5 2 4 creating the fb for the motor

Lab 7.2.4 Selecting the Root Bridge

Lab 7.2.4 Selecting the Root Bridge

... Instructions are provided for the 29 00, 2 950 , and 1900 Series switches 29 00 and 2 950 Series Switches Enter into the privileged EXEC mode by typing enable If prompted for a password, enter class ... remove the power cord from the back of the switch or unplug it Then plug it back in If the VLAN information was successfully deleted in Step 2, go to Step and restart the switch using the reload ... cables and adapter 4- 6 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 7 .2. 4 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Erasing and Reloading the Switch For the majority of the labs in CCNA...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15

6 396 0
Tài liệu Lab 7.2.4 Selecting the Root Bridge docx

Tài liệu Lab 7.2.4 Selecting the Root Bridge docx

... Configure the hosts attached to the switches Configure the host to use the same subnet for the address, mask, and default gateway as on the switch Step Verify connectivity a To verify that the hosts ... is not the best choice It is necessary to force the “other” switch to become the root switch b In the example output given the root switch by default, is Switch_A Switch_B is preferred as the root ... Lab 7 .2. 4 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc a On the switch that was changed to be the root bridge, type show running-config at the privileged exec mode prompt b Is there an entry in the running...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

5 364 0
bài giảng khoa học 5 bài 4 cơ thể chúng ta được hình thành như thế nào

bài giảng khoa học 5 bài 4 cơ thể chúng ta được hình thành như thế nào

... với tạo thành hợp tử a Các tinh trùng gặp trứng b Một tinh trùng chui vào trứng c Tuần thứ 20 Tuần thứ 12 Tuần thứ 36 tuần tháng tuần CỦNG CỐ LÀM BÀI TẬP SGK XEM BÀI TRƯỚC Ở NHÀ BÀI HỌC KẾT THÚC...

Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2014, 23:06

8 919 1
Tổng hợp và thử hoạt tính sinh học của 5   (2,4  diclorobenzyliden) rhodanin và dẫn chất

Tổng hợp và thử hoạt tính sinh học của 5 (2,4 diclorobenzyliden) rhodanin và dẫn chất

... VCH2 Vc=o 17 34 346 8 arom 157 8 Vc=s V Ar - Ci 122 4 1196 120 4 10 45 1 24 7 1 023 1 24 0 1 059 123 8 1 057 123 8 V Ar-F 1 057 146 7 2 959 1707 159 9 143 0 2 9 54 1 650 158 3 146 0 3 42 1 2 957 16 94 159 5 146 0 3 42 4 29 14 ... 167 (28 8-CONHCS-Cl; 18), 140 (C7H7CIN; 23 ), 123 (167-CS; 33), 63 (I -CI-C2H 2; 4) 4 12 (M^; 45 ) , 29 0 (MH^ - C7H7FN; 55 ), C I - Ỵ CH2— 28 8 (29 0 - 2H; 78), 167( 28 8 - NHCOCS N -H - Cl; 44 ), 1 24 (C7H7FN; ... — 5* Vàng M = 42 9 ,83 ^ C H a C 17H 11 CI3S2ON2 ^ N C H - N H - EtOH:DMF (5: 1) C,7H„Cl2S20N2F 6* % N-CH2—N - / H Vàng EtOH:DMF Đậm M = 41 3,33 (5: 1) Nâu EtOH:DMF đỏ, (5: 1) Cj H C18H14CI2S2ON2...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2015, 15:50

79 408 0


... above your head in the emblazonment on the ceiling are your two coronets: the circlet with pearls for the baron, and the circlet with strawberry leaves for the marquis "Here, in the wardrobe, is ... other feelings too abruptly for comprehension The contrasts were too tightly packed one against the other Gwynplaine made an effort to withdraw his mind from the vice He was silent This is the ... coin the expression, ricocheted from one surprise to another After the love letter of the duchess came the revelation in the Southwark dungeon In destiny, when wonders begin, prepare yourself for...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

10 290 0
Vường quốc gia Tràm Chim – Khu Ramsar thứ 2.000 của thế giới, thứ 4 của Việt Namx

Vường quốc gia Tràm Chim – Khu Ramsar thứ 2.000 của thế giới, thứ 4 của Việt Namx

... vai với khu đất ngập nước giới, chung sức bảo vệ môi trường đất ngập nước ngày tốt đẹp TCMT 05/ 20 12 ... hợp lý tài nguyên thiên nhiên lên hàng đầu Hàng năm, VQG phối hợp với ban, ngành tổ chức từ 20 - 30 lớp truyền thông môi trường cho cộng đồng dân cư sống xung quanh Vườn nhằm nâng cao nhận...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2013, 10:25

2 904 8
Tài liệu Security Essentials Day 2 Threat and the Need for Defense in Depth docx

Tài liệu Security Essentials Day 2 Threat and the Need for Defense in Depth docx

... SANS 20 01 v1.1 Oct 24 , 1999 S Northcutt v1 .2 Jun 19, 20 00 v1.3 edited by J Kolde, reconciled with audio 6 /28 /00 v1 .4 – edited by J Kolde, adjusted grayscale for b/w printing – 22 Nov 20 00 v1 .41 ... session vulnerability that violates the confidentiality of the system - 18 Null Session net use \\1 72. 20 . 24 4. 1 64\ IPC$ “” /USER:”” Defense in Depth - SANS 20 01 19 The null session exploit is an attack ... SANS 20 01 24 The code red worm uses the same mechanism as the original Code Red worm to infect vulnerable computers That is, the worm looks for systems running IIS that have not patched the unchecked...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15

31 573 0
Tài liệu Chapter 2 - Communicating over the Network CCNA Exploration 4.0 docx

Tài liệu Chapter 2 - Communicating over the Network CCNA Exploration 4.0 docx

... Devices and their Role on the Network • The network devices that people are most familiar with are called end devices These devices form the interface between the human network and the underlying ... Criteria for choosing a network media are: – The distance the media can successfully carry a signal – The environment in which the media is to be installed – The amount of data and the speed ... www.bkacad.com The Communication Process • The TCP/IP model describes the functionality of the protocols that make up the TCP/IP protocol suite These protocols, which are implemented on both the sending...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 14:15

54 502 0
Nghiên cứu các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình phân hủy nitrobenzene và 2,4 dichlorophenol bằng hệ xúc tác quang hóa đồng thể fe2 h2o

Nghiên cứu các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình phân hủy nitrobenzene và 2,4 dichlorophenol bằng hệ xúc tác quang hóa đồng thể fe2 h2o

... 57 .9 50 .2 54 .6 56 .5 90’ 57 .9 50 .2 55 .0 57 .9 nh hư ng c a n ng ñ Fe2+ ñ n hi u su t COD Hcod(%) 70 60 50 40 % [H2O2]/[Fe2+]=60 [H2O2]/[Fe2+] =20 30 [H2O2]/[Fe2+]= 12 [H2O2]/[Fe2+]=6 20 10 0 20 40 ... 10’ 35. 5 41 .2 45 . 3 49 .0 56 .5 61.7 49 .7 57 .7 61 .5 46 .1 53 .1 59 .6 nh hư ng c a n ng ñ H2O2 ban ñ u t i hi u su t COD 70 hi u su t (%) 60 50 [H2O2]/ [2, 4- DCP]=1 40 [H2O2]/ [2, 4- DCP]=3 30 [H2O2]/ [2, 4- DCP] =5 ... 30.6 47 .4 47.9 59 .8 52 .2 50 ’ 36 .4 48.9 53 .1 61.7 54 .1 70’ 36 .4 50 .2 55 .0 63.6 57 .4 90’ 37.3 50 .2 57 .4 67.9 60.3 nh hư ng c a n ng ñ H2O2 ñ n hi u su t COD Hcod(%) 80 70 60 % 50 [H2O2]/m u = [H2O2]/m...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 16:21

26 929 1
Nghiên cứu quá trình phân hủy axit 2,4 ddiclophenoxxiaxetic bằng hệ xúc tác quang dị thể tio2 UV với tio2 điều chế từ ticl4

Nghiên cứu quá trình phân hủy axit 2,4 ddiclophenoxxiaxetic bằng hệ xúc tác quang dị thể tio2 UV với tio2 điều chế từ ticl4

... TiO2 t (h) 0 .2 85. 2 79.6 64. 3 49 .5 30 .2 22. 0 14. 4 11 .2 0.3 86.8 74. 1 56 .0 35. 7 22 .2 19.1 9 .2 6.0 0 .4 90.1 70 .4 48 .5 30 .2 21.3 15. 1 7.0 5. 3 0 .5 89.3 68.1 42 . 9 25 . 4 18.8 7.6 5. 5 3 .4 0.6 87.0 77 .2 ... theo th i gian hàm lư ng ph n ng TiO2 t (h) TiO2 0 .2 89.1 69 .2 58 .4 46.0 39 .2 36.3 29 .2 18.0 0.3 95. 2 60 .4 52 .7 46 .2 40 .4 33 .5 26 .1 16.6 0 .4 92. 0 45 . 3 36 .4 34. 8 30.1 29 .6 25 . 7 11.1 0 .5 90.1 42 . 4 ... (h) 0 .2 0.0 22 .3 34. 4 48 .3 56 .0 59 .3 67 .2 79.8 0.3 0.0 36 .5 44 .6 51 .5 57 .5 64. 8 72 .5 82. 6 0 .4 0.0 50 .7 60 .4 62. 1 67.3 69.0 72. 1 88.0 0 .5 0.0 52 .9 56 .1 62. 0 76.1 87.1 88 .5 90.1 0.6 0.0 47 .8 65. 7...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 16:45

26 517 0
Tài liệu The Go Big Now Guide - 5 Steps to Make the Law of Attraction Key Work for You docx

Tài liệu The Go Big Now Guide - 5 Steps to Make the Law of Attraction Key Work for You docx

... out why the Law of Attraction works for some people but not for them Here’s the truth… The Law of Attraction is always working, whether you want to admit it or not The question isn’t IF the Law ... is time for the next step… 14 © Kristen Howe, 20 09 http://www.gobigcoach.com/gobignow The Go Big Now Guide - Steps to Make the Law of Attraction Key Work for YOU © Kristen Howe 20 09 Step 4: Take ... working for you? What’s the deal? © Kristen Howe, 20 09 http://www.gobigcoach.com/gobignow The Go Big Now Guide - Steps to Make the Law of Attraction Key Work for YOU © Kristen Howe 20 09 The deal...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 13:15

19 485 2


... perpetrators For some years the organization flourished in spite of the efforts of the United States government and of the better classes of the community in the South Eventually, in the year 1869, the ... violence, and there can be no doubt that the deceased had been the victim of an unfortunate accident, which should have the effect of calling the attention of the authorities to the condition of the riverside ... from the cupboard, and tearing it to pieces he squeezed out the pips upon the table Of these he took five and thrust them into an envelope On the inside of the flap he wrote "S H for J 0." Then...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 20:15

18 364 0
Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message-of-the-Day (MOTD) pptx

Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message-of-the-Day (MOTD) pptx

... Enter The router is ready for the assigned lab to be performed 3 -4 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3.0 - Lab 3 .2 .5 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Router Interface Summary Router Ethernet ... interface The string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be used in IOS command to represent the interface 4- 4 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3.0 - Lab 3 .2 .5 Copyright  20 03, ... (S0) Serial (S1) 1700 FastEthernet (FA0) FastEthernet (FA1) Serial (S0) Serial (S1) 25 0 0 Ethernet (E0) Ethernet (E1) Serial (S0) Serial (S1) 26 00 FastEthernet 0/0 FastEthernet 0/1 (FA0/1) Serial...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

4 469 0
Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message of the Day pdf

Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message of the Day pdf

... interface The string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be used in IOS command to represent the interface 4- 4 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3.0 - Lab 3 .2 .5 Copyright  20 03, ... 3 .2 .5 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Router Interface Summary Router Ethernet Ethernet Serial Serial Interface Model Interface #1 Interface #2 Interface #1 Interface #2 #5 800 (806) Ethernet ... (806) Ethernet (E0) Ethernet (E1) 1600 Ethernet (E0) Ethernet (E1) Serial (S0) Serial (S1) 1700 FastEthernet (FA0) FastEthernet (FA1) Serial (S0) Serial (S1) 25 0 0 Ethernet (E0) Ethernet (E1) Serial...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

4 390 0
Tài liệu Creating the project office 2 pptx

Tài liệu Creating the project office 2 pptx

... follow those phases The first outlines ways to create the conditions for organizational change The second covers operating the project office to make the changes themselves, and the third goes through ... change the perception and function of any organizational entity after it has been established Therefore, Preface xiii if the ultimate goal is to change the organization, then that should be the ... from the beginning That is why we wrote this book The emphasis in this book is not on the day-to-day operation of the project office, although that topic is covered Rather, the focus is the process...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

10 345 0
Tài liệu Creating the project office 4 pptx

Tài liệu Creating the project office 4 pptx

... with the sponsor’s approval, for planning and executing the change project Most of their activities focus on the targets of the change • Targets: These are the people who must alter the way they ... external) If the initiative is top-down, starting with upper management, then the effort of getting buy-in from the rest of the organization must be taken on If, on the other hand, the idea is ... change The usual result is that the same people sit in different seats but produce the same products by the same processes and for the same customers Reorganizations are wonderful for creating the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

10 342 0
Tài liệu Creating the project office 5 docx

Tài liệu Creating the project office 5 docx

... resist the change until they are forced to make the change or they leave the organization The strategy then is to use that one-third early adopters to demonstrate the benefits of your vision Then ... of the people in an organization will be ready and willing, waiting for the change, another third will be on the fence and only change when they experience the benefits of the new process, and the ... support the corporate vision and strategy 24 Creating the Project Office Communicate That Change Vision—Tell the Tale Once the vision and strategy is developed, communicate it to all parts of the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20

10 260 0