0.069 086 0.049...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 18:15

28 327 0
Handbook of Machine Design P2

Handbook of Machine Design P2

... dimensions; for example, 50.803/50 .79 7 mm In this procedure, the first dimension corresponds to minimum removal of material For a shaft, the display might be 50.803/50 .79 7 mm and for a hole, 50 .79 7/50.803 ... 1 979 (updated) 1.26 Richard M Goodman, Automobile Design Liability, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., 1 970 ; cumulative supplement, 1 977 (updated) 1. 27 L C Peters, The Use of Standards in Design, ... 1 .73 Wesley E Woodson, Human Factors Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981 1 .74 Henry Dreyfuss, The Measure of Man Human Factors in Design, Whitney Library of Design, New York, 19 67 1 .75 ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 18:15

29 321 0
Fundamentals of Machine Design P37

Fundamentals of Machine Design P37

... between belt tensions Some commonly used design parameters 13.1.1 Flexible Machine Elements Belt drives are called flexible machine elements Flexible machine elements are used for a large number ... Hartman , Machine Design, CBS Publishers And Distributors.3rd Edition 1983 J.E Shigley and C.R Mischke , Mechanical Engineering Design , McGraw Hill Publication, 5th Edition 1989 M.F Spotts, Design ... = 0 .71 μ Lα L = 0.20 × 3.44 = 0.688 ∴l arg er pulley governs the design T1 − 2.56b = e0.688 = 1.99 .( ) T2 − 2.56b power equation P = ( T1 − T2 ) × v ∴ putting data, ( T1 − T2 ) = 884. 17 N...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 12:15

12 764 1
Fundamentals of Machine Design P38

Fundamentals of Machine Design P38

... Hartman , Machine Design, CBS Publishers And Distributors.3rd Edition 1983 J.E Shigley and C.R Mischke , Mechanical Engineering Design , McGraw Hill Publication, 5th Edition 1989 M.F Spotts, Design ... Kharagpur Design power, Pdes = service factor (Csev ) × required power (P) = 1.3 × 20 kW = 26 kW The value 1.3 is selected from design data book for the given service condition For the design stress ... 5th Edition 1989 M.F Spotts, Design of Machine Elements, Prentice Hall India Pvt Limited, 6th Edition, 1991 Khurmi, R.S and Gupta J.K., Text book on Machine Design, Eurasia Publishing House, New...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 12:15

9 661 0