7 10 syllabus in thetechnology k 12 curriculum

Food Technology Stage 6 Syllabus pot

Food Technology Stage 6 Syllabus pot

... proteins in denaturing, coagulation, gelation, foaming and browning – the role of carbohydrates in gelatinising, dextrinising, caramelising and crystallising – the role of fats in emulsifying ... processes, including canning, drying, pasteurising, freezing and fermenting Packaging, storage and distribution • functions of packaging and types of materials available • current developments in packaging, ... Framework (AQF) Training packages are documents that link an industry’s competency standards to AQF qualifications More information about industry training packages can be found on the National Training...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

28 311 0
Tài liệu Pharmaceutical Coating Technology (Part 6) pdf

Tài liệu Pharmaceutical Coating Technology (Part 6) pdf

... 26s 8.0 27s 10. 2 28s 9.2 59 29s 10. 2 50 30s 10. 0 579 50 31s 5 .7 579 50 500–650 428–524 Inlet air temperature (°C) 77 59 60 78 8–902 944–991 414 75 78 802–826 434–490 75 916 74 71 68 1 27 151 68 ... 05s 4.5 06s 6.8 07s 6.5 91 08s 16 .7 76 09s 9.3 10s 10. 5 11s 11.2 63 12s 8.0 80 13s 9.2 14s 6.8 89 15u 10. 0 72 16u 11.2 17u 7. 3 18s 7. 0 19s 7. 0 20s 6.3 345 68 21s 7. 7 345 69 22s 7. 7 345 68 23s 6.3 ... evaporate water (kJ/h) 23×620×4.2 =59 900 13.2×620×4.2 =34 372 Energy loss (kJ/h) (189−59.9) 103 =129 .1 103 (40.1−34.3) 103 =5.8 103 Energy loss (kJ/kg) tablets 9.2 10 1.2 10 temperature (K) , G is the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 18:15

21 312 0
Tài liệu B.Sc. (H) Food Technology  pptx

Tài liệu B.Sc. (H) Food Technology  pptx

... Freezing- Introduction to refrigeration and freezing, definition, principle of freezing, freezing curve, changes occurring during freezing, types of freezing i.e slow freezing, quick freezing, introduction ... proteins  Fat soluble vitamins-A, D, E and K  Water soluble vitamins – thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin C  Minerals – calcium, iron, iodine, fluorine ... Fish Curing and Smoking (8 lectures)  Drying and salting of fish, water activity and shelf-life , salting process, salting methods (brining, pickling, kench curing, gaspe curing), types of salts,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

69 375 0
Tài liệu Reversed Food Chain – From the Plate to the Farm Priorities in Food Safety and Food Technology for European Research potx

Tài liệu Reversed Food Chain – From the Plate to the Farm Priorities in Food Safety and Food Technology for European Research potx

... priorities in basic food science A concluding remark in chapter finishes this report 18 Approach 2.1 The Reversed Food Chain Thinking In order to generate a consistent structure, a working model ... thermal processing, freezing, salting and drying, new methods of processing and packaging are emerging (ultra-high pressure hydrostatic processing or pascalisation, ohmic processing, high-intensity ... perspective – in other words to start a reversed food chain thinking This approach makes it possible to come to a kind of hierarchical analysis of the research issues in three main categories1:...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

59 539 0


... proteins have been isolated from tropical plants including thaumatin, monellin, mabinlin, and brazzein One problem in using these compounds in large-scale industrial production is obtaining enough ... study Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol 20 07; 8 :73 -83 46 McKiernan F, Houchins JA, Mattes RD Relationships between human thirst, hunger, drinking, and feeding Physiol Behav 2008;94 :70 0 -70 8 47 Wansink B ... 1992;51 :121 -125 49 Wansink B, Painter JE, Lee YK The office candy dish: proximity’s influence on estimated and actual consumption Int J Obes (Lond) 2006;30: 871 - 875 50 Kahn BE, Wansink B The influence...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

44 501 1
“Consumer Perceptions of Food Technology & Sustainability” pptx

“Consumer Perceptions of Food Technology & Sustainability” pptx

... Food Labeling Interest in Adding Information to Current Food Labels Most Americans not wish to see any additional information on food labels 2 012 24% 10 76 % 2 010 18% 82% 12 Q9 2008 20 07 Yes 14% ... 9% Don't Know/Refused Biotechnology (incl: "GMO", Engineered/Modified, Genetic) 10% 3% Q Can you think of any information that is nor currently included in food labels that you would like to see ... engineering in animals? Likelihood to Purchase Genetically Engineered Fish Two-thirds of Americans would likely buy GE fish if FDA found it to be safe 2 012 21% Likely Somewhat likely Not too likely...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

53 225 0
“Understanding Consumer Perceptions of Food Technology & Sustainability” pdf

“Understanding Consumer Perceptions of Food Technology & Sustainability” pdf

... Avoiding Certain Foods Significantly fewer Americans are avoiding specific foods or ingredients compared to 20 07 2 010 Not Avoiding 46% ’ 07 Q1 20 07 Avoiding 54% Not Avoiding 39% ’08, ’ 07 Thinking ... decreased since 20 07 2 010 A Lot 7% 20 07 A Lot 2% Some 11% Nothing At All 50% ’ 07 Q28 Some 20% A Little 23% A Little 17% Nothing At All 70 % How much have you read or heard about the concept of sustainable ... Very likely Likely Somewhat likely Not too likely Not at all likely 54% Unlikely 14% 5% Q31 How likely would you be to purchase bread, crackers, cookies, cereal, or pasta products containing wheat...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

50 313 1
Some Implications of GM Food Technology Policies for Sub-Saharan Africa docx

Some Implications of GM Food Technology Policies for Sub-Saharan Africa docx

... 6 27 3 179 1,001 21, 276 18 42 2 87 65 8 97 595 2,204 4,0 47 With EU moratorium Sim 1b Change in economic welfare (equivalent variation in income, $m) SACU Rest of SADC Rest of SSA 22 12 21 Argentina ... abstaining in the presence of the EU moratorium being very minor relative to the foregone productivity benefits from adopting the new technology .12 This last point is reinforced in Table where, in ... protectionism, reflected also in the greater decline in net imports of food in Sim 3b than 3c, and in the increase in domestic food prices in Sim 3b compared with their decline in Sim 3c Finally, consider...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

26 360 0
Intellectual Property in the Food Technology Industry potx

Intellectual Property in the Food Technology Industry potx

... pharmaceutical industries For more information about the authors or Volpe and Koenig, P.C please visit www.volpe-koenig.com ISBN: 978 -0-3 87- 773 88-9 DOI: 10. 10 07/ 978 -0-3 87- 773 89-6 e-ISBN: 978 -0-3 87- 773 89-6 ... to investors or can create new business opportunities by reducing the risks of competition R.W O’Donnell et al., Intellectual Property in the Food Technology Industry, DOI: 10. 10 07/ 978 -0-3 87- 773 89-6 ... mark Kellogg’s R.W O’Donnell et al., Intellectual Property in the Food Technology Industry, DOI: 10. 10 07/ 978 -0-3 87- 773 89-6 3, C Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008 29 30 Type of mark Trademarks...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

152 447 0
Design and Technology: Food Technology pdf

Design and Technology: Food Technology pdf

... place Internal standardisation may involve: • all teachers marking some trial pieces of work and identifying differences in marking standards • discussing any differences in marking at a training ... creaming; sauce making: roux, all -in- one, blended; pastry making: short crust, rough puff; layering: cold desserts, cheesecake, trifle, tiramisu; bread making; finishing techniques: glazing, icings, ... elasticity: bread making, shortening: pastry making, aeration: raising agents, cake making, emulsification: salad dressings, coagulation: setting of egg mixtures, flavouring: sweetening agents in desserts/...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

32 399 0
Food technology in secondary schools pdf

Food technology in secondary schools pdf

... • define the knowledge, understanding and skills which pupils in Key Stages and should be taught in relation to cooking, nutrition and healthy eating and incorporate these redefinitions in to ... timetabling in Key Stage lessons, which were too short for practical cooking; inefficient use of time; boring teaching of theory; large group sizes; pupils’ lack of ingredients for cooking; and ... pupils engaged in lengthy GCSE coursework projects ̶ planning the teaching of practical cooking to overcome the organisational constraints ̶ increasing the liveliness of the teaching of the more...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

26 285 0
Instruments for Food Technology ppt

Instruments for Food Technology ppt

... TFX 410 / TFX 410- 1 / TFX 420 EBI 100 -T100 37 Verified / Verifable Thermometer TFX 422 10 EBI 100 -T 210 / T211 38 Probes, Spare Parts, and Accessories for TFX 410 / 410- 1 / 420 12 40 Fold-Back Thermometer ... electrode) pHT 810 1340-5 810 pH-set for food industries, butcheries, dairies ST 100 0 included: pHT 810, penetration electrode AT 206, punching pin, buffer solution pH4, pH7, protein cleaner, KCl-solution, ... x EBI IF 100 -1 Interface x Winlog.pro Software x EBI TAK ALU Aluminum-case Description Type Part No EBI 100 -PASTEUR Set SL 4 110 1340-6 576 EBI 100 Clean-Set / SL 4 210 for bottle cleaning The Temperature...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

92 310 1
Food Technology Years 7–10 Advice on Programming and Assessment pot

Food Technology Years 7–10 Advice on Programming and Assessment pot

... resources including budget and skill level of students workflow planning including sequencing tasks and allocating time • • plan a menu for a special occasion using products in the marketplace ... learning as well as knowledge 14 Food Technology Years 7 10: Advice on Programming and Assessment Guidelines for marking The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to ... using products in the market place Integrated learning experiences, instruction and assessment: Evidence of learning: Feedback: Group work activity demonstrates student’s research skill using...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

47 277 0
Food Technology Years 7–10 Syllabus pot

Food Technology Years 7–10 Syllabus pot

... The K 10 Curriculum This syllabus has been developed within the parameters set by the Board of Studies NSW in its K 10 Curriculum Framework This framework ensures that K 10 syllabuses and curriculum ... Years 7 10 Syllabus in the Technology K 12 Curriculum Food Technology Years 7 10 Syllabus Aim The aim of the Food Technology Years 7 10 Syllabus is to actively engage students in learning about ... achievement of the broad learning outcomes are outlined in the syllabus rationale In accordance with the K 10 Curriculum Framework, the Food Technology Years 7 10 Syllabus takes into account the diverse...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

57 319 0
West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Structure & Detailed Syllabus of B.Tech in Food Technology ppt

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Structure & Detailed Syllabus of B.Tech in Food Technology ppt

... Stacks and Queues : Adding, Deleting elements, Circular Queue : Adding and Deleting elements, Merging Problem Implementation of linked lists : Inserting, Deleting, Inverting a Linked List Sorting ... Palmer, Principles of marketing, OUP Czinkota, Marketing Management,Vikas B .K Chatterjee, Marketing Management , Jaico Hoffman, Marketing Best Practices,2nd Ed, Thomson Learning ID 802B Food informatics ... properties of packaging film; Methods of packaging and packaging equipment Module II : 9L Mechanical strength of different packaging materials; Printing of packages Barcodes & other marking; Interactions...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

45 364 0
Soy Protein Applications in Nutrition & Food Technology docx

Soy Protein Applications in Nutrition & Food Technology docx

... in Meat Applications Soy in Baking Applications Biodiesel Soy in Local Cuisine Soybean Processing and Utilization Training • • • • • • • June 1-5, 2009 University of Illinois Soybean Processing ... Protein Isolate Soy Milk Soy Protein Products 70 60 50 Oil 40 Carbohydrate & Minerals Protein 30 20 10 Soybean Flour TVP Conc Isolate Soy Protein Products American Baked Products Soy Protein Ingredient: ... Vitamins (mg) Cholesterol Quantity: Higher Protein Commodity Protein per 100 gms Calories per 100 gms ( in gms) ( in Kcal) Soy Flour (defatted) 52 290 Textured Soy Protein 52 270 Wheat Flour 10...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

36 358 3
2001-2002 Annual Report: NASA Food Technology Commercial Space Center pot

2001-2002 Annual Report: NASA Food Technology Commercial Space Center pot

... still working to find an alternative fat with less saturation and cholesterol Cash or in- kind contribution: $ 110, 000 in- kind contribution Kemin Americas, Inc Des Moines, Iowa Corporate Founding Partner ... Cash or in- kind contribution: $ 67, 000 in- kind contribution Arla Foods amba Brabrand, Denmark Corporate Founding Partner since April, 2001 Deliverable: Background: Arla Foods amba kicked off Lacmos, ... with Kemin’s Shield NA+ also demonstrated no spoilage after 30 days Cash or in- kind contribution: $196,546 in- kind contribution Kraft Foods, Inc Glenview, Illinois Corporate Founding Partner since...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

133 267 0