4—blocking a sales quotation if no value in row level udf

mastering  sql  queries  for  sap  business  one

mastering sql queries for sap business one

... BP Case 2—Restricting outgoing payments above 20,000 Case 3—Blocking goods receipt entry Case 4—Blocking a sales quotation if no value in row level UDF Case 5—Blocking invoice based on GL account ... Before going into the details of SQL query, I would like to briefly introduce some basic database concepts because SQL is a database language for managing data in Relational Database Management ... 13—Last sales price for a customer Case 14—Calling a UDF value in the BOM to Production Order Case 15—Multiplying a UDF value with a system field value Case 16—Eliminating the duplicate lines...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:01

352 4,5K 1
12  bound for remainder interval in rigorous intergation josep galen 6 2008

12 bound for remainder interval in rigorous intergation josep galen 6 2008

... (BM1) Martin Berz and Kyoto Makino Taylor Models and Other Validated Functional Inclusion Methods International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol No 2003, 379-456 (BM2) Martin Berz and ... and K Makino Suppression of the Wrapping Effect by Taylor Model-Based Verified Integrators: Long-Term Stabilization by Shrink Wrapping International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications ... are working in a class of functions which is real analytic (or at least analytic on a large enough domain, say range(P ) + 2) Then the ’ ’ will converge due to class of functions we are working...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 21:59

7 268 0
Choose the correct relative pronoun for each sentence

Choose the correct relative pronoun for each sentence

... so that it has similar meaning to the first one using Relative Pronoun This is a story of a group of boys Their plane crashed on an uninhabited island This is a story A man answered ... so that it has similar meaning to the first one using Relative Pronoun This is a story of a group of boys Their plane crashed on an uninhabited island This is a story A man answered ... wanted to take the mountain road His tyres were early new Tom Paul had been driving all day He was tired and wanted to stop Paul Columbus sailed across Atlantic...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 17:00

2 690 0
Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7: Test 1 Grade: 10 Time limit: 45 minutes (0.5 point for each of a right pot

Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7: Test 1 Grade: 10 Time limit: 45 minutes (0.5 point for each of a right pot

... social “rules” are the same for two men, two women, a man and a woman, or an adult and a child In the US and Canada, when you are having a conversation with someone,…… A not look directly in the ... A uneasy B main C unreasonable D mean A cities B distances C states D C with D countries A on B from in A written D spoken B spelling C dictation II Speaking: Match each of the sentences in A ... conversation B because the hearer is interested in what is being said C because he or she thinks that the hearer is not honest D because they are thinking or finding the right word These social “rules”...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 19:21

14 787 0
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer for each sentence below. ppt

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer for each sentence below. ppt

... pork A drink / eat B to drink / eating C drinking / eating D drank / eat 17 I had to ask the boys _ _ billiards all the day A to stop / playing B to stop / to play C stopping / playing ... / change D show / to change I’ll try _ such a foolish thing again A not to cause B to not cause C not causing D to cause not Susan has decided _ her friends _ as she pleases A allow ... suggestion A inform B to inform C informing D informed He began _ English two years ago A learn B learnt C learning D learns 10 The machine needs _ A repair B to repair C repairing D repaired...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 11:22

10 2,6K 9
Báo cáo toán học: " For each α 2 there is an infinite binary word with critical exponent α" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " For each α 2 there is an infinite binary word with critical exponent α" docx

... tends to in nity However, for α > 7/3, Shur [9] gave a construction over a binary alphabet For α > 2, Krieger and Shallit gave a construction over a four-letter alphabet and left it as an open ... journal of combinatorics 15 (2008), #N34 [3] J.D Currie, N Rampersad, J Shallit, “Binary words containing in nitely many overlaps”, Electron J Combin 13 (2006), #R82 [4] J Karhum¨ki, J Shallit, ... contains βi -powers for each i The critical exponent of w is therefore α The following question raised by Krieger and Shallit remains open: for α > 1, if α-powers are avoidable on a k-letter alphabet,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:22

5 260 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Uneventful octreotide LAR therapy throughout three pregnancies, with favorable delivery and anthropometric measures for each newborn: a case report" doc

báo cáo khoa học: "Uneventful octreotide LAR therapy throughout three pregnancies, with favorable delivery and anthropometric measures for each newborn: a case report" doc

... myopathy, and paranoiac thoughts of rape and sexual intimidation Her physical examination revealed pronounced facial acne and hirsutism, oily skin, moon face, buffalo hump, and classical Cushing’s ... illness and overcome it Establishing a family was my desire and inspiration In my opinion having and Page of growing babies, is a clear declaration that I won the combat! I wanted to see them leaving ... infertile woman with a thyrotropin-secreting macroadenoma treated with somatostatin analog octreotide J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996, 81:1164-1168 Chanson P, Timsit J, Harris AG: Clinical pharmacokinetics...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 23:20

5 348 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Novel genes for QTc interval. How much heritability is explained, and how much is left to find?" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Novel genes for QTc interval. How much heritability is explained, and how much is left to find?" pdf

... pathways Analyzing existing QT GWA study datasets with computational tools and pathway databases rather than considering only genes or gene variants may well further increase our understanding ... Page of 32 Post W, Shen H, Damcott C, Arking DE, Kao WH, Sack PA, Ryan KA, Chakravarti A, Mitchell BD, Shuldiner AR: Associations between genetic variants in the NOS1AP (CAPON) gene and cardiac ... AG, Levy D, D’Agostino RB, O’Donnell CJ: QT interval is a heritable quantitative trait with evidence of linkage to chromosome in a genome-wide linkage analysis: The Framingham Heart Study Heart...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:20

7 335 0
The correct answer for each question is indicated by

The correct answer for each question is indicated by

... signals can have an infinite number of values in a range A A ) n a l o g B D ) i g it a l C ( ) a ) o r ( b ) D N ) o n e of th e a b o v e _ signals can have only a limited number of values INCORRECT ... physical or logical arrangement of a network INCORRECT 25 CORRECT Devices may be arranged in a _ topology 26 INCORRECT A _ is a data communication system within a building, plant, or campus, ... address, also known as the link address, is the address of a node as defined by its LAN or WAN Ethernet uses a physical address that is imprinted on the network interface card (NIC) A port address...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2015, 08:59

177 565 0
New fibonacci like wild attractors for unimodal interval maps

New fibonacci like wild attractors for unimodal interval maps

... In particular, a topological attractor A can be one of the following forms: (a) A is a periodic orbit; (b) A is equal to a finite union of intervals containing a critical point and f acts as a ... (c’) fails to be a topological attractor and is often called a wild attractor It was a difficult problem to determine whether a real quadratic map has a wild attractor or not In particular, the case ... unimodal maps in [9] The main result in the paper is as follows: Let f be a finitely renormalizable, non-flat S-unimodal map having critical order < ∞ and kneading map Q Assume that Q is eventually non-decreasing...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:16

152 293 0
05  interval tools for ODEs and DAEs swim08 nedialkov

05 interval tools for ODEs and DAEs swim08 nedialkov

... 2005 Y Lin, M Stadtherr C++ ValEncIA-IVP 2005 V Rauh, E Auer C++ VNODE-LP 2006 N Nedialkov C++ The automatic differentiation (AD) packages TADIFF and FADBAD, and now FADBAD++ (O Stauning, C Bendtsen), ... PROFIL/BIAS or FILIB++ (interval arithmetic) Specified at compile time FADBAD++ (automatic differentiation) LAPACK and BLAS (linear algebra) Installs with gcc: IA FILIB++ PROFIL OS Linux Solaris Linux ... computation and evaluation of the System Jacobian • DAETS code (C++): computes point, approximate solutions • We know in principal how to an interval DAETS A Walter and A Griewank report of a similar...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 21:46

39 297 0
16  an interval method for linear IVPs for ODEs nedialkok

16 an interval method for linear IVPs for ODEs nedialkok

... How to achieve small overestimations and reduce the wrapping effect 8 Outline Enclosing point solutions Computing a parallelepiped Choice of a transformation matrix Reducing the wrapping effect ... Approach II −0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 30 Concluding Remarks • To reduce the wrapping effect when propagating larger sets, a combination of the parallelepiped and QR-factorization methods may be necessary ... 1]n + G−1 [e] ⊆ [0, 1]n (3) then (2) holds If (3) does not hold in computer arithmetic, in ate [e] and try again 16 Choice of a Transformation Matrix Parallelepiped method H = C, [r] = (H −1 C)[0,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:02

30 276 0
A novel interval method for validating state enclosures of the

A novel interval method for validating state enclosures of the

... the original system is solved analytically for xapp = xapp (0) = x0 + x0 Usually, the original state equations are linearized in a typical operating point or nonlinear terms are replaced or neglected ... ESEARCH In this paper, VAL E NC IA-IVP has been introduced as a novel approach for validation of state enclosures for initial value problems with both uncertain initial conditions and tolerances in ... IVPs in control engineering are analysis and design of robust, optimal, and adaptive controllers For nonlinear systems, robustness analysis with respect to uncertain initial states and parameters...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:04

12 373 0
Tài liệu Đề tài " Weak mixing for interval exchange transformations and translation flows " ppt

Tài liệu Đề tài " Weak mixing for interval exchange transformations and translation flows " ppt

... Annals of Mathematics, 165 (2007), 637–664 Weak mixing for interval exchange transformations and translation flows By Artur Avila and Giovanni Forni* Abstract We prove that a typical interval ... ARTUR AVILA AND GIOVANNI FORNI H Masur, Interval exchange transformations and measured foliations, Ann of Math 115 (1982), 169–200 A Nogueira and D Rudolph, Topological weak-mixing of interval ... proved that every Rauzy class contains at least 656 ARTUR AVILA AND GIOVANNI FORNI one standard permutation [NR], Lemma 3.2 Clearly it suffices to consider the case when π is standard Notice that E...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

29 352 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Regulation of the muscle-specific AMP-activated protein kinase a2b2c3 complexes by AMP and implications of the mutations in the c3-subunit for the AMP dependence of the enzyme docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Regulation of the muscle-specific AMP-activated protein kinase a2b2c3 complexes by AMP and implications of the mutations in the c3-subunit for the AMP dependence of the enzyme docx

... DA, Mustard KJ, Ross L, Bain J, Edelman AM, Frenguelli BG & Hardie DG (2005) Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase-beta is an alternative upstream kinase for AMP-activated protein kinase Cell ... contraction EMBO J 24, 1810–1820 50 Hawley SA, Selbert MA, Goldstein EG, Edelman AM, Carling D & Hardie DG (1995) 5¢-AMP activates the AMP-activated protein kinase cascade, and Ca2+ ⁄ calmodulin activates ... K, Whitrow HR, Daniel TD, Grignani R, Lygate CA, Schneider JE, Noel G, Watkins H et al (2006) Characterization of the role of gamma2 R531G mutation in AMP-activated protein kinase in cardiac hypertrophy...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 08:20

10 553 0
Probabilistic Event Logic for Interval-Based Event Recognition pot

Probabilistic Event Logic for Interval-Based Event Recognition pot

... example, the formula, [HasBall(p)∧Jumping(p)] → ♦mi [¬HasBall(p)∨Jumping(p)] encodes that a player cannot jump with the ball and then land with the ball Note that by including a formula in an ... pass, the ball moving, and ending with a catch This specifies a necessary condition for PassTo Finally, the ♦r operator allows for specifying constraints on intervals related to a given interval ... Cφ clauses are assigned “large enough” weights to act as hard constraints MAP for PEL is NP-hard since it can easily encode 3SAT Thus, we consider an approximate MAP approach based on stochastic...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20

8 334 0
Question Answer and each contains 100 question for a total 10000 Spagers Quizzes Volume one

Question Answer and each contains 100 question for a total 10000 Spagers Quizzes Volume one

... prevention against what In 1971 which USA space probe was first to orbit another planet What links Catalonia, Andalusia, Cantabria, Galicia Ingemar Stenmark won record 85 world cup races in what sport ... Kiss my arse Horse Victoria falls Contaminated water diseases Bananas Capybara Curling Organised motor race Japan - South Korea Parking Meter Rene Decartes Great wall of China A moth Many Gods ... literal translation of terrapin What to a French or Spanish man is an OVNI What is it against the law to kill in Pacific Grove California 10 Ernest Hemmingway said what would protect against allergies...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 20:29

204 515 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Strong convergence theorems and rate of convergence of multi-step iterative methods for continuous mappings on an arbitrary interval" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: " Strong convergence theorems and rate of convergence of multi-step iterative methods for continuous mappings on an arbitrary interval" pptx

... m@hotmail.com, withun ph@yahoo.com Abstract In this article, by using the concept of W -mapping introduced by Atsushiba and Takahashi and K-mapping introduced by Kangtunyakarn and Suantai, we ... and applied this mapping for finding a common fixed point of nonexpansive mappings, for instance, see [8–23] In 2009, Kangtunyakarn and Suantai [24] introduced a new concept of the K- mapping in a ... to an arbitrary interval and to the Ishikawa iteration and gave some control conditions for the convergence of Ishikawa iteration on an arbitrary interval Recently, Phuengrattana and Suantai [4]...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

33 360 0