4 to the assignments the teacher s responses

The teacher''''s magazine -at the hospital

The teacher''''s magazine -at the hospital

... ,  ''he purpose of poster 2 in this edition is to get the -  to practise true-to-life conversations in -' English. They will go to the doctor's, describe their ailment, ... gynecologist advised Vanessa that she rest every time she feels tired As she is about to give birth, she do any sports and sleep at least 8 hours 21 The. .. contrasting • Synthesis: producing, ... Evaluation: selecting, evaluating Note 2: All the phrases are in the passive voice' This is net an activityto practise passive voice per Se, but its aim is to present Passive voice use: the (aces

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2015, 22:53

32 272 0
The teacher''''s magazine - merry christmas !

The teacher''''s magazine - merry christmas !

... candle is 9) The candy bars are 3 )The mistletoe is 4 )The parcel is 61 Santa is tti.IlXi sock 7) Santa is is I 91 The angel is... friends, write their names on the cards and write the ... countries it is common to set up the scene of the Nativity in homes and churches. This is a small model the stable where Jesus was born, with Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, shepherds and animals. ... 3) The Christmas tree is 4 )The candle is 6) The bell is 71 The star is The 81 The bird is 8) Knyrel Train e 71 fifth; 81 first; 91 seventh : EMT 5 )The Christmas tree is 5) The

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2015, 22:53

32 307 0
The teacher''s magazine - the seasons and the weather

The teacher''s magazine - the seasons and the weather

... as the seasons go round. They can also include photos, leaves and flowers to signal season changes. ' -  In the artclass the students may create a palette of colours to - Colours ... circle. Sports and seasons Point at a season and ask the students what sports are practiseu during that period. They should make sentences like these: We can ski in the winter, when there is snow/ ... time the sun rises and sets in a season they choose. Make sure that each group chooses a different season and go on the Internet to do their search. _w' 8 Long days, short days and seasons

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2015, 22:53

32 428 0
The teacher''s magazine chronological order

The teacher''s magazine chronological order

... Tips for using props Tell students not to display everything at the beginning of the presentation They should create interest and suspense, showing the props one at a time They should also ... to describe in... must make their message clear, so they should use everything at hand to ensure that Likewise, the other students will remember topics better if they can associate content with ... with the audience Words should lead actions: if they count, they should hold out their fingers; if they say no, they should shake their head softly Tell students they may feel awkward, but the

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2015, 22:54

32 279 0
The educational managemnt of professional ethics to the teacher students in teacher training colleges in the southeast regions

The educational managemnt of professional ethics to the teacher students in teacher training colleges in the southeast regions

... practice are said to be possitive in schooling students in ethical profession in the colleges of education . 4. Tasks and scope of the study 4.1 Tasks of the study 4.1.1. Reaserching the literature ... prefession for students in the colleges of education. 4.1.4. Evaluating and experimenting the proposed measures to indicate their importance as well as necessities. 4.2. Scope of the study -The ... profession in the pedagogical colleges in the southeast provinces, finding out causes for these situations. -Propsosing some management measures of pedagogical ethical profession for students

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2015, 04:45

28 299 0
A study on the teacher’s roles in group work in communicative language teaching at phuc tho high school, hanoi

A study on the teacher’s roles in group work in communicative language teaching at phuc tho high school, hanoi

... like to work with their friends, arranging weak students and strong students into groups is very helpful, most of the students want to practise speaking English in class without the teacher’s control, ... activities - find out the behaviors of the students towards the teacher’s roles in some group work activities Significance of the study The findings of the study would be much beneficial to teachers ... for my thesis since it is one of the possible solutions of the problem how to get all students to speak in language lessons I often use this way of interaction in my teaching, but I sometimes have

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2016, 13:05

11 571 1
Changes in the Teacher’s Teaching Activities Seen from the Learner’s Feedback

Changes in the Teacher’s Teaching Activities Seen from the Learner’s Feedback

... This study aims to find out the level of the learner’s satisfaction with the teaching methods, the teaching process and the quality of the training process; thereby to identify the learner’s expectations ... Teaching, tr45-tr69 [9] Murray (1985) classroom teaching behaviors and student ratings of college teaching effectiveness Changes in the Teacher’s Teaching Activities: Seen from the Learner’s Feedback ... requires higher education institutions to shift their current teaching activities to the credit-based training system, which inevitably involves the innovated learner-centered teaching approach This

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2017, 15:20

10 83 0
 cambridge university press the constitution as treaty the international legal constructionalist approach to the u s constitution sep 2007 kho tài liệu bách khoa

cambridge university press the constitution as treaty the international legal constructionalist approach to the u s constitution sep 2007 kho tài liệu bách khoa

... Constitutionally customizing customary international law for the United States 160 6.2.1 The Persistent Objector Rule: Constitutional capacities and incapacities Presidential Capacities Senatorial ... 148 Party-Based Jurisdictions 151 Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdictions 155 6.1 Sponsions as species of treaties: Signed treaties, executive agreements, and interstate and foreign compacts 156 ... intrinsically integrated into U.S constitutional law and, thereby, are available to federal courts for deciding cases It addresses the Charming Betsy Rule, the nonself-execution doctrine, the last-in-time

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2019, 22:53

230 224 0
Does the addition of explicit clarification of auditor independence statement to the auditor’s report matter to equity analysts

Does the addition of explicit clarification of auditor independence statement to the auditor’s report matter to equity analysts

... and investing judgments Also, all surveys involve presenting respondents with a series of questions for them to answer, so the data is basically what respondents say to the questions Thus, replicating ... Research Vol 8, No 2; 2019 4.4 H3: Likelihood of Making Stock Recommendations This subsection discusses the results of participants’ responses to three general statements on the likelihood of relying ... stakeholders whose understanding and use of financial reports deserve study, other stakeholders especially attorneys and non-professional investors may have motives that predispose them to interpret the

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 17:48

15 14 0
Changes to the auditor’s report and the effects for the bank lenders in the austrian financial market

Changes to the auditor’s report and the effects for the bank lenders in the austrian financial market

... Furthermore the researcher has successfully finished all courses of the MSc programme at Dublin Business School and was able to apply the gained knowledge from these courses to this dissertation ... amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated ... the consolidated financial statements and as to whether the other disclosures are not misleading with respect to the Company’s position The auditor’s report also has to contain a statement as

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2020, 21:48

72 18 0
The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 4 ppsx

The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 4 ppsx

... Composition specialists have different terms to describe these three possibilities As noted, the first case is a run-on sentence; the second case is a comma splice; and the third case is a fused sentence ... exploring aspect, they instead treat progressive and perfect forms as tenses They describe the past progressive tense, the present progressive tense, the future progressive tense, and so on In these ... dress 43 The new book made her career 44 His wooden speech put the crowd to sleep Each of these simple adjectives supplies information to its associated noun: The dress was red; the book was new;...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:20

31 313 0


... 4X Jan- 14 - Jan- 24 13 4W,4X Feb- 04 - Feb-06 4W,4X Feb-11 - Mar-25 145 86 2J,3K,3L,3O,3PS ,4 R, 4S, 4T,4VN,4VS, 4W,4X,5ZE,5ZW,6 B,6C,6D Mar-31 - May- 14 188 12 3L,3M,3N,3O,3PS, 3PN, 4S, 4T,4VS ,4 W,4X,5ZE,5ZW,6 ... 2005 41 0 4X 4W 4VN 4R 4VS 18HU06008 2006 59 0 4X 4W 4VS 4VN 4R 18HU06052 2006 47 0 4W 4X 4VS 3PS 4VN 4R 18HU06731 18HU07001 2006 2007 0 81 72 0 3L 2J 3K 3O 3N 3M 4W 4X 4VS 4R 4VN 3PS 3O 18HU07033 ... May-28 14 4T,4VN,4W,4X,5Z W 18 Jun-02 - Jul-22 96 51 3L,3M,3N,3O,3PS, 3PN, 4S, 4T,4VN ,4 VS,4W,4X Jul-28 - Sep-11 C6 -48 28 22 4VS,4W,4X,6F,6G, 6H Mar- 24 - Mar-25 6D,6E 3M,3O,5ZE 4W 1 4W 4W 260 9739...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

33 353 0
HIDDEN TREASURE - A map to the child’s inner self

HIDDEN TREASURE - A map to the child’s inner self

... of her senses, her body, her emotional expressions, her intellect The infant comes into the world as a sensory being: she needs to suck to live; she must be touched to thrive As she grows she actively ... school system, the court system, the church system, the welfare system, the social service system and of course our political system One more is the medical system When I was years old I was badly ... does not restrict her body movements When she crawls, walks, climbs, runs, she does so exuberantly and zestfully The baby expresses emotions right from the beginning She smiles She laughs She...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 10:50

258 499 0
A Guide to the U.S. Small Business Administration pdf

A Guide to the U.S. Small Business Administration pdf

... disaster, small businesses need as much help as possible The SBA provides various types of disaster assistance loans to help small business owners get back on their feet These include physical disaster ... sba.gov/content/sba-loans Resources for Existing Businesses Business Management, Leadership and Human Resource Tools To successfully run a small business, owners need specific people-management skills as well as knowledge ... classifies a business as “small”? How can I get my business certified as womanor minority-owned? How I find an investor for my business? These are some of the SBA s most requested topics For the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

12 468 0
Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Expert Panel Report and Recommendations to the U.S. Congress and U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator pot

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Expert Panel Report and Recommendations to the U.S. Congress and U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator pot

... was asked to perform the following duties: Assess the effectiveness of current activities in reaching the target for prevention of mother -to- child transmission established in the Act; Review scientific ... factors for mother to child HIV transmission • To present the components of comprehensive Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs • Introduce the objectives and members of the ... challenges to increasing access to mother -to- child transmission prevention services and evaluate potential mechanisms to alleviate those barriers and challenges; Identify the extent to which stigma...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

151 483 0


... models to assess the usefulness of taking into account the monetary aggregates As in Fischer et al (2008) these are the simple autoregressive models (AR) and the naïve random walk forecast (RW) The ... Russia is unavailable, other subsidiary indicators justify the use of bi-currency basket s weights for this purpose The bi-currency basket is the operational target of the CBR and consists of the ... present two models that shed some light on these questions in case of Russia 5.1 Money-based inflation risk indicators We use money-based inflation risk indicators in order to assess the long-run...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

63 659 0
Application of serum proteomics to the Women’s Health Initiative conjugated equine estrogens trial reveals a multitude of effects relevant to clinical findings pot

Application of serum proteomics to the Women’s Health Initiative conjugated equine estrogens trial reveals a multitude of effects relevant to clinical findings pot

... processes [1] Given the widespread use of conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) and other estrogens for menopausal symptoms, the issue of overall health benefits and risks associated with CEE has been ... discrepancies It is possible that different species are measured by ELISA versus IPAS (that is, different isoforms) Since the epitopes of the antibodies used in ELISAs are often not specified or ... analysis using ELISAs according to the manufacturer s protocols: human IGFBP1, IGFBP2, IGFBP4, and IGFBP6 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA); IGF1 (Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Webster,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20

16 598 0
wrox press mac os x and ios internals, to the apple's core (2013)

wrox press mac os x and ios internals, to the apple's core (2013)

... 43 6 43 7 44 0 44 6 44 6 44 7 44 7 44 8 44 9 45 2 46 2 46 7 46 8 47 0 47 1 47 3 Kernel Memory Allocators 47 3 kernel_memory_allocate() kmem_alloc() and Friends kalloc OSMalloc 47 3 47 7 47 7 47 9 Mach Pagers 48 0 The ... CONTENTS Darwin — The UNIX Core The Shell The File System UNIX System Directories OS X–Specific Directories iOS File System Idiosyncrasies Interlude: Bundles Applications and Apps Info.plist Resources ... where its predecessor left off, and discuss the new felines in the Apple ecosystem, as well as the various iOS versions Apple s operating systems have proven to be moving targets This book was originally...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 09:56

867 1,6K 0
The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 10 doc

The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 10 doc

... students are interested in Have them talk about the topic in small groups, using a recorder to tape their discussion Have students transcribe their group s discussion Then ask them to read an essay ... increasingly widespread As the name suggests, Spanglish is a combination of Spanish and English It is not quite the same thing as “code-switching,” which is discussed in the next section Spanglish is a hybrid ... bilingual Spanish-English speakers CE is not the same as Spanglish—a blend of English and Spanish frequently used by native Spanish speakers who have picked up a few words of English Although Spanglish...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:20

31 336 0