501 logic and reasoning problems

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 2

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 2

... is most logical. For questions 137 through 151, find the word that names a necessary part of the underlined word. 137. b ook a. fiction b. pages c. pictures d. learning 138. guitar a. band b. teacher c. ... set of necessary part questions. This set is somewhat more difficult than the previous two sets, and it should give you practice in mastering this particular type of question. Remember: A good ... two b. three c. six d. eight 128. Which word does NOT belong with the others? a. peninsula b. island c. bay d. cape 129. Which word does NOT belong with the others? a. seat b. rung c. cushion d....

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20

10 498 0
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 3

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 3

... proportion or degree, cause and effect, similarity or difference. In each of these verbal analo- gies, you will be given a set of two related words, fol- lowed by a third word and four answer choices. ... working basic analo- gies, try these picture analogies, which will give you practice with nonverbal reasoning. Solve these picture analogies in the same way you solved the word analo- gies. For each ... are related to each other in the same way. Along with this pair, you’ll be given a third picture and four answer choices, which are also pictures. Of the four choices, choose the picture that would...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20

14 374 0
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 4

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 4

... if you know that linsmerk means oak tree and linsdennel means oak table, then you know that lins means oak. And, if lins means oak, merk must mean tree, and dennel must mean table. When you discover ... page 120.) Now try some reasoning questions that ask you to translate English words into an artificial language. First, you will be given a list of three “nonsense” words and their English word ... teacher c. report card d. paint 249. snow mountain ski warmth lake _______ a. sand b. swim c. sunburn d. vacation 250. candle lamp floodlight hut cottage _______ a. tent b. city c. dwelling d. house – QUESTIONS – 37  Set...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20

11 497 3
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 5

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 5

... hair, big brown eyes, and a fair complexion. She is in her mid-forties and is 5'5". Actress #3 is 5'4" and of medium build. She has red hair, brown eyes, and is in her early forties. Actress ... briefcase and wearing a dark suit. Based on this description, which of the three solicitations was also likely carried out by Solicitor #4? a. #1, #2, and #3 b. #1, but not #2 and #3 c. #1 and #3, ... situations. For each question, you will be given a definition and four possible answer choices. Read each definition and all four choices carefully, and find the answer that provides the best example of...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20

9 339 0
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 6

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 6

... page 129.) The logic problems in this set present you with three true statements: Fact 1, Fact 2, and Fact 3. Then, you are given three more statements (labeled I, II, and III), and you must determine ... vegetable and flower gardens. Mrs. Sanchez spends her free time reading and listening to classical music. Both Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez like to cook. a. Mr. Sanchez enjoys planting and growing vegetables. b. ... sets contain short logic problems. Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third statement may be true, false, or uncertain. Logic problems may appear...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20

12 451 0
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 7

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 7

... a vegetable burger, soup, and a ham sandwich. ■ The two people who did not order sandwiches are sitting at chairs 3 and 4. ■ The person who ordered the cheeseburger and the one who ordered the ... problems. The best way to attack logic games is to have a plan. When solving the problems in this set, try the following strategy: 1. Know the rules of the logic game and what each rule means. 2. ... Que Pasa, Fly, and Jealousy b. Shout, Mist, Trek, Fly, Jealousy, and Abra Cadabra c. Que Pasa, Lessons, Mist, Shout, Abra Cadabra, and Trek d. Shout, Lessons, Mist, Trek, Fly, and Jealousy e....

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20

10 434 0
501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 8

501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems - 8

... demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down your reading and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your reactions, conclusions, and questions. ... roommates—Randy, Sally, Terry, Uma, and Vernon—each do one housekeeping task— mopping, sweeping, laundry, vacuuming, or dusting—one day a week, Monday through Friday. ■ Vernon does not vacuum and does ... dusting, and does not do it on Monday or Friday. ■ The mopping is done on Thursday. ■ Terry does his task, which is not vacuuming, on Wednesday. ■ The laundry is done on Friday, and not by Uma. ■ Randy...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 16:20

11 413 1
501 Grammar and Writing Questions

501 Grammar and Writing Questions

... supply and demand determines the price of a commodity. a. between supply and demand determines b. among supply and demand determines c. among supply and demand determine d. between supply and demand ... between Andre and Robert began when he and his family moved to Ohio. a. The friendship between Andre and Robert began when he and his b. Andre and Robert's friendship began when he and his c. ... his c. The friendship among the two boys began when he and his d. The friendship between Andre and Robert began when Robert and his e. Andre and Robert's friendship began when their 212. Most...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 17:13

180 1K 3
501 Grammar and Writing Questions

501 Grammar and Writing Questions

... husband b. yellow, and after I had painted my husband c. yellow and after I had painted, my husband d. yellow; and, after I had painted, my husband e. yellow and after I had painted my husband 119. Y elling ... Japan and the United States 118. I decided to paint the kitchen y ellow, and after I had painted, my husband informed me that he’d rather it be blue. a. yellow, and after I had painted, my husband b. ... one, somebody, and someone are sin- gular pronouns and receive singular verbs. ✓ Both, few, many, and several are plural pronouns and receive plural verbs. ✓ All, any, most, none, and some can...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:44

152 629 8
A teacher's guide to interference and other problems

A teacher's guide to interference and other problems

... meegemaakt, als in een gezelschap           iemand zo onhandig is te verklappen dat ik taalkundige           ben, ... problem with his visa  . . . was going to leave . . .   Andrew should be ill  Andrew is said to be ill  Non-finite forms     ...      von of     I went skiing with the husband of my sister Adjectives and adverbs              ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:35

365 846 3
Thí nghiệm về cổng logic and

Thí nghiệm về cổng logic and

... PHẠM MINH TIẾN - Trang 61 - BÀI 1: THÍ NGHIỆM VỀ CỔNG LOGIC AND Trong bài tập này, bạn sẽ được hướng dẩn vẽ và mô phỏng cổng logic AND, có sơ đồ nguyên lý như sau: ... đơn, 1 cổng AND, và 4 mức logic trạng thái. Để lấy công tắc SW, Led đơn ta vào thư viện ACTIVE, chọn SW-SPDT, double click chuột vào tên linh kiện .Tương tự ta lấy được LED-RED và LOGICSTATE ... thể làm bài tương tự cho các loại cổng logic khác, và xem trạng thái của nó. Ví dụ a1 Sơ đồ mạch: Bật công tắt SW1, SW2 để xem trạng thái logic của ngõ vào và ngõ ra, và ghi kết...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20

5 667 2
Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills

Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills

... improve your odds and that is by improving your critical thinking and reasoning skills.  What Are Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills? To improve your critical thinking and reasoning skills, you ... best “solution.” Reasoning skills, which go hand-in-hand with critical thinking, ask you to base your decisions on facts, evidence, or logical conclu- sions. Critical thinking and reasoning skills ... critically”? And just what are reasoning skills”? This lesson will answer these questions and show you why critical thinking and rea- soning skills are so important. 1 15 – CRITICAL THINKING AND REASONING...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

12 492 0
Banking and financial problems

Banking and financial problems

... banks have jumped __________ and launched similar services. a. on the bandwagon b. into the sea c. onto the table 9. In those days, you could buy a house for £50,000 and let it out for £800 a month. ... publishers of School for Wizards have __________ the book's success, and have negotiated a series of lucrative merchandising deals. a. maximised cash with b. cashed in on c. cashed up 8. Following ... 60 Unit 0000 For reference see A & C Black Dictionary of Banking and Finance (978-07136-7739-3). 28. Phrasal verbs for banking and finance ACROSS 2. They're ________ by their original offer....

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20

10 518 1

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