... Advantage in Life Expectancy, Sub- Saharan Africa and Three Selected Countries Adult Mortality (45q15) by Sex in UN Projections, Sub- Saharan Africa and Lesotho Sex Ratios by Age from UN Projections, ... of Under-Five Mortality, by Country and Year Estimates of Infant Mortality, by Country and Year Countries and Data Sources Probabilities of Dying between Ages 15 and 60 (45q15) in Sub- Saharan Africa ... 1960–2005 Infant Mortality Rates for World and UN Regions, 1960–2005 Infant Mortality Rates for Sub- Saharan Africa and UN Subregions, 1960–2005 Life Expectancy at Birth for Sub- Saharan Africa and UN Subregions,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20
... the main chain NH of the preceding arginine, forming a stable heptamer ring, both in the X-ray structure and the solution structure of AII (Fig 8) Indeed, aspartate residues at the N-termini of ... C-terminus approaching to ˚ within 7.6 A of each other [23] and an inverse c-turn encompassing residues His6, Pro7 and Phe8 The Tyr4, His6 and Phe8 side chains were found to be close together in space ... obtained by simulated annealing in CNS followed by refinement in explicit water using NOE distance restraints, dihedral angle restraints, bond, angles, impropers, dihedral angle, van der waals and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 23:20
ORIENTATION PAPER prepared in connection with the FP7 2013 Work Programme in the area of Health research docx
... relevant, account should be taken of possible socio-economic impacts of research, including its intended and unintended consequences and the inherent risks and opportunities A sound understanding of ... the brain, and to study brain diseases including relevant age related illness and search for new therapies The overall aim is to gain a global understanding of the brain by exploring brain functions, ... affected by these proteins, through in vitro cell assays and systems biology - Identification of cell functions affected by these pathways, by defining the boundaries of normal function, and understanding...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Adalimumab improves health-related quality of life in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis compared with the United States general population norms: Results from a randomized, controlled Phase III study" pdf
... symptomatology, including pain and itching, combined with concerns about the appearance of one's skin can substantially affect a patient's psychological well-being and can result in emotional distress, ... physical functioning and bodily pain, but there were clinically meaningful differences for social functioning and role-emotional scores We observed significant improvements in MCS and PCS scores ... reported similar physical functioning and more impaired mental health functioning compared with general population norms, even after adjusting for age, sex, and race These findings differ from those...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: "The validity of a rheumatoid arthritis medical records-based index of severity compared with the DAS28" docx
... global rating: "doing poor" points Functional status Unable to hobbies point Unable to work points Unable to care for self points Hours of morning stiffness
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo y học: "The validity of a rheumatoid arthritis medical records-based index of severity compared with the DAS28" pdf
... measures In our opinion, the value of the RARBIS in truly determining the severity of RA in individual patients depends mainly on issues other than convergent validity with the DAS28 Competing interests ... records-based index of severity compared with the DAS28 Arthritis Res Ther 2006, 8:R57 Landewe RB: The benefits of early treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: confounding by indication, and the issue of timing ... Therapy Vol No Landewé and van der Heijde Feasibility, finally, pertains to the ease with which the RARBIS can be elicited and calculated in practice Time and costs are issues of interest here...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Components of prolificacy in hyperprolific Large White sows compared with the Meishan and Large White breeds" ppsx
... daughters of LW and MS sows was determined by presenting a boar twice each day from 150 days in both Large White groups and from 70 days in MS They were submitted to an endoscopy during the diestrus ... mothers according to the heritability and repeatability of this trait, around 0.3 to 0.5 EGAULT t B UNNINGHAM C al., 1979 ; L & G 1981) These results confirm those , RUAND EGAULT already obtained with ... result is in good agreement with those of RoMSnuTS et al (1982), but lower than those obtained in China by C (1983) MS gilts were pubescent HENG EGAULT ARITEZ very young, as was observed by L &...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:22
Báo cáo y học: "Health related quality of life in trauma patients. Data from a one-year follow up study compared with the general population" potx
... there had been more improvement in other domains than physical functioning, role physical, pain and social functioning On the other hand, the physical and pain domains were those most impaired, ... SF-36 in severely injured patients, and this was also found in a mixed-trauma sample [7] Ringdal et al.[3] and Kiely et al [61] did not find a similar result in severely injured patients and in ... throughout the study LS was funded by Health region east and Oslo University Hospital ISB and ØE were funded by Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo HM received her funding from Health region...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
Interacting with the Outside World Using Simple IO Devices
... Debouncing has to be done whenever the mechanical switches are involved This is accomplished by introducing a software delay in this application Fig 2.3 Buzzer interface to PIC16F877 26 Interacting ... rs232(baud=19200, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7) void main() { int i; int uni, ten; while(1){ for (i=0; i
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 01:20
two-word phrasal verbs with the particle in that require into when used with an object
... checkout counter Infinitive present tense past tense past participle go in & goes in go in -ing form going in went in gone in go inlinto p.v When you go in or go into a place, building, room, and so ... go in The National Guard was ordered to go in and stop the riot The marine shouted, "We're going in! " as he jumped from the landing craft let in let in & lets in letting in let in let in let inlinto ... really getting him down get in get in & gets in getting in got in gottenlgot in get inlinto p.v When you get in or get into a place, building, room, car, boat, and so on, you enter it Get in the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 16:20
Working with the Fogbow Design and reconfiguration of services and participation in e-Government
... the standpoint and how this is interpreted by the surrounding world, an interpretation that in turn is based on someone else’s situated understanding If objectivity is regarded as partial and situated ... are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves Our vision is continually active, continually moving, continually holding things in a circle around itself, constituting what is present ... civil servants understand, interpret and define the role of research when viewed from their own particular needs and perspectives Since I had received instruction and training in web design from...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu Module 7: Working with the Microsoft Outlook 2000 Object Model pptx
... Items in a Collection Slide Objective To provide guidelines for using the Find and Restrict methods Lead -in The Find, FindNext, and Restrict methods enable you to search for individual items and subsets ... following example shows how to perform the same task by using VBScript Sub cmdCount_Click() MsgBox "There are " & Item.Application.COMAddIns.Count & " COM add-ins." End Sub Returning the Active Window ... collection object Lead -in Use the methods of the Folders collection object to perform standard folder functions, such as adding, sorting, finding, and deleting folders in the collection Using the FolderAdd...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Chapter 10: Working With the BEx Browser pptx
... grouped according to topic areas, user roles, or business processes Typically, the BW system administrator is responsible for maintaining channels in the InfoCatalog The administrator’s role includes ... role includes the following: < Assigning workbooks to individual channels < Creating subchannels or directories < Grouping workbooks into subchannels or directories < Assigning users to channels ... Browser Insert desired query (or queries) Insert desired query (or queries) into a workbook into a workbook Enhance workbook layout Enhance workbook layout and functionality (optional) and functionality...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Working with the ADO Recordset Object pdf
... method is handy for checking out data Editing and Updating Records You can use several methods to perform editing and updating of records in code Unlike the last section in which you could open ... type cursor You can see this in Listing A.5 Listing A.5 basRecordsetExamples.vb: Opening and Retrieving a Recordset for Display Sub OpenRecordsetWithEditingExample(ByVal txtResults As TextBox) ... Save method, and passes the adPersistADTG format enumerator You could save the recordset as XML by using adPersistXML The code opens the file into a recordset and prints it by saving it to the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
Tài liệu Work with the XML Document Object Model pdf
... BindTheGrid() End Sub Create the routine BindTheGrid, shown in Listing 12.7, in the code module for the page Listing 12.7 wfrmHowTo12_3.aspx.vb: Binding the Data Table to the Data Grid Sub BindTheGrid() ... is bound to the DataGrid object by calling the BindTheGrid routine, which is described in the next step Listing 12.6 wfrmHowTo12_3.aspx.vb: Creating a DataTable Object from Scratch Private Sub ... by calling BindTheGrid Listing 12.8 wfrmHowTo12_3.aspx.vb: Adding Data to the Data Table and Then Rebinding the Data Grid Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs)...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Module 18: Case Study Working with the Foodmart Database ppt
... Explain that students will be creating a virtual cube named Warehouse and Sales by combining the Warehouse cube and the Sales cube Introduce the dimensions and levels to be included, and then define ... about the dimensions and measures of the cube ! Defining the Warehouse Schema ! Introducing the Dimensions and Levels ! Analyzing the Measures ! Defining the Calculated Members In this section, you ... Users must see data by Product, by Time, by Store, by Customer, by Gender of customer, by Education of customer, and by Yearly Income of customer The cube must store data for 1997 and 1998 years You...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20
Pioneer Introduces the New CYBER NAVI Car Navigation system in Japan With the world’s first* Head-Up Display to project augmented reality information in front of the windscreen* pot
... displays information about the distance to the vehicle in front and the route to the destination by arranging the information in a way that is easy to understand Compass ring indicating the direction ... improving the value of car navigation and coming up with cutting-edge new products that enable a comfortable driving experience by thinking about the way information should be presented in vehicles ... easy-to-understand guidance information to facilitate comfortable driving by using unique video technology to analyze video images that are recorded through the windscreen by a Cruise Scouter unit*4...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo " Study on wave setup with the storm surge in Hai Phong coastal and estuarine region " pot
... setup on beaches and in river entrances, Proceedings of 23rd International Conf on Coastal Engineering, 240-252, 1992 [8] M R Gourlay, Wave set-up, wave run-up and beach water table: Interaction between ... mesh and domain in SWAN model The large domain (D0) is from 105.750E to 108.500E and from 19.50N to 21.750N with the resolution of 500m The small domain (D1) is from 106.60 E to 107.0080E and ... (2009), and between 16 and 24 percent of total surge in storm (it is supposed that the total surge consists of storm surge and wave-setup) It is found also in other studies of Tanaka and Shuto...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A region within the C-terminal domain of Ure2p is shown to interact with the molecular chaperone Ssa1p by the use of cross-linkers and mass spectrometry doc
... of the mono-linked and loop-linked lysines in Ure2p and Ssa1p Peptides containing modified and loop-linked lysine are colored magenta in Ssa1p (A) and Ure2p (B–D) structures Loop-linked residues ... Pottratz I, Ihling C, RodriguezCastaneda F, Liepold T, Griesinger C, Brose N, Sinz A & Jahn O (2009) Structural insights into the calmodulin-Munc13 interaction obtained by cross-linking and mass spectrometry ... C-terminal domain of Ure2p and integrates the finding that the N-terminal domain of Ure2p is flexible An enlargement of the region of Ure2p involved in the interaction with Ssa1p is shown in (D) Lysine...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20