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Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Capitalization

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Capitalization

... up the messy kitchen cheerful_____y. ___________________ 3. Final E Before Vowel. Drop silent e before a suffix beginning with a vowel. admire / able, argue / ing, large / est, enclose / ing, ... ___________________ 7. Our neighbor help_____d us with the painting. ___________________ 8. Is that package wrap_____d well? ___________________ 9. Without water, the flowers droop_____d. ___________________ 10. ... oversees our national forests. 8. i saw venus and jupiter in the sky at twilight on labor day. 9. the first two books of the old testament are genesis and exodus. PROBLEMS WITH CAPITALIZATION 219 The...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

17 603 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Nouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Nouns

... test paper before beginning to write. (NOT thoughtful) 5. To teach tricks to any animal, you must work patiently with it. (NOT patient) PROBLEMS WITH MODIFIERS 189 Lesson 23 Problems with Modifiers Troublesome ... that there are two main problems with nouns. The first is forming plurals. The second is forming possessives. When you have to form plural possessives, you are faced with both problems. This lesson ... ex- tra practice for both. Plurals of Nouns Rules for forming plural nouns were given in Lessons 4 (pages 28 34) and 10 (page 63) in Part One. You may wish to review these before trying your...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

22 633 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Pronouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Pronouns

... the flea market. Say: Go with Maura. Go with him. Go with Maura and him (not he). Maura and him form a compound OBJECT of the preposition with. Note the following correct form: The apples were divided ... and me, for example. I is the form used for the subject and me for the object. I watched the Bears game Monday night. (I is the subject of the verb watched.) Steve told me about the surprise party for ... . . . her with or is singular. Even though everybody “sounds” plural, it isn’t. The use of their with everybody—or with any other word on the list—is in- correct in formal English. With either...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

21 604 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Sentence Structure

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Sentence Structure

... with a compound verb. 8. Write a complex sentence with two subordinate clauses. 9. Write a sentence with a subordinate clause beginning with if. 10. Write a complex sentence with two independent ... sentence with a subordinate clause beginning with that. 5. Write a simple sentence with a compound subject and a compound verb. 6. Write a compound sentence using or. 7. Write a simple sentence with ... complete sentence without a true verb. NOT A SENTENCE : To pick blackberries for a pie. SENTENCE : Cara decided to pick blackberries for a pie. SENTENCE : Cara picked blackberries for a pie. EXERCISE...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

21 763 2
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

... ofMedicine,WashingtonDC2005. 7 AdvertisingandmarketingpracticesonchildobesityDGInternalPolicies,EuropeanParliament,Brussels,20 08.  IP/A/ENVI/NT/2007‐20&21.(PE400. 989 ) 8 EuropeanCharteroncounteractingobesity,paragraph2.4.6,EUR/06/5062700 /8, 61995.WorldHealthOrganisation, RegionalOffice for Europe,2006.Seehttp://www.euro.who.int/Document/E89567.pdf. 9 AStrategy for EuropeonNutrition,OverweightandObesityrelatedhealthissues.COM(2007)279Page6.Brussels. 10 ResolutionWHA60.23.WorldHealthAssemblyGeneva,2007.See http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA60/A60_R23‐en.pdf 11 CodeonMarketingofFoodandNon‐AlcoholicBeveragestoChildren,EuropeanNetworkonreducing marketingpressureonchildren,2009.Seehttp://www.helsedirektoratet.no/marketing 22  Appendix  WorldHealthOrganization  SetofRecommendationsontheMarketingofFoodsandNon‐alcoholic BeveragestoChildren 42   ... weaklyorinconsistentlyenforced  Thisreportwillnotexploretheissuesofmonitoringandenforcement,althoughtheseare seriousconcernsthatneedtobeaddressedbypolicy‐makers.Atpresent,monitoringand complaint‐handlingbodiesdonotenforcecompany‐ledinitiatives.Alackofanindependent complaintmechanismcanleaveconsumersfrustrated,andalackofenforcementallows company‐ledinitiativestoberolledbackatanytime.Ifamonitoringandcomplaint‐ handlingbodywereestablisheditwouldneedtogainconsumerconfidence, for whichit wouldneed(a)tobetransparentinoperation with routineregularpublicationsoftheir activities;(b)tobeindependentand free fromindustryinfluence,andseentobeso;and(c) toensurethattheirservicesareeasilyandinexpensivelyaccessedbyconsumers.Penalties mustbecommensurate with thesizeofthemarketingbudgetsinvolvedand with the estimatedexposureofchildrentotheoffendingcommercialmessages.  Afurtherconcernistheneedtoensurethat,whateverthedifferencesindefinitionsor approaches,allcompaniesshouldmakesomecommitmenttoofferself‐restraint.Inthe Europeanregiononly11companieshavejoinedthescheme,along with theEuropean SnacksAssociation.Severalmajorcompanies,includingMcDonald’s,KFCandHaribo,and manysmalleronesarenotincluded.   Problemsofdefinitions  Companieschoosetherulestoimposeuponthemselves.Asaresulttherearelikelytobe discrepanciesandinconsistencies.Hereweshalllookatsuchproblemsencounteredwithin thepledgesandpromisesandactivitiesundertakenbycompaniesintheEuropeanUnion.  Whatageisachild?  Thetablebelowprovidesexamplesofdefinitionsoftheage‐range for ‘child’bycompanies participatingintheEUpledgescheme.Pleasenotethattheinterpretationofacompany policycanbecomplex,andreadersareadvisedtocheckthecompanystatements for themselves(hyperlinksareprovided). 7   Table1AgedefinitionsincompanyEUpledges(clickhyperlink for details) Organization Age for nomarketing Age for marketingofspecifiedproducts ... 0‐12* *≥50%ofaudiencemustbechildren;**≥35%ofaudiencemustbechildren;***≥30%ofaudiencemustbe children.****≥25%ofaudiencemustbechildren.~unlessanadultispresent.~~unlessadults predominate. + ≥35% for someshowsand≥50% for others. ++ 11 for printmedia,otherwise12.   Whichproductscanbepromoted?  IntheUSAalargenumberofcompany‐promotedmodelshavebeenproposed for defining thenutritionalcriteria for foodstobemarketedtochildren 21 andasimilarproblemhas ariseninEurope.Thenexttablegivesexamplesofnutrientmethods for definingfoodsas suitable for marketingtochildren,asproposedbysomeofthecompaniesintheEUpledge:  Table2Company‐setcriteria for foodstheycanmarkettochildren Company...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

26 521 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Translation Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation with Monolingual Topic Information" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Translation Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation with Monolingual Topic Information" doc

... 459–4 68, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 8- 14 July 2012. c 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics Translation Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation with Monolingual Topic Information ∗ Jinsong ... 1 -8. Qun Liu, Zhongjun He, Yang Liu and Shouxun Lin. 20 08. Maximum Entropy based Rule Selection Model for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation. In Proc. of EMNLP 20 08, pages 89 -97. 4 68 phrase-based ... context in- formation at the sentence level, we adopt the topical context information in our method for the following reasons: (1) the topic informa- tion captures the context information beyond the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20

10 533 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Accurate Context-Free Parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammar" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Accurate Context-Free Parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammar" pptx

... Normal Form 71.15 70.79 70.97 80 .73 80 .32 80 .53 86 .31 85 .88 86 .10 99. 58 Petrov I-5 86 .94 86 .80 86 .87 87 .47 87 .32 87 .39 90.75 90.59 90.67 99 .83 Petrov no feats I-6 - - - 87 .49 87 .49 87 .49 90 .81 90 .82 ... Normal Form 84 .39 85 . 28 84 .83 90.93 91 .89 91.41 98. 95 C&C Hybrid 84 .53 86 .20 85 .36 90 .84 92.63 91.73 98. 95 Petrov I-0 79 .87 78. 81 79.34 87 . 68 86.53 87 .10 96.45 Petrov I-4 84 .76 85 .27 85 .02 ... 50. 08 49.47 49.77 58. 13 57.43 57. 78 61.27 60.53 60.90 98. 95 Petrov I-0 74.19 74.27 74.23 74.66 74.74 74.70 78. 65 78. 73 78. 69 99.95 Petrov I-4 85 .86 85 . 78 85 .82 86 .36 86 .29 86 .32 89 .96 89 .88 89 .92...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20

10 434 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Corpus Expansion for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Role Label Substitution Rules" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Corpus Expansion for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Role Label Substitution Rules" doc

... mt 08 avg BL 68. 94 70.21 66.67 70.35 69.33 n/a GS 69.97 70.22 66.74 70.32 69.96 +0.34 IT 68. 04 68. 52 65.19 68. 83 68. 80 -1.22 GA 67.12 68. 38 64.75 67.90 68. 37 -1 .80 IA 68. 54 69 .88 66.07 70. 08 68. 98 ... 32 .86 29.29 23.57 -0.53 IT 32.41 30.70 33.91 30.30 23 .80 +0.45 GA 32.57 30.13 33.50 30.42 23 .87 +0.32 IA 32.20 29.62 33. 08 29.37 24.09 -0.10 LS 32.52 31.67 33.36 31. 58 24 .81 +1.01 TER scores for ... -1 .80 IA 68. 54 69 .88 66.07 70. 08 68. 98 -0.39 LS 68. 15 68. 56 66.01 68. 71 69.37 -0.94 Table 2: Experiment results on Chinese-English transla- tion tasks, the abbreviations for systems are as follows: BL:...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20

5 416 0