Adv 4 1 the HYSYS spreadsheet
... Spreadsheet: In this cell… Enter… B12 +(b2*@sqrt(b3)*@sqrt(b4))/ (b5*b6*b7*b9*b10*@sqrt(b8)) D4 +d3/62 .4 D7 +d5-d6 D12 +(d2*@sqrt(d4))/ (22.8*d8*d9*d10*@sqrt(d7)) C 14 +b12+d12 Và Spreadsheet hiển thị ... Condition sai; số công thức Ví dụ câu lệnh hoàn chỉnh: @if (B1< =10 ) then (B1*2) else (B1 /10 ) Giả sử giá trị phần tử B1 Câu lệnhIF/THEN/ELSE tính toán đưa trên? Thực mô Trong module này, tính ... giản,ví dụ +A1 + Cộng: sử dụng “+”, ví dụ +A1+A2 + Trừ: sử dụng “-“, ví dụ +A1-A2 + Nhân: sử dụng “*”, ví dụ +A1*A2 + Chia: sử dụng “/”, ví dụ +A1/A2 + Mũ: sử dụng “^”, ví dụ +A1 ^4 + Lũy thừa:...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 19:04
... ex-Australian The men had known each other in the colonies, so that it was not unnatural that when they came to settle down they should so as near each other as possible Turner was apparently the richer ... as they were frequently together McCarthy had one son, a lad of eighteen, and Turner had an only daughter of the same age, but neither of them had wives living They appear to have avoided the ... McCarthy, going the same way with a gun under his arm To the best of his belief, the father was actually in sight at the time, and the son was following him He thought no more of the matter until...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 14:15
... 50 19 45 6,5 11 0 15 0 80 80 11 0 50 24 53 11 0 15 0 80 80 11 0 50 24 11 0 15 0 80 80 11 0 50 29 11 0 15 0 80 Body size h1 h2 i + 0,3 0 -0,5 M10 11 11 6,5 M10 11 11 61 6,5 M10 11 11 76 6,5 M12 13 13 7) 1) ... e1 e4 max max max max 80 11 0 50 19 45 6,5 11 0 a1 ±2 e 15 0 80 24 53 24 29 50 15 0 80 11 0 50 15 0 11 0 50 15 0 i +0,3 0 −0,5 M10 11 11 6,5 M10 11 11 61 6,5 M10 11 11 76 6,5 M12 13 13 80 80 h2 80 11 0 ... 72 74, 6 31 ,4 5,2 25,8 10 ,7 18 ,6 11 0 – 200 13 1 10 2 ,4 10 8 72 73,8 38,5 6,8 25,8 12 ,3 21 225 – 40 0 13 1 10 2 ,4 11 1 73 73,8 51, 2 6,8 38,5 14 , 7 20,2 45 0 – 600 18 1,6 12 9 ,4 14 7 81 73,9 63,9 10 ,1 51, 2 16 ,3...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:54
Báo cáo khoa học: NMR investigations of subunit c of the ATP synthase from Propionigenium modestum in chloroform/methanol/water (4 : 4 : 1) pot
... [28], 3D 13 C-resolved HCCH-TOCSY (sm ¼ 14 ms) [29], 3D 15 N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY (sm ¼ 60 ms) [30], 3D 13 Cresolved [1H,1H]-NOESY (sm ¼ 60 ms) [ 31] , and 3D 13 Cresolved [1H,1H]-NOESY (sm ¼ 15 0 ms) ... were achieved by 3D 15 N-resolved [1H,1H]-TOCSY and 3D 15 Nresolved [1H,1H]-NOESY Furthermore, homonuclear 2D [1H,1H]-TOCSY and 2D [1H,1H]-NOESY spectra were used to assign the aromatic spin systems ... Solution structure of the transmembrane 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 H+-transporting subunit c of the F1F0 ATP synthase Biochemistry 37, 8 817 –88 24 Matthey, U., Kaim, G.,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 1 ppt
... without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 20 04 eBook (EBL) ISBN -13 978-0- 511 -337 01- 7 ISBN -10 0- 511 -337 01- 9 eBook (EBL) ISBN -13 ISBN -10 hardback ... ISBN -10 hardback 978-0-5 21- 8 345 7-5 hardback 0-5 21- 8 345 7-0 ISBN -13 ISBN -10 paperback 978-0-5 21- 542 35-7 paperback 0-5 21- 542 35-9 Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or ... diabetes and other diseases 10 3 The biology of predictive adaptive responses 11 8 Predictive adaptive responses – critical processes in evolution 14 4 Evolutionary echoes and the human camel 17 3 Improving...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 4 ppsx
... England and Wales 19 01 10 Below 90 90 10 0 10 0 11 0 11 0 12 0 12 0 13 0 13 0– 14 0 14 0 15 0 15 0 and over London area Fig 4. 1 Maps of the UK showing infant mortality rates from 19 01 to 19 10 (A) and the incidence ... Hertfordshire These included weight at birth, weight at one year of age and whether the baby was weaned at one year The ledgers were maintained from 19 11 to 1 945 Barker and his colleagues used the National ... And they are also invaluable when they serve to highlight observations that not fit the theory and thus lead to new hypotheses, then new studies and thence to new theory We can envisage that there...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
The J-Matrix Method Episode 1 docx
... Phys Rev A 12 , 12 22 (19 75) H A Yamani and M S Abdelmonem, J Phys A 26, L 118 3 (19 93); 27, 5 345 (19 94) ; 28, 2709 (19 96); 29, 69 91 (19 96) E J Heller and H A Yamani, Phys Rev A 9, 12 09 (19 74) I Bray ... 53 (19 92) 10 J T Broad and W P Reinhardt, J Phys B 9, 14 9 1 (19 76) 11 H A Yamani and M S Abdelmonem, J Phys B, 30, 16 33 (19 97); 30, 3 743 (19 97) 12 P Horodecki, Phys Rev A 62, 052 716 (2000) 13 A ... Scattering: Theory, Phys Rev A 9, 12 01 12 08, (19 74) Copyright (19 74) by the American Physical Society 01 A.D Alhaidari et al (eds.), The J -Matrix Method, 3 17 C...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
The J-Matrix Method Episode 4 docx
... 4. 76 81 94 − i0.0007099 4. 76 81 94 − i0.0007098 4. 76 81 94 − i0.0007098 4. 76 81 94 − i0.0007098 4. 7682 − i0.000 710 4. 768303 − i0.0020759 4. 76 819 9 − i0.000 710 7 4. 76 819 7 − i0.000 710 1 4. 76 819 7 − i0.000 710 1 4. 76 819 7 ... potential matrix elements are calculated using equation (56) ε N z = 1 10 20 30 40 z = +1 2. 810 03 − i2 .49 8e − 2. 811 50 − i1.832e − 2. 811 50 − i1. 814 e − 2. 811 50 − i1. 814 e − 6.27899 − i1.8507e − 6.278 04 ... from the submatrix (1) H (1) The IS energies εμ , on the other hand, are controled by the submatrix H (1) (1) and are independent from the submatrix H (2) Varying matrix elements Hnn of the (1) ...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21
getting started with the entity framework 4.1 using
... 13 Setting Up the Site Style 15 Creating the Data Model 18 The Student Entity 19 The Enrollment Entity 21 The ... 1 94 Table-per-Hierarchy versus Table-per-Type Inheritance 1 94 Creating the Person Class 19 6 Adding the Person Entity Type to the Model 19 8 Changing ... 11 8 Creating a View Model for the Instructor Index View 12 0 Adding a Style for Selected Rows 12 0 Creating the Instructor Controller and Views 12 1 Modifying...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 14:21
1 coupling transfer matrix method to finite element method for analyzing the acoustics of complex hollow body networks
... with the following sets of boundary conditions, respectively, : p1 ¼ 1; p2 ¼ 0; p3 ¼ ! A 11 ¼ q1 ; A 21 ¼ q2 ; A 31 ¼ q3 : q2n ¼ 1; p1 ¼ 0; p3 ¼ ! A22 ¼ 1= p2 ðA5Þ : q3n ¼ 1; p1 ¼ 0; p2 ¼ ! A33 ¼ 1= p3 ... n)S), the global transfer matrix is transformed into transfer matrix Q given by Q ¼ T 11 ÀT 12 =S2 T 12 S1 ÀT 22 S1 =S2 ! ; ðA3Þ where Tij are the coefficients of the global transfer matrix of the ... 4b The density and bulk modulus of air are q0 = 1. 21 kg/m3 and Ka = 14 2 ,272 Pa, respectively These properties are used to build matrices K and M of Eq (11 ) In a second run, the zone between 45 0...
Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2014, 23:41
... First published in print format 20 04 isbn -13 isbn -10 978-0- 511 -1 943 0-6 eBook (EBL) 0- 511 -1 943 0-7 eBook (EBL) isbn -13 isbn -10 978-0-5 21- 6 616 0-7 hardback 0-5 21- 6 616 0-9 hardback Cambridge University ... Ch 3: 18 19 20 14 13 23 Ch 1: 44 43 41 42 40 38 39 36 37 35 Ch 5: Interlude: Ch 4: Ch 3: Ch 1: 33 23 22 18 20 14 16 Intricacy and surprise govern the arrangement of the text (thus, for instance, ... 245 /1/ There are in a plane some limited 11 curved lines, which are either wholly on the same side as the straight 12 joining their limits or have nothing on the other side .13 /2/ So 14 I...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00
Công nghệ xử lý nước thải 4.1.ppt
... 4. 1 Tốc độ sinh khí CH4 - Lượng COD bò tiêu thụ qt khử SO42Nếu sử dụng CH3OH chất cho electron 11 9 SO42- + 16 7CH3OH + 10 CO2 + 3NH4+ + 3HCO3- + 17 8H+ = 3C5H7O2N + 60HS- + 331H2O 0,89 gCOD/gSO42Nếu ... lượng thu từ CH4 KLR CH4 35oC = 0,6 346 g/L KLR CH4 30oC 273 + 35 = 0,6 346 g/L x = 0, 645 1 g/L 273 + 30 Năng lượng sinh từ CH4 = 720.000 L/ngđ x 0, 645 1 g/L x 50 ,1 kJ/g CH4 = 23,3 x 10 6 kF/ngđ Khoa ... 200 gSO42-/m3 x 0,67 gCOD/gSO42CODSulfate removal = 12 1 g/m3 Khoa CN&QL Môi Trường Đại Học Văn Lang UASB Bài Tập 4. 1 Tốc độ sinh khí CH4 - Lượng COD chuyển hóa thành CH4 CODCH4 = (19 50 – 12 1) g/m3...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 19:48
Công nghiệp silicat 4.1
... s -1 Các nhiệt độ giá trị độ nhớt đặc trưng thủy tinh Các giai đoạn Nhiệt độ thủy tinh, 0C Ðộ nhớt, N.s/m2 Cao Thấp Thông thường Làm 15 50 10 00 12 00 – 14 0 0 10 Bắt đầu gia công 13 50 850 10 00 – 11 00 ... 12 00 – 14 0 0 10 Bắt đầu gia công 13 50 850 10 00 – 11 00 10 2 Biến dạng 900 650 700 – 800 4. 10 7 Thiêu kết 750 45 0 550 – 650 10 8 Ủ 650 40 0 580 – 600 10 12 … Độ nhớt định: * Vận tốc trình nấu * Quá trình ... nhiệt dung riêng tăng nhanh) * Tính theo công thức: Pn P P2 Ctt = C1 + C2 + + Cn 10 0 10 0 10 0 + P1, P2, Pn: hàm lượng theo khối lượng oxit thủy tinh + C1, C2, C3: hệ số tính toán (tra bảng)...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 12:06
Bài Giảng Mạch Điện Tử 2 - Chương 4.1
... Ai = = −ag m R [ ( ω / ω0 ) − ( ω0 / ω ) ] ii 1 + jQi where Qi = ω0 RC C = C ′ + a Cb ' Rb ' R = ri || R p || a n1 vb 'e a= =
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2012, 08:47
Năng lượng mặt trời Lý thuyết và Ứng dụng - Chương 4.1
... E0λ theo λ C2 − ∂E 0λ C2 λ max T =e + 1= ∂λ 5.λ max T Gii ta cọ: λmax.T = 2,898 .10 -3 m.K (4. 2) (4. 3) 56 E 0λ -6 10 W /m 30 T =12 00K 20 TT =900K =12 00K TT =600K =12 00K 10 λ λm 10 µm Hçnh 4. 1 Hm ... âäúi våïi bỉåïc sọng v våïi nhiãût âäü ca váût C1 E oλ = λ e C2 λT (4. 1) 1 âọ C1, C2 [m.K] - cạc hàòng säú Planck: C1 = 0,3 74. 10 -15 W.m2; C2 = 1 ,43 9 .10 -2 m.K λ, [m] - chiãưu di bỉåïc sọng, T, [K] ... (4. 4) λ =0 hay : Eo = σ0 T4 , [W/m2 ] (4. 5) hay : ⎛ T ⎞ E o = C o ⎜ ⎟ , [W/m ] 10 0 ⎠ ⎝ (4. 6) âọ : σ0= 5,67 .10 -8 W/m2.K4 - hàòng säú bỉïc xả ca váût âen tuût âäúi, C0 = 10 8 σ0 = 5,67, W/m2.K4...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2012, 17:11
Anti-Supernatural Assault Team- Book 1- The Seal of Solomon- Part 1
... world in 2 012 Book tells the story of five pieces of the Seal of Solomon Book 1- Part 1- The Beginning of an End October 1, 2 012 81 days remaining Another plane landed on the San Francisco’s airport ... spotlights The wall ahead lowered, and the car reached the open air again The group saw the thick forest surrounding the road The vehicle continued moving along the road The views were magnificent The ... walked towards the door while the rest followed him 14 They entered the dinning-room that was at the end of a long corridor They saw a long round table and a huge mirror on the wall The table itself...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 16:13