3the relation of green nanonano tribologytribology and global challenge 13 energy

Báo cáo y học: "Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits advanced glycation end product-induced expression of tumor necrosis factor-α and matrix metalloproteinase-13 in human chondrocyte" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits advanced glycation end product-induced expression of tumor necrosis factor-α and matrix metalloproteinase-13 in human chondrocyte" ppsx

... question of a possible inhibitory effect of EGCG on AGE-induced expression and production of TNFα and MMP -13 in OA chondrocytes Our results showed that EGCG suppressed the AGE-induced TNFα and MMP -13 ... clear bands on a background of uniform light blue staining Electrophoretic migration of MMP -13 in the supernatant was compared with known molecular weight standards and also with clear bands of MMP -13 ... the expression of TNFα in our studies, we next investigated the effect of a pharmacological agent (MG -132 , a known inhibitor of NF-κB) on the expression of TNFα and MMP -13 Treatment of chondrocytes...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20

13 401 0
Báo cáo y học: " Systematic monitoring of needs for care and global outcomes in patients with severe mental illness" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Systematic monitoring of needs for care and global outcomes in patients with severe mental illness" ppsx

... Assessment of Need (CAN) [12 ,13] , the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) [14] and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale [15] Page of 10 Global outcomes The GAF is the fifth axis of the ... in the course of routine care and is part of the routine outcome monitoring required by insurers and health authorities in the Netherlands The board of directors and executives of the participating ... the analyses and wrote the paper JvO, MB and PhD contributed during interpretation of the analyses and edited various drafts of the paper JvO and PhD are scientific coordinators of the CNCM JaC...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

10 314 0
Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 13 doc

Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 13 doc

... A diameter (b) and a tangent (c) of a circle Properties of circles and disks: √ The circumference is L = 2πR = πd = πS The area of a disk is S = πR2 = πd2 = Ld 4 The diameter of a circle is a ... the altitude of a trapezoid Properties of trapezoids: A trapezoid is circumscribed if and only if a + b = c + d A trapezoid is inscribed if and only if it is isosceles The area of a trapezoid ... angles α, β, γ, and δ between a straight line AB and the directions to points D and C are known at points A and B (Fig 3.18a) Suppose also that the distance a = AB (or b = DC) is known and the task...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

7 326 0
Báo cáo y học: "Protective effects of total fraction of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables on the structural changes in experimental dog osteoarthritis: inhibition of nitric oxide synthase and matrix metalloproteinase-13" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Protective effects of total fraction of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables on the structural changes in experimental dog osteoarthritis: inhibition of nitric oxide synthase and matrix metalloproteinase-13" docx

... design CB, JC and JPP participated in the acquisition of data CB, JMP, JC and JPP participated in the analysis and interpretation of data CB, JM-P and JPP prepared the manuscript CB, JM-P and JC participated ... effect of Licofelone on experimental osteoarthritis is correlated with the downregulation of the expression and the synthesis of several major cartilage catabolic factors: MMP -13, cathepsin K, and ... superficial zone of cartilage corresponds to the superficial and the upper intermediate layers, and the deep zone to the lower intermediate and deep layers The total number of chondrocytes and those...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20

9 547 0
Surface Engineering of Metals - Principles, Equipment and Technologies Part 13 pptx

Surface Engineering of Metals - Principles, Equipment and Technologies Part 13 pptx

... processes Examples of such are: dispersion of energy, due to non-elasticity of permanent deformation (flow) of material prior to the separation and the transformation of energy of plastic deformation ... examples of the correlation between the atomic number Z of an element and the catalytic activity of certain metals for the reaction of ammonia decomposition at a temperature of 800ºC and pressure of ... difficult The rate of completion of a catalytic process depends on its conditions and is determined by the rate of the slowest of the above-mentioned stages of the process The change of energy in the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:21

24 273 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Global Estimates for Singular Integrals of the Composition of the Maximal Operator and the Green’s Operator" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Global Estimates for Singular Integrals of the Composition of the Maximal Operator and the Green’s Operator" doc

... xB |λ 1/s dx 2.16 Journal of Inequalities and Applications for all balls B with ρB ⊂ Ω and any real number α and λ with α > λ ≥ and γ where xB is the center of the ball and ρ > is a constant 1/s ... study of different versions of the harmonic equations; see for more details Let C∞ Ω, ∧l be the space of smooth l-forms on Ω and W Ω, ∧l u ∈ L1 Ω, ∧l : u has generalized gradient loc 1 .13 The ... inequalities for e the composition of the maximal operator and the Green s operator over the δ-John domain Definitions and Lemmas We first introduce the following definition and lemmas that will be used...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20

12 318 0


... particular type of worker, and therefore a particular type of family, sexuality, procreation, and thus to redefine the private sphere as a sphere of relations of production and a terrain of anti- capitalist ... stroked and made love to Their recognition of the importance of reproduction and women's domestic labor for capital accumulation led to a rethinking of Marx's categories, and a new understanding of ... measure of value, and the end of work is at hand, only depending on a change in property relations While taken in isolation, aspects of this re-conversion e.g the flexibilization and precarization of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

20 594 0
Đề tài " Global well-posedness of the three-dimensional viscous primitive equations of large scale ocean and atmosphere dynamics " doc

Đề tài " Global well-posedness of the three-dimensional viscous primitive equations of large scale ocean and atmosphere dynamics " doc

... comments and suggestions This work was supported in part by NSF grants No DMS-0204794 and DMS-0504619, the MAOF Fellowship of the Israeli Council of Higher Education, and by the USA Department of Energy, ... Constantin, and E S Titi, Existence of solutions to the StommelCharney model of the Gulf Stream, SIAM J Math Anal 19 (1988), 135 5 136 4 [4] G Browning, A Kasahara, and H.-O Kreiss, Initialization of the ... Annals of Mathematics, 166 (2007), 245–267 Global well-posedness of the three-dimensional viscous primitive equations of large scale ocean and atmosphere dynamics By Chongsheng Cao and Edriss...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

24 421 0
The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to California’s Sustainable Building Task Force pptx

The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to California’s Sustainable Building Task Force pptx

... peak demand reduction.112 Both USGBC/LEED and EPA /Energy Star should gather and publish data on the peak demand reduction of, respectively, green and energy efficient buildings Value of Peak ... Buildings Figure III-2 Average Green Cost Premium vs Level of Green Certification Average Green Premium vs Level of Green Certification (for Offices and Schools) Average Green Premium (in percent) ... The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings IV Energy Use Energy is a substantial and widely recognized cost of building operations that can be reduced through energy efficiency and related...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

134 773 0
The Carbon and Global Warming Potential Impacts of Organic Farming: Does It Have a Significant Role in an Energy Constrained World? pptx

The Carbon and Global Warming Potential Impacts of Organic Farming: Does It Have a Significant Role in an Energy Constrained World? pptx

... with the degradation of hundreds of millions of hectares of land worldwide according to the FAO, and much farmland globally is assigned to non-food crops, suggesting that land availability is ... energy inputs and energy use efficiency, and (ii) the economic merits of cropping systems, consisting of input management methods and levels of cropping diversity Input treatments consisted of ... baseline of good agronomic or husbandry standard practice, they compromise capacity to avoid GHG and energy costs in the long term or become too brittle and not able to adjust as the cost of C and energy...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

41 524 1


... INSTITUTE Table Types of Projects Funded by Voluntary Carbon Offset Purchases Type of Project Percentage by Number of Projects Land Use and Forestry 56% Renewable Energy 25% Demand-Side Energy Efficiency ... standard set of guidance for additionality would greatly aid the credibility of the voluntary market Monitoring and Verification Standards Of existing U.S standards and programs, only CCAR and ... additionality of their projects 20, 21 A standard set of guidance or criteria would aid the credibility of offset markets tremendously 22 Monitoring and Verification Standards Monitoring and verification...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

15 533 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of valine 106 on structure–function relation of cytosolic human thymidine kinase Kinetic properties and oligomerization pattern of nine substitution mutants of V106 ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of valine 106 on structure–function relation of cytosolic human thymidine kinase Kinetic properties and oligomerization pattern of nine substitution mutants of V106 ppt

... 34% between dNK and dGK [29], and 47% between dGK and dCK [28], and the structures of dNK, dGK and dCK appeared to be very similar [27,28] Despite the very low sequence identity of the cellular ... strands with SequenaseTM version 2.0 DNA Sequencing Kit (Amersham Biosciences) Expression and purification of rLy-TK1 recombinant enzymes and rLy-TK166 )136 proteins Expression and purification of ... Estimation of subunit molecular size of rLy-TK166 )136 by tricine/ethylene glycol/SDS/PAGE Because the standard SDS/PAGE methods resulted in diffuse protein bands and insufficient resolution of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

9 447 0
Economics and the Challenge of Global Warming pdf

Economics and the Challenge of Global Warming pdf

... Economics and the Challenge of Global Warming Economics and the Challenge of Global Warming is a balanced, rigorous, and comprehensive analysis of the role of economics in confronting global warming, ... Aspects of Taxes and Cap -and- Trade 124 124 125 126 128 129 131 133 137 Contents Subsidies: The Other Market-Incentive Tool Summary ix 138 140 Trade and Global Warming The Impact of Trade on Global ... Economics and the Challenge of Global Warming forward looking and hence always confronts risk and uncertainty The issue at hand is whether the uncertainties are so pervasive and profound as to...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:21

246 517 0
Source investigation of a small event using empirical Green’s functions and simulated annealing ppt

Source investigation of a small event using empirical Green’s functions and simulated annealing ppt

... selected couple of events was required, in order to eliminate saturated traces and to check the similarity of the waveforms and the focal mechanisms of the two events The number of event candidates ... area on the fault This gives us values of the average total slip of between 0.1 and cm and a stress drop of between I and 10 bar for a rise time equal to At, and a stress drop that can reach 30 ... have taken a value of iaround 0.1, and the number of iterations at a constant temperature equal to 10 This gives a good estimate of the average energy and the standard deviation Another problem...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

13 486 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of surface n -alkanes and fatty acids of the epiphytic lichen Xanthoria parietina, its photobiont a green alga Trebouxia sp., and its mycobiont, from the Jerusalem hills pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of surface n -alkanes and fatty acids of the epiphytic lichen Xanthoria parietina, its photobiont a green alga Trebouxia sp., and its mycobiont, from the Jerusalem hills pot

... formation of rocellic acid, eugenitol, eugenitin and rupicolin by the mycobiont of Lecanora rupicola Phytochemistry 8, 130 1 130 4 29 Galun, M (1970) The Lichens of Israel The Israel Academy of Sciences ... 2003 Alkanes and fatty acids of Xanthoria and symbionts (Eur J Biochem 270) 2123 Fig Gas chromatographic separation on serially capillary coupled columns of n-alkanes and methyl esters of fatty acids ... GC-MS analysis of the hydrocarbons and fatty acids of X parietina, its photobiont and mycobiont collected from four different locations indicated the presence of 27 n-alkanes and six major fatty...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:21

6 613 0
  The Economics of Foreign Exchange and Global Finance          pptx

  The Economics of Foreign Exchange and Global Finance         pptx

... Economics of Foreign Exchange and Global Finance Peijie Wang The Economics of Foreign Exchange and Global Finance With 71 Figures and 75 Tables 12 Professor Peijie Wang Business School University of ... The Building Blocks of the Model and the Evolution Paths of the Exchange Rate and the Price 149 8.2 Adjustments of the Exchange Rate and the Price and Overshooting of the Exchange Rate ... relative price of the two currencies The initial and foremost roles of money are to function as a common measure of value and the media of exchange to facilitate the exchange of commodities of different...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

354 431 1
the natural way of farming - the theory and practice of green philosophy

the natural way of farming - the theory and practice of green philosophy

... tens of thousands of young spiders on each square yard of land simply vanish, and the swarms of fireflies that fly up from the stands of grass disappear at once The second application kills off ... Pursuit of Nature, 132 The Only Future for Man, 133 The Practice of Natural Farming, 135 Starting a Natural Farm, 137 Keep a Natural Protected Wood, 137 Growing a Wood Preserve, 139 Shelterbelts, 139 ... rainfall of less than inches, and the seeds of clover, alfalfa, bur clover, and other types of green manure, with grain and vegetable seeds The mixture of seeds is coated first with a layer of soil,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 14:00

227 562 0
state university of new york press after authority war peace and global politics in the 21st century mar 2000

state university of new york press after authority war peace and global politics in the 21st century mar 2000

... Worries of Nations.” One of the much-noted paradoxes of the 1990s is the coexistence of processes of integration and fragmentation, of globalism and particularism, of simultaneous centralization and ... one A global class of the better-off (numbering perhaps billion, if The Worries of Nations 31 that many) and a global class of the poor (as many as to 10 billion) will emerge Many members of the ... and reorganization Theory of Global Politics that go hand-in-hand with changes in production and purpose Why, after two hundred or more years of state consolidation and centralization, this should...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:51

255 347 0


... studied the stability of the equilibria, existence of Hopf bifurcation, limit cycles, homoclinic loops, and even catastrophe On the other hand, in view of the periodic variation of the environment ... (e.g., food supplies, mating habits, seasonal affects of weather, etc.), it would be of interest to study the global existence and global stability of positive solutions for periodic systems [18] Recently, ... stability theorem [1], also in view of the positive definition of V and (3.9), we obtain that the trivial solution of (3.6) is globally asymptotically stable By the medium of (3.5), we reach the conclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

16 225 0


... (2) ), and our aim is to show the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution and the asymptotic behavior of the solution with particular emphasis on the global attraction of a positive ... equilibrium solution exists and is a global attractor of the system The plan of the paper is as follows In Section 2, we show the existence and uniqueness of a positive global solution to the general ... general system Existence and uniqueness of positive solution Before discussing the asymptotic behavior of the solution of (1.1) we show the existence and uniqueness of a positive solution under...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

23 231 0